Folks, we’re seeing the official re-closeting of the Democrats in terms of gay visibility and outreach. If you had any illusions that the 2006 iteration of the Democratic party isn’t ready to throw gays under the bus (but take our cash), here is a string of developments to consider.
1. The anti-gay VA Gov, Tim Kaine, was picked for the State of the Union response. If you’ve been reading my blog, you know full well what I think about the symbolism that this choice represented.
What do you think the party is trying to tell gays and lesbians when its choice of Kaine is heralded because “the new governor can best deliver their 2006 message of inclusiveness?” The man’s position on his own state’s pending marriage amendment is that he’s “not comfortable” with the bigoted language but he’ll sign the amendment anyway. More here and here.
For those out there who thought this was no big deal in the bigger scheme of things, just an inconsequential matter, the evidence that the party at the national level has the intention of avoiding the “gay issue” is no loud and clear. Re-closeting gays instead of addressing the right wing with alternative, logical framing based on the core values of the party has been deemed a more meaningful (read: winning) strategy. Is Bob Shrum in the house?
2. Howard Dean abolishes DNC gay outreach post. The laughable excuse on this one (via the Washington Blade) is that the reorg “will be more effective than the previous system because it will “bring in a lot more resources from all of the DNC’s departments and offices,” according to Chris Owens, director of the DNC’s American Majority Partnership program.
Right. This quietly took place last year, allegedly to create an integrated effort to address the concerns of minorities as a group. The gay outreach desk was won after a long struggle; to see it eliminated causes legitimate concern.
Gay Democratic Party activist and fundraiser Jeff Soref of New York City said he resigned from the DNC and from his position as chair of the gay caucus in August largely because of Dean’s decision to eliminate the gay outreach desk.
“It took us many years to win that position, have it funded and make it effective,” Soref said.
Soref said he told Dean “it was not credible” to simply assume that combining all constituent groups into one program without a specific gay coordinator or director would be effective because it would likely result in less attention to the specific concerns of gay Democrats.
“I thought this system could lead to us being re-marginalized by the party,” Soref said in an e-mail message to the Blade. “I have seen or heard nothing since that makes me feel that is not happening,” he said.
Howard Dean fired off a letter to the Blade after this blew up in his face. It still smells to high heaven. As Russ said over at my pad:
Shorter Dean/DNC: The GOP handed us our ASS with those anti-gay amendments last election! They’ll do it again if we ally with the homos. Pipe down, faggots, so we don’t lose…If sacking Hackett was the final nail in the coffin, this is the first shovelful of dirt upon it. What do they suppose they’ll tease us with? “Oh, just pipe down so we can win in Jesusland, then we promise to give you your rights.” Sure. Cuz you won’t be looking forward to the next election, and the next, and the next…
OK. Is it possible that Jeff Soref was a little paranoid about this and Howard’s on the up and up? Well, guess what? Look at this latest development at the DNC…
3. DNC Annual Grassroots Report Omits Any Reference to GLBT Americans. Via Out for Democracy, the news that this new report, unlike previous DNC reports, doesn’t even mention the LGBT community or any outreach efforts.
How do you feel now, homos? A tad marginalized, under-appreciated…that doormat/ATM kind of feeling?
Let’s take a look at Howard Dean’s vision of the core values of the party for 2006. Pay close attention to the sections on civil rights and civil equality, especially given we have state after state passing or preparing to pass amendments making lesbian and gay taxpaying residents second-class citizens.
Focus On Our Core Values
Never Backing Down: Governor Dean has lived up to Martin Luther King, Jr.’s call to never remain silent about the things that matter. From the failed management of the war in Iraq to the moral crisis of 45 million people without access to healthcare, he has shown honesty and backbone and encouraged more Democrats to do the same.
A Clear Agenda: Working with other party leaders, we have created and begun to communicate a clear agenda for change:
Honest Leadership and Open Government — We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a sense of responsibility to elected office, and we will pass fundamental reforms that make government more honest, open, and accountable to the American people than ever before.
