Cavity Emptour: I’m cross posting this story (not verbatim) from my blog, because frankly, it’s new, and nobody reads it…
Campus Crusade for Christ International
A small article in an obscure NC newspaper struck me. I’ve heard about the mailing of videos before, just never thought about being so close to home…
After the Fold….
…But, We’re not done yet, here in North Carolina, the “christocrats” continue their crusade…
“Churches in Harnett and Johnston counties are participating in a national campaign to have the “JESUS” video mailed to every home in America.”
This mass marketing is being driven by a group called “Campus Crusade for Christ International”.
Google them, and it will be page after page of links touting this organization. With none of the usual Hue and Response type links from the blogosphere…just one link after another describing the wonderous nature of this organization. (Note: I found one link trying to counter this indoctrination, out of 800!)
This is a HUGELY funded program, fostered, and prostletized on our College Campuses. They are organized to the point, an army would feel nervous.
Nevermind, the cultish enrollment of young minds against evolution, just consider what the secular, reasonable population is up against!!!
Have at it…
The Manhattan Istitute
As governor, Mr. Bush also met David Horowitz, once a voice of the New Left, who later turned conservative. In his book “Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About the 60’s,” written with Peter Collier, Mr. Horowitz branded the 1960’s as a time when “the System–that collection of values that provide guidelines for societies as well as individuals–was assaulted and mauled.”
Swift Vets
–10/15/69: Moratorium march on Washington: This was the first documented major antiwar protest that John Kerry attended. (7/69: Peter Collier & David Horowitz, then top activists on the pro-Hanoi left, later wrote that militant activists went in July to “meet Cuban and Vietnamese officials in Havana to map out strategies for the war in America, the ‘other war’ which would ultimately defeat the U.S.”) Nat’l Review reported at the time that Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was one of the endorsers of the Moratorium. <SOURCE>
Promise Keepers Threatening to NOW
During the 1970s, the Democratic Party abandoned its
centrist pro-family base and became captive to the special interest of the
radical left, including the feminists, extreme environmentalists and gay
rights activists. Radical feminists linked all the Marxist causes together
by writing, “We want to destroy the three pillars of class and a caste
society – the family, private property, and the state.”[Peter Collier and
David horowith, Deconstructing the Left: From Vietnam to the Persian Gulf,
For evangelicals, a bid to ‘reclaim America’
We have God-sized problems in our country, and only God can solve them,” Richard Land, a prominent leader of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), told the group.
Their mission is not simply to save souls. The goal is to mobilize evangelical Christians for political action to return society to what they call “the biblical worldview of the Founding Fathers.” Some speak of “restoring a Christian nation.” Others shy from that phrase, but agree that the Bible calls them not only to evangelize, but also to transform the culture.
These might give some insight.
That would be them, with the Giant Wurlitzer…
And they laugh at the Conspiracy Theorists…
That organ music can be unnerving. The Colliers have been in the media business for a long time. I think this ties in also to a large section of southern FL, faith based prison intiatives in FL and a few private security contractors in the regions of both FL and NC.
…just a wild guess.
and with all this mail marketing, little jeffey gannon et alia are I presume to be involved…
The Campus Crusade for Christ has been around for decades, that’s one of the reasons why they have so many hits on Google. They’ve also been distributing stuff to college students for decades as well. This is just their latest effort.
Historically, CCfC has avoided getting engaged in controversies that have divided different religious groups within the Christian denominations. Most of their past messages distributed to college students have not focused on big political issues, but rather on personal decisions about religious faith. However, in the past election, the organization in some locations pushed uncomfortably close to endorsing Bush.
As some members have been concerned about the war as well as abortion as issues (kind of like the “seamless garment” approach that opposes abortion, war, and the death penalty), the organization could not easily have a single viewpoint to put forward without alienating some members or potential members.
Let’s hope the lack of a single political viewpoint continues – even as I fear the organization is being co-opted by the right wingers.
Is the CCfC the same organization as the CCCI?
Yep. It is.
They’ve been around forever. There were a group of nice guys in my dorm who were in it when I was in college in ’78. They said they didn’t believe in sex before marriage. I made sure one of them changed his mind. š
I remember them being on the whole fairly innocuous.
Some temptations are irresistable…most of the really good ones, anyway.
I found some more information on the early days. They were so pure before the recreational corruption.
consorting with the enemy?
Or is it …”turning” them
Where the hell were you when I was in college..Things always change, AFTER I leave…lol
converting him to my cause.
I wonder what ever happened to him. I might just have to google him and find out.