Froggy Bottom Lounge – Happy Hour!
Foul language and crude behavior encouraged!
Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!
No lame pickup lines allowed
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
I’m home after a grueling day of (not) work. How about you?
Where is everybody?
I saw mythmother’s job interview went well.
Yeaaaaaa mythmother.
I think we owe her a beer.
Thanks, Family Man! BTW “The Family Man” film with Nicholas Cage and Tea Leoni (and a knock-your-socks-off cameo by Don Cheadle) is very amazing. I just love how the writer creates a gloriously thriving bachelor who ends up experiencing his worst nightmare as a husband and father and comes to learn that his worst nightmare is giving up his wife and children.
Your welcome. After you explained the movie I remember seeing trailers for it. I’ll have to look for it next time I go to movie rental. Thanks.
congrats on the job interview going well!!!!
made me take this picture and post it.
I could easily google Dybbuk but I’ll show off my stupidity by asking what the heck it is.
wiki knows all.
Ooh, the dislocated soul of a dead person. Luckily the dybbuk of Sylvia Plath is no longer inhabiting my house.
Damn, Sylvia gets around–she’s been haunting me since high school.
Just do yourself a favor and have someone else clean the oven…
I’m groaning and laughing simultaneously! Ouch!
People clean ovens?
legend has it.
Oh fine, you two get the sexy poet and I get a grizzled old man.
Yes, but a sexy, grizzled old man.
I finally got it. Do you mean something like this?
Not quite, but second nature posted one of me shoveling show yesterday.
Nah, I’m not buying it — it’s clear that George is a dog of impeccable taste and would accept nothing less of his humans.
How can I argue. George has great taste in the people he associates with.
Then again, I’m the only one he doesn’t bark at :).
What’s your problem with grizzled old men?
On second thought, never mind. We don’t want to tax Boo’s bandwidth.
Hi AndiF, AMAZING SHOT! Wow. TOTALLY wow. P.S. Could you please explain how I can post photos?
On posting pictures — do you already use a picture hosting service like Photobucket or Imageshack? Or have you pictures stored somewhere else on the web?
Nope, no picture hosting service. I did a seach and the ones I came up with were “hosting” very questionable photos.
The one I use is Photobucket. Other people like Imageshack. You need to go sign up for one of these. Then you will be able to upload your photographs to your own photo album. Both sites will generate the tag you need to do post your photos in comments and all you will have to do is copy the <img> tag.
If after you sign up, you aren’t sure what to do, feel free to email me and I can give you more detailed instructions.
Andi I’ve been trying to past a photo, but photobucket changed something in it’s TAG. I can’t figure out where my error is coming from.
Hi! If you cut an paste the tage, you’ll see that it’s made up of 3 sets of html between < >. Delete the first and last strings, including the < >. This leaves you with at tag that resembles this: < img src=…>
Use that to post your photo and it should work.
Please excuse all those nasty typos…
Thanks CG.
Oh great – earlier it was Jason’s Camp Crystal Lake and NOWWWWWWWW… my nightmare of falling through the ice.
Ever since I saw King’s Dead Zone…. those images of the kids in hockey gear falling thru the ice…
ACK!!! My mind scares me. 🙂 (But I kinda like it)
I bow down to you!
Did you do anything w/ colour or is this natural?
That’s the “color” the camera saw. I did a little “darkroom” work with the contrast (it was too dark) and sharpness.
I love the praise from you but really the camera and nature do all the work — all I do is take the dogs for walks.
You’re so cute… 🙂
Do you have a larger version of this one … say for, oh you know, um wallpaper purposes?
I have the original so I can make one and upload it and give you a link to it. What width would you want it to be?
fabulous picture!!! I am scared of thin ice also but then I avoid snow like poison also. LOL
Great Photo!! I especially like the parallel curves of the edges of the snow, ice, and water. I suppose they follow the shoreline?
I’d be blowing that up to 8 x 12 or greater if’n it was mine.
Actually they don’t follow the shoreline. I’m not sure what is making the pattern.
Hey, Second Nature, could we make that a nice cool frosty glass of Chardonnay? 🙂
Ya know, I’ll bet Andi could get that for you! She’s legendary for her quick service!
