A Danish paper publishes a cartoon that mocks Muslims.
An Iranian paper responds with a Holocaust cartoons contest –
Now a group of Israelis announce their own anti-Semitic cartoons contest!
Thanks, Oui. I was just contemplating a nice warm mineral bath, when I saw this. I have to have the funny papers before I can speak out loud or even face a mirror. (Actually, these folks really are funny.)
Good morning Froggy. Early rising is always easy because Oui will be out and about. So I’m actually in synch with another continent. Hope I can get Cheerios in the Netherlands.
Oui – I look at all your links and wonder how do you cope with the insanity of the human race? I try to keep up, but sometimes it’s overwhelming. I suppose we have to eventually reach a point where we stop asking ‘why?’
Although the cow’s face on that coffee cup would put me off coffee if I did drink it still, which I don’t. My husband has one a lot like it, and I bring it out when the craving gets strong.
That’s my favorite coffee cup — I love the way the artist combined the bicyclist with the cow. (The cup is from an annual organized ride that always has a a “cow” theme.)
Good Morning from the windy, cool wet state of TN, today. Had a big storm here yesterday and so far nothing has caused any damage. I understand the dramatic change in temps will create havoc this w/e. Yesterday, it was 70 degrees and now it is dropping and is expected to be freezing by this afternoon. What with rain mixed in with the dropping temps, ICE is expected. Otherwise, it is a good day here.
The cats have gotten up and the same old routine of eating and everything that comes afterwards, and now are napping, again.
Hope Oui knows that we do feel so honored to have him here in our room and delivering to us all the news as he only can do. Thanks.
Just up for a bit — woke up about 4:45 and couldn’t get back to sleep right away. Still enjoying the new computer; it’s got gorgeous sound but I’ve got my headphones on so I don’t deserve the neighbors or the spouse.
Expecting rain today but hope to get out and do some assorted errands.
since I don’t drive, we’re now a 2-computer household. 🙂 Spouse and I were banging heads over the iBook; we both wanted to use it at the same time. Plus, it was getting very full of photo and music files. So, with the new desktop system I can now delete all the photo/music off of there (after I back up my folders to my 100GB portable drive, at least), freeing up about 25-30GB and returning it to its alleged purpose of road trips to work on my writing/other projects. 🙂
I’m amazed at how good the sound is, but I’ll most likely get a good set of external speakers later this year, perhaps after we get back from our Big Trip in June…
Morning folks!!! Suppose to be dreary here and temps took a drastic swing to the cooler side. LOL Will be dealing with the bank, my place of employment(screw up on my pay yesterday), and also insurance company for a claim from an accident last year. Not a great day ahead. LOL
The soil where I live is clay so we don’t get mud, we get muck that can suck your shoes off. Fortunately, though the rock is usually 6 – 12 inches under the clay so at least you can’t sink too far.
If Andi insists on sending all her cold weather eastward, then this is what she gets. Just be glad the Marmotdude’s Pa cousin is asleep this morning or we could have a full blown marmot crisis on our hands.
If I send you cold weather, I will get horses? Wow, if I send you below zero weather, can I have a Standardbred or Standardbred-Quarter Horse crossbreed with nice gaits, a good disposition and some jumping ability?
The horses come with shoeing bills, feed bills, hay bills, and vet bills. …And lots of poop. On the other hand, they don’t wear Nikes and don’t need an allowance. The wet Rasberries are free (PTHththththththththth… how do you spell that, anyway?)
It was 53 here in Michigan last night when I went to bed, now its 23 and sinking fast. The wild Tom, limping on just 3 feet, came up for food and water (bowl frozen solid). Hope he will come into the igloo and sleep, I have to put out a “hot rock” for him and any other wild kitty. Our temp is going down to 9degrees,they say, the coldest we’ve had so far this winter.
And I”m crawling back in bed. Only 3hours sleep, and no work today, so it’s a long weekend, and a great day to sleep in, if the cats don’t smother me.
Two republicans were hollering it up in a store about how this administration is “W”rong. They went into the supersupersecret stuf (from wiretapping to media blackout/control), to the Gulf States tragedy to this illegal war and then to how Cheney knows less about guns safety/hunting than most 9 yr old Boy Scouts. TWO Repulican men, going OFF on how much Bush and Cheney are apparently trying to destroy the very foundations of this country and getting a profit for it. It was great. smile.gif
Did learn one thing though from that conversation. They kept saying “they fought for this country”, so we asked if they, too, had been in the military. Neither one were. Neither had a sibling or child either who was or had. BUT… and this is where the thinking is different from most people I know. They feel they “fought” for this country by way of supporting Presidents who send the military out to fight. Must be that right brain – left brain thing.
