Lately, I don’t feel like reading diaries, I don’t feel like commenting, I don’t feel like giving 4s, watching hearings or press conferences or anything.  And when I ask myself why, I have only one real answer:

I’m no longer enjoying Groundhog Day!

You know, the Bill Murray movie where every morning he wakes up and seemingly no matter what he does or does not do he lives the same day over and over and over again?  Remember our many moments of shared glee that this time old Karl and the Bushistas were going down?  How many times we had all thought that finally we/they/anybody had proven something so heinous had been done by BushCo that it would break through the wall of denial and the next morning we awoke to the same brainless, oxygenless, intolerable existence all over again?

Valerie Plame, Downing street minutes and memos and adendums, Harriet Miers, (remember her?), Senators falling to their knees and slurping Alito, Abu Ghraib, Blackwater Security and mercenaries and enemas on airplanes, no WMD’s, Osama who?, Hurricane Katrina and the drowning of New Orleans and revealed emails about wardrobe adjustments and pets, Vote results, Thousands of people in Crawford followed by hundreds of thousands in DC to protest the war, The non-swearing in of Gonzales this week for the NSA sham hearings, Ohio’s voting irregularities are now confirmed along with missing coin investments but nobody seems to care, Tom Delay and Abramoff, Duke Cunningham, Replacing Delay with the Boehner clone, Bill O’Reilly likes to molest women in the shower with falafel and people still listen to him and find him credible, Repubs making a fine showing at Coretta Scott King’s funeral (when there are no black Republicans in congress), Alito attending Rosa Parks’ funeral/viewing, Recess appointments of Bush cronies to skirt senate opposition such as Bolton, Spakovsky(former GOP chairman from Georgia for FEC chairman), Julie Meyers (the beloved loyal daughter to soldier sacrificing Royal Rummy Ass Sucking General Myers is now Director of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement), Timing of Scooter Libby’s trial after the 2006 elections, NYT sitting on the NSA illegal wiretap story until after 2004 elections, Appointment/promotion of the lead investigator on Abramoff to a judgeship, Enron and the Energy Task Force, Gannon/Guckert being the uneducated journalist and On-Top prostitute plant in the White House Press Corps, The indifference of the press to the destruction of White House emails relating to Plamegate, The Medicare D Hell, the pie wars (oh wait, that wasn’t Bush) are all too much and too many!

Just a silly notion but I wonder if we aren’t all a bit suicidal right now?  I was going to connect all of the above items to an article of some kind but the kitchen knives started looking good.  Then I realized how stupid that would have been because it isn’t as if you all don’t know all of this shit better than I do.  I’m new here!  I called up my friend Crabbin Girl, who joined up here with me, because I needed help remembering all this stuff and how much of it there was.  It is possible that some items aren’t even listed but she has the flu and after helping me she had to take another heaping helping of medicines.  She seemed almost well before helping me.

Did you wake up this morning and discover that you were still an American?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you are still an atheist?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you were still a Buddhist?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you were still a member of the reality based human beings?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you were still disabled?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you still don’t have health coverage?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you were still the wrong the color?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you still have a vagina and perhaps a uterus and probably even ovaries?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you are still gay?

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Did you wake up this morning to discover that you still think for yourself?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you still got all A’s in Science?

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Did you wake up this morning still unemployed and therefore have no reason to change out of your jammies?

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Did you wake up this morning to discover that people were still missing and bodies still unidentified in New Orleans?

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Did you wake up this morning and still miss your right to privacy?

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Did you wake up this morning and still miss when your vote counted?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that you are still a feminist and how you live your life and what you value is your choice?

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Did you wake up again this morning and miss your own fearless freedom of speech so much that it was painful and you became angst driven?

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Did you wake up this morning and you were still poor and you were still hungry?

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Did you wake up this morning and discover that at one time you had still volunteered to protect your nation and now you were doomed to hell until further notice?

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Did you wake up this morning and that smirking little motherfucker was on T.V. again?

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Did you wake up this morning and find that there was still nothing of any real or major importance on the main stream news channels?

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Did you wake up this morning after 6 years of this and still find yourself worried and scared and sometimes near tears wondering if maybe there is a better place to live and raise our children in.  A better community somewhere else on the planet far away from these insane fuckers?

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