We’re going to run a contest. Maybe I have the order wrong, so please forgive me.

First it was the Bolsheviks. Then the Communists. Pinkos, I believe, were derived from both of these. The scary Socialists were in there somewhere, probably under the bed. Hell, they were and are all puking Leftists. I almost forgot the godless secularists. I have purposely left out women-ists, minorities-ists, gay-ists and lesbian-ists–that’ll be another post and poll, another time.

These are the litany of bogeymen and women baddies hauled out to scare the populace and herd them in the pre-selected direction of the powers-that-be. The menaces employed to provoke fear and loathing (sorry Mr. Thompson), the ones who must be stopped to prevent the demise of this country. The obvious clear and present dangers (sorry, Mr. Clancy).
Who is the foremost threat to this country today?

Which entity is the scariest?

Just who has proven to be the greatest menace? Done the most harm?

Pick the sword of Damocles that we DEFINITELY need to be spying on.

As administrator of said poll, I get to offer the choices–me momentarily being a power-that-be.(ah, the rush!)

But first, here is why I have limited the choices below to variations of a single phrase: because there was simply no other competition.

Who else has brought us to the eve of destruction (sorry, Mr. McGuire) by:

    * ransacking and depleting the treasury
    * desecrating and liquidating our national environmental treasures
    * decimating our military
    * dividing the country for political expediency
    * creating an external hatchery for terrorists
    * destroying good will and cooperation around the world
    * fearmongering the ‘flock of sheep’

Oh they studied history so well. Be the wolf in sheep’s clothing, do it under a charade of ‘we are here to protect and only we can be trusted.’ Utilize perfectly-timed terror threats to spook the populace whenever fervor or ratings sag.

And it is working.

This, even though 9/11 happened on their watch. Even though the preparation for and response to Hurrican Katrina happened on their watch. The ones who address every tragedy that occurs with them in charge with these four words: ‘who could have thought…”

So here’s your choices for apex jeopardizers of the United States today:

    * Bush-apaloozers

    * Bush-anistas

    * Bush-holes

    * Bush-aninnys

    * Bush-tards

    * Traitors

Respond accordingly.