I’ve been debating on whether or not we are in a crisis over Iran’s nuclear program. This weekend a number of articles, in the UK, US and Asia, confirmed my fears. Iran presents a true crisis of larger import than the Cuban Missile crisis. We’re beyond that hour.
Last night, I had a ‘what if opposite’ moment, more on that below. My ‘what If’ and today’s piece by Professor Juan Cole gave me chills and the confirmation that we’re facing the unthinkable.
So let’s begin with Professor Cole. His piece puts the Plame leak – the real intent – into perspective. I beg the professor’s leave, my quoting his piece at length. More below
Professor Cole
“Plame Wilson Had worked on Iran Ant-Proliferation” (02/14/2006)[..]
Plame Wilson was outed to the US press by Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney, his staffer Irving Lewis Libby, and George W. Bush adviser Karl Rove.
There has for some time been speculation among bloggers that Cheney et al. wanted to shoot down 🙂 Plame Wilson for reasons other than that she is the wife of Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV, who blew the whistle on intelligence failures concerning alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
If she was working specifically on Iran, this theory becomes more plausible. We know that Cheney, the Neocons and other factions in the Bush administration desperately wanted to get up a war against Iran so as to overthrow its government.If the CIA was successful in a measurable way in preventing proliferation to Iran of technology required for making a nuclear weapon, and could certify as much to Congress, that very success would make it harder to justify a war on Iran.
We know that someone among the Neoconservatives also let Ahmad Chalabi know that the US had broken Iranian codes and could read that country’s secret diplomatic correspondence.
Prof. Cole speculates
So between disrupting the work of Plame Wilson’s unit at the CIA and letting the Iranians know about the broken codes, the pro-war party managed to make Iran’s actual progress on nuclear research opaque to the US government. It was necessary that it be opaque if there was to be a war. Iran is actually a decade or two away from having a bomb even if everything went well. But US intelligence agencies must be less confident they know what is going on in Iran now than before the Neocons destroyed so much of the effort against Iranian proliferation. It was the US withdrawal of inspectors from Iran in 1998 that created the uncertainties that allowed Bush to invade Iraq. For warmongers, good intelligence on the enemy’s capabilities is undesirable if that intelligence would get in the way of launching a war.
If the speculation were true, the scale of treason emanating from Rove and Cheney and his staff is scarcely imaginable. emphasis mine
Link to full article here
On the road to war with Iran there are experts cautioning. They, like those who cautioned us on Iraq, are voices in the wilderness. One such voice is John Pilger who writes
[L]ike the invasion of Iraq, an attack on Iran has a secret agenda that has nothing to do with the Tehran regime’s imaginary weapons of mass destruction.
[..]Iran offers no “nuclear threat.” There is not the slightest evidence that it has the centrifuges necessary to enrich uranium to weapons-grade material.
Those who flout the rules of the NPT are America’s and Britain’s anointed friends. Both India and Pakistan have developed their nuclear weapons secretly and in defiance of the treaty. The Pakistani military dictatorship has openly exported its nuclear technology. In Iran’s case, the excuse that the Bush regime has seized upon is the suspension of purely voluntary “confidence-building” measures that Iran agreed with Britain, France and Germany in order to placate the US and show that it was “above suspicion.” Seals were placed on nuclear equipment following a concession given, some say foolishly, by Iranian negotiators and which had nothing to do with Iran’s obligations under the NPT.
Iran has since claimed back its “inalienable right” under the terms of the NPT to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.
Recently, one of Israel’s leading military historians, Martin van Creveld, wrote: “Obviously, we don’t want Iran to have nuclear weapons and I don’t know if they’re developing them, but if they’re not developing them, they’re crazy.”Pilger states that Blair knows ‘the real reasons for an attack and the part Britain is likely to play.’emphasis mine
Next month, Iran is scheduled to shift its petrodollars into a euro-based bourse. The effect on the value of the dollar will be significant, if not, in the long term, disastrous. At present the dollar is, on paper, a worthless currency bearing the burden of a national debt exceeding $8trn and a trade deficit of more than $600bn. The cost of the Iraq adventure alone, according to the Nobel Prizewinning economist Joseph Stiglitz, could be $2trn. America’s military empire, with its wars and 700-plus bases and limitless intrigues, is funded by creditors in Asia, principally China.
