About 15 minutes into its noon ET show, TVNewslies.org will interview BooMan about blogging and, most likely, all kinds of issues. BooMan says he’s aware that they’ll discuss “the site, and self-censorship on the blogs, the media, and current events.”
Use this link to click on the live audio. And, for those of you who missed it, TVNewsLies will provide a copy of the audio of BooMan’s interview later today (TVNewsLies’ audio archive).
Please listen live and blog here. I have to be online with Mac tech support part of the time — my e-mail application failed on Friday and I’m also having problems with a substitute program.
Listen live or, a couple hours from now, catch the archived audio.
For us Left Coasters: I’m assuming this is noon, EST, so I’ll have to postpone my trip to the off-leash dog park for a little bit.
Poor doggie. He will start to resent BooMan.
Holy cow, I guess the East Coast got enough snow for a while. Did you notice, Howie, that we West Coasties are tilted slightly to the east now because of all the weight of their snow?
Don’t be nervous!
And yes I’ll be tuning in all the way from Romania. Go Boo!
SOJ! Yippee!
arg, their stream is blocked here at the office
thank god they put up archives! (I hate it when radio stations don’t do that.)
indeedy they do. very much appreciated.
Do they put them up in text? No sound card {sigh}
i don’t see a transcript section on their site
Top center fof the page below the link to the live feed, I think.
Nope. You need to get a sound card. I can’t live without mine anymore … ‘net radio is infinitely better than TV or ordinary radio nwes.
Sound cards are very cheap, as I recall.
P.S. While I’m on hold, I’ve tried to listen but all I get are thumping sounds … I think that’s BooMan the dog wagging his tail.
One of these days. I’m just back home after my first medical check-up in three years – couldn’t make the prescriptions I filled when I still had that type of coverage stretch any further. Now to get the scripts filled. Thanks for the great coverage of the show!
How are things shakin’, Albert? Any news on Pennacchio? Our JPol is in the thick of helping his campaign … running around helping set up meetings, etc.
lots of things going on. Sen. Man on Dog and candidate Casey continue to be dicks while fundraising and accepting loophole funding. dicks!
more to come later on in the week.
We’ll try to fill you in here…
“Genius behind Booman Tribune…” π
details are appreciated by those at work! I probably won’t be able to stay tuned for long.
Boo isn’t on yet… the radio host is giving a 20 minute monologue. First he lambasted Cheney for being in a canned hunt and now he’s talking about neocons.
eggcellent. love the updates.
Webmaster and genius… Boo π
There will be no livin with him now
He’ll be great. If he talks half as interestingly as he does with me on the phone, you’re in for a treat.
P.S. I’m on hold for Mac support .. I just said “Thank you” to a robot. I forget they’re not real people sometimes π
I always do that and I feel like an idiot. Naturally polite, I guess?
The radio host just called him the “genius” and webmaster behind Booman Tribune…
He’s also accurately describing Cheney’s canned hunt. And now I see he was using a 28 gauge shotgun with a limited spread pattern, meaning the lawyer didn’t get some incidental “spray” or “peppering”, it means Cheney basically shot him directly.
wow what a berating for killing captive animals and calling it hunting.
28 gauge shotgun? What the heck is that? I’ve heard of 12, 16, but 28? When I was 10 years old I wasa shooting a 16 gauge.
and as Susan says…hearing the Booman speak is a lot different from many other bloggers that I have met. Hearing him and meeting him in person is 1000% better than reading his stuff
You can say “sick bastard” on the radio in America these days?
BTW I love that Jersey accent on this guy.. yooman behavior hehehe…
I hope that the inevitable discussion about me doesn’t take up too much time. π
if I get too strung out listening to it
“Carmelita, hold, me tighter, I think I’m sinking down…and I’m all strung out on bor-an on the outskirts of town…” (apologies to Gram Parsons)
That’s very altruistic of you Boran2. Because it would be so easy to devote the whole hour just to you!
So true.
Funny π
and now he is giving us homework to go look up so that we will understand this.
Btw, CNN is reporting that Whittington is STILL in the hospital. Doesn’t sound minor to me.
He’s fine. He’d be better if they untied him from the bed and removed the gag. But they can’t risk letting him escape and tell the truth to the world.
Typical Robert Ludlum type plot. This administration is so unoriginal.
