I didn’t get to watch yesterday. I love Olympic hockey but right now hockey in general is in a mess. Graft, greed… the basic ruination of anything good.
the Russians 9-0 when the spouse and I left for church — anyone know the final catastrophe? (I was going to say they were “creaming” the Russians, but that might be taken the wrong way with this group…)
I am sooooo freakin’ tired…when God created a “day of rest”, He/She didn’t have in-laws to take care of…
And the reason the scores are high, is that goal differential will decide ties, i.e., the team with the most goals over the tournament will be given ‘home ice’, so last line change, sweater colour choice, etc.
They beat the Italians yesterday 16-0.
Needless to say, they are in good standing goal differential-wise (GF=28).
Now I don’t feel so bad about my Sharks — who actually have a winning streak going into the break! Now they’d better not get any key players hurt…the last thing I want is to see J. Thornton bring back a busted groin as his Olympic souvenier…
It figures that when I can actually sit down and veg for a while they have speed skating and not luge. I mean I like speedskating, but I’d rather watch luge. Oh well.
Seriously and yes we they did. And to be honest it never seemed to occur to her that there was anything peculiar about being named Cinderella (but she came from a very weird family and she was probably one of the more normal ones).
Totally off topic — but when I come to this cafe, the comments aren’t in their usual time order — usually the first comment of a thread over on the left runs in time order from earliest to latest. Now they are all over the spectrum. did I do something to cause that? And how can I fix it? :::::
Go to your setting page. Select Comment Preferences. Go to the line that says “Sort”. Change the first box so it says “Ignore Ratings” and the second box so that is says “Oldest First”. Then go to bottom and select the “Save” button.
I have to go take a shower and wash the stench of me the MEET ANOTHER POL who won’t do much… I about shit myself over their health coverage unacceptable answer.
Is it just me or all politicians… just the same old politicians??
I went and read him and like most pols he had a lot of words with little substance. But …This really isn’t the place for me to ask (and bother everybody watching the Olympics) but he said we were heading toward National Health Care even though people are scared by the words “national health care”. I thought you were in favor of national health care?
It’s one of my big talents to remember next to nothing about commercials even as I’m watching them so there’s no way I’m going to remember something from the 70’s.
I’m sure it’s definitely different — in a multitude of ways!
Thank you for sharing these images — it seems like a truly beautiful place. You’re fortunate to know it so well.
Think of all the great sweaters and ski wear that is available there to keep me warm. (Not that I ski, but I just want to be there. It’s so beautiful.)
Gee, I’m almost sorry to be missing out on the Olympics experience here. Sure, I could go out & find myself a tv set — but then I’d just plug it in & see snow, since we have no reception up here. Certainly don’t need a tv for that 😉
replay — people in tight outfits skating around and around an oval, one falls. Men on thin boards sliding at breakneck speed down a mountain. And a bunch of skateboarders who managed to do it in the snow and turn it into an olympic sport. Interspersed with much video footage of Michelle Kwan. They were programmed to talk about her this Olympics and damn it, they were going to talk about her.
They were hoping they would have Bode to interview tonight but they had Shawn. Bob doesn’t do well interviewing people dumber than him — and he thinks everyone is dumber than him.
I wish they’d interviewed the cute Frenchman, Antoine, who won the downhill.
Thanks, maryb. You’re excellent at this sort of thing — assisting the media-impaired 😉
I guess I’m just destined to confining myself to home-grown entertainment, like the game we played at 4:30 this very morning: ‘Who’s Walking Around Outside?’
Bear in mind that I live alone with the cats on 80 acres, in a place that sits almost a half mile from any main road. ‘Course, most intruders are quadripeds, but it’s still unnerving to be awakened from a deep sleep by footsteps in the snow .. intimating a fairly big critter.
I’m guessing it was a good-sized coyote. By the time I got outside today, the snow had covered any tracks. They’re fairly close by now, though. Hungry, no doubt; the deer seem scarce.
Either that or it was one of our resergent panthers, supposedly killed off in our area in the late 19th Century, but currently spotted here & there (no fur pun intended).
Watching this is really making me want to go to Italy. I’ve been twice and was actually planning to go again this fall. Further south, but still. Maybe I’ll dig out my Italian books.
Yohoo!! Gold and bronze to Norway in skijumping K-95.
My last comment in the recently closed lounge. (Hometown history.)
It’s cool that you went to school with someone who became a champion. I’m always happy when Norway wins the extreme winter sports — they deserve to.
When Norway won I thought immediately of you.
Goooooooo Norway!
and I immediately thought of Family Man thinking of Ask.. 🙂
What a nice place to be in. We’re all thinking of each other :).
I never gave you a second thought family man except to worry for poor George.
Janet, however, I always think kind thoughts of.
A “menage a thought” 🙂
Sorry, I’ve been listening to too muc Rev. Horton Heat this weekend 🙂
How’s your ear doing?