That oil is traded in dollars is critical in maintaining the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. What the Bush regime fears is not Iran’s nuclear ambitions but the effect of the world’s fourth-biggest oil producer and trader breaking the dollar monopoly. Will the world’s central banks then begin to shift their reserve holdings and, in effect, dump the dollar? Saddam Hussein was threatening to do the same when he was attacked.
Link to full article: “Iran: The next War” here
A conflict that could last for generations? That’s the assessment of the Oxford Group, a British Think Tank whose predictions on Iraq were dead on.
The Oxford Group report, “Iran:Consequences of a War” ‘coincides with reports that strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans for “a last resort” strike if diplomacy fails. Plans for an assault have taken on “greater urgency” in recent months,’ The Sunday Telegraph said.
[T]he attack would result in “a protracted military confrontation” involving Israel, Lebanon and some Gulf states.
[..]The report concludes: “A military response to the current crisis is a particularly dangerous option and should not be considered further. Alternative approaches must be sought, however difficult these may be.”
Link to full article, “10,000 would die in A-plant attack on Iran” here
Here’s my ‘What If’:
We were sold the Iraq war lies, lies..”Saddam had to be disarmed his weapons of mass destruction..but no decision has been made.”
We were, like they say, true believers. No WMDs were found.
Now we’re being told Iran cannot be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. National pride will not deter Iran from being pressured – the lessons of North Korea.
What IF we go on a bombing campaign “to pre-empt”, there’s that word again, acquisition only to be on the receiving end; – after the first sortie, Iran’s nuclear retaliation?
Experts say they can’t be sure.
Iran has been working at this for 15 years. They had access to Dr Khan’s nuclear technology. Didn’t they? It is known Khan shopped the nuclear technology. Iran has disclosed that much. And, it is established some of the Iran’s equipment was purchased from Pakistan. And we have not been allowed to question Dr. Khan-no pressure on our new ally, Pakistan.
In 1981, Iranians saw the destruction of Iraq’s nuclear reactor by Israel and they noted Israel’s arsenal of nukes.
Like Martin Van Creveld wrote, Iran would’ve been crazy not to have developed nukes. I opine, just maybe they bought a stack of nuclear weapons – openly available after the fall of the USSR.
For the sake of oil and to save the dollar for ourselves are we willing to begin a resource based nuclear war with China, Russia and 1.5 billion muslims worldwide? Do they not all hold a stake in this? Do we?
I’m no expert but it does appear Iran will have its nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. Keeping up with the jones and its neighbors-Pakistan, India and Israel.
Just wonderin’ Should we risk the world?
Just wonderin’ Should we risk the world?
Evidently, it’s not up to people like us to decide.
So much to ponder over. I do believe you do have many great thought here. I too am seriously worried about both governments. I do believe that bush and cheney are worried to death about the petroeuros for oil! I seriously think SH was headed in that direction as well, before we came long to hit him and take h im out.
thanks for dropping by.
In fact I’ve read in several financial articles, the real intent to move against Iran is to protect the petro dollar. An agreement craved in stone or is it to finance the real deficit of $45 trillion.
Saddam demanded payment of oil in euros-” the UN oil-for-food program” and that after the Iraq invasion, payment was converted back to US dollars.
for more on petro-dollar and petro-euros is this piece In euros please
exactly the very reason! it is all about oil and the $$$$$$$$. like everything else about this administration…follow the money…there enlies the problem and the reason for our mess.
yes. I am sorry.
I so agree with you. They’ve had the plans for this in the hopper for a long time.
Naturally they wait for an election year to ramp up the fear for voting purposes.
