Hey, Hi There!
Glad to see you.

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Clearly the gods of curling were angry last night at the anti-curling feeling in the cafe. In retaliation they shut down the whole site.
Let that be a lesson to the anti-curling contingent from yesterday.
ROTFLMAO and spewing coffee!!!! at least i did say some of them were cute.
Izzy is going to be our new host on Wednesdays (though being a westcoaster she won’t do the early morning cafes). I hope you’ll be sure to come to her cafe next Wednesday and give her a rousing welcome.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are currently unhosted. If you are interested, let us know.
I can’t do weekdays but I could do Saturday.
That would be great and you would be a natural at it.
Email me and I’ll tell you what’s involved so you can decide what hosting option you want to do.
Thanks I’ll read it tonight. I’m sure I’ll have questions.
That would be great!
Just wait until I post the “goodbye losers, it’s Saturday night and I’m going out” cafe. You won’t be so excited then.
What makes you so sure anybody will be around to read it?
we’ve got -2F (-16C)today, wind is 9mph, so that’s not too bad, sun it trying to come out. I should go plug my engine heater in so it doesn’t take so long to warm up, if I decide to go out on the trail today.
I remember ND winters I don’t miss them, but I do remember them. Occasionally people from points south ask me how I can live someplace as cold as Wisconsin. When I explain to them that I’m originally from Grand Forks and that Wisconsin is a tropical paradise, they either look at me like I’m a nut case, or smile knowingly. The response tells me if they’ve ever spent January in ND.
“The response tells me if they’ve ever spent January in ND.” That’s a good one.
The last five winters here have been more like Denver winters used to be, as I spent a couple there in the early seventies.
Yeah, Jan Feb in ND can be nasty. Seems like I recall one time it was below zero for several weeks. When I lived on the farm ’75-’88 there was a 4-5 week stretch that we never left home, and only had one visitor who came a couple of times, to see if we were still kickin’.
I spent the first couple of years of my life there 67-73 or thereabouts and revisited pretty regulary through about 78. I remember shivering as being the cheif form of arobic exercise in winter. That and walking against the wind.
It’s a bitch here in NC – sunny and 70, just like Pleasantville. Apparently we’re heading for a big change this weekend.
Just tuning in from the treadmill here. Hoping to get a quick three mile walk in. It’s the first time I’ve been on this thing since November, so if you hear a scream and a thud it means I’ve forgotten how to walk and blog at the same time.
How on earth do you manage that?
Left hand mousing on a laptop on a tall stand. Slow the treadmill down for long posts. Always, always hang on with the right hand. Very good balance.
lol, ever since I’ve been disabled I can crash and burn just trying to walk to the bathroom, so what you’re describing sounds a little like, “Oh just flap your wings and take the leap.”
To me too. I feel good that I can let go to adjust my headphones or turn the page of a book while treadmilling.
I can see that. I feel the same way about figure skating. Born in the north. Skated on and off for thirty years. Straight lines, even fast ones, okay. Turning? At speed? Are you nuts? On the treadmill I’m okay up to about three-and-half miles an hour. Over that, and I have to shut the laptop.
I can barely walk and chew gum at the same time… 😉
Okay, let’s see when/if the furniture shows up today…would love to have the computer set up before the spouse gets home tonight.
Expecting rain tomorrow, which the spouse and I are looking forward to — it’ll wash the pollen out and hopefully we’ll be less stuffy and shnuffly (durn allergies…).
Have a great day, folks…
Kidspeak has a touching diary about kids and depression that didn’t get much attention last night when it was posted, due to Booman not paying the bills. :0)
So, how was that massage?
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh :0) I am in love with a girl named India.
I missed it — you DID go to the spa? or whatever?
I’m afraid I’m not spa material. A holistic health center sounded much less intimidating.
Trying to decide what it says about my personality that I think I’d be more comfortable at a sleazy massage parlor than at either a spa or holistic health center.
I think it’s pretty clear what it says about you.
Y’all can have my appointment time at all of them. I’m cuddly with folks I like but I hate to be touched by people I don’t know.
You’d like to know India. She smells good.
Unless she had some magical method of elicting a startling amount of trust very quickly, I still wouldn’t let her touch me. 🙂
I am inherently very distrustful and cynical. She not only smelled good, she made me feel comfortable right away. I was actually very surprised.
I understand that. I actually HATE to be touched by people I don’t know so you would think I wouldn’t like it. But it’s great.
I think though that it really comes down to this: I want to be touched WHEN I want to be touched and by WHOM I want to be touched and by no others. In this scenario, I’m clearly choosing the touching. So I’m psychologically OK with it.
It’s funny; whenever massage comes up in casual conversation, people always rave about it, and I always say I’m not into it because of this particular way I’m put together and not liking to be touched by people I don’t know. But the people, they like the massage so much that they rarely seem to accept that I genuinely do not feel the same way. 🙂 It doesn’t matter to me whether I’m choosing the touching or not; for me it’s all about certain configurations of the trust channels between the two bodies, and those configurations are so sufficiently rarely present between me and people I don’t know such as to make most paid massage a waste of time of money for me.
I’ll stop sharing
That was not a cue for you to stop sharing. 🙂 It was just me sharing something different.
I thought maybe you were subtly trying to tell me to just shut the f***k up.
it was just starting to get interesting
This is a private conversation we’re having.
Go get me some more coffee.
would you like cream and sugar with that
Careful – he likes his women demanding.
you must be clairvoyant
Lucky guess. 🙂
They all do. That way they shift responsibility to the Woman for everything because she’s “so demanding”.
Can you tell I spent yesterday trapped in a room all day with a bunch of incredibly sexist men?
I live with 3 men, but none of them dare exhibit any sexism for fear of being whacked in the head.
Oh good god no. We’re still rather newly acquainted, I realize, but I am not subtle. 🙂 I am very direct and tend to say exactly what I mean most of the time, so fwiw you don’t have to do much guessing with me.
I generally think sublety is a waste of time. So excuse me while I go respond to NDD.
as Jack Benny used to say.
(But then I suppose that was before your time.)
While we’re recommending reading, don’t miss Pam’s diary on gays getting the boot from Democrats.
as there seems to be a lull in the action here. Seems all this massage talk has put everyone to sleep.
Good afternoon, little froggies! 50’s here in New York! Springtime in February! I hoping that this is just freak weather and not the result of global warming.
I’ve been thinking the same thing about the weather here since Thanksgiving. Had I known nothing about global warming it would have been an absolutely blissful winter. However, that doubt has interfered with my enjoyment of our record setting ave temps in Jan.
A dark roast, Robbie, with a shot of Irish Mist…. and please tell me your sense of the newspapers you’ve processed this morning.
Certainly, sir. Cheney shot his friend. Friend had mild heart attack. Saddam refuses food. Bush and Cheney hide from press. A brief delay has been called on WWIII. Google and Microsoft raked over the coals for……
sorry sir, seem to be running down.
That’s okay Robbie. I’m feeling a little punky myself.
Ah, Robohost his a brilliant conversationalist.
i need a real cup of coffee in real time out in the real world. need a HARD COPY newspaper in my hands, need the New York Flippin Times, and about three hours to digest….. with black stained fingers and coffee stained teeth and a sour acid stomach, need to make request for brain to kick in and help me make it through the News….
Robbie just needs new spark plugs, a lube and an oil change… lucky sot.
where is everyone?????
Maybe they’re headed over to the new lounge?
but who cares America won a game!!!