Jim, a candidate for the 8th District in Michigan, is joining us at 5pm PT/8pm ET. Update [2006-2-12 21:28:25 by susanhu]: Here is Jim’s campaign Web site, marcinkowskiforcongress.com/.
Update [2006-2-12 21:59:20 by susanhu]: Jim will answer all of your questions over the next few days. He’s going to answer a few more tonight. Thanks to Jim for fielding so very many questions. We look forward to more such events!
Earlier, BooMan posted Jim’s bio and discussed his incumbent opponent. We can wrest this seat from the GOP, and Jim is the candidate to do it. Incumbent Mike Rogers holds powerful House jobs. Besides getting a majority in the House, we can disrupt the GOP’s entrenched power system.
JIM IS POSTING as “Sea Eagle 1.” You may post questions, and Jim will respond. Below, I added a speech Jim gave on Feb. 8.
NOTE FROM BOOMAN: “I’d like to request that people limit themselves to one or two questions. It takes time and thoughtfulness to respond to questions and it’s not fair to ask everything that pops into your mind. Thanks.” Maybe we should stop asking Qs until Jim gets caught up. It takes a lot longer to answer than to ask.
And the Use and Abuse of Secrecy
Washtenaw County, Michigan
February 8, 2006
It is my pleasure to be able to share some of my thoughts with you this evening on matters of national security and the Constitution. I come here not as a Democrat, not as a former Republican, but as an American who is deeply troubled by the direction we are headed as a nation.
Over the past 30 years, I have served this country in a variety of positions from the FBI to the CIA, and as a lawyer and a prosecutor. I would like to share with you some of the perspectives those experiences have provided me.
“To Protect and Defend”
Almost 32 years ago, March 4, 1974, was the first time that I raised my right hand and swore an oath to “protect and defend” the Constitution of the United States. Since the time of that first oath at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I repeated that pledge when I entered the United States Navy, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office. “To protect and defend.” This same oath is used to swear in public officials from small towns and cities to our president and members of the Supreme Court. In fact it is so common that I think for a lot of people, the words have lost their meaning. Too often, from those same small towns to the White House itself, people do not know what it means, do not think it applies to them, or more importantly, fail to recognize that, at times, “protect and defend” actually requires action or restraint. What “protect and defend” really means is that the law will be followed, the Constitution respected, and any doubt resolved in favor of either, or both. And that is exactly what the Republicans and this White House are NOT doing!
FISA and Wiretapping
As a lawyer and prosecutor over the years, I obtained numerous search warrants and arrest warrants for and against those believed, based on probable cause, to have committed a crime. There is a very basic principle involved in obtaining any warrant: an allegation based on reasonable belief or probable cause that someone has broken the law. That belief or probable cause is presented by a prosecutor to a judge who either accepts or rejects that allegation. In this way, the power of one branch of our government, the executive, is reviewed or “checked” by the judicial branch. This is probably one of the most fundamental concepts of our government. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) incorporates this basic constitutional design.
The current issue involving wiretapping and eavesdropping by the National Security Agency (NSA) under the FISA really has nothing to do with criminals or terrorists. Rather, it is about the constitutional requirement of maintaining our system of checks and balances: whether the use of wiretaps should be subject to judicial review.
As a general rule, our judicial system and its records are open to public review. There are instances however, when dealing with national security and legitimate national secrets, when public review is not practical. FISA was designed to address the concerns for secrecy and still maintain the system of checks and balances on fundamental rights. It balances the need for secrecy with constitutional rights. FISA therefore created a secret federal court and relaxed the manner, as well as the timing of judicial review. The proceedings of the court are secret and depending upon the particular case, the warrant can be reviewed after the eavesdropping has occurred – after the fact.
Yet, in another unprecedented act, the Bush administration, with the tacit approval of a silent Republican-controlled Congress, has deemed it unnecessary to seek court review and approval of the activities of the NSA.
The Administration’s wholesale by-passing of court review under the guise of “national security” is an extremely bad precedent. If after-the-fact judicial review of eavesdropping operations can be legally accomplished in a secret court, why should such a review requirement be totally ignored by this President? Is it because the government does not want anyone to know exactly who they are listening in on? Is it only suspected terrorists who are being targeted? If the Bush administration continues to have its way, we, and the congressionally authorized secret FISA court, will never know.
The Use and Abuse of Secrecy
The Administration’s ignoring of the law in the case of wiretapping is but one part of what I see as an emerging pattern or practice of illegal and unethical conduct.
When my CIA classmate, Valerie Wilson’s cover was exposed by the White House in 2003, I as well as other members of my class appeared in October of that year on Nightline to explain the consequences of that unprecedented act. It was from that program that the CIA leak case became a national story. Behind the scenes, there is an interesting, as well as informative story.
After the Nightline program, my fellow classmates and I wrote a letter to the Senate Intelligence Committee requesting a hearing to explain our side of the story. That letter was ignored until we were contacted by Senator Tom Daschle’s staff offering a Democratic Senate hearing in the Capital. The Senate Democratic offer was accepted and a hearing was set for a Friday morning in Washington. Almost immediately after the Democratic hearing became public, we were notified by the Senate Intelligence Committee staff that we would be granted a hearing before a closed session of the Senate Intelligence Committee. That hearing was to take place the afternoon of the day before the Friday Senate hearing. We accepted that as well.
I flew to Washington and appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday. The thrust of my delivery to the Committee was that we, the classmates of Valerie Wilson, were betrayed. We were betrayed because whether we were inside or outside the Agency, we kept her identity a secret for more than 18 years. There was nothing “secret” about my remarks.
Following my delivery to the Committee on that Thursday afternoon, I left the Senate offices and went to a nearby park. While sitting on a park bench I received a call from Senator Daschle’s office with a message: Senate Republican Pat Roberts, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, had declared all of my testimony before the Committee “secret”. I was then asked if I could still testify the next day before the Senate Democrats or whether I would have to first check for approval with the CIA legal affairs office. I was flabbergasted and didn’t know what to say. I had to think about it. I had to call back.
As I sat on that park bench there were many thoughts running through my mind. I had signed a secrecy agreement upon entering the CIA. If I testified the next day, telling the same story I told the Intelligence Committee, would I be in violation of that agreement? Could the Senate Intelligence Chairman simply declare what I said secret? Would I be arrested or subject to criminal prosecution? Could the CIA even “clear” my remarks within a few hours? Would the public hearing be cancelled and the public not learn of this important issue?
As I sat there, by myself, it was kind of lonely debating the issues in my mind. The first thing I did (and you should keep this in mind at all times! Ha!), I called a lawyer. While this very good friend of mine is probably the brightest, most commonsensical lawyer I know, he knew absolutely nothing about national security law. But we talked, and he helped. I knew there was nothing secret about my testimony, but that didn’t ease my mind as what the Republicans might try to do, based on what they had just done! The more we talked, the angrier I became. I knew what I had to do.
After about 20 minutes of talking and thinking about it, I called Senator Daschle’s staffer and told her to tell the Committee Chairman “to go to hell”.
The CIA and Central America
As you may know, I was in Central America with the CIA during the Nicaraguan conflict. No matter what you think of that conflict, I would ask that you compare that conflict with our current fight against terrorism. We did not invade Nicaragua. We did not run any secret prisons. We did not assassinate anyone. We did not torture anyone. We did not occupy the country. We did not rebuild the country. And today, Nicaragua is a democracy and the Former Comandante, Daniel Ortega, is running for president. Look how far we have come.