It’s doing much much better!!!! Just a bit sore but tons and tons better.
Have you been watching any of the Olympics hockey or do just follow NHL?
I didn’t get to watch yesterday. I love Olympic hockey but right now hockey in general is in a mess. Graft, greed… the basic ruination of anything good.
I’ve been watching the women’s hockey — not much opportunity for greed there.
the Russians 9-0 when the spouse and I left for church — anyone know the final catastrophe? (I was going to say they were “creaming” the Russians, but that might be taken the wrong way with this group…)
I am sooooo freakin’ tired…when God created a “day of rest”, He/She didn’t have in-laws to take care of…
(CBC link here.)
And the reason the scores are high, is that goal differential will decide ties, i.e., the team with the most goals over the tournament will be given ‘home ice’, so last line change, sweater colour choice, etc.
They beat the Italians yesterday 16-0.
Needless to say, they are in good standing goal differential-wise (GF=28).
Now I don’t feel so bad about my Sharks — who actually have a winning streak going into the break! Now they’d better not get any key players hurt…the last thing I want is to see J. Thornton bring back a busted groin as his Olympic souvenier…
Wonderful to hear it, DJ!
Sorry I haven’t written, btw — not sure what I could share that I haven’t already 😉
I’ll reply to both you two.
Now wait a minute. Poor George is doing much better than I am and a “menage a thought”. Might be getting to racy for me.
Thank you.
Both the US and Norwegian teams and supporters have lots of reason to celebrate so far. My kids (who have dual citizenship) have even more…
And the skiboarders are also crazy.
I’m waching, and the American guys are looking good.
Are you watching the luge?
Crazy — just because they go 90 mph with just a layer of spandex for protection?
The only way to increase the fear factor is to have the run end in a bottomless pit…
I have it on with the sound down. So I’m not getting the full effect.
I love the luge event. It’s crazy, yet the course seems so confining.
I haven’t been watching, though. The television is in the basement and it’s too cold.
I’m going to have to go grab the laptop and watch…I’m feeling schmucky again.
It figures that when I can actually sit down and veg for a while they have speed skating and not luge. I mean I like speedskating, but I’d rather watch luge. Oh well.
I’m glad apollo won, but really, what kind of mother names their kid apollo?
Who can figure parents — I once worked with a woman named Cinderella.
And did everyone actually call her cinderella?
Seriously and yes we they did. And to be honest it never seemed to occur to her that there was anything peculiar about being named Cinderella (but she came from a very weird family and she was probably one of the more normal ones).
Totally off topic — but when I come to this cafe, the comments aren’t in their usual time order — usually the first comment of a thread over on the left runs in time order from earliest to latest. Now they are all over the spectrum. did I do something to cause that? And how can I fix it? :::::
Go to your setting page. Select Comment Preferences. Go to the line that says “Sort”. Change the first box so it says “Ignore Ratings” and the second box so that is says “Oldest First”. Then go to bottom and select the “Save” button.
Now I can get all tense over the downhillers.
I have to go take a shower and wash the stench of me the MEET ANOTHER POL who won’t do much… I about shit myself over their health coverage unacceptable answer.
Is it just me or all politicians… just the same old politicians??
I went and read him and like most pols he had a lot of words with little substance. But …This really isn’t the place for me to ask (and bother everybody watching the Olympics) but he said we were heading toward National Health Care even though people are scared by the words “national health care”. I thought you were in favor of national health care?
I’m against these fat cats getting their coverage and telling us to be patient while my son almost dies on my couch.
He uses terms like “unisured” instead of Americans. He doesn’t seem to realize that working families are unisured.
Reckless disregard personified.
There are some sports I’d RATHER watch on TV and this is one of them. In person, could you really see what was going on?
poor Bode.
Poor NDD his biggest fan.
But wow that leading guy is HOT.
He’s was okay but I’m still not over Jean-Claude Killy.
Didn’t he do the commercials where they strapped a watch to his skis and proved it kept ticking?
Wasn’t it Timex. I forget the name of the guy who always did those commercials.
It’s one of my big talents to remember next to nothing about commercials even as I’m watching them so there’s no way I’m going to remember something from the 70’s.
Maybe this Frenchman will be as good as Jean Claude
He needs to lose the chin hair but the eyes are magnificent.
I ain’t givin’ up yet, as I think he has at least one more event, slalom?
My hometown

I want to be there now.
I agree with maryb. It reminds me of 20 years ago when I used to ski.
No disagrement here.

A great place to grow up.
Dead center of town:
Strange to say it, ask, but I had to check your link to see if the town was local. From what I can see, it could be! 😉
It probably could..
The big, rolling hills.
But the vegetation is quite different.
And it is one hour drive SW from Oslo…
I’m sure it’s definitely different — in a multitude of ways!
Thank you for sharing these images — it seems like a truly beautiful place. You’re fortunate to know it so well.
Looks wonderful but too cold. I think I’ll let Mary go there now and I’ll wait till spring when I can go hiking.