I also feel that the Iranian President, for internal political reasons (he has his own power struggle ongoing with the mullahs) is daring the Bush regime to attack, because war suits his purposes (consolidating power, silencing dissent, distracting the populace from Iran’s domestic problems).
It’s crazy world when both sides are controlled by extremist warmongers.
Of course you are right. Any cursory student of history knows that conflicts are clothed in patriotism and fear of the inhuman “other”, but are intended to acquire, consolidate, and/or retain the power of individual leaders. The masses who are sent to kill and die, the civilians slaughtered in their ten-thousands, the starving, orphaned children- all are sacrificed to the personal ambition of a few powerful leaders, propped up by profiteers.
What I don’t understand is why we don’t recognise that this is the purpose and meaning of war. Instead we debate just wars, interventionist wars, defensive wars, well intended wars, preventive wars, and wars of aggression. Whatever name we put on it, vast numbers of people are killed, maimed, tortured, raped, starved, imprisoned, displaced, orphaned and left destitute. Then we are shocked, SHOCKED that such things happen in war.
War is death and destruction. It is not brave or honourable or glorious. It is hell.
Are we so stuffed full of propaganda, and so fearful of being called “unpatriotic” that we can’t look at the same pattern repeated over and over in human history, and say, “No, not this time. We, the people with the most to lose, refuse to be your cannon fodder.”
But as Ductape has taught me, ranting and raving can be very satisfying, a great, self-righteous rush, but I’m honour bound to try and offer solutions.
But ultimately, the mutual embrace of “them” until we are all just “us”.
Here’s an interesting article on the same subjects
Thanks for this great catch. The’re so many articles to support the view of a pending attack. I didn’t wish to overwhelm our readership.
All 3, (US, EU/UK and Teheran) have painted themselves into a corner. Like in a pending hurricane, you can sniff the thunderstorms and devastating winds. Looking dire. Nuclear weapons is any easier sell than WMDs.
There’ll be windfall profits for the warmongers from the little people. Some will pay the ultimate price. And for those of us who may survive – we’ll face a great depression.
The question keeps coming back even if this is partially a result of the Plame Affair, why is nobody stopping it? It sounds like the articles lay out all of the deception to start another war on false pretenses but nobody is moving to stop it. The only conclusion to draw from that is that war is the desire of all of the politicians. It reduces an understanding of complex issues down to useless trivia.
according to a Zogby poll last week. Of course, it is probably much higher now.
Of course it is the desire of the politicians. Is there one you would smear with accusations of not supporting the war on terror?
More than wide bipartisan support, America speaks with one voice. They have Resolve to Prevail against the Evil Enemy that Lurks.
Yeah, those pesky lurkers will do it every time.
Point on politicians well taken. Late night as I write, Israel’s major daily, Ha’aretz is running a banner, sourced to (Reuters), full piece not yet posted
“US Senator: Iran has effectively bought Russia, China vetoes at the UN”
will update when article becomes available but does intimate the US/UK is up against a Russia-China wall.
What hypocrisy. US bought the members of The Coalition of The unWilling to invade Iraq. And most recently threatened India over their vote at the IAEA meeting on Iran’s referral.
UPDATE on that banner headlined in Israel’s Ha’aretz sourced to Reuters. Can make this stuff up.
Brownback’s calling for tough sanctions against Russia and China? You got to be kidding. The Senator forgets who is financing our daily bread.
full article here
A standoff in the offing? Who’ll say Uncle or is it too soon for that?
Russia and China are clearly with the terrorists.
The axis of evil is growing.
Fortunately Americans have plenty of Resolve. And bombs.
what sanctions will John Bolton wield against Russia and China? The irony is on China he’ll need, among others, John Snow and Wal-Mart’s permission.
I thought Condi said they’d allow diplomacy to work. Lasted all of 2 secs.
It has been tried, and Washington does not budge.
Brownback is a religious zealot fascist so his judgment is always going to be irrational as far as policy issues of any sort are concerned.
