John Podhoretz says the following at the National Review Online.
WHAT CHENEY MUST DO [John Podhoretz- bio]
This story is a very big deal, despite all the mitigating factors — the accident involved a friend, his medical team was right there to help, and all that. Something like this has never happened before, and it is a genuinely disturbing thing to think that the vice president of the United States actually shot somebody last weekend, even for fans of his. It’s disturbing as well that there was a news blackout that lasted nearly a day about this serious incident. It seems beyond question that the vice president is going to have to go before the cameras, explain what happened, and show genuine remorse for his actions, however inadvertent. It’s a difficult challenge for someone as reticent as Dick Cheney. But unless he does so, and makes a good showing of it, he will be damaged goods for the remainder of the Bush presidency.
I’d go further than that. Dick Cheney needs to go on Oprah. Nothing less will do. If he’s smart, he’ll show contrition and join with Winfrey in starting a new foundation to promote gun safety. It might even humanize him.
Meanwhile, Jane Hamsher speculates about the fallout.
Washington is abuzz with the speculation that the GOP will use this little caged birdie shoot-a-thon-gone-wrong as an excuse to get rid of Dick Cheney. It sounds entirely plausible, especially since George Allen was on Fox News Sunday morning calling for investigation into the declassification of the NIE. The GOP obviously knew the shooting had happened and after putting so much energy into spreading the meme that Cheney had the absolute right to have Scooter do what he did they wouldn’t allow Allen off the reservation like that without some sort of larger purpose. Maybe it was only a trial balloon, but still.
The fact is that they do not know what will happen in the fall of 2006, and should the Democrats take either of the houses of Congress the stone wall they’ve been able to erect in front of all their crimes suddenly begins to crumble. With subpoena power the Democrats could start to dismantle the GOP crime family and there could be a whole lot more people than Scooter Libby in need of pardoning
Spiro Agnew went down before Richard Nixon. But, it’s hard to imagine this White House without Dick Cheney in charge. I certainly find it hard to picture George Allen taking ‘Big Time’s’ place.
Yet, if Dick Cheney doesn’t do something to repair his image, and fast, he is going to wind up either in jail or tossed aside for some face-saving dauphin and pretender to the throne.
art imitating life?
like Jimmy Carter and the Rabid Rabbit Attack. It was funny and generated weeks of jokes and was made to resonate on a deeper level, i.e., Carter’s perceived weakness on national defense and his meekness.
Cheney has stepped in a big pile of dog poo and the stink isn’t going to go away. He’s a laughing-stock now and for that deeper resonance part this one has many: recklessness, secrecy, being above the Law in a direct and simple way. When the Secret Service blocked the local police from investigating and reporting the incident, they dramatized that the Law only applies to us little people.
Had Cheney been drinking? Is that why the S.S. needed to protect him from meeting the local good ol’ boys who would have merely reported it as an accidental shooting? And how about the women that were with them? Why weren’t their husbands part of this party?
Such a little thing compared to all the horrendous crimes this man has committed, but this could be the blunder that brings Big Time down.
One wonders, too, if this is the crack in the facade that will ‘allow’ Cheney’s full media exposure — especially if the Rove contingent at the Whore House would rather see him gone & now see an opportunity to speed that departure.
like to see Cheney gone so a new heir apparent could be put into place!
Cheney should be charged w/whatever statute applies. And as you said, Agnew went down before Nixon. Is it gonna happen? After Katrina, and now w/Brown talking (and STOP George’s excellent diary yesterday) and the Medicare D fiasco…plus all of the earlier stuff…
<crosses fingers>
From last week: Cheney ‘Authorized’ Libby to Leak Classified Information
and today: Outed CIA officer was working on Iran, intelligence sources say
on nuclear proliferation issues, no less.
Further (from last year, Sy Hersh): Iran In U.S. Crosshairs
Food for thought.
another article (and I will have to search for the link) stated that at the State department they have been chucking out experienced weapons specialists. And morale is tanking at the state, probably in tandem with the CIA. Bushie baby really knows how to manage, doesn’t he?
He sure does. He’s grinding the country into the ground harder and faster than he did the Texas Rangers when he owned them. And we won’t even have the consolation of getting a high draft pick next year…
Not sure that there is a way to repair the damage on this one.
