Best headline of the day: Those goats are back, honey — get the tiger poop.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
When Darcy was little, i took in most any desktop publishing/typing project. Two clients treated sex offenders and their families.
They used behavior modification on the offenders. Their favored modification device was coyote urine. Every time the offenders saw an image that stimulated them, they’d have to sniff the urine. And they had to take some of the urine home with them to sniff if they got “urges.” No clue if it was effective.
started doing it with coyotes.
It just amuses me to picture doctorates going around trying to determine who has the most repellent pooh and trying to identify the chemicals that make it so repellent.
FDR poop still in a jar somewhere? Where the need is great, the means must be found.
I bet Elvis poop would get more on eBay.
Just a hunka hunka burning **.
I like this headline…
and the story’s pretty funny too.
I did it. I got my own damn blog: liberal catnip.
It’s going to be tough competing with headlines like that though…
Bt News…yesterday’s news tomorrow