Update [2006-2-16 9:55:13 by BooMan]: For anyone that was unable to access the site over the last twelve hours, it’s my fault. I registered the domain name using an email that I no longer maintain, and I did not receive notice that I needed to pay the $35 annual fee. It is fixed now. Strangely, I never lost the ability to connect, so it took me a while to realize the problem.
What’s the big story that’s not getting covered?
Getting ignored while the Cheney saga rolls on are the hearings involving Yahoo/Google/etc regarding their assistance in subverting human rights in China. The irony is that these hearings are taking place while our rights are eroded daily. Repugs have no sense of irony.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc = [occurring] after this, therefore caused by this…
NPR’s “Morning Edition” did a piece on this in their business coverage this AM
Uh, seems that this fell under the radar today.
Gonzales Withholding Plame Emails
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t | Report
Wednesday 15 February 2006
Sources close to the investigation into the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson have revealed this week that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has not turned over emails to the special prosecutor’s office that may incriminate Vice President Dick Cheney, his aides, and other White House officials who allegedly played an active role in unmasking Plame Wilson’s identity to reporters.
Moreover, these sources said that, in early 2004, Cheney was interviewed by federal prosecutors investigating the Plame Wilson leak and testified that neither he nor any of his senior aides were involved in unmasking her undercover CIA status to reporters and that no one in the vice president’s office had attempted to discredit her husband, a vocal critic of the administration’s pre-war Iraq intelligence. Cheney did not testify under oath or under penalty of perjury when he was interviewed by federal prosecutors.
The emails Gonzales is said to be withholding contained references to Valerie Plame Wilson’s identity and CIA status and developments related to the inability to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Moreover, according to sources, the emails contained suggestions by the officials on how the White House should respond to what it believed were increasingly destructive comments Wilson’s husband had been making about the administration’s pre-war Iraq intelligence.
Gonzales, who at the time of the leak was the White House counsel, spent two weeks with other White House attorneys screening emails turned over to his office by roughly 2,000 staffers following a deadline imposed by the White House in 2003. The sources said Gonzales told Fitzgerald more than a year ago that he did not intend to turn over the emails to his office, because they contained classified intelligence information about Iraq in addition to minor references to Plame, the sources said.
He is said to have cited “executive privilege” and “national security concerns” as the reason for not turning over some of the correspondence, which allegedly proves Cheney’s office played an active role in leaking Plame Wilson’s undercover CIA status to reporters, the attorneys said.
Here’s one out of 172,663,895
Medicare D. Been having some trouble finding info that I didn’t already have/write about. Kinda taking it easy for a bit, wonder why?
I realize I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but would have to say again:
followed closely by Darfur
(& for anyone interested in first amendment/free speech issues in the usa of a, Nitke v. Gonzales & the lawsuit around USC 18 sec. 2257)
Because I do have to write to my two republican senators to complain, I get on their mailing list. I find it good humor to say the least to read what they have to say. NOw you all know I am an analytic person, Maybe more than I need to be, but this came in my jink mail, and I normally do not read this but the subject line was teasing me to read it, so I did and I just have to share it with you. I think the republican party is nervous and anxious a bit, if you ask me. I think the rumors of unhappy campers in the party just might be the truth..anyhow am hoping I am right …What do you think??????
Don’t let the liberal media speak for you!
The liberal Democrats are waging an all out war on the Bush agenda and their willing allies in the media are doing everything they can to help convince voters that we should turn our backs on President Bush.
Don’t let the liberals speak for you. Take our Republican Referendum Survey now and let our Republican Senators know where you stand.
Then take one more vital step and help protect our Republican Senate Majority by clicking the button below and making a generous contribution today. Thank you!
Elizabeth Dole
Chair, NRSC
Do you believe we should abandon the Bush agenda and our Republican principles?
I believe that your answer will most likely be, “No.”
I only ask this question because day after day you and I and our entire country are being force-fed biased news and negative propaganda from the liberal special interests.
The liberals claim you support their panicked calls to cut and run in Iraq…
…The Democrats say a majority of Americans want to abandon efforts to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, in effect locking in a future tax hike on all Americans…
…And the biased media continually proclaim that despite the growing economy, job creation and falling unemployment, voters believe America would be better off with Democrats in charge.
If you support our President’s agenda and our Republican principles, I want you to go “on the record” by clicking below and completing our Republican Referendum Survey now.
Click here to complete the survey now.
As Chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and a member of the Republican Senate Leadership Team, I want Republican Senate Leaders and our Senate candidates to hear DIRECTLY from you, unfiltered by the biased media – And I promise, we will listen to your advice and act to keep your interests at the top of our agenda.