Hunters and other gun owners across the country are appalled at this AND the cover up. Hunting accidents do happen, but if the Ed Schultz show is reporting it correctly, this was caused by reallllly stupid behavior by Cheney. Hunters don’t like that…and it makes them look like stooges. This has entire incident has turned right leaning moderates and base against Cheney.
Scarier thought….who would be the dauphin as you put it?
Rice? Trent Lott? Jeb? Maybe McCain will officially change parties to be Vice President.
The wannabe prince/princess is more terrifying to me than Cheney.
once we know who the “wannabes” are, it’ll be easier to focus them in our target sights (yeah, poor choice of metaphor there…).
Well, I simply don’t see Cheney doing ‘remorse’ or ‘contrition’ very well. & after all, Whittington was apparently having a grand ol’ time in the hospital yesterday — just like he was in his own living room! What’s there to be sorry for?
That would rmean that reality’s actually slipped through the hands of the ‘reality meisters’; that the court of public opinion can actually function without their intensive, spoon-fed manipulation. I simply don’t see a thoroughly delusional hard-ass like Ol’ Scattershot willingly acknowledging this turn of events in a serviceable manner.
Let the man who lives by bloodshed, go down by bloodshed.
House cynic here. This whole story stinks to high heaven and I for one think we are paying far too much attention to it. Sure gets the media’s attention away from Karina report, Brownie saying Cherthoff WASN’T doing a heck of a job, Nsa spying crimes and the fact the Valerie Plame was working on Iran when she was outed. Don’t let them make this a week long story please. The less attention we pay the better.imho
‘Course, I support your cynicism, leezy. My questions are: in what way does this particular story’s extended attention specifically serve the WH, when most other important news isn’t receiving the full attention due anyway?
Just prior to the revelation of the shooting, NPR’s top story seemed to concern a lotta snow.
be put to great advantage if Democrats had any cojones…the continuing pattern of Republicans seeing themselves as “above the law” and with callous disregard for their fellow human beings (or even their fellow Republicans in this case).
And look at the fact that it took a few days for the news to come out…a typical Republican cover-up. What other news is this misAdministration hiding?
That’s been our problem. Too many concurrent scandals that’s dispersing the focus – aided by another missing bride diversion like “Cheney shooting pal” Never mind the coverup-that’s why it was announced by friend Armstrong. What’s a little shoot-out among rethug friends?
Let us focus on the bigger issues; smothered by the scandals, CPAC weekend meet-up shows there’s a BIG split in GOP ranks. We’ve a good opening here.
Ever thought you’d read this from Jonah Goldberg here – “Bush is spending money like a pimp with a week to live” or Gov. Rick Perry chiding Bush on national security,Bush painted as a Jimmy Carter or as another Bill Clinton?
This stuff is gold. It epitomizes the vacuity — (hunting tame birds) — the stupidity and recklessness — (shooting a fellow hunter) — and the notion that they are above the law –(exempt from questioning by local law officers). This is priceless. It goes to the heart of what is wrong with the administration. The policies follow from that. If you want to kill the vampire, you put the stake through the heart. Cheney just handed the Democrats a stake.
Yea, maybe only to Cheney, Rove and Bush. If the AP story is right, that Cheney shot what was in back of him not what was in front, you have to believe either Cheney drank too much anti-freeze or he was too focused on the past week’s events.
Ya know, revelations he authorized the leak, the calls for a real probe on NSA illegal spying, Katrina the pending report release, the UN pending report calling on US to close Gitmo. And on a weekend the Sunday Telegraph (UK) telegraphs Iran on our psy-ops campaign and imminent attack. He knew it was going to press on Friday.
So Cheney shooting his pal with 50-200 pellets while hunting on a private estate-leaving the rich housewife to tell America is another missing bride event. Some in the media puffing the line that Cheney evaded paying his taxes. All of $7. See how far we’ve run with this?
I’m no fan of Cheney. If we can’t get him to resign after the story broke over his having authorized leaking CIA classifieds for a petty political revenge, he can’t be made to resign because a) he didn’t pay a $7 fee and b) he pelleted his pal. This man, who tells the people’s representatives “UP YOU”, will never do the honorable thing.
Wake up folks!!!. Rove IS smiling. It’s a BIG diversion to take our eyes off the balls. Balls as in GOP-BUSHCHENEY fiascos at home and Rummy’s imminent war with Iran.
to see Keith Olbermann’s take on the incident tonight…just set the DVR to tape the show.