As alarming, if somewhat predictable, as the Zogby poll results are, I think an attack on Iran militarily is still not quite inevitable. Less than 48% of those polled favored unilateral military assault to prevent Iran from developing nuclear capability, and it is by no means clear as yet that any other country, (Israel excepted), would absolutely provide weapons, troops or materiel for such an insane act. There are qualifiers in the poll, (meaningless qualifiers with respect to the levels of weaponized ignorance which a large swath of the polled sample demonstrate), but possibly significant with respect to whether a decision to attack will in the end take place or not and whether and how much public support will be required to do this. Money will play a role, the capability for instilling more fear will play a role, political cowardice in congress will lay a big role, and whether or not enough other “so-called” developed nations will play a part also will have a significant effect on whether Cheney and his psychopaths will be able to launch the next phase of their insane agenda.
So, for me, there is a still credible chance that the neocons will not be able to initiate this monstrous crime. Even the bigoil groups are not enthusiastic for this sort of thing, and the criminal gang that preceeded the neocons (the Carlyle Group types like Baker, Scowcroft, Odom, Carlucci, etc., are not onboard with this proposed attack either.
It’s right on the razor’s edge now, whether the neocon maniacs are going to be able to go forward or whether they’ll be stopped in their tracks by a combination of forces over which they have no control.
Forgot to say that what China and Russia decide will also be extremely important.
Link to Zogby Poll details here.
pollees. Truth be told, I am not a big fan of polls, and I mention this one only to give a sense of America’s Resolve.
In theory, all US should have to do is give both Russia and China more money than Iran offers, if we are to accept the senator’s version of events.
In reality, US cannot offer China any money, as it already owes China quite a bit of money, it could give Russia some, but since such a large, if somewhat ineffective, effort, has recently been put into the cause of reducing the cost of European “support,” it would appear that money may not be the best strategy, and “diplomacy” will have to consist of pretty much the same diplomacy used with the Taliban, carpet of gold (piece of the oil) or carpet of bombs.
There are bound to be some mumblings and grumblings over Halliburton’s understandable desire to keep all the loot from this particular democracy-spreading spree all to itself, but the oil companies have just been given a lavish gift precisely to quell this sort of thing, and the B list defense contractors who are whining that crusades are not as profitable for them as R&D can either be reminded that B list can become C list very quickly so shut up, or they can also be given some gift, or promise thereof.
The politicians (of both parties) will be coming on board more solidly shortly, amending their last resort echoes of Pentagon press releases to reminders that they are strong supporters of the war on terror, because if the Democrats hope to win, they absolutely must be seen as tough on terror, and with the current administration’s recent revelation of penis cutting in Morocco, as the new torture camp goes up there, Democrats have their work cut out for them in that department, forgive the pun.
After all, who doesn’t support the war on terror?
Which politician of any party would wish to be suspected of obstructionism on such an important issue?
Especially after they have all agreed that Iran is such a danger.
No, there is an edge we have, There are some deals worked out that use specific technologies that are owned by the USUK coalition business interests. Still, I read something a couple of months ago that described a deal Japan is financing to get a pipeline through Russia that will pass right by a terminal in China. This will sell to Iran and that area too. It came about mostly because of instability in the US govt admin/politics.
The only people the US can bribe are its own defense contractors and energy corporations. The government bribes the voters with their own money, but far more people nowthan before are recognizing that they’re getting screwed by the Bush regime repeatedly, and that BushCo isnot to be trusted.
Sadly such emergent awareness, slow and late though it is, still doesn’t automatically translate to a repudiation of the warmongering, but it is true that many more people now do understand that Bush regime actions have been way too expensive and have failed to bring about any of the promised results. And, unless Cheney and his goons facilitate or stage another major “Terrorist Attack” in the US themselves, (a possibility I believe they’re fully capable of), I have a sense that many of those people who formerly supported the warmngering are just getting tired of it all, and don’t want it all to be intruding into their little minds anymore. So while I in no way seek to overestimate the awareness or intelligence of the pro-war ignorati in the US, I think they might nevertheless start withdrawing more of their rhetorical support in the near future, based on the cognitive exhaustion of their little minds, despite the results of the recent Zogby survey.