Real Security — We will protect Americans at home by getting serious about homeland security, and address the real threats abroad by capturing or killing Osama bin Laden and focusing on actual (not imagined) nuclear proliferation. We will be prepared for the threats of tomorrow, and we will always tell the truth to our troops and the American people.
Jobs in America that will Stay in America — We will keep good jobs from leaving and ensure that every job in America is a fair deal. We will balance the budget, ensure that the tax code is simple and fair, and create jobs by making America energy independent.
A Strong Public Education System — We will strengthen our nation’s public schools to restore opportunity and optimism for every American.
A Health Care System that Works for Everyone — We will join every other industrialized country by making sure everyone has access to affordable health care. We will change a corrupt, inefficient system into one that makes sure the world’s wealthiest country is also the healthiest.
What did you think about the civil equality section? Oh, oops…I’m sorry, you didn’t skim past it. IT’S NOT THERE.
And how does that square with past acknowlegments of LGBT outreach? Let’s look at a section of a report under former DNC Chair, Terry McAuliffe, from DNC’s Facts and Figures Glossary (Feb. 2005):
GLBT Outreach: Under the leadership of Chairman McAuliffe, the DNC in partnership with the Kerry campaign, embarked upon the most comprehensive GLBT pride outreach program in the history of a national political party and presidential campaign. During this election year, the DNC manned tables and marched in more than 75 gay pride events in 22 states, taking the DNC’s message of equality and fairness to more than four million GLBT and allied voters. This year’s DNC Convention was a historic one for the GLBT community, with a record number of GLBT delegates, standing committee members, DNC members, and staff.
The message is clear — the Dems are going to avoid the gay issue like the plague again. They are not interested in reframing the issue and not ready to counter the AmTaliban. The Democrats are just not “comfortable” enough to fight at the national level for our rights. Thanks for the heads-up, Howard.
The truth of the matter is, there is no spine in this party, no desire to really take on Republicans on anything remotely related to gay civil equality on any matter (and I’m not just talking about same-sex marriage). One can only conclude that the party doesn’t see any urgency about the amendements sweeping through the nation, and that it’s a perfectly acceptable position to say “let the states decide” — to make discrimination of a class of citizens permanent law. Many of those states don’t even have a fig leaf of “separate but equal” civil unions/domestic partnerships/”marriage” to offer up to same-sex couples (they can’t be equal because none of the over 1000 federal benefits that convey with civil marriage exist).
At this point, because of Dem silence while the void is filled by the hate mongers demonizing gays, you’ve got some states considering a ban on gays adopting or fostering kids (adoption’s already banned in Florida), deep-sixing same-sex benefits, and choosing to kill anti-discrimination bills that propose adding sexual orientation to existing law — what icing on the cake this is in the daily lives of gay Americans in those locations.
How sad is it that the Democrats allow its agenda to be driven by fear of the likes of the American Family Association’s Don and Tim Wildmon, for example, who have effectively bullied and led the GOP by the nose (and has moved on to corporate America). The Dems refuse to politically counter an organization that, reminding folks again:
- has an advocate for executing gays and abortion providers on its radio show
- believes gays were the real evil behind the Holocaust?
- thinks gays are responsible for the “end of times”?
- tries to convince the public that gays are a “public health” threat? or diseased perverts who die early?
These folks are extremist windbags and theocrats, along with the Dobsons, Bauers, and Lou Sheldons screeching out there. If we weren’t in Bizarro World, a real Democratic party with real core values would be scorching and silencing these clowns as the crazies that they are.
With the exception of a few elected Dems willing to speak passionately about the bigotry guiding the Right (such as Mel Watt, Senfronia Thompson, David Englin, the latter two in particular showing bravery, since they have much to lose as local officials), the “electability” factor trumps conscience.
Oh yes, and Paul Hackett, who was also gay-affirmative (well, we all know how that ended).
Why are those few politicians who are putting their necks on the line to say the right thing not held up high as the model to follow?
We’re in for a rough ride folks — and those of you concerned about reproductive freedom, I don’t see anything up there for you either. Welcome to the club.
And yes, I did write the party about this.