The U.S. Navy and the Cold War
I served in the Navy during the “Cold War”. The Cold War ended in 1995 with the collapse of the chief adversary, the Soviet Union. For 50 years after the end of WW2 this country endured hundreds of thousands of lives lost and endured thousands and thousands of casualties, we spent trillions of dollars and devoted the entire national enterprise to combating the Soviet Union and the spread of “communism” world wide. This country fought directly in Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Grenada, and we sponsored our side in proxy wars in Angola, the Congo, Afghanistan and anywhere else that “communism” provided opposition. This country sponsored the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe and innumerable other enterprises aimed at countering the spread of “communism.” As a country we endured a generation of children terrified by “duck and cover” drills in preparation for nuclear annihilation. We endured a Cuban missile crisis and a Bay-of-Pigs. We endured the gut wrenching schism created by the Vietnam War and the horrifying effects that that war created in Southeast Asia and in southeast Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, San Francisco. We endured all of these things because the national sense was that the Soviet system was fatally flawed and anathematic to everything that the United States stood for: personal freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We fought the Soviets and I fought the Soviets because they had a fatally flawed, intolerable system of government where (and think about this):
The government was always right and never apologized;
Any dissent was suppressed, ridiculed, banned or worse;
Secret prisons were denied and never acknowledged or spoken about;
The torture of captives (in Lubyanka) was condoned;
State incarceration was not subject to the checks and balances of a legal system;
Economic plans, like for oil, were established/determined in closed sessions between politicos, commissars and production managers, far outside public view, and where government claimed privilege in so doing;
Wages were set at the lowest common denominator, no matter what Bloc country you were in;
Government agents had access to your medical records, your library records, your telephone, and your e-mail.
A place where judicial power and judicial review were proclaimed concepts, but simply ignored in application;
Where criminal records of young adults were closed to all but the military;
Where a Constitution was a mere facade and ignored by state actors.
Any dissent, debate and protest were deemed unpatriotic;
The public media was bought, paid for, and provided by the state;
The military clandestinely and shamelessly influenced the national media and public opinion;
A place where wrong was declared right;
Where tapping a phone was like tapping a pencil;
Where lying was considered a patriotic skill;
The extraction of natural resources was paramount to any concern for the environment and the impact on the health of its people;
Where the use of “state secrets,” (those things embarrassing to the government) were confused with legitimate issues of “national security”;
A place where “secrecy” and “national security” were used to control debate;
Where legitimate secrecy, was subject to political use and abuse;
Where “legislators” were mere mouthpieces for and rubberstamps of whoever was in power;
Where you lived and died with the permission of the government;
A place where foreign policy was more important than domestic concerns;
Where fear was used as a political weapon and an acceptable means of control;
Where the best medical care was reserved for the influential;
Where wealth was concentrated in the top 5%;
A place where there was no middle class – just a small economic and political elite, and the working poor.
The Soviet Union- A people’s paradise where the people were in control of their state – but we here in America knew better and we fought the Soviet system with everything we had because we could not endure a Soviet style system here in the United States.
Since 1995 the Republican Party and its friends in the American corporate structures that so vigorously contribute to and support them have—in the space of a decade—created in this country more than the beginnings of a system that this country spent 50 years trying to dismantle.
While it remains to be seen how much we, the working class, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Greens, Libertarians, Liberals or Conservatives (or just plain confused) can do to unwind this damage, it is an absolute certainty what the Republican Party has done, and is doing. I shudder to think where the Republican Party wants this country to be, but I pray we do not have to find out.
I believe that these are dangerous times for us as a nation and as a people. As we move forward, as one Country, as Americans united in purpose and resolve, I ask that you consider what President Roosevelt once said, that “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.” But that’s all we get from this White House and the Republicans. We cannot allow fear to control the political debate, to demean those who question or to control the future of this country. It seems it’s always easier to scare than it is to lead.
Ladies and gentlemen, we can do better. We must do better, for there is no less at stake than the very principles upon which this country was founded.
Jim Marcinkowski
I’ve got a ton of questions. But, for starters:
When, specifically, did you decide that the Republican Party, “had become something [you] could no longer relate to”?
There was nothing specific about it. When you look at the political landscape and see where this country is heading, it should be upsetting to everyone,regardless of political persuasion.
The reason I ask, I see the following information in your biography that I find problematic as a progressive voter:
Reagan Republican in College.
Ran as Republican in ’92 and 2000.
Donated to Republican AG in 2002.
So your conversion to the party representing most progressives and liberals seems rather late in the game? Did you support the Republican Party when it represented the ideals of Ronald Reagan?
Thanks for pointing that out.
Ronnie… I don’t RECALL supporting Ronnie and his lies.
ACK “ditto”
I did in fact run Reagan’s campaign on the campus of Michigan State University and was the State Chairman of the MI College Republicans (1980-82). Know this: the current MI Secretary of State (Terry Land) was one of my campus coordinators/leaders at the time; the current Republican State Party Chair ran another campus for me at the time, and; the current MI Attorney General and I shared the same office when I worked in the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office. I consider most to be personal friends – who I have come to disagree with politically.
If I were interested in just seeking office, I think it would have been a lot easier to run as a Republican.
As a former Republican, I ask you what part of the conservative philosophy do you now realize is inoperative. I think of Lincoln’s dictum, “The government should only do for the people what the people cannot do for themselves,” and ask you to relate that to health care and appropriate wages. I am asking you to focus on domestic policies. What prompted you to realize the flaw at the heart of conservative philosphy?
Do you have competition in the primary, Jim?
Is this a real-time q & a SusanHu? Or are our questions just to be left, and then answered later?
Leave it to an attorney to ask an epistemological question, “Is it real time?” (snort)
Yes. He will be answering us here.
I only ask, because I have a bunch of questions. Maybe it would be best to ask them en masse in one post???
Same here.
Worked for me (see below). ;-D
My first answer wasn’t helpful. Yes, he’ll be answering in real time. I just spoke to him an hour ago, and he sent me his speech to post. He may have had a phone call just as we began … I think he’s doing most everything himself right now. Hope he gets a great staff.
Not that I am aware of.
Thank you for inviting Barry and I, we are enjoying the comments and questions.
We like seeing you and Barry here too. We really want to be helpful to candidates. I feel that, if I don’t help in whatever way I can to defeat the Bush administration, uture generations (who will be so adversely affected by current policies) will wonder why we didn’t try harder.
Thank you for your efforts, it’s impressive to see.
I don’t mean this to be disrepectful but I find your question about Mike Pence to be condescending. No, we don’t want Mike Pence to be in Congress but we do want to know where your husband stands on women’s issues, specifically where does he stand on a woman’s right to choose?
Where does he stand on the availability of birth control, of EC, of South Dakota’s complete ban on abortion with no exceptions, not for rape, incest or a woman’s health?
Where does he stand on equal wage, Title IX or subsidized daycare? Where does he stand on No Child Left Behind?
It isn’t good enough to vote candidates into office because we don’t want the likes of any Mike Pences. We want to know that the candidates who have entered this race are running for the values and principles we have stood behind in the Democratic Party.
