by Larry C. Johnson (bio below)
The spin being laid out by the White House and others, that the terrorists got a leg up on us because the New York Times’ Jim Risen leaked word that President Bush had authorized illegal domestic surveillance, is sheer, utter bunk. Deal with the facts people.
FACT 1: Risen did not reveal how the domestic electronic surveillance was being conducted. He may know specifically what they are doing, but he did not and has not disclosed the methodology used. What was disclosed is that the President was ignoring the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution and the FISA court. What is truly distressing is that the Democrats sat on their hands when they first learned of this program. I’m not a fan of Republican Senator Pat Roberts, but he has a point. Why didn’t the Democrats speak up then?
Even today, prominent leaders like Jane Harman insist they love the program … Continued below:
Even today, prominent leaders like Jane Harman insist they love the program and could not do anything at the time to signal displeasure.
Only Senator Jay Rockefeller felt compelled to pen a note expressing some discomfort. The rest of the lot was too damn scared to speak up. What good is an opposition party that has no conviction or courage to oppose a violation of the Constitution when they first learn about it? I think most of the so-called leaders of the Democrats are a bunch of mealy mouthed cowards. They are more interested in holding onto political office and unwilling to put their careers on the line over a principle as vital as defending the Constitution.
So, was Al Qaeda ignorant of the fact that the United States would be trying to listen in on their conversations?
FACT 2: Al Qaeda, according to its own training manual, was instructing its members in the early 1990s to be aware that the U.S. intelligence apparatus would try to listen in on their conversations and to take counter measures to avoid detection. One of these measures was the use of code words to disguise the conversation. Got it? They knew we were listening 15 years ago. Risen’s revelations only hurt the President, not the terrorists.
As we debate whether the President can do anything he thinks is necessary to protect the United States–including ignoring the Constitution–let us be clear on one fact; Al Qaeda and other terrorists did not learn from Jim Risen or the New York Times that the NSA (and others) were listening in on their various communications. They already knew that.
What we need to figure out is quite simple. Is every American, including a war time President, covered by the Constitution? Our answer to that question will determine if we can really remain a free society, ruled by law rather than strongmen.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
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Larry, what is your take on this?
List of privacy articles/posts to PolitechBot. McCullagh’s been covering this for a long time. His articles for CNET are on his front page.
I’d like to know what Larry thinks of this story:
falter in their Resolve to Prevail over the evil enemy that lurks.
I’m hearing different from guys who have worked with Grenier. My contacts are not big Bush supporters and one is quite critical of Bush. The guy has a rep for not working hard. This is consistent. It is worth having congress investigate, but hell, they haven’t done a thing of consequence in any area.
Why start now?
I think SOJ does a great job of laying out the issues and dynamics. I think it is solid analysis.
for soj’s sake I am happy to hear that. But I find it extremely disturbing that you, who have worked on the inside of CIA and INR, find her speculation to be solid.
What this means is that the administration is committing acts so far out of bounds that no one could defend them for even a moment. It means the current debate is framed in a totally misleading way and that the Democrats are going along with a farce.
Maybe you’ve been standing too close to what you’re looking at.
There are so many contradictions that Bush uses in hurting the effort. First he claims the enemy is brilliant, devising ways that defy logic to attack us. He claims they lay in wait for many years, planning in excruciating detail and 72 hours for an after the fact warrant is too long to wait.
Is the enemy brilliant? If so, they know our secrets before the media does. Look at the spy scandals in the Bush admin.
The good people who are in a position of authority or influence to make some changes need to do that.
Oh Hell, ya’ll, the pResident of OUR White House is a crook and that is all there is to it. He has broken many laws. He is lying most of the time, when he says things. We all know this! The proof is in the pudding and it is out in front of our eyes. It is not that difficult to see. Even simple little old me knows it. The more they try to hide their actions and try to justify it, it becomes more of a tragady that what they could even try to describe. He and his actors are breaking many laws to this day. NOw what is it that we do about this is the next action on this?
Much has been said and written about this. It is a given. Now what…
and a vicious little sadist who gets off on torturing people.
You are correct, Lisa! I am ordering a book from Powells named “bush on the couch” I htink he is discribed quite acturately there in this book. I heard of it thru a friend…just had to get it and read it!
The man is one sick puppy…andhas been for a very long time…and others enable him. That is even sicker to think about! I think they are using him in many ways too. It is not a good thing to have this kind of ppl in our government.
I am now wondering if we can get him locked up in jail for the rest of his natural well as others too….
Let me take this chance to lay out a few of my beliefs.
I’m a liberal and up until 2001 didn’t have much of an opinion on the intel agencies. I’ve always been suspect of them but never thought much about the subject as there was nothing I could do with more knowledge. Since all of the research and developments post 9/11, I’ve come to have some strong opinions but they are not what would be predicted of me.
I think there have been some great, dedicated people in those agencies doing an invisible, thankless job. Through the years it has also been compromised by groups with alternative agendas. It appears that the latter has been out of control since the seventies and the result is the global fiascos we face now. It has been broken for a long time and it needs to be cleaned up by the good people who can on behalf of all of us.
Even as a Liberal, I think we need to get these agencies restored to function with integrity and credibility so people like me don’t have to think about it. We would all be better off that way.
have enough minders to assist Israelis?
I put info up as a diary :: Visitors to BooMan’s Place Invited?
Positive interpretation — “Finally our Government is listening!
≈ Cross-posted from Open Thread — Comment DuctapeFatwa ≈
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
First off, having so many people come forward from the NSA to report an illegal program is rather unprecedented. I cannot recall when this has happened before.
Second off, these people are in the best position to know how to protect the classified means and methods while blowing the whistle.
What we need is a complete and through investigation by Congress on ALL of this.
All it takes for terrorists to figure out how they’re being bugged (or how to strike) is to go read a Tom Clancy novel. Maybe Bush needs to investigate that.