Join the Journey

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Picket signs and flags near the window.
Goodies on the
Goodies on the
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from
earlier) |
That 4 looks good on you
Walking their talk.
Afternoon everyone. Hop in – it’s an amazing thing.
I love that picture!
and I love the people in that picture 🙂
That’s BrotherFeldspar, MilitaryTracy, DamnitRyan and SuperSoling
The water was very… green and dirty. The lawn was worn out. Helicopters were still flying over head. That day there were three over us. I remember wondering outloud how people with PTSD could stand those copters overhead… it was starting to unnerve even me.
This is great!!! My favorite people are REAL !!! Having a Velveteen Rabbit experience…. hmmm…
Hey Suskind 🙂 You should read some of the protest diaries by StevenD, Supersoling, BostonJoe, MilitaryTracy and Alohaleezy.
must do… very hard to keep up on disconnect…. computer delivered tomorrow, but not on line until the 27th… no time to read, no time to write……
a ‘specist’ about who can join in.
Doggies, Pooties and Marmots all wanted, of course.. and CabinGirl’s chickens and any other … other 🙂
I am so sorry, I had no idea Izzy was slated to do this.
You rescued me! Are you kidding? I can relax in here with coffee now. I mean, assuming you don’t drag me out for a walk…
I’m looking forward to your cafe 🙂
I’ll send out an email letting all the likely culprits know that you will do the next cafe.
Even if this one doesn’t “fill” up (reach 80 comments or so), we usually go ahead and open a new cafe about 5 or 6 EST — sooner, of course, if this was gets too big.
Oh yeah — Good Morning.
<rubbing eyes> what’d I miss?
… heeey, I just woke up, haven’t had breakfast, and you guys want to go on a stroll? Out walking?? That’s not nice… 😉
With this and the shot at the top I wonder if froggy bottoms might not be a better way to label this cafe.
HA!!!! Bottoms, no doubt : )
I am not touching this one!!!
Hope everyone’s having a great day (or at least as good a day as is possible under the present political climate). I’m better than I’ve been in weeks. I’m getting caught up, and writing wise pretty much everything that can go well has. I expect that trend to run out at any minute, but hey I’ll enjoy it until then.
It’s such a freaking beautiful day here that I am actually very glad to be living in the South™.
Sunny, warm breeze, about 65 degrees, and the trees are budding already. Plus, it’s payday!
Hey, did hubby ever get his luggage or is he playing that famous archetype “The Grubby American”?
He indeed got his luggage and clean underwear. Now he is merely the geeky American computer guy hanging out with the suave French IBMers.
The rest of the apartment is still Disaster Central (especially the bedroom) but I have a nice clear spot to put up the desk that’s being delivered. Now I’m just waiting for the damn folks delivering it to show up… 🙁
Thanks, AndiF, if you’re around, for the Photo Bucket tip! I uploaded my photos and would love to post one, but it isn’t working. If I try to post using the html address, I get an error message that says something about the a tag isn’t allowed, I forget it exactly. I can see the photo in preview, but it’s much too large. There is also an address that starts out [IMG] but that doesn’t work, etiher. Here is the web address for the photo I was trying to post:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would love to share a couple of the photos I’ve taken on my lunch breaks….
but maybe I can help:
Hope that helps! 🙂
What cali scribe said, except that you should only use the part of the photobucket tag that looks like this: < img src=… >
Delete the other 2 strings of html code that come before and after that one, and your error message will go away.
because I never see anything but the
etc. — I just copy and paste the middle code (labeled “Tag”) from my Photobucket album, and have no problems.
Was I good on the image reduction advice? 🙂
Thanks to the both of you for answering while I was busy writing War and Peace.
And your resizing advice was fine. As I mentioned in my epic, you can also use the width attribute to keep the image down to 400px size.
Yours was so much better…I thing you should do a diary with it as a PSA (public service announcement). Maybe add directions for chronologically ordering the comments too. 🙂
Unfortunately, photobucket has changed from just doing the img tag to doing tags that cause problems — meaning that after you paste the tag in the comment you need to edit it.
