And the party continues…

Any volunteers?
Martinis are in the shaker, chilled and ready to pour.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I think Bill is who you are thinking of CB
I have much higher standards for bad examples — say Tank Girl.
Spent too much time on the internets today. So tired. Glad to have lasted ’til FRT for a change, but autoimmune disease is rearing its ugly head and forcing me to go crash. Would much rather hang around and be a bad example for you party people, but I’ll have to peace outta here ’til the morrow. {{{hugs to the whole cafe}}}
‘night Indy. Glad you made it to FRT!
hugs back and feel better
Take care and pleasant dreams to you — have ones so good that they’d make Damnit Janet blush.
Nuthin like a little pressure there. That’s a pretty high (or is it low) standard.
I have a lot of confidence in Indy. I’m sure it’s a very attainable goal — especially if you believe in lucid dreaming.
and I can always add filler to the dreams. LOL
lucid dreaming
There you are. Drinks on me tonight to make up for ordering you around yesterday. You just had the misfortune to be one of a long line of men who were constantly interrupting me for three straight days. 🙂
How was your coffee, ma’am?
It was marvellous. If you’re up tomorrow morning I could use help with the coffee. My evil twin volunteered me to host the cafe tomorrow. So I’m hoping friendly faces show up.
would you need help with anything besides the coffee?????????????????????????????????????????
the dishes?
Hey where’s Family Man? George is supposed to do the dishes.
I don’t know where he is. I was looking for him this morning to line up George for tomorrow but he wasn’t around.
I wouldn’t like Family Man to miss my debut. If George is overworked, we can make arrangements. But I need Family Man in the first booth on the right looking longingly at the coffee.
(If he’s lurking that ought to get his attention.)
your imagination could use some enhancement
I’m imagining you in a little apron standing in front of the sink doing the dishes. It’s soooooo sexy.
Well, its the apron and the dishes that are the sexy part. Otherwise, you’re just like all the other guys.
You’d better hope Mrs. NDD doesn’t come look over your shoulder.
after his weekly radio address
Send him to the back room when he shows…got a special game waitin’ for him…:{)
Just remember. A stake through the heart. So he never comes back.
We are all slayers.
Hey … I was just thinking. When I host, if anybody misbehaves, I can turn into the evil Willow.
heh heh
What would happen if you bored yourself?
The whole cafe would disappear.
A Mega Troll rating IS kind of like a Willow boring.
of your comment is, sad to say, proof that I’ll never be a bad willow.
por favor!
Left Coast Division will now come to order…
Anyone seen the TV commercial that shows stuffed animals coming down from the sky? Stuffed cats and dogs, that is… 😉 Anyway, excellent description of the weather today around here — and I was out erranding in it. 🙁 Funny thing was I saw lots of people in nothing but sweaters and light jackets, no umbrellas, making the mad dash from one area of shelter to the next…either they didn’t check the weather report or figured they were full of shit like the rest of the Bush misAdministration. (Actually, NWS and NOAA are probably two of the better agencies, so they’re probably not long for this world…) The worst rain was falling when I was outdoors the longest, figures; rain had let up by the time I was heading home, then started again just as I was getting off the bus at home, again, figures.
Need to turn the thermostat up a tad to help me warm up and dry out, it’s chilly in the apartment…but nice and warm in the Cafe, naturally… 🙂
I didn’t think west coast people ever carried umbrellas. That’s what somebody told me who lived on the coast for a while.
Count me in!
More Point Lobos. The light is different there, I don’t know why….
That’s gorgeous. Are you near there?
It’s a 5 minute drive and 10 minute walk from the office where I work!
I still want that view from my bedroom window. Although it does have a little bit of the “A Star is Born” quality (the James Mason version).
I can hear the waves. (not really Andi)
I think Clint Eastwood migh have the view from his bedroom window…. (Just guessing).
Cheney the War Edition:
Political Science — Randy Newman
Lucky Man — Emerson, Lake and Palmer
All You Fascists — Billy Bragg and Wilco
Save the Country — The 5th Dimension
A Call to Arms — Mike & the Mechanics
Chicago — Graham Nash
Alice’s Restaurant (The Massacree Revisited) — Arlo Guthrie
No Bravery — James Blunt
Give Peace a Chance — John Lennon
For What It’s Worth — Buffalo Springfield
I’m still building my “Protest Songs” playlist; this is just a sample…
I was 17 when For What’s It’s Worth came out and it had a huge impact it had on me and my friends.
Have you got Masters of War on the playlist? (I like the Judy Collins version best.)
I do have Judy Collins’ version of Jacques Brel’s La Coulombe — very powerful anti-war lyrics, at least in English:
The dove has torn her wings, so no more songs of love
We are not here to sing
We’re here to kill the dove
I have the rest of the lyrics somewhere on the computer (spent an evening listening over and over to the song so I could transcribe the lyrics; could not find anywhere on the Internets); will have to post them sometime, perhaps for the third anniversary of the invasion on March 18. (At least two local rallies/marches planned for that day, one in San Francisco, one in Palo Alto — spouse and I will have to decide which one to grace with our presence…)
mythmother’s photo shows.
At first I thought it was another ocean view but then I realized it was the inland dry sea called North Dakota.
What’s on the Olympics tonight? Is it worth the energy for me to get up from this couch and go get the television clicker? Cause it would really have to be worth it.
so actually it is, or was ocean bed that you are looking at.
Lots of info here, but the maps are pretty small, so far haven’t found a great site to ref.
