Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just opened the archive of your interview on TVNewsLies radio and I’m like 15 minutes in and the guy is still rambling along. Trying to be patient till I here from Booman.
You’re a patient man Boo. That guy has a lot to say and gets to rambling so much it’s like he forgot that he was doing an interview. You did a great job inspite of that.
I’ll listen to the rest tomorrow.
My son was using the modem to play PS2 on line for a day and a half. Missed the interview. But will listen to the replay at work tomorrow.
The last week has been filled with more despair for what passes for an administration here in the U.S.. Abramoff and Libby are singing which is going to get better and better. That trial delay until January for Libby is bullshit. Cheney shooting his hunting buddy because he is an idiot. Shooting because he followed proper procedure and his dim bulb contributor didn’t announce himself is revealing of his mindset. You can’t trust Cheney to get all the facts even when he’s holding a gun. Common sense is not one of Cheney’s strong points. God knows the conversation after that shot.
The president has submitted a budget giving a peek at the financial oblivion that awaits. Nobody can take these guys seriously anymore the house of cards is swaying. Everyone be patient and the world will turn.
Just watched Olbermann scewer Cheney and the shooting incident. He even had Dana Milbank come on and he was wearing an orange safety vest and orange hat. It was hysterical. Talk about lame ducks! This diversion story gets more absurd by the minute. Then Keith showed Scottie Boy get slammed for over six minutes from the WH Press corpse. They actually came alive today. I think they are just pissed that they didn’t get the “shoot scoop”. Too funny!
I think it’s fitting that I am posting one of my first comments here while sitting at the hippest coolest place in town for the first time.
I’m thinking a lot about healthcare lately and I can’t help but feel that it is time to push this at the state level. With Republicans on the ropes, now is the time to push the meme – Republicans are bought and paid for by special interests groups like the insurance industry, Democrats will give you affordable healthcare not empty promises.
Absolutely true! Now is the time to push. I’ve heard all kinds of estimates as to whether Dems will take the House this year, from a pleasing 4 above necessary, to a measly one seat gain. I hope everyone gets on this bandwagon, because it does nothing to blame Dems. WE ARE THE DEMS.
A good start I would think is Single Payer, but the best would be for us to have the same damn Healthcare, the Congress has given themselves!
Imagine being treated at Bethesda, instead of the local County Veternar…I mean Hospital
Double great googly moogly, someone buy this man a drink. Better yet, I’ll buy myself a drink and drink to you!
BTW, Great Googly Moogly has to be one of the best movie lines of all time.
BTWBTW, I had over $8000 in healthcare costs last year, NOT including my premiums. Which is why I have been thinking about it a lot. Plus I belong to NCCDHC, which SHOULD be pushing healthcare reform this year.
What is that line from? My roommate says it all the time, but I didn’t know it was from a movie…I thought he just made it up. Funny. You’re now the second person I’ve ever heard say it.
I’m pretty lucky healthwise, I don’t think I actually had any health care expenses at all last year. But the year before I had shoulder surgery that cost $27,000, but insurance covered it.
But I think healthcare is the most pressing issue of our time. My younger brother is not as fortunate as I am in either his health or his coverage (of which there is none), and he’s gone through some very rough times because of it.
It will never cease to amaze me that there are people (and a lot of them, apparently) out there who do not think it is a society’s foremost responsibility to take care of its citizens.
No one likes to look like a noob – even Booman understands that. I have a wife and two young kids, I’m VERY used to NOT getting my way. So, it was actually a refreshing change for me.
The first President I remember is Carter because of the hostage crisis. My parents weren’t big on politics, but they stayed tuned during the hostage crisis. This probably sounds crazy, but I remember the withdrawl from Saigon on the news and I was only 2 at the time. My dad was a Vietnam Vet and I think I must have sensed the tension and the importance of the moment.
I really remember Reagan because Reaganomics effectively destroyed my family’s upward rise to middle-classness and threw us back into the working poor – from which my parents have never escaped. You could pretty much say that is when I became a Democrat, although there were some heady days in the 90s when I was registered without party affiliation.
I don’t know why, but I was just remembering when Bill Clinton played the sax on the Arsenio Hall Show (what was that, 92? That probably makes it one of my first ever memories of a politician). To me that is so much more genuine, and humanizing, than anything that GWB has done to make himself seem like the ‘everyman’. Yes, including clearing brush.
Couldn’t W at least go on The Man Show and chug a couple beers or something?
