This story probably won’t stop the hasbara people from making the claim that “Arafat launched the last intifada,” but many Israeli officials privately acknowledge “this is not true,” which means unilateral disengagement and the idea that there is “no partner for peace,” is also bunk. Just read the comments by former Shin Bet agent Yuval Diskin.
Haaretz – Israel News – Brainwashed by intelligence people: “Brainwashed by intelligence people
By Akiva EldarAmerican and Israeli parents found out in recent days that their governments are sending their sons to kill and be killed in inane wars. Paul Pillar – until recently, the CIA’s national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia – publicly declared that President George Bush had tweaked assessments in order to justify the war in Iraq. On the same day almost, Israel’s Channel 10 aired parts of a lecture in which Shin Bet security service chief Yuval Diskin asserted that the riots in the territories were not premeditated, and that ‘an Arafat-devised contingency plan did not spark them off.’
These statements undermine claims by political and military officials that the intifada was a stage in a plan by Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat to crush the Oslo Accords on the way to the destruction of Israel. Diskin’s statements also cast much doubt on the argument that the Palestine Liberation Organization is not, and never has been, a partner, and that since September 2000, Israel has been waging a just and unavoidable war.“
It goes without saying that the government and the ruling party, which has thrived magnificently on the no-partner theory, did not make a big fuss of the bomb dropped by the Shin Bet chief. And even the left-wing opposition waived the elections gift it received from the head of the organization responsible for intelligence assessments in the territories.
Diskin is not the first to challenge the basic premise on which Israel’s peace and security policy has rested ever since Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount. He was preceded by Major General (res.) Amos Malka, head of Military Intelligence at the time of the start of the intifada. In June 2004, Malka told Haaretz that MI did not have a shred of evidence to indicate that Arafat had initiated the riots.
This means that the late Sharon’s Kadima party platform is based on bunk. There are indications of a revolt against Olmert within the ranks of Kadima by another former Shin Bet agent Avi Dichter. As reported by Jpost, Dichter largely concurred with Diskin.
“It was not at all a political statement, it was a professional statement,” he told Israel Radio.
“It is totally clear that when Yuval Diskin is invited to the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, he is essentially being invited to the program ‘Meet the Press,’ since all of his comments will be publicized after that, but with alterations as each Knesset member relates them. Therefore, I am convinced that when he spoke in Eli, just like when Ami Ayalon spoke in the past in yeshivas… I’m sure Yuval took into consideration that what he said would be published. I’m sure he was fully aware,” Dichter emphasized.
Dichter is also on record opposing further unitateral withdrawals.
n his first interview with an Israeli newspaper since he entered politics, Dichter said he would accept any portfolio offered to him in a prospective Kadima-led government and explained why the road map was the best diplomatic solution for Israel.
Speaking at party headquarters in Petah Tikva, Dichter said the perception among the public that Kadima would withdraw from much of Judea and Samaria regardless of what happens with the Palestinians was incorrect.
Dichter, a supporter of the Gaza Strip disengagement plan, said the West Bank was different from Gaza.
“The Palestinians haven’t enforced any of the many plans that we signed with them,” he said. “We have time. We are not in a hurry. We’re not going to try to end the problem without solving it. We’re not going to withdraw from the West Bank unilaterally just because it was done in Gaza.”
Thank ya!