I’ve been a Democrat for 40 years. I’ve stood behind liberal values and principles for a lot longer than your husband has been a candidate with a D after his name.
Women don’t have time to waste trying to figure out who will support us and who won’t. We don’t have time to be asked if we really want Mike Pence in Congress. Our lives are on the line as are the lives of our daughters, sisters, and granddaughters.
It isn’t a matter of who we don’t want in Congress, it’s a matter of who we do want.
My comment on Mike Pence is in no way meant to be condesending but in actuallity I mean it to call people to action whether it’s men or women. That being said your questions are very valid and I would invite you to visit my husband’s website or he’s sitting in the living room watching the Olympics and I can have him come on to answer your questions directly.
I just read your husband’s website. Since my primary focus is on women’s issues I find his answer to a woman’s right to choose to be unsatisfactory.
I am the pastor of a church, and when someone comes to me with an unwanted pregnancy situation, I do not council for abortion under any circumstances, and I do not judge people that make that choice.
Sometimes pregnancies are terminated due to medical necessity, sometimes pregnancies are terminated due to rape or incest or both, and sometimes pregnancies are terminated by choice. No matter the reason, I know that there are psychological implications when this choice is made, and I do not believe in compounding that mental burden with social torment.
Congressman Pence and I both agree that abortion is not the personal choice of either of us, we disagree on making criminals of those that are faced with this difficult decision. Until an individual is faced with that choice, it is easy to say what one would do, so I choose not to judge.
Sorry, that’s just not good enough. What does it mean when he says there are psychological implications and he doesn’t believe in compounding that mental burden with social torment? How will he vote when abortion rights legislation comes up in Congress?
This is a link to an Associated Press article yesterday on further restrictions on a woman’s right to choose in Indiana. Where does your husband stand on this, how would he vote?
Indiana Proposal: Life begins at conception
What is your husband’s opinion on this legislation and when does he believe life begins?
As I said, women’s lives are on the line. The children’s lives who are born are on the line also. The gap between those in poverty and those who are not is widening and yet Congress passes bills that takes more away from the poor and gives more to the wealthy. Single mothers and their children are the brunt of that legislation, they are the ones who suffer the most. If women lose the right to terminate their pregnancies it means more children suffer.
Your husband doesn’t council women on abortion but does he council poor women on what to do when they don’t have the ability to shelter, feed and educate their children so their lives can be better? Does he council these women on how they can lift their children out of poverty and break the chain that has been around their necks for far too long?
What about subsidized daycare? What about Title IX? What about more ‘welfare reform’ which is another strike against the poor?
Finally, your husband says he doesn’t judge what women do. That is simply a false statement. He judges women with his vote, the vote that affects our lives and the lives of our children. He has to take responsibility for that and he has to state clearly what he will do about all of these issues if he elected to have a seat in Congress.
I would welcome him answering my questions. I know the Olympics are wonderful but women need to know who the candidates are and if they will stand up for women’s rights.
Your link that you’ve put on your post is an issue from the Indiana State House. My husband is running for Congress but the Indiana State Party is working hard to take the State House back as well as put Democratic Representatives in Congress. My husband does not believe making abortion illegal would reduce abortion it would simply send it back underground as everything else has that has attempted prohibitions placed on them. He would not vote to make abortion illegal. My husband does council women who are not able to shelter, feed or care for a child and find themselves in the circumstances of being pregnant – Barry has always stated that he is not the one that judges others and recommends all other choices be considered prior to considering abortion. Together we have four daughters and all womens issues are important on a personal as well as a political level. Sherri
My apologies, I thought you were the candidates wife. I’ll ask him my questions directly, really so sorry.
Actually I am the Candidates Wife just not THIS candidates wife. My husband is Congressional Candidate Barry Welsh of Indiana’s 6th District and I was serious, Barry would not mind coming in and answering your questions.
I appreciate the offer and would like to take him up on it. I answered your first response a few comments up on this thread. I visited Mr. Welsh’s website and came away without a clear understanding of where he stands on women’s issues.
I’m really quite puzzled by how difficult it seems to be to get straight answers on women’s issues with so many candidates. We are a voting bloc that shows up at the polls. We’ve also increased our awareness of who is running across the states because legislation that affects South Dakota and Indiana affects women all over the country.
I’d really like to hear your husbands answers to my questions on women’s issues. Thank you both for the offer.
I will be happy to discuss all of this in great depth. I do agree whole heartedly, that who is in Congress in Indiana matters to all people regardless of where they live, as you said.
I am going to be having a live blog soon, and this is not my blog line, so I am going to alow the focus of this to be where it should, and that is not on my positions, but upon those of my fellow candidate. I hope Sherri’s reply upthread will suffice for now, and I look forward to you joing our live blog. Thanks again.
Barry Welsh
Campaign Website Indiana 6th District Congressional Candidate
I am going to let Sherri log back in for the rest of the time.
Thank you for responding. I look forward to visiting your live blog and to having a discussion with you.
I read Sherri’s response to the question of a woman’s right to choose. I was happy to hear you won’t vote to make abortion illegal. Many of our concerns as women run so much deeper than they have over the past 30+ years because of this administration and frankly, because the Democratic Party has so willingly compromised our rights under Roe away so much that it’s a shadow of its former self.
So many rights for women are in jeopardy. Rights we fought for years to get, rights that didn’t come easily even though they should have, rights that will take decades to get back once they are gone.
My father’s side of my family have lived in Marian County, Indiana for generations. They are yellow dog Democrats and much to their chagrin my father became a Republican after WWII. It breaks their heart that legislation restricting, even further, women’s right to have an abortion seems likely to pass. They fear what happened in South Dakota could happen in Indiana as well. They are my touchstone in the Midwest. They are salt of the earth people, true Midwesterners with hearts of gold and big as the whole outdoors.
I’ll tell them how gracious you and Sherri have been, how open you are to answering my questions, how generous you’ve been in discussing your stand on women’s issues. They’ll be all puffed up with pride also that we’ve blogged together even though they can’t quite grasp what a blog is.
So, thank you. I truly do look forward to talking with you when your live blog is up and running.
Not as of right now.
whenever I meet candidates for Congress is “what committees are you interested in serving on and why?”
I ask this because I believe a potential congressperson or senator should have a vision for what the job entails and what issues they most want to address and devote the bulk of their time to.
The House Intelligence Committee for one. I would invite everyone to visit the Senate Intelligence Committtee website for a very clear preamble/mission statement of that committee:
Created pursuant to S.Res. 400, 94th Congress: to oversee and make continuing studies of the intelligence activities and programs of the United States Government, and to submit to the Senate appropriate proposals for legislation and report to the Senate concerning such intelligence activities and programs. In carrying out this purpose, the Select Committee on Intelligence shall make every effort to assure that the appropriate departments and agencies of the United States provide informed and timely intelligence necessary for the executive and legislative branches to make sound decisions affecting the security and vital interests of the Nation. It is further the purpose of this resolution to provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States.
The references there to “conformity” and being responsible for the “quality” of intelligence is always overlooked.
Other committees would be those involved in energy and trade issues. $14 billion in tax cuts to the energy companies while home heating costs (up 72 percent in six years) and gas skyrocket is simply unacceptable.
the committees have been concerned with glossing over the intelligence failures in one sense and exaggerating them in another sense.