This is totally off-topic but I just saw the Booman ad there for the book Permaculture. Let me tell you I’ve read that book and it’s very very good. And nobody is paying me to tell you that π
The website of this radio station is uh… a little intense to say the least.
here and it is intense but it really makes me think and maybe rethink a few things.
It gives me ADD.
But, then again, I have that already.
I said that one night in the cafe after Boo first posted he was going to do this. Somebody must have seen it on recent comments and came over to the cafe and (quite rudely) told me I basically wasn’t smart enough to figure it out.
Vindicated at last.
That’s most diplomatic of you, Soj. I could be more forthcoming, but not here. “Wouldn’t be prudent.”
(Still on hold with tech support … they can’t find the authorization for my extended warranty … grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.)
Ok they’re going to break and then will come back with Boo.
He’s explaining how his frustration with the vote fraud story suppression at dKos led to the creation of BT.
by the media that are vital to preserving the Democracy in this country
Go radio dude. Convince BooMan that politics as usual are silly. Viva la revolucion. Peaceful revolucion, for those readers who don’t no me.
For us lowly dial up pukes?? π
Has he mentioned boxers??? π
No talk about men’s ware, dog breeds or Senator’s from California. Sorry.
I’m sure he’ll talk about “meaningless marchers” π
or maybe how some of his tribe eat up poser candidates LOL
Nope. NSA spying and voter fraud. So far. Host and BooMan are both great.
WHY di I have to work and you guys get to have all the fun…LOL!
Talking about my biggest fear, we do all this work, and lose anyway because the voting machines are rigged.
Barry Welsh IN 6th District Democratic Candidate
Very Scary. Each county we go into, we get three volunteers who are focused soley on election process. Machines, registration, etc. It won’t be enough but it is a start.
and how vulnerable the system is with electronic voting, yet hasn’t been addressed in the past two voting cycles.
would any of you use an ATM that didn’t spit out a paper trail???
new version of Monopoly
How does he sound? Is he coming across confident and Knowledable?
and he’s clear and smart and in the flow like a river.
“be like water” Bruce Lee π
(I’m on a conference call right now…)
Can you slap down that wonderful photo of our beloved geeenyus?? π
He sounds good, fresh, smart – he’s in the zone……..I just can’t do that to him today. Maybe tomorrow for Valentine’s Day.
i think i’ve heard of this photo. heh.
That would be perfect for VD π
Wish I could hear. I tried to but I need firefox or something. Can’t wait till we move and I can have DSL.
Whoops, for a moment there I thought the interviewer was gonna let Boo talk. But no o- o-o-o. I’m guessing Boo has to keep nudging the guy to ask him a question.
He’s just too kind to interrupt a blowhard.
lost son.
Seems to me that the point of scheduling BooMan’s interview was to bring our attention to the interviewer.
BooMan gets a question, the guy has to answer first.
However, Boo’s doing very well when he can get a word in. It’s good to hear him.
Bloggers have been trying very hard to bring balance in news, an evaluation about progress in the Iraq War, torture and Abu Ghraib. In Europe we see and feel the blowback of 911 and the neocon War of Terror. there were attacks in Indonesia, Marocco, Spain, Turkey and England. Added fear between groups in our society, splitting the community into extreme views from both sides. The Danish cartoon as a recent example of xenophobia in Europe.
The Islam extremist religion of Wahabism is exported from Saudi Arabia, a theocratic state where possession of the Bible is illegal and the rights of women are suppressed. The Taliban in Afghanistan was created and supported by Pakistan dictator Musharraf, nuclear proliferation by their hero AQ Khan. OBL and Al Zawahri hide in the mountainous border region of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Why is the Bush government and our military fighting Iraqis who were not involved in 911? The perpretators OBL and Al Qaeda are still walking this earth, 3000 innocent persons died on 911. In Iraq 2300 American soldiers have died and between 35 and 100,000 Iraqis have died. Most of these people were not quilty of any crime against the U.S.
How can the blog community exert influence to make a difference and start a process of change in Congress and the Presidency in 2008?
An Orange Revolt as a solution to a broken voting system as was seen in Florida and Ohio.
Email live@tvnewslies.org
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
“A politician who thinks he has been defrauded shouldn’t be thought of as a kook,” BooMan said. We need to take these allegations seriously.