- BlogActive: Howard Dean goes on rampage… Kills constituent desks
- Keith Boykin: I Want My Gay DNC
Hat tip, Out for Democracy, via PageOneQ. Cross-posted on Pam’s House Blend.
…that this is just the beginning; gays are the easy target. As you’ve noticed reproductive freedom is notably missing from the core values as well. The Christofascists have scared the Dems back on that as well. The AmTaliban wants to control the wombs of America, spy in your bedroom, and impose its vision on everyone. Screw the gays — why hasn’t the party taking those on either?
Supremes like Alito were supposed to be worth fighting against; that caving was swift and spineless. Why should anyone have confidence that the “just let them back into power and we’ll be fine” position will work when Dems fall like house of cards on issue after issue — they are simply unwilling to risk their power and access.
Pam, I’m so glad you posted this over here. I was just about to do a diary linking to this piece at Pandagon.
This piece does a great job of explaining why I will not be giving money, time, or a “take it to the bank vote” to the Democratic party this year. I will only support candidates who support equal rights and nothing less for everyone. I’m done being used by these punks.
My allegiance is to the concept of equality, first and foremost, and not to the Democratic party. To the extent that the Democratic party fights for equality, they will have my support. However, the party is clearly in the process of unburdening itself of the responsibility to fight for equality for everyone. Apparently, equality for women and gays is not so important to the Democrats who are in charge of election strategy. But it’s critically important to me, and I flat-out refuse to coalition anymore with anyone who doesn’t prioritize it appropriately.
Pardon my extended metaphor but —
The dems have decided that they will be able attract the white bread and mayonnaise right-of-center crowd by making sure their menu is scrubbed clean of anything that doesn’t appeal to that group’s palate. They think the rest of us will go along with this because they think we can’t get served anywhere else. Well I hate mayonnaise and I can feed myself.
I can barely even express how so far over it I am.
I don’t know how big of an asshole you have to be to support people who think it’s cool to legislate women and gays down to second and third class citizenry, but I know for a fact that some people are bound to be both stupid and homophobic/misogynistic enough to actually criticize the gays and the women for not continuing to give ever more political support to our own oppressors in the Democratic party. And to them I say:
Your way sucks. I will not be bullied into doing things your way anymore. I gave your way a chance. Your way got me BushCo, and your way got me Democrats who vote for things like the Iraq war authorization and the Patriot Act even when they’re the goddamned majority in Congress, let alone the horrific things they vote for when they’re the minority. Your way means that even when Democrats win, Democratic supporters lose. Well, fuck all that. You can whine and cry and call me names, you can act disgusted and superior while you continue to make baseless claims about knowing what’s best for everyone else — hell, you can temper tantrum like a fucking toddler for all I care, but I am completely done doing things your way. Your way sucks.
That was a general ‘you’, right? 😉
The fact is that all we do by continuing to support them is to convince them that what they are doing is the way to win. And I’m not going to do that. If they want my support, they are going to have to earn it by taking positions that support policies and ideas that matter to me.
Damn straight — no pun intended! 😉
The Dem leadership has essentially decided that it wants to win back the Dixiecrats from the GOP. They know damn well that they won’t be able to keep them unless they stick to their new right-of-center position, but they keep telling us that they’ll still look out for our rights. If I lay hands on a few sacks of that bullshit, I’d have the best garden in America.
The only thing they have to sell us is the same thing the GOP is selling: fear. The GOP invokes 9/11 whenever they feel threatened, and the Dems invoke the GOP. “Vote for us or the GOP will take over.” Whatever. You guys are the GOP. The next time your congresswine opens his or her fat yap, ask them for a list of the bills they have sponsored in support of gay rights, or women’s right, religious and racial minority rights, labor rights, or practically any other civil liberties or social justice issue. If you’re one of the lucky ones to get a good answer, vote for them. Otherwise, tell them to stick it where the sun don’t shine.
If the best pitch the Dems have is that they aren’t quite as indifferent to our rights as the GOP, they aren’t going to get very far.
I’m so done too. Screw all these DEMONcrats©. They can go pound sand. Screw Tim Kaine. Screw James Webb. Screw Bob Casey.
