Americans often wonder why some Muslims hate us? Could it have anything to do with the arrogant  and ethnocentric behavior that is displayed when a conservative US clothing outlet stokes “Muslim fury over the Muhammed cartoons by selling shirts on the Net printed with the image of the Prophet wearing a bomb on his head?” The Pakistan Daily Times had the sense to realize that “finding humor in the desecration of another’s religious symbol is wrong.”

The company claims that it is selling the shirts to protect free speech and fight terrorism, and its own words show its bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance:

“We can’t let the terrorists win. We cannot encourage this uncivilized behavior by caving in to their wishes,” Nate Thomas, product manager for MetroSpy, said of the protests and embassy torchings that have erupted across the Muslim world. “We wanted a simple way to exercise our freedom of speech and to stand up to the terrorists. This design was perfect,” said Thomas.

This post is not about the core of the Muslim anger over the cartoons. It is about the cultural insensitivity and feelings of superiority dripping from this company`s statements and actions. And, it is about the hypocrisy that this company sees as its birthright. It is not uncommon in US for sports’ fans to go on a bit of a rampage after their team wins and vandalize store windows or cars parked on streets by setting fires. While the conduct is criminal, it has not been elevated to terrorist activity.  This company also lumps all Muslim protesters, peaceful and violent, together and proclaims that they are all terrorists engaged in “uncivilized behavior.” Well, how “civilized” is it in 2006 to be so terribly ignorant and insensitive to cultural and religious values and interests?  And, if this company wants so badly to fight and stand up to the real terrorists, why don’t they just enlist in the military?
Patriot Daily