Don’t worry. I’m on the way out of the kitchen from doing all the dirty dishes from this morning. I’ll grab it and toast mythmother on how well she did.
better get ready for the evening dishes LOL
Ya I know. I’m back there scrubbing pot, pan, and glasses and everybody is up here having a good time.
Psst — just put ’em on the floor and let George clean them.
You didn’t know that’s what I’ve been doing.
well, I will pitch in and help right after my smoke break. LOL
Thanks you very much. Smoke em if ya got em.
Passive-aggressive hosting. Works every time.
I resemble that remark.
Hooray for you MythMother 🙂 I hope the next phonecall brings you fantastic news 🙂
a nice kendall jackson chardonay is cooling in the fridge.
How about a chocolate martini? Serious PMS urgings here.
Hi maryb. I’ve never heard of a chocolate martini. I’ll look in the drink mix guide.
I see a few spots on those glasses by the way.
Thanks for the recipe. After doing ten zillion glass I knew a couple would get by. But, I’m blaming it on the dishwasher. We need a new one in the cafe.
I love to embellish things with garnish 🙂
Great recipe – great garnish I’ve seen on this drink is they take chocolate syrum (hersheys) and drizzle the inside of the glass.
the cherry can even be a chocolate covered cherry 🙂
But to DAMNIT up a bit… chill the martini glass and then drizzle the OUTSIDE of the glass with “magic shell chocolate syrup” the kind that hardens.
Great effect is to drizzle with two types of syrup – white AND milk choc.
the aboved mention drink in a chocolate cup. goes over wonderfully as an after dinner drink
Inconcievable!!! 🙂
The cup would melt in your hands before you could say “Cheers”
Can make chocolate holders though for desserts but those usually are on plates. And even then those have to be made in COOL areas. I know… I’ve had to make dozens of chocolate “bags” to hold strawberries and ice cream.
you eithe make the thick shell cups the size of a small shit glass or buy the ones mafe especially for drinks
For a second I thought you MEANT shit glass. And I thought what the hell ….?
Shit glass=implement one uses to become shitfaced.
LOL shot glass… my typing sucks sometimes.
DJ always knows the best drinks. Now I really want one.
You know it’s never occurred to me to make a brandy based martini. I might have to try that.
I don’t really care for vodka. I dig tequila and rum based drinks.
The drink I posted last is GOOOOOOOD though 🙂
to tip the dancers!
I don’t think they are what I had in mind while I waited for the pix to upload LOL
Sorry DJ. I’ll find something more suitable.
ROTFLMAO!!!! not quite the dancers I want to see at the end of a long day.
What?! I’m incredulous. You try to make people happy with some entertainment and all they do is bitch and moan.
LOL it would be like walking into a jazz club and seeing lawrence welk set up to play. LOL
That’s what someone’s nipples look like after breastfeeding 4 kids.
how’d you get a picture of maryb??????
You are going to be sooooo disappointed when we finally meet in person.
LOL while I appreciate belly dancing where are the chippendales when you need them?
I’m with you.
belly dancers have bodies that are attainable by us mere mortals called women with chickaboomchickaboom hips 🙂
Chippendale dancers… they don’t turn me on. Oddly.
Oh God, I’m so embarrassed! I thought he meant Chip and Dale!
LOL Chip and dale are fine in the am but for the evening I want something a little more….
I dated one many years back and happened to like it. But he did have a brain and was in grad school and a bleeding heart liberal just like me.
no one else knows this… but Salma Hayack makes me wonder about my sexuality 😀
Oh wait – everyone knows I think Salma is hot 🙂
ROTFLMAO!!! I quit qeationing mine at 15… hence the chippendales.
That’s odd — I don’t wonder about your sexuality at all.
LOL neither does anyone else
Wahhhhhhhhhhhh 🙂
Where’s Indy when I need her?? 🙂
Huh, you need Indy to prove that I’m right?
belly dancers have bodies that are attainable by us mere mortals called women with chickaboomchickaboom hips 🙂
Chippendale dancers… they don’t turn me on. Oddly.
and while I appreciate the female form and all it’s beauty…..
And the woman in this photo is entirely too skinny! I took a class (ok, just one session) on belly dancing, and the instructor was – how to say this?? – well, we were, ah, abundantly aware that she was the mother of 8 (!) children. We all admired her forthrightness and comfort with her body, in all its glory.