The future of our Senate Majority is on the line, and so is the future of America.
So please take a few moments to complete this official NRSC national survey and indicate whether you are FOR or AGAINST Bush agenda priorities such as:
Making the Bush tax cuts permanent.
Strengthening border security.
Supporting our troops in Iraq.
Reforming regulatory agencies to help American business compete.
A sensible energy policy that encourages domestic exploration to cut dependence
on foreign oil.
These are just a few of the agenda items that Republicans in the U.S. Senate have championed and are continuing to push for action on.
But liberal Democrat Senators like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and John Kerry have put up an election year embargo against meaningful legislation. And their allies in the media claim Americans like you support the Democrats’ actions.
I need you to make it clear to Republican candidates and our fellow Americans that the Democrats are blocking the will of the American people when they stand in the way of the Bush agenda in the U.S. Senate!
That’s why I’m asking you to immediately click below and take the Republican Referendum Survey.
Click here to complete the survey now.
But you and I both know that even an overwhelming, massive response to this Referendum will not be enough to convince the Democrats to end their obstructionism and delay…
…The only way we can make sure the will of the American people is respected is to ensure that Senate Democrats receive a resounding rebuke from voters on Election Day this November!
And that’s why I’m asking you to send a supporting contribution of $33, $66 or $99 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) along with your answers to the Referendum Form by clicking below.
Your $33 contribution – just a single dollar for every Senate race – can help the NRSC break the liberal logjam in the Senate by fighting to win control of the two open Democrat Senate seats.
A contribution of $66 – $2 for every Senate seat being contested – will help us rush aid to vulnerable Republican Senators being targeted by the massive liberal special interest coalition that is intent on putting Democrats in control of the Senate.
And if you can spare $99 – a commitment of only $3 for every Senate race – you can help us go after out-of-touch liberal Democrat incumbents who are struggling to hold onto their seats in states that President Bush won by wide margins in 2004.
I chose to ask you for these amounts – $33, $66, and $99 – because I want you to know that every dollar you send has a purpose, a destination, in critical Senate races being held all across the country in 2006.
I can’t emphasize enough that your support can make a difference. The NRSC and our important campaign work is funded by the personal contributions of men and women like you – YOU ARE THE REPUBLICAN PARTY – and our candidates can’t win without you behind them 100%.
Please protect our conservative agenda and strengthen our Republican Senate Majority with your much needed support today.
With my warmest best wishes,
Senator Elizabeth Dole
NRSC Chair
Did you read that w/o feeling nauseous?
Actually I laughed big and hardy. I really do think they are in big time trouble. Tooooo much is coming out nowadays and I think ppl are starting to question their platform/mantra. Republicans do not scare me nor do they really make me physically ill,for I work with too many of them…:o) I have to conserve on my own health:o)
I really do think they are in big time trouble. Tooooo much is coming out nowadays and I think ppl are starting to question their platform/mantra.
Be nice if you were right…I still have my doubts…
Actually Street Kid, I may be wishing way too much too, but it was good while it lasted….:o)
Really, now put yourself in this position and this was a democrat doing this stuff. Wouldn’t you get a little weary of your party…and start to question some of the ethical motives and the whys things are being done? I know I sure would…
but temember, republicans don’t have ethics!
There’s no lie too shameless, no propaganda too outrageous that these virulent wingnut creatures won’t advance it in the name of their delusional cause.
Since I have the same problem senators you do, I’m betting Frist’s office is behind it. The answers I get from Alexander are at least on-topic, even if I don’t agree with them. With Frist, I never know what letter the reply was in connection to: the connection is tenuous at best, as is the reasoning.
I’ll bet a bunch of Fundamentalists that get that request take it outside and burn it.
Way too much symbolism in numbers there.
There may end up being a blood bath in Pakistan over these cartoons. Over 70,000 people in the streets of Peshawar Pakistan. This may end up being a huge test for Musharraf.
You know, in all sincerity, I do feel too much has happened in Pakistan and the political atmosphere that the ppl will take the government over, sooner or later.
I agree. Our foreign policy is like gas to a fire for Musharraf. Bush didn’t see this coming either I’ll bet.
yup, you got that right…and bush never sees anything coming but $$$$ for his kitty and maybe a little shit stirring to make his day.
Yep. I believe they’ve lost control over this.
It looks like someone is in complete control when the latest abuse info/pics are timed for maximum reaction.
Just to clarify, though, I think the editorial cartoon protests were more…um, structured than it’s been portrayed in US media. There aren’t many protests in some of these places, and I know their governments are corrupt and their personal situations can be dire.
Of course, it’s much the same here. In fact, exactly the same. Folks living right here who don’t have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of would go absolutely ape-shit if the avatars of free speech decided to portray Jesus as a pig.
