And when I’m calling tech support, I’m learning that it’s another company’s fault. Typical tech support “pass the buck.” I’m kind of — more than — frustrated.
Just FYI in case you’re trying to communiate with me.
I am getting most e-mails, although all the e-mails in my Inbox this weekend have disappeared. Lost.
Dunno why. But I do know that it’s somebody else’s fault.
I called the NSA. I can get my e-mails back if I sign an oath of allegience to the King.
And they asked me what I knew about you.
to web-based email, at least as backup. Google and Myway don’t even require a “real” email address, last time I checked. People shy away from this because of privacy concerns, but there’s no reason to trust your ISP any more than you can trust Google, Yahoo, etc. And encryption seems to work as well on web-based as ISP-based mail (IOW, a huge pain in the ass).
Which reminds me — I meant to let Boo et al know that Google is looking for domains to test a new service that would provide gmail accounts to every user of the domain. Might be interesting for this one.
or are you relying on checking it through Earthlink’s web site? (You can do that, at least that used to be the case when the spouse and I had Earthlink dial-up).
If you’re using an email program, it could be a problem with that, not with Earthlink. Are you a Mac or Windows user? (I thought you were Mac, but can’t remember off the top of my head…damn I hate getting old…)
Would you like a Google Gmail invite? I’ve got a few left; will send you one if you’re interested. (I’ll be out for a few hours, but I’ll check back here this evening…)
if it gets thru. I love my gmail. Since I’m not plotting a revolution, I don’t care about possible datamining or privacy infringements. Somebody wants to waste their time over me talking about my grandkids, who cares? Actually, I’ve even clicked on some of the google ads that come up on keywords in my messages. It’s a friggin’ resourse. I can access it from any computer any where. And they just added Chat, imagine that. We could talk, back and forth, without running up the bill on our cell phones.