Boston Joe’s question gets asked!
I served him the softball on which to launch the revolutionary home run, and he delivered the solid double for the Democratic Party. BooMan — mensch. Batting fifth. I’d consider moving him up to fourth or third if he would crush these pitches in batting practice.
Rock on! How do we stop the Democrats circular firing squad that takes place at this time in the voting cycle?
Have we been participating in circular firing squads ourselves lately on our very own Booman Tribune?
Duh…I dunno.
I dunno the context… but I know I’m one pissed off woman who doesn’t mix words when faced with posers or rhetoric.
Intense times, raw times.
I am reminded of the addage: If you’re not outraged you’re not paying attention.
Ooh, Boo refuses to agree that Clinton was just as disgusting and brutal as george. Jesse says at least Clinton made a better appearance (?!) Boo: they’re not really all alike! yay!
Very deep articulate voice! Talking about generalizing and labeling people and he is a credible option in Indiana but probably not in California. He can’t fight against big money and go after big money. He is currently in a catch22 situation because not having big money marginalizes his campaign.
in Democrats.
abandon core principles to win in any but a few states. He says that the idea of Dems abandoning core principles in order to win has been overblown. He didn’t really mince words there did he? You can’t win elections though if you can’t pay for them
My wife was on here during her lunch hour, or I would not have know about this. I am so glad I now know about this program. I agree with what Jess is saying about the bad guys and the evil things, and I am glad that it is being talked about. Thanks again to all of you for standing up for what you believe.
Barry Welsh
I just got the stream working. I’ll have to access the archives to hear the first hour.
Oooo our BooMan sounds so dreamy!
that we are living 1973/1974 again. Let’s not talk about Boomans age though okay or how much of a political geek he has to be to know what he knows about Watergate!
BooMan: Watergate and the excesses of Nixon was responsible for bringing the Dems into power. We have lots of people running who want to reform. Maybe we can win in many districts that no one thinks we have a chance in. (There are sometimes other factors besides money)
that other sites are avoiding in order to avoid “stigma”? Booman says that he allows speculation……..not a lot of far out things being written on the site but speculation must be allowed.
Question: What other stuff are you talking about on site, that is not acceptable at dKos. 9/11. Secret societies?
Answer: I don’t hear much of that on site. But I let people right. Nature of covert actions is such that sometimes there isn’t evidence.
Wow! He sure is sounding brilliant. Damn I wish I could hear. It won’t load here at work1 Thanks to all listening and allowing us to “eavesdrop”. You guys are tops!!
Jesse to Boo: “That’s a brilliant comment”
Jess just said that he is listening to everything that Boo is saying and it is all brilliant.
disbelief about election theft. He wants Booman dig more and dig harder. Booman says that needs to have facts to back up what he really hammers, so he does what he can to cultivate a healthy cynicism so that things can unravel when we are able to subpoena and able to investigate.
agree that a real organization of powerful past political criminals are all back in the government together making the ballgame and all playing again together.
Guh. I get asked that all the time too. Most think it’s some S&M/bondage kink shirt LOL
It could mean all sorts of things……where do they come up with that?
Frog Logo: Goes back to Joe Wilson… he wanted to see Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House… so does BooMan. Thus the frog-marching frog
Oh, we’ve gotten a site critique from the interviewer! He’s frustrated that at BooMan we don’t ‘dig deeper’ into ‘some topics’ (which I basically understand to mean conspiracy theories).
And so what’s his UID? Is he taking part in our conversations to encourage the type of ‘digging’ he wants?
BooMan is cool with it, bless him: (paraphrasing): You can only bang the drum for so long (on certain topics) without anything to back it up.
Now we’re back to talking about the interviewer. He’s annoying me.
some truths don’t need digging… the photos speak volumes – hence the George Bush KNEW diary by stop george
The media has the same photos but won’t show them because their a bunch of goosestepping Bush whores.
There’s nothing about George Bush that indicates to BooMan that he REALLY was converted or had a genuine religious conversion. Nothing genuously christian about Bush… it’s just for show. Unholy alliance with fundamentalist christians.
I agree..because most people I have seen who are really “converted” don’t use foul language, of signs, goto church often, and some stop chasing money. (salesman, who made lots of money changes job to be with young daughter more often than work 9 to 9p.m.
How many of those “signs” are applicable to our current president?