Perhaps this was a function of 2004 being an election year, but the committees still appear to be broken and it is now 2006.
Would like to point out something relevant–As has been seen by the implementation of Medicare D, not everyone is computer literate or has ready access to a computer. The reason that I am mentioning this is that I have Medicare D and had problems w/enrolling, as at the time, my computer was down and I was very sick.
The first questions that I ask are related to what a candidate will do for those in the distict.
From your answer
, it appears that you may be making the assumption that everyone has access to a home computer and is computer/internet literate. However, that is not the case as written here.
As the author of the diary that linked to, it contains a link to an independent news source which states:
I have also written:
In short, the availability of necessary information can be, in some instances, limited, unless one really knows how to surf the net and follow a complicated website. This has been the case with Medicare D. How would you remedy this lack of information, as those who needed it the most were, for reasons beyond their control, unavailable to access it?
(The same could be said of the website that you mentioned.)
Welcome Jim. Good to have you here with us tonight. I hope you are up to several questions on the condition of what we are in in this time of our history. Please always feel free to stop by any old time.
Welcome Jim.
As a congressional candidate, how involved is your wife?
Sherri Welsh
now why would you ask that question? heh.
Because I am the Congressional Candidates Wife of Barry Welsh Indiana’s 6th Dist. and if Jim’s wife is actively involved, there are perhaps some ideas as to what we can do to help our “running” mates.
Hi Sherri,
I think Boo was just ribbing you.
Yes I know and this is my first blogging event and so far it looks like it’s going very well. :o)
I am divorced with three children. The Ex is however, very supportive.
I understand, you are very fortunate to have the support. How about your children, how are they with the attention of being a candidate and are they involved in anyway with your campaign?
The kids are very excited and acompany me whenever their time permits. It’s a new thing for them but I hope they stay interested.
Also have many questions, but here is the one that is first and foremost: What are your feelings re: a single-payer health care system?
Mine is related, so I’ll post it here:
Over the past 5 years, health insurance premiums have increased by at least 30%, making that the second largest monthly expenditure after the mortgage for many slef-employed folks. Government programs have traditionally only benefited the poorest of the poor (and that benefit is diminishing quickly), and neglect to address the burden that these high costs are putting on people in the middle. We also have 45 million people who are uninsured in this country, in part because of the high cost.
What is your answer to this problem?
Now I have one that is somewhat related to yours: What rememdies do you have for those who are low-income and are seeing their social programs drastically reduced to give tax cuts to those who clearly don’t need them?
The overarching qustion here: given your intelligence background, where do you stand on social issues?
A “National Health Care” system scares most people, but I believe that one way or another we are headed in that direction. Many are coming to the realization that the costs are simply too high, be they the Board at G.M. or the small business person. Most importantly, once the middle class worker comes to fully realize that they will be paying more for their own health insurance and they are also paying, through taxes, for Medicare and Medicaid, they will realize we are almost there now. As for the uninsured, if we make sure we don’t turn the entire system over to Wallstreet, there will be significant savings from government administration to assist in extending health care to all/uninsured.
A “National Health Care” system scares most people
How would you make it sound less “scary”? What are specifics of your ideas for implementing it? Given the fiasco re: Medicare D, and, as others have stated, increasing health care costs, what do you see as the time frame for implementation?
Glad you saw that, too StreetKid
Politicians don’t know what scary is. They’ve never had to sit with their child WAITING on a waiting list for dental surgery WHILE their gums fester and they could die for lack of basic coverage.
We both agree what is more scray is the US is the only industrialized country w/o a single payer health care system.
What’s scary is that the last time we had majorities in Congress and a democratic president we got our asses kicked so badly on health care that we haven’t had a sniff of power on Capitol Hill ever since.
So, the last attempt was a total disaster and the way the GOP holds so much influence over the media now it won’t be any easier the next time we try.
And that is why I am interested in hearing specifics re: a single-payer health care system and the candidate’s stance on its implementation.
I like the idea that you could sell National Healthcare as a way for companies to cut operating costs to make it more widely appealing.
Actually, that is one of the main reasons that some UAW jobs that were done in MI were/are being moved to Windsor–health care costs are less!
(don’t remember the specifics off the top of my head, sorry and can’t find link right now)
it’s like when Bush uses the term “insurgent”
Hello… the “uninsured” are Americans, too. Mostly WORKING families.
Working families without health care or dental care.
We’re tired of the rhetoric. People are DYING because they lack appropriate and timely coverage.
People have lost loved ones over diabeties gone unchecked.
Blood poisioning due to gum decay.
That’s a tragedy – that’s the scary.
We already are paying… with our lives. Before I see my child ever again SUFFER on the couch in pain over basic dental matters while fat cats get coverage… I will join the anarchy movement. I’m an American, a mother, and I’m pissed.
I have had to have surgery due to an infected tooth, so I know exactly where you are coming from.
was my son. He’s autistic and was 12 at the time. He had to wait to get help because of his neurodisablity. HMO’s said only a certain place/person could do the anesthesia.
He had two infected teeth
two impacted teeth
he needed 2 root canals
and a gum biopsy and then gum plaiting.
he was made to leave the hospital while he was stil throwing up blood. After undergoing 5 hours of dental surgery in San Francisco.
We almost had to leave the country to get him aid.
THAT’S SCARY Mr. Congressman.
Oh God!!! Sympathies and hugs to you and your family!
He had to wait THREE MONTHS for two root canals. THREE MONTHS!!!!!!!!
Many wouldn’t wait that long for a cleaning let alone the pain he endured, he bleed on his pillows, the pus made him vomit…
imagine waiting three months for root canals….
In America.
Imagine trying to console him. HE BEGGED to go to the doctor. He even cried and said he’d be “GOOD BOY”…
next diary of yours I’ll send you the write up on what Wesley went through while waiting. He lost weight, he had to be signed out of school…
This country sucks.. regarding health care because we met many other families in the same boat. All WORKING.
Will be looking for it–unbelievable–but, after reading about all the Medcare D screw-ups, I believe it. You’re right, this SUCKS!
Janet, as a mother I understand your fears and heartbreak, frusteration and anger over having to deny your child rollerskate/blade lessons because you’re afraid they may break a limb. I can truly relate to the fear that health care costs will bankrupt the middle class family. The need for a change in health care is a very serious and urgent issue to be resolved and hopefully soon. We aren’t getting anywhere with the representation that we’ve had in power so far and this issue can only be advanced if we start putting people in the seats that will make the change. I understand why you are asking this question. It’s one of my husbands few pledges to the voters on the front page of his website. Sherri
for dental surgery – his needs were made WORSE by the lack of health care.
Reconstruct our schools and our health care nightmare… NOT IRAQ..
and ExxonMobile made BILLIONS.
Soon? Do you know how many children died last year due to no health care? Do you know how many students ccouldn’t participate in school sports/functions because they didn’t have…. health care. Your child misses more than two days and the school requires what/??? A doctor’s note.
The need for a change in health care is a very serious and urgent issue to be resolved and hopefully soon
Like to see your family make it w/o Medical Insurance! On second thought, give it up for as long of a time as Janet’s family had to, before mouthing do-nothing platitudes!