But here’s a scenario to save face for Cheney, and turn him from late-night show joke fodder into a sympathetic figure — Cheney resigns for health reasons, the accidental shooting causing him and his family severe anguish. The thought of Tweety Matthews lionizing “this heroic, selfless act” already makes me nauseous…
In all honesty, Cali, I’ll take it. This bastard doesn’t belong in the WH, period. Let him go back to Halliburton while Libby sings.
Personally, I like the Oprah idea.
Whoever takes Cheney’s place as veep will be easy to tie to the Bush admin. This will make 08 that much more of a cakewalk to win.
it was Whittington and not the dark poor person that was expected to walk up and ask for spare change. It is easy for monday morning quarterbacks to pass judgement, but our Vice President had only a split second to assess the situation and take action, just as he does when he is protecting Americans from the Enemy. In the fight against Terrorism we are sometimes misinformed. No one could have predicted that a stupid white Republican realestate lawyer millionaire would just be walking around when the Vice President had a loaded gun. The White House has appointed Jack Abramoff to get to the bottom of this. If the liberal press could have predicted this, why didn’t they? Because they couldn’t. Nobody could. Shut up.
Dick was pleased with this performance in difficult terrain, apparently Harry escaped the fate many quail – 70 poor souls – did not.
Not to spoil Dick’s pleasure in flushing out the culprits, McClellan has misspoken during a White House session and volunteerd that George would replace Harry until he has made a full recovery and is taken off IC.
aka Harry W. "Mac" MacDougald
“The vice president didn’t see him,” she said. “The covey flushed and the vice president picked out a bird and was following it and shot. And by god, Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good.”
She said the pellets missed Whittington’s eyes and he remained conscious. Each hunter was wearing a bright orange vest, she said.
Armstrong said Cheney is a longtime friend who comes to the 50,000-acre ranch, about 60 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, to hunt about once a year and is “a very safe sportsman.” She said Whittington also is a regular, but she believed it was the first time the two men hunted together.
Cheney purchased a hunting license in November, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department spokesman Steve Lightfoot said.
George has tailored a new jacket in excellent design for covey camouflage.
Buckshot – Buckhead – What’s in A Name?
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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“Cheney purchased a hunting license in November, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department spokesman Steve Lightfoot said.”
According to ABC World News Tonight, Cheney neglected to purchase the “bird stamp” needed to make his hunting expedition legal.
Of course, Cheney didn’t have to obey the law requiring him to obtain a bird stamp because he has sweeping authorization to wage war on bird flu.
A research expedition, subsidized with taxpayer’s money, healthcare (doctors) included.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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And why was the ambassador there??
Ron Reagan comment about 4 times that maybe Cheney could have been drinking as a reason for the VP not to be interviewed by the sheriff.
It is time to subpoena the Secret Service and charge them with obstruction of justice. That will kprobably get then to talk.
At times like this, even an atheist like may start to belive that there is a god 🙂
Authorities: Hunting Accidents Don’t Usually Require Formal Investigations
VIDEO: Ranch Owner Armstrong
Talks About Cheney's Hunting Flap
Texas Funeral Service Commission – Gov. Bush Testimony 1999
A Catherine Armstrong and Harry Whittington (78) serve on the Texas Funeral Service Commission —
Catherine Armstrong – Cemetery and Crematory Licensing 936-2466
Harry Whittington (Austin), Presiding Officer/Term Expires 2/1/07
(TFSC Meeting Minutes January 11, 2006
VIII. Mr. Robbins relayed information regarding the pandemic meeting that he attended on Dec. 12, 2005. As a result of attending the pandemic meeting, Mr. Robbins will assist in developing an appendix to the Texas Pandemic Influenza Plan relating to the disposition of dead human bodies.
O.C. “Chet” Robbins Harry Whittington
TFSC Executive Director TFSC Presiding Officer )
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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Oui, you sure are fast on digging up the dirt! Should have known you wouldn’t let this one die a quiet death. Heh. Thanks, as always Oui. You are the linkmeister!
I dare say that the authorities would let a day pass without investigating, and certainly wouldn’t just say that there would be no charge this quickly if this was anyone else.
But I forget–these cretins ARE the law. My bad.
This is another example of Cheney’s lack of judgement. From where did he think his contributor was going to reappear? 180 degrees from where he had just gone looking for his Quail? What an idiot, I don’t care whether the guy announced himself or not did it not enter cheney’s mind that Whittington would be where he had just walked too?