Not to suggest this out of nowhere, but perhaps, just maybe, GWB is not an every-man. MAYBE, just maybe he is a spoiled rich kid that has never had to work for anything in his life.
I can never get the video clip from Fahrenheit 9/11 out of my mind. It’s the one where he is playing golf with some buddies, he takes a shot, looks around all happy, then gets mad and asks what it takes to get a “good shot”. Something like that.
What it showed to me was someone who had praise heaped on them no matter what they did throughout their life. GWB is a pearl inside an oyster, inside a mussel, inside a clam, inside an abalone. Sheltered inside shelters inside shelters.
We have a tradition here at the pond of inviting newbie’s to intoduce themselves in the cafe or the lounge found in the diaries list to the right. Just an invitation. No requirements
I totally agree on your assessment, but there were a lot of people who voted for him because they ‘could relate’ to him. You know, because he does dumb shit. Like most people.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want the guy running the country to do dumb shit. I want him to do smart shit!
I’d like to forget politics for a moment, risk being a bit sappy and share a pre-Valentine’s Day thought.
In a NYT’s article, Jan.31, it was reported that significant new research shows holding the hand of a loved one neurologically and physically calms all levels of stress and anxieity. (pause – getting distracted by Chinese ice skating pairs – beautiful!) “Easy access to an affectionate touch in these moments is deeply soothing”.
Hopefully, we can all test these findings out soon (with or without the aid of alcohol).
I just opened the archive of your interview on TVNewsLies radio and I’m like 15 minutes in and the guy is still rambling along. Trying to be patient till I here from Booman.
i think i come on at the 28 minute mark.
You’re a patient man Boo. That guy has a lot to say and gets to rambling so much it’s like he forgot that he was doing an interview. You did a great job inspite of that.
I’ll listen to the rest tomorrow.
My son was using the modem to play PS2 on line for a day and a half. Missed the interview. But will listen to the replay at work tomorrow.
The last week has been filled with more despair for what passes for an administration here in the U.S.. Abramoff and Libby are singing which is going to get better and better. That trial delay until January for Libby is bullshit. Cheney shooting his hunting buddy because he is an idiot. Shooting because he followed proper procedure and his dim bulb contributor didn’t announce himself is revealing of his mindset. You can’t trust Cheney to get all the facts even when he’s holding a gun. Common sense is not one of Cheney’s strong points. God knows the conversation after that shot.
The president has submitted a budget giving a peek at the financial oblivion that awaits. Nobody can take these guys seriously anymore the house of cards is swaying. Everyone be patient and the world will turn.
Just watched Olbermann scewer Cheney and the shooting incident. He even had Dana Milbank come on and he was wearing an orange safety vest and orange hat. It was hysterical. Talk about lame ducks! This diversion story gets more absurd by the minute. Then Keith showed Scottie Boy get slammed for over six minutes from the WH Press corpse. They actually came alive today. I think they are just pissed that they didn’t get the “shoot scoop”. Too funny!
and meanwhile the nominees are presented, committees meet, and the entire American media is focused on a hunting accident. Sheesh.
I think it’s fitting that I am posting one of my first comments here while sitting at the hippest coolest place in town for the first time.
I’m thinking a lot about healthcare lately and I can’t help but feel that it is time to push this at the state level. With Republicans on the ropes, now is the time to push the meme – Republicans are bought and paid for by special interests groups like the insurance industry, Democrats will give you affordable healthcare not empty promises.
Something along those lines.
Absolutely true! Now is the time to push. I’ve heard all kinds of estimates as to whether Dems will take the House this year, from a pleasing 4 above necessary, to a measly one seat gain. I hope everyone gets on this bandwagon, because it does nothing to blame Dems. WE ARE THE DEMS.
A good start I would think is Single Payer, but the best would be for us to have the same damn Healthcare, the Congress has given themselves!
Imagine being treated at Bethesda, instead of the local County Veternar…I mean Hospital
Great googly moogly! Delete this please.
…okay, so this comment makes no sense without the other comment that I double posted and which Booman was kind enough to delete. Sooooooo
Delete this administration,please!
Delete the neocons, please!
Delete Liddy Dole, pl…wait, she sucks at raising funds and candidates – keep her for the time being!
Delete Walter Jones and Robin Hayes so NC can be 8-5 in 06!
Not to ruin the party, but I thought your first comment was good enough to pass the double-post standard 🙂
Double great googly moogly, someone buy this man a drink. Better yet, I’ll buy myself a drink and drink to you!
BTW, Great Googly Moogly has to be one of the best movie lines of all time.