Yes as in VERY soon – honestly can you see any of the majority seats of people in the House or Senate coming to the aid of the uninsured very quickly? So far there’s been a lot of talk but not a lot of action. As for without medical or dental insurance, I’ve been there and so has Barry – I was a single parent for over 10 years prior to marrying Barry and was uninsured – payment for ALL medical and dental bills came out of my own pocket and a small one at that. I was self-employed and there were and are not a lot of health plans that will cover a self-employed single mother of two. We aren’t rich, Barry is a pastor of a small rural church and health care nor dental care are not covered by the church. It would put the congregation in jeopardy if they had to cover our family’s health/dental care. I work secularly and we are covered (albeit not enough) through my work.
Yes as in VERY soon – honestly can you see any of the majority seats of people in the House or Senate coming to the aid of the uninsured very quickly?
I wasn’t aware that prohibited you/your church from advocating for the uninsured in the present, if in fact you are. Post a link anything that you are currently involved in that does so.
So far there’s been a lot of talk but not a lot of action.
And I am sick and tired of more talk and the wait till the midterms are over. That is just another excuse to do NOTHING!!!!
I work secularly and we are covered (albeit not enough) through my work.
At least you are covered and are fortunate enough to have a job! There are people who don’t! (Like me.) And people w/o insurance? Ever think of that?
And, there are people who live on SSI who are in desperate need of real medical insurance, as Medicare D is such a mess people are not getting the rx’s that they need–in many instances, hopsitalizations have been necessary, and you have the nerve to tell me to wait.
Oh, boo-hoo, you were once divorced. Well so am I! So knock it off w/the crocodile tears and start looking at other people’s reality for a change!
You can continue to sit here on your computer advocating for change and we will continue to run our campaign to make a change.
FYI, I am do more than sit at a computer!
I am sure that you do. Just know that we too do more than blog at a computer in working for change.
I have no further desire to communicate with you on this subject.
StreetKid, you and I do nothing but blog I guess. Maybe you and I can make more of a difference if we married a running candidate?? (tons of snark)
I don’t see many candidates spouses on the street marching, protesting or in the waiting rooms of ERs. Go figure.
Blog – communication, dispensing of ideas and info… a politicians worse enemy (bsesides the truth) Reason the Red Regime is trying to find ways to call bloggers/the internetS as terruhists.
You nailed it!!! I don’t see any spouses of candidates doing anything, except maybe submitting cookie recipes to magazines…
Street Kiod,
Calm down!! I too was a single mom and put up with a bunch of crap all to have that coveted health insurance. Now I am forced to be on SS Disability and expend a great deal of my energy reading and re-reading the quasi legal crap sent by the bureaucracy that is supposed to help me. They are probably secretly hoping that I do not survive my next operation, as I am a royal pain in the butt for them. When they do not make sense, and they hear from me. Thankfully the internet is there to research and refute their B/S.
So I can truly hear your pain. However that does not give you the right to be rude and denigrating to someone whom truly seems trying to comfort and help. While her story is not yours, it was personal and I am sure she suffered from being a single parent as all of us do or did.
Try and accept the helping hand she is generously offering to you and COMMUNICATE. That is a two way dialogue, not a rant and screed if you do not like the way she phrases something.
End of lecture. Boy am I getting nervy not knowing how my next surgery outcome will be.
Also on SSD/I and have had to go thru all the nonsense re: Medicare D to get rx’s so I do not have grand mal seizures. So we are in the same boat and I do feel for you. I would also like to point out that I have been writing an ongoing series on Medcare D, it’s implications, and those affected.
While I do not know if you were here for the entire guest blogging, I was. And the attitude portrayed did not come across as concerned. It came across as looking down on me. That is not appreciated.
Neither was the fact that specific ?’s that were asked were ignored.
Guess Janet is right–I have to marry someone running for office in order for my concerns to be taken seriously.
Hey, I just remembered…Marcinkowski is single! <snark>
If you become Congressman you and your loved ones will get incredibel coverage PAID BY “the little people”.
My family went without health care for three damn years. While working.
What gives our politicians the right to tell us to be patient and to that we’ll have to pay more…
If it’s good enough for you and your kids – it’s good enough for me and mine.
Try telling your kid they can’t rollerskate because if they broke their arm a MIDDLE CLASS family would lose everything.
Another POLLY who doesn’t care about children without coverage attending schools that aren’t educating them.
Good day.
Enjoy your health care…. make sure your teeth are snappy white…
Thanks for stopping by tonight. Booman posted your letter “We Built This City” earlier today so we all could get a feel for your campaign themes. Good letter, and the speech Susan just posted (National Security: The Attack on the Constitution And the Use and Abuse of Secrecy – Washtenaw County, Michigan – February 8, 2006) was also great.
In looking these over, they seem to focus on getting a responsible, properly-functioning government back in place in D.C. No small task! But I’d like to ask a few questions coming from a different direction, namely once the Democrats restore responsible government in D.C., what do we want that government to do? Once the car is running, where do we go? (You may find the same direction of questioning coming from other “issues-oriented” voters tonight as well.)
In particular, I’m concerned about environmental, energy, and public health issues, and the way they affect each other. For instance, we could heavily develop coal (including coal liquefaction) as a means of achieving energy independence, but at the price of greater air pollution, global warming, childhood asthma and mercury emissions.
So (after that long-winded lead-in, LOL) I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on the issues of the environmental, energy, and public health: How you’d approach them in a global sense (what are the general principles you bring to addressing these issues) and also any specific ideas you’d care to share. What do you see as our biggest challenges in these areas and how can we address them?
The biggest challenge of course is oil dependence and consumption. We are not going to drill our way out of this crisis. My understanding is that even if we used all known US oil fields, we would use them up in about 6 years. There is also a lot of debate about oil reserves in other countries around the world who may be inflating the numbers. Some say we have only 15 to 25 years to go before it is gone. My basic philosophy is that we would have been better off investing $14 billion in researching new auto engines and alternative fuels than to give that money to oil companies who are experiencing record profits. The latest plan is to dig up the SW and extract oil from rocks (shale). The energy used to do so and the disastrous consequences for the environment are simply not acceptable.
There is also a great reliance on coal for energy. Those systems need to be updated to significantly reduce emissions of harmful gases. It can be done, its only a matter of resources/costs. I agree there are secondary effects on health because of those emissions. I remember going back 26 years and working with the Canadian youth groups to combat acid rain. In Michigan 1 out of 10 women of childbearing age has unsafe levels of mercury in their blood, etc. The facts are clear.
Like many other areas of concern, we can either pay now or we will end up paying later in health care costs.
At times it is frustrating with all the political labelling that goes on – none stop. If people could only take it that one step further and understand the connection: pay more now for upgrading major systems (coal) and vehicle power, or pay later in additional health care costs. Once it is understood that you will not get around the paying part, its a rather logical conclusion that the real issue is quality of life, something we all can agree on.
There are additional concerns surrounding global warming. I think the most important point is that it is real. I cannot believe that many are still in the “studying” phase, that we cannot prove it.
In our district, MI-08, there are a good number of auto industry retirees who feel increasingly worried about the future of our pensions as well as nervous about the future of the auto industry. What measures will you support to assure us that pension protection and health care will be addressed? Will you support trade restrictions based on environmental and labor concerns?
We cannot compete (nor should we) with child labor or $2.00 wage rates, period. We need to get serious about so-called “free” trade. I am not afraid of being labelled a “protectionist” when it comes to foreign trade and the trade imbalance. The Congress keeps passing these free trade agreements that have less to do with “trading” anything and everything to do with lowering corporate overheads and increasing profits. We are exporting America and it needs to stop.