Second I’d like to be privy to the conversation after the accident. Cheney screaming for someone to finish the job and get a shovel. Throwing liquor bottles at his secret service guys. The police really should have been there to conduct an investigation, someone was shot for christ sake.
I propose a radical new law. If the President or Vice President shoots someone either by accident or on purpose they have to report it to the police.
I’ve got money down on Allen being the Repub presidential nominee in ’08.
And Dick Cheney’s job approval ratings are in the toilet and someone flushed said toilet when it comes to his favorability numbers which hit a low of 19 during the immediate Katrina aftermath and have not recovered. I wouldn’t be all all suprised if Cheny becomes the fall guy while the GOP tries to recreate itself yet again.
just found this one
I don’t know Mr. Whittington, but I wish him a complete and speedy recovery. As a gun owner and hunter, I know hunting accidents happen, but I am appalled at the VP’s actions after this event. The shooter is always in part responsible. Nobody else aims the gun and pulls the trigger.
True to form, the VP decided to hide the whole incident. No other excuse for his actions can explain what has happened so far. He can say that this incident does not fall as part of his public duties and thus should not be open to public opinion, yet he has acted in this way for as much of his official duties as he possibly could, hide it all from public eyes.
In hindsight, one could say that if the VP did nothing but hunt 24/7, and winged a couple of fellow hunters a year, there would be thousands fewer dead Americans, and hundreds of thousands fewer dead people and America and the world would be in a whole lot better shape, but it’s too late for that just as it is too late for the VP to use the lame excuse that nobody has the right to know.
The VP’s past is full of lurid behavior and events which have always lead me to believe that he is a seriously flawed person. It’s not often that we, the public, see events happen in real time which so starkly allow us to judge the quality of a man. This is one.
Gotta wonder if this asswipe was aiming for Iran all along, and Iraq just kinda got in the way.
To tell the truth, I don’t see this mattering much outside of the late night standup routines. Cheney had a hunting accident, but so what? It happens all the time.
More significant is that the White House sat on it for most of a day, but then again, the White House has sat much longer on things a lot more significant than hunting accidents. Secret prisons and falsified intelligence spring to mind.
The idea that this is going to lead to Cheney’s resignation, or that it’s going to make any damn difference at all, strikes me as silly and it smacks of desperation as well. The only difference between this and thousands of other firearms-related hunting accidents, and the only reason it made the news, late or not, is that the guy with the shotgun was the vice president. They don’t usually report people taking spills off mountain bikes, either, unless the rider is George Bush.
Personally, I dislike the notion of anyone participating in this kind of rigged mass-killing of animals, as opposed to actual sportsmanlike hunting, but the public that didn’t blink an eye at Fallujah sure isn’t going to be moved by quail. Or minor campaign contributors.
…I dislike the notion of anyone participating in this kind of rigged mass-killing of animals, as opposed to actual sportsmanlike hunting…
I don’t wish to make light of this, but that’s cheating, plain and simple…like everything else they do. Like the love affair with “clearing bush” for the cameras, this is all to cultivate an image of “tough” cowboys and westerners. More airbrushed “truthiness.”
Really, this was little more than outdoors “whack a mole” with a gun and live animals. And Cheney can’t get that right, either.
Indicative of our entire sorry state.
If someone wishes to eat them, it is only necessary to remove them from the cages.
If someone wishes to shoot, there are devices that hurl terra cotta disks into the air much faster than a quail, even a wild one, can fly. To shoot these disks is much more challenging, and fun.
I don’t imagine it would be all that much fun to shoot even ceramic targets with a bigass shotgun that produces a yard-wide blast of 100s of lead pellets — kinda using anti-personnel mines to do target practice — blowed up that damn target real good. Of course barroom drunk manly men like Cheney and Bushes have a different idea of fun.
save that single bird,
a quail flushed from his very movements through the Texas shrub of the royal Armstrong estate of 50,000 acres in Corpus Christi.
Any word whether the bird was missed by Richard the Lyinghart and survived this lethal onslaught?
By Mary Lee Grant © July 13, 1999 — Caller-Times
ARMSTRONG - In the brush country south of Sarita, a few miles east of U.S. Highway 77, sophistication and political power have mixed with the independence of Texas pioneers.
Latest News from Corpus Christi – Texas
Guess whose quote ::
“And to see Senator Zell Miller again, I tell you what, Zell, we already miss you in Congress. What a great American.”
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
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