All Night Long at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Nighty-night east coasters.
Anybody else about?
I have whiskey to share!
what kind of whisky
I want to know if you’re worth it
I have some Irish Mist left from the last time I met up with suskind.
The call it ‘Golden Liqueur’, but it’s really just whiskey blended with some other stuff.
Irish could be good
Yeah, Irish is ok
So, what’s up? Besides counting impeachment signs.
Meh. Not too much. I went downtown tonight to meet up with a buddy of mine and watch a basketball game at a bar. All the parking spots were taken…it took me about half an hour to realize that it was because of Hallmark Da…errr, Valentine’s Day.
Whatsup with you?
That must have been something to see — I’ve never seen a basketball game played at a bar. What about the people who just wanted a quiet drink. All that dribbling around them. And the sound of sneakers squeaking on the ground. Sounds odd.
Pitchers and catchers report tomorrow 🙂
It’s quite a sight, to be honest. There are so many more shots taken when its at the bar…
Baseball was my first love as far as sports, and is still my favorite. I’m a die-hard Braves fan…not many people associate the words ‘die-hard’ and ‘Braves fan’, but I’ve been rooting for them since the days that Andres Thomas was going to be the next great shortstop and Gerald Perry was the team superstar (well, ok, Dale Murphy).
Who’s your team, or who do you have your eye on this spring training?
The Braves huh?
I’m in St. Louis. Home of the team with the best record in the NL last year who didn’t make it to the world series. Am I bitter? Nah.
We’ve had some good games against the Braves. For a while there you guys had the best pitching in baseball (well, the national league).
I have to admit, the Cardinals have built a team the right way (not to be confused with the Yankees). They’ll be contending for years to come. But last year the Rocket was just too much to deal with (at least until the Series, when he traditionally falls apart).
I think that there were a couple of years in the early 90’s when the Braves did have the best pitching in the majors. But it will be interesting now that Leo Mazzone has moved on. I still put a lot of faith in Schuerholz and Cox, but Rockin’ Leo was the man for the Braves pitching.
Leo was a god. We loved/hated Leo here. Hated, obviously because of the staff he built. Loved because, well we’re baseball fans.
Dave Duncan on the other hand. Has this amazing ability to take a stable of healthy pitchers and by the middle of the season we’re lucky if we have three healthy arms.
I have this superstition when I’m at the game. If Duncan has to go out to the mound and he touches the pitcher, the batter will hit the next pitch. (But if the catcher touches the pitcher after Duncan it releases the jinx). You understand these things if you are a true baseball fan.
I definitely understand the jinx / unjinx things. I’ve got many, many of those relating to the Braves (but none relating to the pitching coach…yet. Let’s see the new guy).
LaRussa must see something in Duncan though…he had him with the A’s as well, I believe. And the seasonal statistics are impressive, but you’re right, I think both Duncan and LaRussa have a tendency to leave guys in too long (or not condition them well enough, depending on your viewpoint).
I think I’m heading to bed here shortly…but now I am so pumped for baseball season 🙂 Good night!
of a Giants-Braves game many many years ago, when the Braves were horrible and the Giants were still playing at Candlestick. It was a day game midweek and the attendance was something like 1,836. I forget who the color guy on the radio was at the time, but he announced that the attendance was “eighteen thirty-six”, to which Hank Greenwald, the play-by-play announcer, replied, “That’s not an attendance figure — that’s my shirt size.” Still cracks me up to this day…
Yep. Weather was a factor too. The Giants are about to start (can you believe it?) their seventh season in their new yard, and the third name for the new yard. Originally Pacific Bell Park, then SBC Park, now AT&T Park. Anyway, last year was a real watershed for me. After only five full seasons at the new ballpark, I was finally willing to attend a night game without bringing at least my heavy, lined warmup jacket. Took that long for the conditioning from all those years at the ‘Stick to wear off. I particularly remember one year when I froze my – well, everything, actually – at a night game on July 3, and then went to a Fourth of July picnic in Sacramento the next day — over 100 degrees.
to a night game at Candlestick (or as it was widely known, Windlestick). My bro-in-law went to many of them; we were talking about the good old days about a week ago. He was actually in the stands at Candlestick for the Bay Bridge Series when Loma Prieta hit — took him till close to midnight to get back home (and that was just going down the Peninsula — hate to think how long it took the East Bay fans to get home with the Bay Bridge closed).
I’ve been to one night game at the Ballpark By The Bay — a few years ago, the Giants were hosting the Orioles in interleague play on the spouse’s birthday, so we went up to celebrate. And being interleague, we were able to get upper deck tickets right behind home plate, best seats we’ve ever had.
Best part of the new ballpark — transit accessibility. To get to Candlestick by transit, one had to go all the way into the City, then take one of several special Muni routes that ran over to the park. Now, we just take CalTrain and walk down a few blocks — it’s great to get there early for batting practice, and stay late in the City to have dinner before taking the train home.
Reminds me…should head over to the Giants website and see if there are any ticket plans that’ll work for us this year… 😉
If you’ve got some Woodford Reserve or Wild Turkey, beware! Wanna go quail hunting? heh.
February 15, 2003 world-wide anti-war protest
I took the photo below at sunset on February 15, 2003. This “Sundog Sunset” will, for me, forever symbolize the efforts of all those desiring world peace who took part in protests that weekend.
Sundog Sunset SW of West Fargo 2/15/03

[note: photo is copyrighted] larger
Thanks for sharing NDD. Do you do these gorgeous shots by yourself? I know, I could be making better use of my digital camera, but I have this damned thing about taking pictures of flowers, bees and bugs… LOL
OH, and DOGS too!
Thanks, IVG, nearly all that I post are mine, if not, I would mention it. The photo above was shot on 35mm, slide film, 50 Velvia, with tripod, due to the slow film speed.
I’ve only had my digital, Coolpix 3200, for 1-2 years. But I’m continually amazed at what that will do.
I’m sort of like what AndiF says about her shots, she just goes for her daily walk, same here in that nature in ND is just a step out the door. And I usually have the Coolpix attached at my belt these days.
If you appreciate closeups of flowers, bees, and bugs keep on the lookout for one olivia’s, hit the “larger” link, then surf her photo album, no end of fantastic shots. I would like to do more of that… not that I’ll ever tire of landscapes.
What? Did no one here watch the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show tonight? Cheney the Olympics (I don’t understand that stuff anyway, beings that I’m in the hinterlands). This show rocked, and I had the winner picked last night… Yeah, me, big time dog prognosticator! I was so shocked my pick won the show….
Anyway, RUFUS, the colored bull terrier won, and later I find out on Yahoo that it was his last dog show… JUST DESSERTS. He’s a hellofva dog, and I wish he were mine … though Pepa and Rolly might not agree with me on that one. Since the corgis got shut out (as usual), I was going for my next favorite group.
I just hope the Bu$hco administration doesn’t try to hire him now. That would send me into a tailspin….
Dogs are dogs, and then they think they’re human. What do they know that we don’t???
Got both nights of WKC on the DVR — the spouse and I will watch probably later this week/over the weekend.
Oh well, don’t know who won the other groups at least…
Sorry about that, Scribe… was just my lame attempt to pre-empt the Olympics. It’s definitely worth watching the whole show, just to see how the ones who got there did what they did.
Apologies for being a spoiler.
AND, with that, this old wolf is gonna go to bed now. See you folks on the flipside tomorrow at some point. Let’s see if I can sneak blogging into my work day…. If not, cheers and 4s to the cool folks here!