Corporations should also be prohibited from dumping pensions through the bankruptcy process. The next S&L crisis will be the PBGC if action is not taken.
Thanks for a good answer. Let us know in the blogosphere what your schedule is and how we can help. You’ve got plenty of help here if you need it.
Books I’ve been reading put wages in China and the third-world at around $.11 per hour. Maybe we should exchange references. I mean, I’m willing to consider that I’ve been reading and believing left-wing propaganda. But I noticed the $2.00 per hour figure in your letter. And thought that it sounded high compared to the wages I’ve read about.
Mexican border towns and industrial concerns there have about $2.00 an hour wage rates. I was there a couple years ago helping install a robotic system (a real fun time I can assure you). That’s who the auto industry is losing jobs to right now. In the future it’ll be China but right now it’s still Mexico.
Also a number of pensioners who are being suddenly hit w/Medicare D, which is also a concern to those w/disabilities…
Looks like we are keeping you busy! I’d like to ask about your take on the president sneaking in all of his Social Security “reform” package into this years budget. What do you make of that??
I see a pattern. Whether its healthcare (accounts) or social security, they are hell bent on getting everyone to make individual payroll deductions (“donations”) to Wall Street.
The fact that such items have to be snuck into the budget raises another major concern. There is not a lot of debate going on in the Congress right now, a fact I find very dangerous. That’s why there needs to be a change. The only opposition comes from public outrage, witness the “bridge to nowhere”, etc.
What do you advocate that will change that pattern? Be specific please.
Jim, why do you think so few of our representatives on either side of the aisle are willing to stand up and put a stop to the criminal behavior of this administration?
I ask because it’s interesting to see people “switching sides”.
Intimidation. We can discuss losing chairmanships of committees, a turn-off of the K-Street funding machine, opposition in the next election, etc. I think the list is quite long and the job too comfortable.
Do you support American use of covert operations to influence democratically elected governments in foreign countries? I’m specifically interested here on your take on the U.S. foreign policy in Central America in the 1980s. I understand from your resume, that you may have served in this region, at this time. Would be interested in what capacities you served, and your personal experiences in this foreign service.
Your question, or actually a series of statements posed as a question, is misleading. Nicaragua was the focus of US operations in Central America. You may recall, the Nicarguan government arose out of a revolution/takeover, and was not a “democratically elected government”.
So, no, I do not believe the US should use covert operations to influence a legitimate democratically elected government.
One personal experience from Central America: I was shocked that one of my “contacts” could quote our founding fathers better than probably most of our high school or even college graduates – and more accurately than me! That is an important point. We, the United States, stood for something back then. We were an exmple to the world. I am not confident that our system is viewed by foreign nationals today as it was back then. I find that very disturbing.
Sounds to me like you are proud of your work supporting the Contras in Nicaragua. And I wouldn’t expect anything less. From someone who supported, and perhaps continues to support Reagan-era ideals. And I don’t mean that as harshly as it sounds. Blogging has tended to make much of my language shrill. And I applaud you for coming and answering questions.
There was the election in Nicaragua in 1984 which was validated by international observers, that seated an anti-U.S.leader. An election at least as fair as those conducted under the circumstances in Palestine and Iraq today. The first in decades (or ever) in that country, if I recall. An election that did not deter continued and illegal U.S. aggression.
And the whole ICJ finding in ’86 which found the U.S. and its de facto force (Contras) guilty of war crimes. So, I guess one of my questions — did you have a role, personally, in these war crimes? Which, according the the ICJ, would equate to a question of, did you, personally, train, equip, arm, finance or otherwise assist the Contras? I know that is a hard question. I don’t expect that I’ll have to ask it of many Democratic candidates in my lifetime. It is just a quirk of your resume.
Again. I don’t mean to be so negative. You seem like a nice man. And strong, to try to stand up to the wrongs that this present administration has committed. I credit you for this. I wish you luck in that mission. My question about your personal past is sincere, and driven simply by the fact that you were in Nicaragua (I presume) at the time.
Also, just for the sake of full disclosure, I’ve pretty much made up my mind about your candidacy. While I really want to hear your answer, as a point of information, I’m swayed by the fact that you have been, as best as objective indicators can tell me, a card carrying Republican for your entire adult life (until your most recent conversion). That seems to leave me, as a voter in your district, voting against you in the primary, and voting for a third-party if that option is available. I am absolutely certain, that if you would remain a Republican, cross-over and run against Rogers in the Republican primary, I would be at the booth supporting you. Probably with donations, as well.
Good luck in your run.
Nicaragua was governed by a Junta. The Junta was never elected.
Since I have never been on a blog before, my initial observation is that everyone is pretty fast and lose and busy about categories and pigeon-holing.
Please feel free to vote for a Green or a Blue or whatever. That is your right. But understand that with that choice comes responsibility. If we invade Iran next, continue to disregard the Constitution, torture our captives, etc., you will have to take at least some responsibility two years from now for making the wrong choice.
This country is exeriencing what I believe is a very serious crisis and you have a litimus, no, a purity test. I’m sorry I don’t meet every single one of your expectations.
The last person that ran I think probably came closer to meeting all of your expectations. The race was lost by almost a 3:1 margin.
So you know, on blogs, we have these running conversations. Pretty amazing some of the information that pops out sometimes. And I think they are great. I have never been able to speak to a prospective Congress person as I’m speaking with you now. Very democratic, I think, in terms of information. Information is “fast and lose” and subject to correction.
Like this:
On the specific question of Nicaragua, I raised the issue because it is important to me as a progressive voter, and it is relevant because you were an actor on the ground there at that time. It is a time that shares some strange similarities to this time (Iran-Contra/Iraq Debacle). I didn’t raise it out of the blue. And I suspect anyone reading your resume and having a basic understanding of recent history might have the same question, though might not get the same opportunity to ask you.
I gave you a couple of facts. Here, I’ll just throw them out again. And I’ll bold what I believe to be fairly straightforward factual information:
I guess you can dismiss it as saying everyone who opposed U.S. policy was part of “a Junta.” Or every person elected who opposed U.S. policy was part of “a Junta.” But that doesn’t help someone who looks back at that time and questions your involvement.
I would think you could make a very principled defense as well. Factually. That lays out your committment to what you were doing there. An embraceme of the staunch anti-communist ideals of Reagan. To the extent of arming, training, and equipping people to murder the communist “Junta.” I would expect you believed what you were doing was right. I guess, what I’m concerned about is whether you still think it is right? In light of your conversion on a host of other social and international issues, to the views of the Democratic party.
Which leads me to my main point. I’m not trying to pigeon hole you. And I would dearly love to have a good progressive candidate I could actively work to support, in hopes of ousting Mr. Rogers from our neighborhood. It is just that I look at your resume, and it seems to me you have been a Republican for your entire adult life. Not just a sit back and enjoy the good life Republican. An active Republican. You were a Reagan youth activist. You ran for office twice as a Republican. You have contributed to George W. Bush. Your good friends are high level Republicans. And you happened to serve in a job as a CIA agent, in a time, place and circumstance, that led to a truly extraordinary event — a finding by an International tribunal that the U.S. had violated International law by acting as an aggressor nation. And it seems to me that you have not even reflected on that service, in terms of your personal contribution (this may be unfair — but you haven’t shared that reflection with me, you have just insisted that you know the U.S. was right in this instance — a rather Bush-like statement, if you don’t mind me making the observation).