Hackett’s the canary in the coal mine for grassroots progressives in the democratic party.
Got progressive? Then U need not apply.
We’re just chump change in the “virtual ATM©”. We pay and get played like a slot machine.
Put another nickel in the juke-box please, they say.
Give us your money!!!!!!!!!
and while we’re at it, screw schumer and reid. their interests don’t reflect yours:
gays? women? who needs them?
Thanks Pam!!!! Great dairy and says a lot of what I have been saying for a while now.
the Mississippi Democratic Party Platform includes this:”We believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.”
While the rest of the platform is acceptable or approved by me, I cannot in good conscience work directly for the party here. I am still an independent voter, and will remain so, even though I strongly wish to remove all of Mississippi Rethugs from office.
The demonization of glbt’s is absolutely unforgivable. I do not believe in second-class citizenship for ANYONE.
Holy smoke. Sanctity of marriage sh*t in any Democratic Party platform is outrageous. North Carolina‘s, thankfully, doesn’t have anything of the sort.
Actually, although I’m fiercely independent and have never registered for a party, I was fired up about volunteering for Dems this cycle. Then I went to the website to check on opportunities, thought I’d check out the official platform, and was stopped dead in my tracks… It’s sickening that they would stoop so low as to put crap like that in the platform.
sigh… :'(
damn that is scary!!!!
What spineless sniveling cowards the democratic party has turned into. The party seems intent on going backwards not forewards.
Nothing, absolutely nothing is more important than equal/civil rights for everyone.. and everything flows from that from healthcare to education. Everything.
I was sitting here having a good rant in my head on this but can’t seem to get it written any of you who know me here may picture once again that swirling blue cloud around me in my little apartment and it ain’t from the cigarette I’m smoking.
I’ve heard spineless and cowards, but somehow the addition of “sniveling” brought it all home. Lose on principle, at least you still have your principles, something even those who disagree can respect. Lose by pandering, you have nothing but contempt.
No matter how many times the lips say “we’re strong”, the actions speak volumes. The message, “please, please, please like us… we’ll do anything, anything. We can be anything you want, but please…. like us.”
At first I thought the cave on Alito was the last straw for me… when if they’d only mustered the same votes on Monday they had on Tuesday, that seat would still be open. Then they pushed out Paul Hackett, rather than letting the Democrats in Ohio determine who their candidate should be… because the suits in DC decided they didn’t want any “contested” primaries. Just as they’ve already “decided” who the candidate would be in Pennsylvania. WTF? I thought this was a DEMOCRACY, not an oligarchy….
And I tried to remind myself about Howard Dean’s 50-state building policy and how it was gonna take at least another few years to start rebuilding a strong grassroots party across the country….
But no. THIS is the last straw. What fucking GOOD is building a strong grassroots organization if you IGNORE the PEOPLE who are your grassroots? If you cave in on your strongest principles? If you ABANDON women and gays who have long been the heart and strength of this party? If you are ashamed to be associated with your strongest supporters, what does that say about YOUR values?
No. No more money. No volunteering, nothing, nada, zilch, squat. Nothing for the National Party. They can go fly a fucking kite. Don’t tell me to be patient and wait for the crumbs that fall from the table…. when we should have had a seat there all along.
Amen JanetT..and whose next in the dems quest to be casper milktoasts?..are they going to abandon any semblance of continuing the civil rights fight for blacks..lets not upset our southern voters, how bout we shitcan all those pesky environmental groups..we can do without them for this rate the next thing we know they’ll be saying the KKK isn’t that bad..just a bunch of good old boys who take pride in white power..
yeah that’s sarcasm but……..with friends like this who needs enemies.
I hate to say it but they already have. They want to be so damn middle of the road and covert repugnant votes that thet forgot what party they were. They keep up it means they will get their asses handed to them again in 06,08 and beyond.
A release from the DNC just landed in my inbox:
Given my post, it certainly is timely, in its attempt to explain the reorganization and the current positions, for what it’s worth…
Comments, questions for the DNC?