They, too, learned something that must’ve puzzled them: that military families can be liberals. I think one of their questions to Mr Ex-Navy was, “so you must just as disappointed in Bush?” Nope, didn’t vote for a chickenhawk Senator’s son. That alot of the military families we know are not fans of Bush nor his supporters at all.
I’m going to be running errands and then flaking out with my husband. ((((((((((((XOXOXOXOX))))))))))))))) I love you all!!!!!
Yeah, we see those “wannabe soldiers” who wear the gear but never joined. I think Republicans are just losers who want to belong to a group who they think are doing something because they temselves do nothing.
three words Mens Snowboard Cross – that was so fun to watch. Didn’t see the hotdogging women.
Well flake out means we have to also go through doctors/hospital insurance stuff.
Speaking of which… my mother who is ill and just got shoved out of a nursing home. She “made” 10K from my dads military pension via a divorce. She paid taxes… and now will be out of medicare. This is a death sentence as she requires oxygen. Ryan and I are wondering WTF we can do to help her.
Janet, I want to get back to you on the topic of which we had about 2 weeks or so ago,. I followed up with Dianna Tabler in DC at DHS. Interesting storry about that one too…:o) Anyhow, she told me that it was good that I was following up on this. I Hope she knows too that I will not drop it either…I have tried to convey this to her in a nice way. She said that she had turned it over to a Dave Morrison to follow through on. Also to look up the Miles Foundation, of which I did and they are helping with this and other issues as well. She said that Ms. Karpenski (sp) had given more c/o too and they wre getting in to these as well. So there you have it! I will not give up till there is no other place to go to for this horrendous affair is resolved. I will try hard to kepp you all updated on this as I find more out. BTw this was about the females deaths in Iraq and the reason for rape.
A Danish paper publishes a cartoon that mocks Muslims.
An Iranian paper responds with a Holocaust cartoons contest –
Now a group of Israelis announce their own anti-Semitic cartoons contest!
DIMONA - An Israeli Comix Group
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thanks, Oui. I was just contemplating a nice warm mineral bath, when I saw this. I have to have the funny papers before I can speak out loud or even face a mirror. (Actually, these folks really are funny.)
Good morning Froggy. Early rising is always easy because Oui will be out and about. So I’m actually in synch with another continent. Hope I can get Cheerios in the Netherlands.
Oui – I look at all your links and wonder how do you cope with the insanity of the human race? I try to keep up, but sometimes it’s overwhelming. I suppose we have to eventually reach a point where we stop asking ‘why?’
Morning Alice.
I have to admit this early in the morning I don’t ask much of anything since I would find it difficult to answer “who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?”
Me, too.
Although the cow’s face on that coffee cup would put me off coffee if I did drink it still, which I don’t. My husband has one a lot like it, and I bring it out when the craving gets strong.
That’s my favorite coffee cup — I love the way the artist combined the bicyclist with the cow. (The cup is from an annual organized ride that always has a a “cow” theme.)
Is it in Wisconsin? (I associate all cow related activities with Wisconsin.)
Indiana. The ride takes place in very pretty farmland with a reasonable number of cows but lots more corn and bean fields.
Reminds me of RAGBRAI – the annual bicycle ride across Iowa.
That’s just what I was going to say!
Now that my eyes are open and glasses on, I see the bicycle! The cow looks better, too!
Oui’s comments and diaries are produced while you are asleep. LOL
German Health Spas are combined with breakfast of fresh fruit juices, rye bread, cereal and farmer’s yoghurt.
Sometimes I can’t subdue the urge for scrambled eggs with a fine ham combined. Makes me skip lunch afterwards.
General Mill’s Cereal in Europe – plentiful
Famous spa near town of Hameln in Germany (Pied Piper)
● Alice you must ask me about our holiday adventure in kürort – Bad Pyrmont
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Wunderbar indeed.
Those German spas sound great! But if I have to do the nude bathing I’m going to skip the cereal this morning.
Good Morning from the windy, cool wet state of TN, today. Had a big storm here yesterday and so far nothing has caused any damage. I understand the dramatic change in temps will create havoc this w/e. Yesterday, it was 70 degrees and now it is dropping and is expected to be freezing by this afternoon. What with rain mixed in with the dropping temps, ICE is expected. Otherwise, it is a good day here.
The cats have gotten up and the same old routine of eating and everything that comes afterwards, and now are napping, again.
Hope Oui knows that we do feel so honored to have him here in our room and delivering to us all the news as he only can do. Thanks.
Hugs to all and have a great day..
We had that weather yesterday Brenda — 30 degree temperature drop in 20 minutes. Complete with damaging hail. And tornado warnings but none confirmed.