I honestly hope these questions make you a better candidate. From my political outlook, it would be hard for you to represent a greater obstacle to peace and justice than Mike Rogers does. But I can’t look at your resume and lend my support.
and don’t piss off CodePink
And always meet the people… you work for them.
nowadayds a “we the people” are getting arrested for wearing t-shirts that RAISE QUESTIONS and CONCERNS of our warpigs.. I mean Politicians.
Screw $$$$ dinners and “get togethers”
go out to a park, get a soda and hotdog and TALK with the people.
In this congress, the majority has often ruled high handed, ruling out debate and extending the rules to strong arm members to vote as the leadership demands. If we capture the House in november, would you support a more inclusive bi-partisan approach to governance? Would you support a more activist ethics committee where outside groups can bring concerns to the committee? Would you EVER let a lobbyist write legislation?
When we retake the Congress, there must be a restoration of bi-partisanship. To me that means an advocacy system much like a court system. Let both sides make their argument. It serves to balance the “checks and balances” inherent in our system of government. It would also serves as a check on extremism from any one side.
We obviously need a significant (and open) national debate on ethics and the funding of campaigns.
If “write” means “as written” then absolutley not.
I’m curious how long you have lived in Lake Orion? Did you move to the District, or was the district shifted to encompass your home? Was there a change of residence in anticipation of this run?
I moved to Lake Orion in 1990, later moved to Oxford, then moved back to Lake Orion two years ago. Both villages are in the district.
Never owned a carpetbag.
First off, Jim I personally would want y ou to give your speach on what you want to do if elected. Then maybe I can understand your position more clearly. What is your postion on womens rights, the Supreme Court and its functions. The fact that we have all this evidence out here for why this adm. is breaking the law and lying every step of the way to the public, what will you do to stop this behavior. Health care for all and to reform medicare and all of its components. Thank you.
Since I haven’t seen it raised here — where do you stand on a woman’s right to choose?
And conversely, what is your position on the right to die? Schiavo. Kevorkian, whom you prosecuted.
Boston Joe you seem to be confused. 1. Is it your thought that the MI Dem party is now running Republicans against other Republicans? 2. That the gerry mandered MI 8th was set up to assist a Democrat by the Republican majority in MI? 3. Do you know that the US Supreme Court controls Roe v Wade? 4. The US House doesn’t vote up or down on terminally ill persons? Might want to crack open that civics book.
I honestly can’t tell if you are serious, or joking. So I’ll just answer, and assume you are serious.
1 — From what I can read about Mr. Marcinkowski, it appears to me that he was a Republican until about 2002. And, while I’m willing to give him the opportunity to speak for himself, I have serious doubts about his committment to anything like progressive values that I hold. And since I’ll be voting in this primary, I thought I’d give him a chance to disabuse me of my pre-disposition.
2 — I am not much of a party wonk. I’m not even a Democrat. Though I do vote for Democrats strategically, when it matters, if I can palate it. I believe MI-08 to be horribly gerrymandered to the favor of Rogers. But I’m no expert.
3 — I’m aware, generally, of how the court system works. So I understand who decided Roe. I also understand that if the new court overturns Roe, there is the possiblility of federal legislation which could either make abortion legal or illegal, based on the beliefs of the people elected to Congress. Hence my question to the candidate.
4 — Ditto with the right to die. Currently recognized by the case of Cruzan (if you forced me to say a case — it has been a long time since I’ve read any law). But to the extent the court disavows such rights, federal laws could be passed on these issues.
So if that was your attempt at supporting me with sarcasm. Thanks. And if your questions were serious, then I hope I answered them to your satisfaction. I’m also hoping the candidate can answer my questions.
The right-to-die and abortion need less government intervention and more medical-patient control. The Schiavo case was a national disgrace.
I did convict Kevorkian – for assault/fighting with police officers.
More and more programs have been shifted from the federal gov’t to state gov’t, in the form of block grants. Yet, thanks to decreasing tax bases, states like Michigan have had a hard time keeping up with increasing social demands. Candidates like DeVos (for governor of MI) want to eliminate Medicare all together.
How will you push to increase the amount of federal money coming to the state? I am particularly interested in a more equitable funding of Pre-K-16 education.
Another ? re: social programs: what will you do to make sure that MI receives its fair share of funding for the programs for people who are on social services? (Amounts vary from state to state).
Fight. At a time when I think everyone acknowledges that education is the key to this nation’s future, the rhetoric doesn’t match the actions of the Congress. I agree that too many programs are being shifted to lower units is government where the lower units do not have sufficient resources. It has been happening in Michigan since the time of Gov. Engler, e.g. mental health from state to counties, etc. It’s a convenient method for avoiding responsiblity.
So, how about bringing taxes, both corporate and individual taxes back to the level of the good old days – the 1950’s? It seems that many hard core conservatives would like to go back to that era, socially speaking.
Please correct me if I am mistaken, but I am under the impression that it is the responsibiity of an elected official to fight for those s/he represents.
I said that.
Yes you did. And, the fact of the matter is that there are people with disabilities on social programs who are unable to work, due to medical reasons. As a result, those who fall into that category have had their benefits cut, and live below the Federal poverty level.
Now, how would you fight for those who are forced to live below the Federal poverty level due to repeated cuts in social programs?
And I will now ask a question that I have asked earlier: What is your stance on disability rights?
(I would also like to point out that the IDEA, NCLB, and the procedural process for ADA complaints are currently unfunded mandates, due to repeated budget cuts. Also, provisions of the ADA have been made useless by different rulings on it.)
I’d like to request that people limit themselves to one or two questions. It takes time and thoughtfulness to respond to questions and it’s not fair to ask everything that pops into your mind. Thanks.
why is the government in bed with Big Pharm?
Marinol $18 a pill yet causes vomitting and Bush hauls in old ladys with MS into jail.
Compassionate Conservative?? I don’t think so.
Big Oil
Big Pharm
it’s all the same isn’t it?
The rich get richer and our kids waste away in school and with rotting teeth and no health coverage.
Are you ready to fight the war it will take to get rid of these Sam Brownbacks and religious zealots?
On another note, before Medicare D went into effect, pharma raised the prices of rx’s in anticipation of Medicare D. Under legislation, Medicare is no longer allowed to negoitate w/Pharma re: prices. However, the VA still is. I would like to know the candidate’s stance on that.
A free market and a bid process are integral to government acquisition of anything since it keeps the price down. Republicans used to favor a “free market” (read bid), now they just favor….favors. Not being able to negotiate price (ala Halliburton) is bad policy. Living here in Michigan, close to the Canadian border, I am shocked that GM, Ford, etc., can engage in globilization and its “free market” but grandma can no longer cross the border and do the same when it comes to scripts. Of course it’s “for her own protection”. Right.
I apologize for not phrasing my comment as a question, actually, it is three questions.
Medicare should negotiate and bid out prices. No question.
There should be no “donut hole”. We are talking medicine here for people that for the most part do not have that much money.
Here is a crowd pleaser — you can’t go wrong with this crowd. I promise.