Think of all the great sweaters and ski wear that is available there to keep me warm. (Not that I ski, but I just want to be there. It’s so beautiful.)
Vive la France. (or is it le?)
Good night everyone. Have a peaceful night.
Good night.
I’m following you out the door.
Night all.
Anybody else tired of Michelle Kwan stories and retrospectives?
Hey, how are you feeling? I saw earlier you said you were still not great?
I’m still really tired, and I think it’ll be a few more days before my stomach feels normal again. I’m queasy all the time.
Hey, this Shawn White interview is making me feel really articulate in comparison.
I like him though. Besides, I have a few years on Sean so being more articulate isn’t much to expect. He makes Bob’s jocular persona seem ridiculous.
I just realized I spelled his name wrong. OH well.
I kept thinking of Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure when he was talking. 🙂
What your sons will aspire to sound like when THEY are in the Olympics.
I’m sorry, but I think they would even notice that Shawn was, um, a little slow on the draw, bless his heart.
Gee, I’m almost sorry to be missing out on the Olympics experience here. Sure, I could go out & find myself a tv set — but then I’d just plug it in & see snow, since we have no reception up here. Certainly don’t need a tv for that 😉
replay — people in tight outfits skating around and around an oval, one falls. Men on thin boards sliding at breakneck speed down a mountain. And a bunch of skateboarders who managed to do it in the snow and turn it into an olympic sport. Interspersed with much video footage of Michelle Kwan. They were programmed to talk about her this Olympics and damn it, they were going to talk about her.
Of course, they have to beat her into the ground over that lack of a gold medal.
Too bad about Peter Benchley.
They were hoping they would have Bode to interview tonight but they had Shawn. Bob doesn’t do well interviewing people dumber than him — and he thinks everyone is dumber than him.
I wish they’d interviewed the cute Frenchman, Antoine, who won the downhill.
He was cute, skimpy facial hair notwithstanding. 😉
But really, either go with the full beard or just forget it. That chin fuzz. Didn’t do it. But he was cute.
Thanks, maryb. You’re excellent at this sort of thing — assisting the media-impaired 😉
I guess I’m just destined to confining myself to home-grown entertainment, like the game we played at 4:30 this very morning: ‘Who’s Walking Around Outside?’
Bear in mind that I live alone with the cats on 80 acres, in a place that sits almost a half mile from any main road. ‘Course, most intruders are quadripeds, but it’s still unnerving to be awakened from a deep sleep by footsteps in the snow .. intimating a fairly big critter.
What was it, a Bear? (Although they are usually hibernating this time of year.)
I’m guessing it was a good-sized coyote. By the time I got outside today, the snow had covered any tracks. They’re fairly close by now, though. Hungry, no doubt; the deer seem scarce.
Either that or it was one of our resergent panthers, supposedly killed off in our area in the late 19th Century, but currently spotted here & there (no fur pun intended).
‘Tis true the bears are quiet now.
Peter Benchley (who wrote Jaws) died.
And who the hell is Jim Lampley? Granted I usually tune out sports talking heads, but I swear I’ve never seen him before.
Are you watching the women’s short track?
I am . And THIS kind of skating I love.
It’s such a free for all. It’s kind of cathartic to watch.
Short track relay is great.
It’s the kind of skating you wanted to do as a kid. Just skate around as fast as you could. Although I was a piss poor skater.
I still rollerblade. More fun than ice skating ever was, cause the weather’s warmer.
Are you watching chad? That medal looked like a gold Compact Disc.
I keep snickering at that. Makes me want to pull out one of ours and put it on a ribbon.
That was the first one I saw. I guess it kind of goes with the modernistic Italian theme we have going on in these Olympics.
They were saying the the open center was supposed to symbolize the village centers or something like that. It really looks like a cd though.
Hey, I’m over here.
Watching this is really making me want to go to Italy. I’ve been twice and was actually planning to go again this fall. Further south, but still. Maybe I’ll dig out my Italian books.
“Where is the bathroom?” 🙂
It does look appealing. I think Costa Rica is next on my list though.
One of my best friends went to Costa Rica over the new year and she loved it. And strongly recommended it.
I feel like I’m in one of those sit coms where people run from room to room.
I know a lot of folks who have been several times, and someone I knew when I was in CA has a place there. I know my boys would love it.
NOOO! More Michelle Kwan!
Aren’t you usually away to bed by this time. Usually I’m up all by myself. Until NDD shows up. Not that I’m complaining that you’re here. :}
I think I’m wound up from all the sleep I’ve had this weekend. I’m having a glass of wine to see if that slows me down any! 🙂
You’d think she was the only athlete there.
I think we need a new overnight cafe, don’t you?
Are you saying we’ve taken up a lot of space.
We have.
Sure, let’s leave this place, we’ve trashed it anyway. Just put a comfortable place to sit in the new one.
Give me a second…
New Cafe here