Talking about the Republicans use and manipulation of the poor by joining forces with the fundies…cynical use of religion for political purposes.
BooMan’s recent take on the “cartoon wars” as being a device to whip up support tough action against Iran. He has no REAL proof, but it is an example of the type of speculation that BooMan promotes.
Is he still talking?
I just got off with tech support …
should I start a NEW THREAD?
to see Scotty’s press conference!
Dick Cheney Elmer Fudd thing!
BooMan: Cheney’s Elmer Fudd moment. Talking about how sick captive hunting is. Cheney killed 70 birds this weekend?
Bush used to blow up frogs.
[my comment: inflicting pain on animals is very indicitive of a person’s character… Cheney is a cruel bastard]
Chickenhawks on canned hunts…
Totally agreed with you, Nag. At this point, as well, unless you’re hunting for sustenance, there’s absolutely no point in hunting of any sort aside of the ‘sport’ (or enjoyment).
Not that what Cheney does is actually even ‘sport’, as far as I can tell. There’s no true effort or care involved. It’s just murder.
Who in the name of the blessed Creator needs to shoot 70 birds in an afternoon?
I liked BooMan’s comment that if he just wants to shoot stuff, he should play a video game.
living things up when he was a child. He hasn’t said anything about inhaling though. Jess is talking about hunting and respecting life…..I had this talk with Cabingirl the other day. Being raised on a ranch and caring for the things we eat….it is mind boggling to me that someone would want to kill more of anything than they could eat. It is kind of sickening! It is hard to eat something that one has raised and cared for. I told Cabingirl that pigging out on steaks never sounded like fun…..steak only sounds good when I’m hungry.
I had just got off the phone and tuned in when he said he didn’t torture animals. That’s a relief.
I’m still on the damn phone…
wonder if he eats chicken?
I listened to every bit of the interview. Booman ya done good!
Nice job Boo. Cool interview.
Talking about how to support the site, how to join, rules of engagement, etc.
BooMan wants to check on what Scottie said about Cheney today.
[my note: Scottie was particularly bizarre today. The corp was all over him… it was very very funny to watch]
1:45, BooMan’s off the air
GREAT JOB, BOOMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
great job on the live blogging. I wish I could have heard more live. I only heard a part in the middle where he was talking about the Times and the NSA story and then right at the end. But he sounded great.
Yay! Booman, you were excellent. Interesting conversation, and I loved how you sounded very calm and reasonable juxtaposed with the host’s righteous rants.
He is rowdy and all over everything and ranting……..energizing during these low energy times. He’s hilarious to me when he La La La Looses it! He is challenging everybody to take him on right now. If he is wrong about something he challenges everybody to do some homework and bring it to him, set him straight. If he is wrong he begs to be educated about it so that he can sleep at night. I just love him everybody!
In my very humble opinion, ranting is perfectly fine. Conversation is something else.
Thanks for your great work on this thread, btw! My stream cut out every 2-3 seconds or so, so you helped me keep up. π
Booman…you’re a star now. Not that you haven’t always been in my eyes. Wonder if Markos listened. Should be interesting if he did. Great live blogging gang!
doubt it, he’s too busy not crashing the gate and helping to shut down the PA primary. i don’t understand. does not compute.
he also jumped in on this thread at mydd to quell the Progressive movement here in PA.
can’t wait to listen to the archive when i get home! how long was the interview?
Would somebody give Kos a flight suit please! I have always wanted to say SON, YOUR EGO IS WRITING CHECKS THAT YOUR ASS…um…er….I mean YOUR BODY CAN’T CASH! Sorry, 80’s flashback
So what’s up with kos’ personally jumping into threads to trash Chuck, instead of just doing it from the front page, anyway? Did he feel a need to ramp up his attacks or something?
(Good for you calling him out in that mydd thread, albert!)
for some reason, instead of getting behind chuck and his progressive stances and grassroots statewide volunteer network, it seems that kos feels threatened. why? i have no idea.
could lose and he thinks that money fixes everything – including votes. See, Kos has been an impoverished loser all his life and now he is phobic about it and he keeps refusing to get out of the car when we take him to therapy…….oh please don’t listen to me, I’m just so frustrated with Kos trashing threads like he is blog king of the Democratic party. Makes me verp, and then that makes me very cranky!