I will use leading questions, to assist —
You support the immediate withdrawal of the troops from Iraq, in at least the terms laid out by Jack Murtha (most Boo Tribbers probably think Murtha is a little too militant in wanting to keep troops near by), don’t you?
You support the impeachment of the President for fraudulently misrepresenting us into war, don’t you? And your first act in Congress will be to tirelessly work for the President’s ulitimate accountability?
BJ- please limit yourself to one or two questions. You are up to eight or so.
In all fairness to BJ only one or two of his questions actually make any sense.
Have we met? Are you like blogger security? Or are you a long time poster here? I’m asking seriously. I just haven’t run across you before.
I’m happy to be quiet for BooMan, our excellent host. But you, I don’t really know. And if you are with the campaign, and you are going to do a bunch of blog events, I’d suggest maybe that you not try to stifle honest questions.
If you are from BooMan, and I just don’t recognize you, my apologies.
I think it’s a security troll. Only comments have been in here and mostly been aimed against you BostonJoe.
I’m thankful for the questions you’ve asked Joe.
About an hour ago, it’s now just past 8:00AM local time, and I have been reading some diaries and comments. Who are you responding to BJ?
≈ Cross-posted from BostonJoe’s diary — Meet My Choice ≈
Meet Pokie
Pokey Peanut Productions presents…
“Answer the Question”
with host Brian James
and co-host James Marcinkowski
Pokey Peanut Productions is proud to present a preview of the web archive of the hit new radio show “Answer the Question” with host Brian James. Pokey is working hard on the full-fledged website.
Features will include:
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Why the need for your Guard Blog???
You need a back up buddy to help you chastize the “we the people”?
Man if you need this kind of swarmy back up in a Q&A, I don’t think we need YOU and your wolf in wolf clothing.
Meet the NEW BOSS – same as the OLD BOSS.
This isn’t even a New Democrat… this is just a poser.
All of BostonJoe’s questions make sense to me. The problem is Jim M. not answering them. I’ll give him time to catch up but it’s not looking good so far…
As a resident of MI 8th, the district that JM wishes to represent, I can say that all of Boston Joe’s questions made complete sense to me and are issues that definitely need to be addressed. As are ALL of the questions that I asked re: single-payer health care and others, by JM, assuming he wants my vote!!!
I’ll shut up anytime. I’m just really interested in this candidate. Because I have to vote for him. But I’ll sit back and listen. Thanks for having him at the pond.
Check your e-mail now. Thanks.
I saw BostonJoe ask this above, but I didn’t see where you had a chance to answer yet-
What is your position on women’s reproductive rights? Please be specific.
Have to add another one: disability rights?
I guess the lack of an answer to that question every time it was asked says something.
On both a woman’s right to choose and disability rights–making an assumption about the latter.
I do not agree with either far end of the debate on abortion. My opponent supports legislation that would outlaw all abortions for any reason, even in cases of rape, incest, or if the mother’s life is at risk. I do not support turning women who are confronting an unplanned pregnancy into criminals. The fact is, based on most recent legal decisions it is very clear that abortions will never be totally outlawed in this country. On the other end of the spectrum for example, there has been debate about whether a parent should be informed about a minor seeking an abortion. As the father of a teenage daughter, I would want to be involved in that decision. There are of course exceptions throughout this entire debate, eg. a sexually abusive parent, etc., that should not be used to label or categorize people as being on one side or the other.
then why don’t YOU and YOUR daughter be INVOLVED with each other – privately… and you and the RED REGIME keep your bibles and politics out of my uterus.
I HATE HATE HATE that some politician thinks they have some moral ground to DICKtate (dictate) to women just WHEN and WHERE and HOW we can have sex and then what we can do afterwards.
How dare you deny any human the right to medical care and medical decisions because you have issues with your own child.
TYPICAL Republican response… you can’t control your own urges, your own family, your own life – so you have to stick your heads into everyone elses.
Women and YES other’s daughters will DIE because of men like you.
How about telling your SONS to quit raping women.
How about teaching your SONS that no means no.
How about reminding yourself that your morals are none of my business and my vagina is none of yours.
I will die if were to become pregnant. That’s between me and my doctor. Not even my spouse. And most definitely not YOU.
“how about telling my sons not to rape woman?” “Woman hater”???
Insults aside, I would invite you to visit my website where you can read about what I have actually accomplished – setting up the first special prosecution unit in the county for domestic violence – well before it became fashionable. Most recently I obtained a federal grant to rehab a house in the City of Royal Oak that now serves as a forensic rape examination center, treating more than 200 victims per year and that, as a result, has a conviction rate of near 100 percent.
Please vote for someone else.
Would you deny them the right to an abortion?
Would you force an underaged female to tell her parents of a rape which resulted in pregnancy?
Are you aware of what happens to women when they “come out” that they were attacked? Shouldn’t that be up to the victim herself?
Only women who are raped should be able to fight for the right to an abortion?
Victims of violence. That’s good to help them and provide them with human rights and safety…
but denying others basic rights is making them victims of the government.
I will vote for someone else. I will challenge those who say one thing and then do another.
in his mind justifies taking away our rights.
He is a Knight in Shining Armor to abused women – so that gives him the right to make decisions over those female bodies?
I would hope that every parent could be secure that if their daughter was a victim that they would be the first to know, however that isn’t reality.
Most victims can not deal with the stigma that is attached to being sexually assaulted, but Jim wants to make girls tell all.
Victims, humans – and yes girls – have the right to privacy. Even from do gooders.
And what about disability rights?
Dear Jim,
Thanks for your years of service to our country – I think its really cool that you’re doing this. Although I’m not in your district – I’m in Sandy Levin’s – it is with great interest, as a fellow Michigander as to what your stance is the on current climate of ethics. After all, your opponent, incumbent Mike Rogers received a substantial amount from DeLay’s pac…
Michael Rogers has taken $19,500 from Tom DeLay’s ARMPAC. No surprise that Rogers voted with Tom DeLay 95% of the time between Jan. 1 2004 and March 31 2005…
Michael Rogers voted to weaken the ethics rules in a move that many say served only to protect Tom DeLay.
When Republicans realized it was “impossible to win the communications battle” over the gutted ethics rules, Rogers flip-flopped and voted to put the old rules back into place.
Jim – Your district is indeed fortunate to have such a dedictated public servant such as yourself running for public office – as is the Democrats. Your victory will be a major victory not only for your district but for all Americans.
Thank you.
Seems I stumbled in here very late and you all will be gone by now. My question would be why the switch to Dem? I know it has been asked several times but so far I don’t think I read an answer. I appreciate you taking the time to answer outr questions Jim and if some seem harsh/blunt please be sure that we are fed up with republican lite reps and I fo one am not looking to support anyone that doesn’t support a women’s rigght to choose.
That’s OK Leezy, don’t take it personally, some of us got here plenty early and didn’t get our questions answered either.
Sorry he didn’t answer these. It was because some of us (i.e., me) asked too many. Should have been more quiet.
“Tea, sir. Crumpet, sir. Slippers, sir.”
I was going to give you folks in the district(s) the 1 or 2 question quota of mine to ask more of yours. It didn’t appear necessary as it turned out but this is a standing offer when a similar guest participates.
Joe, that’s not a bullet with your name on it, so don’t take it. ‘Nuff said; sometimes silence speaks louder than words.