So this
<a href=”“ target=”_blank”><img src=”“ border=”0″ alt=”Image hosting by Photobucket”></a>
needs to be this in all of us getting to see this very nice picture.
<img src=”“ >
(You don’t have to remove the border=”0″ alt=”Image hosting by Photobucket”. I just did it to make it easier to read.)
However, you may need to do one more thing — your image needs to no more than smaller than 400px wide. Most people scale their pictures down before they upload them (which also helps keep the file size down) but if you don’t, you need to set the width of the picture to be 400px like this
<img src=”“ width=”400″ >
which would result in this:
I just looked at my album, and it’s only giving me the < img > tag — it’s not giving me the < a href > stuff. (Looking at the middle of the three options.) I have a premium account…does that make a difference?
Color me confused…
Woo hoo! It worked! Everyone like me who can’t get their pictures to shrink should use the last example with the width=”400″ tag.
how precious!!!!!
First – inside Photobucket click on the Edit over the photo.
Second – Click on reduce photo – 75%
Third – when you copy the “tag” to put it into a comment at the < img src command add width=340 in between the img and the src or something similar. I do that to all my photos.
Gee I’m glad I got here in time. Photobucket had me confused for a while also on the posting.
Now if I could figure out how to link, I would put one up for refinish to the diary:
How’d boo do that? (An HTML Primer)
what type of picture? LOL
Well for the cafe it’s usually George, landscape and pretty tame stuff. However, in the cafe you never know what type of picture will show up :).
well you have seen a few of my designs show up and of course the Diva Dogs, but I will keep the pictures on the tame side as to not offend. LOL
With such many very nice people in the cafe and the rest of Booman’s Trib, I think you would have a hard time offending anyone :).
I agree. Have met some great bloggers and fabulous people.
The html is basically
< a href=”insert url here”> name you want
Close the link with < /a>
Get rid of the space before the a, and after the end bracket and before the slash mark.
Thanks SallyCat. I’m going to give it a try.
One other question. Do you know of any program (free) that would let you practice stuff like this off line. It would be so much easier to practice html and not keep clicking back.
or in a blank diary here on Booman…also preview in comments.
When you are in photobucket in the upper right hand part of the screen there is an HTML practice box!
Thanks Sally and I’m off to practice.
Thank you, thank you, Everyone for all the really great tips! I still can’t make it work, but I’m going off to take more lunch photos and will try again when I get back!
(Am I dumb, or what?)
I did it I did it I did it (at least in preview….) Here goes nothin!
Thanks, everyone! I finally figured it out…. Whew!
I wish that I could see that photo but the filter gods have once again shielded my eyes.
You’ll have to check it out from home because otherwise you’ll be missing the bootrib panoply of tushies.
I wouldn’t want to miss any tukhes.
Even when there are differences of perception among us I’ll be sending you my love. Love and hugs to all in the Frog Pond.
why do I find these unhosted so lonely? mr. machine is here to get my coffee…. dark italian roast with a shot of Irish Mist.
The earthy M. Suskind
Robbie the Robot in Forbidden Planet with …… Dr. Mobius and was it Anne Francis of Honey West fame?
Those were the days, 26 years ago in Berkeley California, when “Forbidden Planet” was being shown in a film festival along with Shakespeare’s Tempest…. (or was it Hamlet?) must go study my own time machine.
the way forward is the way back…. good thing i’ve got so many years on me….. twiddling my thumbs, and pulling up old memory files while waiting for computer to be delivered Friday or Saturday…. then not on line for another 10 days after that…….. oh brother.
Machines have feelings too.
More than just sex toy… this guy really relates.
Well, friends, I have very few minutes left on this public library computer…. So I’m going to spruce up two old articles to submit to local newspapers… and amble on down the real footpath in the real park…. and think about 1975 Berkeley….. Thirty years ago was really interesting…..
Thank my lucky stars I’ve got one of these babies:
Had to search back a bit, but here’s Alohaleezy’s diary with the relevant details.