This young woman is Rubensque
clik for larger image(no pun intended)
From Holland, the worlds tallest woman @ 7′-4″, 320lbs.
Neither of these women has had 8 kids (at least, not unless these are “before” pictures). The one on the left may have had a couple of 8 pound implants,however.
I was trying to offset the polka party picture 🙂
Google is your friend,Chippendales
turn down the volume to your speakers if you don’t want the neighbors to know what you’re up to!!!
Andi and Family Man (continued)
It’s odd I always meet new people when I’m out and about. Most are fantastic!!! But I’ve had some hairy scary times too.
Heh… I spotted a Hummer with a “W” sticker on it as I was walking to a store from the parking lot and sure enough the goon was in line with me as the fates would have it.
He was going on and on very loudly about how he had THE emergency vehicle in case of a disaster. Dude in line asked about traffic jams.. and the bunghole stated that he’d just run over anybody who got in his way.
I turned and spoke just three words which made him RED with RAGE. He seriously looked like he wanted to hurt me.
I said, “Typical Republican Response.”
ahhhhh… it’s the simple things in life that give me the ultimate pleasure 🙂
YOu go Girl!!!! I love people who are upfront and not afraid to speak out anywhere they are. I do the same and love to watch people’s faces as I walk through Texas wearing my political designs. LOL
Hi just checking in from socal where we are having another roasting hot day, can’t relate at all to the weather conditions in NE…feels like Aug. here.
Have to watch my plants like hawks, yesterday a couple keeled over from the heat, even tho I had watered them earlier…they did ‘come back’ after water.
Hello Diane. We’ve had a few flower start to bloom here, but we’ve been down in the mid 20’s at night, so the poor things don’t really know what time of year it is.
Yes Diane you’d better keep those flowers alive. We’re all attached to your flowers since they were the virtual location of the wonderful cafe you hosted. It was really nice to see Shirl here too.
Yesterday it snowed here; today its in the 60’s. Go figure. But no flowers like yours.
I saw daffodils blooming today.
This seems to be the year where all weather records are being broken. Is G.W. [incredibly stupid fucking moron slob] BUSH getting a clue that the effect of capitalism on the climate of this planet is catastrophic?
I wonder if someone clued him in to how his advocation of unrestrained corporate greed will soon put an end to the supposed legacy of his presidency (not to mention the entire legacy of the human race), would he suddenly wake up out of bed tomorrow morning with a conscience?
maybe if cheney shoots himn he will get a clue
Ah yes, but then we would have to give the media a 48 hour grace period to recognize it as news!
My God, Diane, I read your post twice & both times thought you were talking about your parents.
Took a third time for me to realize the situation wasn’t quite so dire.
Thankfully, your weather will change before too long (most likely).
On this side, the mercury read about 18F at dusk, with a terrific wind & large, fluffy snowflakes blowing through the evening sky.
Plants, parents, what’s the difference? 🙂
that was my chocolate martini coming out of my nose.
My, those drinks must be really strong!
I’ve got to go run an errand. See ya’ll later.
Amarula Chocolate Martini
Chill a martini glass. Shake all ingredients with crushed ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass. If desired, swirl chocolate syrup in the martini glass. Garnish with choclate shavings.
Amarula Cream:
Amarula South African Cream Liqueur is a blend of the fruit of marula tree and nature’s fresh cream flavor, caramel, chocolate, butterscotch and vanilla.
Almost too beautiful to drink. I’m going to have to look for some of that Amarula Cream, I’ve never heard of it.
I tried to find an alternative for this ingredient… couldn’t.
I used to use webtender… but then they got so many “almost duplicate” drink recipes.
it’s the garnish that slays em 🙂 Hershey syrup can make you a GODDESS of drinks/shakes/Whatever 🙂
I even drizzle for frappecinos. Even if just for me and no one else is over. 🙂
Looks like I’ve missed an awful lot. It’s what I get for being on the West Coast (but wait ’til I tell maryb about how I spent my afternoon yesterday).
You get the golden earmuffs award!!! My ear didn’t bother me at all last night. 🙂 I can even pull on it and such. 🙂