If Netanyahu gains ascendancy in Israel, however, that will seriously complicate matters, and certainly with him barking out his insanity from a position of power over there, it will serve as an additional amplifier for Bush regime propaganda.
I have little faith in a public epiphany about all this, but I think self-interest and mental weariness in the public sphere, economic realities in the financial world, and cowardice in the political world might conspire to weaken the neocon agenda enough to halt the attacks.
I also thinjk the Mullahs in Iran will “take out” Ahmadinejad if they see doing so as a necesary strategic move to diminish the relevance of the BushCo propaganda. These Mullahs are eminently practical, after all.
You can play out all of the politics like a board game but there aren’t any rules to govern this, at least not from a normal political standpoint.
Look at how this administration operates and it’s also proven from their terms in office 30 years ago. This doesn’t have much at all to do with proliferation and threat unless it’s the threat that cheap available electricity to sell to Iraq would be.
These guys trash a storefront to send a message to the other neighborhood marketowners. When they tell a country “You need the protection of aligning with our security services” they mean “You need our protection….
This doesn’t have anything to do with nuclear proliferation or terrorism threat or spreading democracy or any of that crap. It’s about a group of insane megalomaniacs and their quest for worldwide hegemony. They envision themselves as masters of the planet, controlling all vital resources and dominating any and all relations they have with other nations with ruthless and uncompromising authority.
They are psychopaths, every bit as crazy as Hitler or Pol Pot or Pinochet. They have no consciences. They are not rational. Their only alliegance is to their own insane agenda. Everyone else is expendable. They only worship power. It’s their primary intoxicant!
The US bribes governments worldwide; everyweek through foreign aid and other levers. More than is published. If it’s Tuesday, Malawi on deck. A review of the original Coalition of the unWilling tells all.
Netanyahu is floundering in the polls just out today, he’ll likely win 13 seats, behind Labour. Kadima, under Olmert, is expected to win 40 sympathy. Olmert needs to act tough.
That said, one can’t assess how the Sharongate will play to the election. Israel’s prosecutor announced today that the investigation into Sharon accepting a $3 million bribe will continue. Yea, even if he’s in a coma. It’s felt the original go-ahead for the bribery probe contributed to his stroke.
Our hope lies with Russia and China, not the mullahs. The revolution is still on and 1000 years are not yet passed since US overthrew, in 1953, their democratically elected government and brought them the Shah. Lessons of history.
I will regard it as a very good development if Netanyahu’s bid forpowewr is stopped in it’s tracks and his virulent murderous extremisim is repudiated by the Israeli populace.
As to the US bribes, of course they bribe and extort and threaten all the time, but the power behind their bribes, especially when attempting to buy off big nations, is dropping precipitously. They have less and less to offer major players in the world, and they’ve also shown themselves to be untrustworthy. Other countries are finding new alliances and new trade and energy arrangements all the time and the US’s power to influence economically continues to recede. (Still the most dangerous nation on the planet, of that there is no question.) But their power over the rest of the world is weakening even as the pathology of the Bush gang seeks to ratchet up the violence to compensate.
Forgot to add that I agree with you about Russia and China. I think I wrote something about that elsewhere on this thread.
Regarding the Mullahs running the show in Iran, while I have no doubt that they’d enjoy seeing harm come to the US as retribution for all it’s transgressions, I seriously doubt the ruling mullahs have any plan or intent to mount an assault on the US militarily on any level. I just think they’re too pragmatic for that. If they can help weaken the US through intrigue and covert stuff in Iraq, sure. If they can set up an alternate “Bourse” for oil trading, fine! If they can make strong energy alliances with other non-US controlled nations and regions of the world, fine! But I don’t see the Iranian government mounting an aggressive military campaign against any other country, including Israel, at all.