And of course, we wouldn’t know anything about dire living situations and corrupted governments.
But the funny thing about protests controlled for effect–someone might forget and protest for real one day.
I’m not an expert, by any means. Just my take.
I don’t think Cheney and his neocons will be disturbed by this at all. In fact I suspect quite the opposite is more likely.
They don’t really need Musharraf for anything any longer. Bin Laden is more useful to Cheney on the loose than dead or captive, so even if Musharaff were pursuing al Qaeda with vigor, Cheney wouldn’t want him to be caught anyway.
Also, since there really is no “War on Terror” being waged by Bushco, what do they care if Pakistan and Musharraf are having increasing internal difficulties. From the Cheney perspective, anything that leads to more violence will lead to more war and since war is what he and his lunatic pals want, they’d more likely be celebrating the violence in Pakistan that being troubled by it.
For all the fearmongering and warmongering going on about Iran, the inevitable disintegration of the Musharraf dictaorship makes Pakistan a far more dangerous country right now than Iran by a long shot.
And it’s not going to make India feel any warmer and fuzzier towards us either, for creating a pit bull on their doorstep. Bush may get a surprise when he goes to India to talk up unity in the “War on Terra”.
Fortunately, (at least in the short term), Indians voted out the dangerous rightwing party of Vajpayee and the hatemonger/warmonger Advani.
I’m not sure what the overall feeling is in India about the US and the government’s closeness to it. Certainly there are many who are currently enjoying the benefits of US business dealswith respect to technology, call centers and the like, but long term, those benefits are seriously hurting the poor in India in many places even more, (as amazing as it is that such a thing is possible given the depths of poverty in tht country). And it’s not clear that such business favoritism would continue if India chose to oppose the US official position on things. If the US decided to pull the rug out from under India with these comfortable deals, I’m sure public opinion in India against the US would mushroom overnight.
Meanwhile, with the US violating the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty by giving nuclear weapons technology to India as a payoff for their cooperation, they are increasing the militarization of the region just like they’re doing everywhere else. And I think the neocons would welcome war between India and Pakistan too eventually. Maybe not just yet, but in the end, Cheney and his cohorts want war and for them, any war will contribute to their insane plan.
I Like your phrase “War on Terra.”
Maybe this?
oh my heavens, another one!!!???? I sure hope someday that ppl like this do find happiness.
Heh, I actually don’t know anything about her dating history.. Just joking on the nature of what the media covers. But yeah, I hope so too.. she can always give me a call.
I could hit the hay now with the warm fuzzies in the brain, as does most of the rest of the population. Hmmm what a novel thought.
Well, kids, with all this fun stuff here tonight, I am all worn out. An old lady as I am, gets very tired out when if comes to the gastly deeds of the other side, the dark side of life. If all thsi shit about war and angry ppls of every land inthe world doesn’t stop soon, I think we all will loose it very soon…I know I have gotten very sick and tired of this war crap all the time. Dont you think it is time to stop this madness? I can not take much more of the news in here….:o)…I have to get some sleep for tomorrow is another day of madness to have to deal with. Nighty night, ya’ll….
Not earth shattering in scope, but definitely a small step in the right direction, as unusual as that is these days.
Link here.
Thank God!
Since 11:25 PM last night until 9:48 AM this morning, Eastern Standard Time, I have not been able to link to Booman Tribune!! It was like finding my telephone had been cut off for no understanable reason.
Whats going on – Why did I keep getting the page saying site moved or no longer in service? Did this happen to anyone else?
Yes, Don’t know why.
I was having withdrawel! Gotta have my BooFix every morning or I’d feel as isolated and alone as I, um, really am.
Yeppers…see Booman’s update at top of diary for explanation Gram
I thought for a while I had been banned LOL
raised in captivity for hunting preserves.
To induce egg laying, lights are kept on the birds for 17 hours – 24 hours a day. While brooding, the temperatures are kept at 100 degrees F. After hatching, the chicks are continually de-beaked up to the nostrils to prevent cannibalism (rampant in farmed birds because they are driven insane). In large operations the debeaking is done by machine. Birds are raised in an area of 3 birds per square foot. After birds mature they are ‘flight-conditioned’ that is, they are put in a pen 40′ long and 12′ feet high, kept away from contact with humans or dogs. Here, for 4 weeks they are allowed to strengthen their wings to provide a challenge for the hunter. Afterwards they are “set free” for a couple of weeks in the bush. The birds begin to act normal looking forward to a life of freedom at last, when all of a sudden, a row of orange monsters with rifles comes after them. Blam! blam! blam!
in the English language:
Pitchers and catchers report