BTWBTW, I had over $8000 in healthcare costs last year, NOT including my premiums. Which is why I have been thinking about it a lot. Plus I belong to NCCDHC, which SHOULD be pushing healthcare reform this year.
What is that line from? My roommate says it all the time, but I didn’t know it was from a movie…I thought he just made it up. Funny. You’re now the second person I’ve ever heard say it.
I’m pretty lucky healthwise, I don’t think I actually had any health care expenses at all last year. But the year before I had shoulder surgery that cost $27,000, but insurance covered it.
But I think healthcare is the most pressing issue of our time. My younger brother is not as fortunate as I am in either his health or his coverage (of which there is none), and he’s gone through some very rough times because of it.
It will never cease to amaze me that there are people (and a lot of them, apparently) out there who do not think it is a society’s foremost responsibility to take care of its citizens.
It’s from Back to the Future

AH! OK, I have seen that. But it was a long time ago!
He does what you tell him to do? Don’t get used to that.
No one likes to look like a noob – even Booman understands that. I have a wife and two young kids, I’m VERY used to NOT getting my way. So, it was actually a refreshing change for me.
come over to the cafe and tell us who is the first president you remember.
Cafe, hmmm…
The first President I remember is Carter because of the hostage crisis. My parents weren’t big on politics, but they stayed tuned during the hostage crisis. This probably sounds crazy, but I remember the withdrawl from Saigon on the news and I was only 2 at the time. My dad was a Vietnam Vet and I think I must have sensed the tension and the importance of the moment.
I really remember Reagan because Reaganomics effectively destroyed my family’s upward rise to middle-classness and threw us back into the working poor – from which my parents have never escaped. You could pretty much say that is when I became a Democrat, although there were some heady days in the 90s when I was registered without party affiliation.
I don’t know why, but I was just remembering when Bill Clinton played the sax on the Arsenio Hall Show (what was that, 92? That probably makes it one of my first ever memories of a politician). To me that is so much more genuine, and humanizing, than anything that GWB has done to make himself seem like the ‘everyman’. Yes, including clearing brush.
Couldn’t W at least go on The Man Show and chug a couple beers or something?
Not to suggest this out of nowhere, but perhaps, just maybe, GWB is not an every-man. MAYBE, just maybe he is a spoiled rich kid that has never had to work for anything in his life.
I can never get the video clip from Fahrenheit 9/11 out of my mind. It’s the one where he is playing golf with some buddies, he takes a shot, looks around all happy, then gets mad and asks what it takes to get a “good shot”. Something like that.
What it showed to me was someone who had praise heaped on them no matter what they did throughout their life. GWB is a pearl inside an oyster, inside a mussel, inside a clam, inside an abalone. Sheltered inside shelters inside shelters.
Great googly moogly, that’s some analogy there ;o)
Welcome Robert
Well thank you. It’s been awhile since I’ve been a newbie ; )
We have a tradition here at the pond of inviting newbie’s to intoduce themselves in the cafe or the lounge found in the diaries list to the right. Just an invitation. No requirements
I totally agree on your assessment, but there were a lot of people who voted for him because they ‘could relate’ to him. You know, because he does dumb shit. Like most people.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want the guy running the country to do dumb shit. I want him to do smart shit!
Reminds me of a recent chat with a Bush-lovin’, truck-drivin’ neighbor at our local recycling center.
Neighbor: Hey, my man Bush can do all kindsa dumb shit now. He doesn’t care, he’s a lame duck.
Wench (bundling newspapers): That doesn’t account for the past five years, though.
I’m told he gave me a look that could melt paint 😉
I’d like to forget politics for a moment, risk being a bit sappy and share a pre-Valentine’s Day thought.
In a NYT’s article, Jan.31, it was reported that significant new research shows holding the hand of a loved one neurologically and physically calms all levels of stress and anxieity. (pause – getting distracted by Chinese ice skating pairs – beautiful!) “Easy access to an affectionate touch in these moments is deeply soothing”.
Hopefully, we can all test these findings out soon (with or without the aid of alcohol).
Congratulations on the interview, BooMan! But next time you really need to mention me. 😉
Just read that Hackett has dropped out of race. Claims Dem leadership pressured him out. Not happy. Looking for your take on this issue.
And you know I don’t like to use such language around such handsome gentlemen…speaking of which, welcome Robert.
Will have to Google for more info later…unless someone could post a diary with assorted links? (hint hint hint)
plame update on rawstory