What in the world could public opinion have to do with any of this? I mean, seriously. The latest foolishness of demonizing the world Muslim population was pretty effective, sad to say. The media and politicians will not let up about a threat created by think tanks and analysts.
The ones who can stop it, the career intelligence and power politicians, choose either not to stop it or they are somehow promoting it.
so strongly and vehemently opposed to it that tens of millions stormed the Pentagon and the White House and the entire area for a 200 mile radius, and I offer the poll simply as an indication that this would be unlikely.
I am not a lover of polls generally, but I do think that the efforts that were intended to target Europe have had more effect on the US, whose unslakable thirst for Muslim blood was in no danger of abating, so I would say that it would be more likely that public opinion would demand an invasion of Iran than the above-mentioned storming in opposition to it.
The difference between ‘strategic military strikes’ and ‘pre-emptive invasion’ would show up in the polls. The average xenophobic GOPr American would be more inclined to support an action where the majority of dying is done by someone else. They don’t realize that one will probably lead to the other.
In the Zogby poll referred to above, I don’t think there was a question about invading Iran. I mention this not to in any way minimize the fear-based attitude of so may in the US, but only to more precisely characterize the poll’s details.
And all warmongers always prefer that the majority of dying be done by someone else, whether it’s Cheney or Zawahiri, Saddam Hussein or Pat Robertson.
it is thought, as I mentioned in a comment, the Iran nuclear weapons threat is an easier sell than WMDs.
an eye opener on the manipulation of the public by politicans are two related articles appearing in The Independent,(UK) 02.14.2006.
“Terror Threat: The Great Deception and The Politics of Fear”
Sounds familiar?
The Brits are in a vigorous debate on Blair’s Patriot Act-how he misled over the war on terror. We could only wish that over here, our opposition against the errosion of civil liberties was as vocal and successful.
The articles – extracts taken from a study by The Centre for Policy Studies on “The Use and Abuse of Terror-The Construction of a false Narrative on the Domestic Terror Threat.”
It applies equally here. BushCheneyBlair, liars all and joined at the hip.
Extract on “The Politics of Fear” here
Extract on “Terror Threat: The Great deception” here
The odious Nazi psychopath Goering said this about war and fear, and about how the mechanism for using the one to achieve the other works.
Getting people behind the idea of war is always pretty easy if you can scare them first and then describe the “enemy” that (supposedly) threatens them. Getting people to agree to pay for a new war, and more importantly, getting the elected members of a legislative body to support spending the money for a new war when the economics on the home front are going badly, and when it’s become clearer and clearer that the current war is not producing the expected results, that’s a different story.
A lot of us here in the US, millions of us in fact, spent 7-8 long years vigorously opposing the government and it’s prosecution of the Vietnam War. We never provoked a single epiphany of conscience in the mind of a single influential person in government, but what we did do in the end was hasten the realization that the Vietnam debacle was a loser economically and politically for those in congress who continued to support funding it.
The situation now is by no means identical, yet some of this dynamic, (the dynamic of selfishness, one might call it), seems to be emerging now. Also, the US has lost so much credibility internationally that the allied mindset that might otherwise have favored support for US aggression against Iran is far less in evidence than it was pre-Iraq, and other dynamics are now in play which Cheney and his maniacs are not in control over.
The danger is incredibly high, but I give a lot more credit to the power and influence of governments and people in the civilized world to at least refuse to give the Cheney gang any support at all. And if the Cheney war machine gets no help from “allies”, themn theliklihood of pubic support in the US drops precipitously, bringing about the same demonstration of political cowardice in congress that pulled the money plug on Vietnam. A slim hope, admittedly, but a hope nonetheless.
Wait! I’m confused! China and Russia BOTH have serious problems with domestic, Islamic terrorists. Why would they be supporting Iran? It makes no sense. Iran is clearly building the nukes to fit into suitcases and fanny packs for distribution to al-Qaeda. Why would China and Russia risk the devastation of their capital cities for a few measly petro-euros? It makes no sense!