The special rate rooms are probably long gone, but you could probably book a regular room (I got a fairly decent deal through Travelocity on combined room/airfare), or Leezy might be able to recommend other lodging ideas nearby. Or you can try doubling up — I think Supersoling and Man Eegee are/were going to try and make it; one of them may have a spare bed. Going to be a very female-dominated group…oops, that doesn’t sound quite right… 😉
Hope you can make it down! 🙂
Reminds me of the days back in elementary school when at recess the coach would send the boys, and then the girls running around the field in separate groups. I would usually hang back with the girls and not because i wasn’t fleet of foot.
The coach thought I might be confused.
I never was confused and thus I still choose my friends carefully ;o)
I’m here, Suskind, I’m here!
Oh, you meant really real life… well, I’m now only a Californian by birth, so I can’t meet up. But here’s a comforting “DUDE!” sent your way.
where are you? i can travel…. i’m legal with transit papers…. wow !! i’m mobile !!!
I’m right here, Suskind! If you play your cards right, I may even be hosting a cafe this evening. (not even my first one and already with the threats — oh how easily the power goes to one’s head…)
oooh man oh man, wish i could make that gig…. but i’m maxed out on library time…. maybe i’ll go over to my sister’s house… where she will feed me and get on brother in law’s computer……
can i offer you some more vintage robot pics to add to your cafe hosting experience?
Are they skiing, skating, or curling? Because tonight. We go. To TORINO.
Robbie has been moving on, I see…. and so, my friends, must I….
See now, that is a stellar example of beauty of form and curves. All the round, smooth surfaces……
and the girl isn’t bad either ;o)
so the kid started doing drag? LOL
I just watched the old film – The Day the Earth Stood Still. Got any pictures of Gort?
And in early April I can meet you in the Sacramento area…maybe we can set something up between SF and Sacramento.
had to get some groceries and goodies
USA v Latvia –
Team USA is Fast. 1st period and we’re up 2 to 0
Latvia is taking penalty upon penalty. Irbe is the netminder (an old Shark goalie)
What a game!!!
It’s on the USA network
Did you get my chocolat? 🙂
Yup and it tasted good, too 🙂
Sorry for the delay – had to reboot. My pooter was suhhhhlow
2-1 now. Great, fast game!
you see how hot my NY Rangers are this year?
see how crappy my Sharks are?? LOL
I am watching the game and have to admit it makes no sense at all to me. LOL
a player is named syphilis? should make for interesting conversation in the locker room. LOL
The olympic rules are a bit different than the NHL ones.
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaah this game is very fast : ) Great energy!!
I don’t understand nhl hockey either. LOL
See that little round black thing?
The object is to make a bank shot off of the opposing players teeth, provided he has any, into the net. Sounds tricky but it happens all the time lol
LOL: and I guess they always put their false teeth in for the interviews right?
Some of the sexiest men I’ve seen were hockey players 🙂
Teemu Selanne – need I say more. Got to meet him too. The dude is HOT. And was very kind to my son. Neither realized each other had a speech delay 🙂
well, I have no problem with false teeth as long as you are forwarned LOL
Well I wasn’t talking about the Sharks DJ ;o)
I need you to focus….
on me ;o)
I have both my eyes on you SuperSoling : )
DAMN!!! I really hate Modano! Freaking Phallus Scars player… LOL stupid penalty taken.
Still a great game. The fans are out of their minds 🙂 I love it.
This. Is. Hockey!!
Ever tell you about the time I was at the UNBELIEVABLE game Boston at San Jose. I sat about 3 seats away from Grahame as he was the b/u goalie. I threatened to hit him with a peanut. Shell and all 🙂
back to Rangers. I have been picking the NYR for the Satudray pick game. I’m like 5th or 4th from the top.
Valrhona – yummy! Or did you want some hot chocolate?
mmmm! I’ll take ’em both!
I volunteered to route their emails. Info, questions, hate mail – etc etc..
First email… I couldn’t answer. ACK!! I’ll get the hang of it.
I need Newbie Noogies LOL