If you want a read on a get-together Dean had with gay leaders on this in NY, check out the article, Dean’s Kiss and Make-Up, at Gay City News. It doesn’t sound like everyone left the meeting satisfied.
My comment on the release:
This clarifies what the DNC intends to implement as an outreach plan. But, you will notice that there isn’t a proactive plan to actually counter the deluge of BS about to come down the pike from the right-wing (again).
What, pray tell, is the DNC going to do about the Mississippi Democratic Party Platform, mentioned in a comment above, for instance, which includes: “We believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.” Is the DNC on board with that “state-specific” plank?
After all, Dean says: “We are standing strong with the community, fighting the Republican Party’s repugnant efforts to exploit the politics of fear and division and scapegoat LGBT families for electoral gain.” How about Dems who are doing the same thing? If we’ve got so-called Dems-in-good-standing and Republicans on the ballot both saying they are for the sanctity of marriage, that doesn’t sound like we need a few more folks at Pride events.
My take is that the party is going to make a few stands in the states where they have chances to pull off small victories, such as the ones mentioned in Maine and Oregon. Otherwise, I see the party leaving progressive Dems/LGBT in the Red states high and dry.
yet, they said not one damn thing to help Texas this past fall. DNC and Dean are so full of shit on this one it is unbelievable. The memo is a soft sale to make us think it is great that we are in his office but don’t have a separate department as was promised. The main thing it says is we love you as long as you vote and donate, but we could care less about you otherwise.
I emailed the so called head of the GLBT outreach on Feb. 11th asking about the issues in this dairy and the one I posted. I have yet to hear back from him at all.
I don’t know if this means anything to you…but at every DNC function I’ve attended, Dean has mentioned the LBGT community. I’ve never seen anything to suggest that there’s a concerted de-emphasis.
There’s also a new resolution being proposed that adds gays and lesbians to the affirmative action plan for ensuring diverse participation in convention delegations.
The new DNC organizers hired in every state are tasked with fostering LGBT inclusion (I don’t care for the term “outreach). The constituency director that we recently hired at the Oregon Democratic Party will be working with Basic Rights Oregon and other LGBT organizations. Prior to that, it wasn’t anybody’s job. So, it looks to me like the trade-off is one “desk” at the DNC in Washington vs. people in all 50 states who can work on LGBT issues.
The old system didn’t seem to serve anyone very well. I think the new approach deserves a chance to work. I like the concept expressed in a statement quoted in the Blade article:
“Governor Dean has insisted that every staff member at every level must be aware of the needs and priorities of all the communities the party represents, must reach out respectfully to those communities, and must build bridges between and among communities based on our shared values and priorities.”
The party was pretty broken. I think we owe Dean some breathing room to try to fix it.
I understand your disappointment in not finding LGBT listed specifically in the Core Values statement. I’ve also heard from people who are upset that voting rights isn’t in the list, or environmental protections, or Palestinian statehood. If you look at the list, though, the things that are in it affect everybody. It had to be short, or nobody would know what we stand for.
I also hope people understand that the party is not equal to the politicians. I am as appalled as anyone about elected Democrats not standing up for core Democratic values and DSCC support for Casey, but the DNC does not fund the DSCC nor does it have influence in terms of what candidates it supports. The DSCC and DCCC are run by their caucuses–sitting Senators and Representatives. The DNC doesn’t fund their races. Part of the problem is that many elected Democrats are more interested in their own re-election campaigns than they are in standing together and furthering Democratic values.
What the DNC is for is to strengthen the Democratic Parties at all levels so that it can elect Democrats. It is generally agnostic about candidates, because the Democratic voters are supposed to determine who they are.
I look forward to seeing the fruits of Dean’s efforts, and hope that revitalized state and local parties will then be able to support and elect more progressive candidates. In many states now, the candidates ignore the party, and because the parties have been so weak, they don’t have much leverage.
I was pretty pissed off at the party about 4 years ago. I decided that the only way to change it was to get involved. It’s obviously a long-term project…kind of like turning a barge. It will turn faster, though, if we all get at the same end and paddle like hell.
Jenny Greenleaf
DNC Member, Oregon