For those that truly believe in Valentine’s Day – this diary may not be for you….just a note.

As this day of Romance and Hearts and Flowers and Cupids surrounds us…my thoughts wander off to the rest of the year. I am a sentimental softy and big marshmallow inside and a pushover for babies and puppies and good friends and my family.

I do not believe in Valentine’s Day.

For me it is a way for retailers to cash in one more time – like Christmas, and Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and Grandparent’s Day….and more.
Random Thoughts:
There are many of us here, and around us, in our daily lives without partners…by choice or change in their lives.

There are many that have relationships that are painful yet still they stay.

There are many that have committed and loving relationships – that give and show love to each other all year long.

There are those that agonize over what gift to give and whether they can afford to give anything at all.

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What I do instead of Valentine’s Day

Each and every day I make sure that I tell my husband that I love him.

Every telephone call to my family I make sure I let them know that I love them.

Every visit to my family…including extended family…I make sure they get lots of hugs and that I tell them that I love them.

Every visit with friends begins and ends with a hug!

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So I do my best to avoid snippy comments about the crass commericalism of Valentine’s Day.

Today I’m thinking of the all the Welcome Wagon Diaries that Shirl and Diane posted. About the love and energy that flowed from the diaries and comments…to all that crossed the threshold into the Frog Pond.

This diary is simply a way to celebrate the love for others all year long. So please share how you show the love in your heart with others all year long. The love for your parents, or your partner, or your children, or you pets, or just strangers.

Love to all of us