MsNDD is intent on her online class assignment, and no earphones for the TV, yet, as I declined to buy the wireless ones, too expensive and then more microwaves for the brain to deal with, of which are already a great plenty.
must be hilarity
for me
you see
well I had so much fun watching curling the last two days that I am watching cartoons tonight. LOL
grass grow too.
as long as they’ve been rinsed and I don’t have to take hammer and chisel to get stuff off. My next youngest brother and I did them most evenings when I was growing up, so it’s now big deal now.
Men only wear aprons when they BBQ here in MachoMahnLahnd.
What time will you be opening the FBC tomorrow, I wouldn’t want to miss anything.
Whenever I roll out of bed. Right now that feels like it will be about noon. 🙂
But I’ll get a second wind later tonight.
I imagine it will be about 9:00.
I almost posted a very snippy comment to BooMan in the Meta Casey/Santorum thread…I think I’ve got a politics headache, going to lay down for a while…
Bored Now
Actually, I COMPLETELY sympathize. Go lay down and come back later.
I’m on vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sadly, I still have papers to grade, but I can sleep in for a week.
Rub it in why don’t ya?
I’ve got Monday on off so I’m just 4/5 jealous.
And you can put some of that free time to good use by taking adorable new pictures of Andrew to post in the cafes.
Yeah, we want new pictures of Andrew.
And I don’t even have Monday off. In fact, no days off between New Years and Memorial Day.
Maybe I’ll be sick Monday. hmmm.
That lack of vacation time must be hard for a slacker such as yourself.
It is :: It is ::
Poor little slackers like me need time off ::
And, it makes me VERY crabby.
“take a trip and never leave the farm.”
Uh-oh, I’m a little worried about the cafe tomorrow.
me too, I’m supposed to do dishes with only an apron on. WTHWSTON!!!
I didn’t know that people still had President’s Day as a holiday.
I plan on taking lots of pictures and maybe even working on the China scrapbook. I hope to be very productive, in a relaxing way.
I came into the picture post-china and andrew. when did you go?
We brought Andrew home in September, 2005. We were there for two weeks. It was amazing. Andrew is a true rarity, a health baby boy from China. Often, boys who are “placed” for adoption in China are special needs of some sort, a deformity or serious illness perhaps. Not our little guy.
That’s true, you usually hear about people adopting little girls from china. I think you may be the first person I know who has adopted a little boy.
I have a cousin with whom I’m close. He and his wife adopted a little girl from china last spring.
Her name is Violet and she is adorable (just like Andrew). They live in Madison Wisconsin so I don’t get to see her often. Some day when I learn how to post pictures I’ll get one of her and post it. At christmas she was the queen of all her new cousins — which was hilarious because she’s only two and she’s very small and dainty. But she knows what she wants! (Fits right into our family.)
We would love to see pictures of Violet.
Which is, you have probably already accepted, both incurable and progressive, meaning that the intentional cuteness will become increasingly more pronounced. Try to be prepared, and understand that it is not your fault.
I am already practicing what I’ll say to the dozens of girls who’ll be calling.
On Valentine’s, one of my eleventh graders asked me if Andrew could be her date for the evening and I have had several girls come up to my desk, grab his picture and kiss it.
And do diary with pictures of your China trip?
thats a great idea
I’d like that too.
I’ve been thinking about this notion for a while. It’s been so busy. We are coming up on the 6 month anniversary of coming home. That should give me enough time to gather my thoughts and even get the permission of a few people to post their pictures.
nurse edition…
very medicinal of you…
Just trying to help out with a little Friday night triage!
Do you fill prescriptions of this sort?
Today, I think we need a combination drug regimen. Alcohol+.
Good call. Of course, we need to be responsible and get a proper diagnosis. What are your symptoms?
all of the above. of course.
don’t ya recognize snarkitis when ya see it????
An ironic question NDD?
but it always follows the “law of ironics”
whatever they need to be. what do they need to be?
Ah… the old cocktail regimen.
see you guys later in the evening
if there’s no one watching the place I’m going to do a boran2, and leave with a few cases of Pacifico.
everyone is passed out. Here’s a magic marker, write whatever you want on their foreheads.
on their foreheads, so when they all came to they’d have some curiosity as to what a nonviolent movement was all about.
How about you booman, every read any of Gene Sharp’s work on nonviolent action.
It puzzles me greatly that that this topic is not even under discussion, when in my mind it ought to be the main course on the menu.
Numerous movements throughout history have used it to influence policy of kingdom, dictatorships, fascist governments. I see no reason why it shouldn’t be viable strategy for influencing politics/gov in a half dead democracy.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! connect the dots with the age spots and freckles.
Yeah, somebody start writing on my head at this point, while I’m awake, and I doubt I’d notice.
Every time I’ve hung out with one of my trendy friends they have Rolling Rock bottles to offer. I’ve never liked it, and couldn’t figure out specify why. Now I think I can – tonight I bought a sixer of Rock Green Light and it tastes like peas. Peas – I don’t like drinking something that tastes like peas.
I’m going back to the very dry red wine I enjoy – it’s Low Carb too (I’m semi-diabetic), and it tastes so much better than peas.
LOL in my youth, roling rock was considered a cheap beer to buy when you had no money and just wanted a buzz. I am actually stunned at the number of bars that actually serve the mess now. LOL I will stick to my Kendall Jackson Chardonay.
Now that the red wine is flowing I realize that I’m speaking somewhat in a foreign language in that original comment. ‘Tastes’ and specify (sic), WTF? At least I got a good drink now. Blame it on the cheap rolling rock (but where I went to college Natty was the cheap beer, that fact might explain all my typos above as well!!!)
well, the cheapest beer was generic beer or red, white and blue. LOL A case was maybe 5 dollars. we drank that towards the end of the month when we were waiting for work study checks. LOL