Be careful.
Just up for a bit — woke up about 4:45 and couldn’t get back to sleep right away. Still enjoying the new computer; it’s got gorgeous sound but I’ve got my headphones on so I don’t deserve the neighbors or the spouse.
Expecting rain today but hope to get out and do some assorted errands.
Hope everyone has a great day… 🙂
enjoy the new computer!!! I have a new cpu I was forced to buy a few weeks back when the other one died. LOL
since I don’t drive, we’re now a 2-computer household. 🙂 Spouse and I were banging heads over the iBook; we both wanted to use it at the same time. Plus, it was getting very full of photo and music files. So, with the new desktop system I can now delete all the photo/music off of there (after I back up my folders to my 100GB portable drive, at least), freeing up about 25-30GB and returning it to its alleged purpose of road trips to work on my writing/other projects. 🙂
I’m amazed at how good the sound is, but I’ll most likely get a good set of external speakers later this year, perhaps after we get back from our Big Trip in June…
Morning folks!!! Suppose to be dreary here and temps took a drastic swing to the cooler side. LOL Will be dealing with the bank, my place of employment(screw up on my pay yesterday), and also insurance company for a claim from an accident last year. Not a great day ahead. LOL
Thought I would share another of my designs with the group since it is coffee time. LOL
If it weren’t for caffiene, a full time steady job would be out of the question!
Apparently, spelling is also a problem. Caffeine.
you realize the first thing I did was check my design to make sure I hadn’t misspelled it. LOL
Good morning! It is rainy and muddy here today…no wonder I slept in.
How is everyone? Ready for the weekend? With our new and recently returned hosts, maryb2004 and diane101? 🙂
What did my damn evil twin volunteer me for yesterday?
Would you like me to put up an early morning froggybottom cafe so you don’t have to feel rushed?
That would be great. I was a little intimidated by all that HTML . . . stuff … you sent me. So it would be nice to take my time.
Will do.
BTW, Mary, we had a brief power outage as I was planning to comment about being a Cardinals fan in the other Cafe. . .being from Mo, mostly.
Excellent! That’s 2-1 Cardinals/Cubs in the cafe
Maybe we should do a poll on saturday to find out what the real numbers are.
You want a poll TOO!
That might have to wait for happy hour on Saturday.
so we pick red birds or bear cubs? inquiring minds want to know what kind of bear?
There will be a category “I prefer curling” that you could also choose.
well since I am becoming an expert curling announcer. LOL
If I were you I’d get off that floor quick. It’s not pleasant after Nag brings the horses through. And George isn’t here to clean everything up.
In fact, where IS George?
I’ll make sure to look out for surprises or presents.
Just gather it all up, bag it, and ship it off to the suburbs as fertilizer.
maybe I will send it to dc since it will feel right at home there. LOL
And next Wednesday, our other new host, Izzy, makes her debut.
We went from 66 to 21 yesterday and had thunderstorms and winds of up to 50 mph. I hope this isn’t heading your way.
The winds are here, but not the bitter cold (yet). And the sky is clearing now.
And the mud…hate mud.
The soil where I live is clay so we don’t get mud, we get muck that can suck your shoes off. Fortunately, though the rock is usually 6 – 12 inches under the clay so at least you can’t sink too far.
If Andi insists on sending all her cold weather eastward, then this is what she gets. Just be glad the Marmotdude’s Pa cousin is asleep this morning or we could have a full blown marmot crisis on our hands.
If I send you cold weather, I will get horses? Wow, if I send you below zero weather, can I have a Standardbred or Standardbred-Quarter Horse crossbreed with nice gaits, a good disposition and some jumping ability?
The horses come with shoeing bills, feed bills, hay bills, and vet bills. …And lots of poop. On the other hand, they don’t wear Nikes and don’t need an allowance. The wet Rasberries are free (PTHththththththththth… how do you spell that, anyway?)
pffffffffffffffft LOL I use it in chat all the time.
My horses can’t jump, but I’m pretty good at it. Of course, I do look fat in an English saddle, and I also require an allowance.
Wonderful image, Nag! Thanks for the smile on a truly dismal morning.
Thanks, Wilderness Wench. I had no idea that the tongues were out when I took the picture.
I’ve taken a few of those too 😉
I love that photo 🙂 Thank you Nag!!!
BTW in Portland we’re freezing wind right now.
It was 53 here in Michigan last night when I went to bed, now its 23 and sinking fast. The wild Tom, limping on just 3 feet, came up for food and water (bowl frozen solid). Hope he will come into the igloo and sleep, I have to put out a “hot rock” for him and any other wild kitty. Our temp is going down to 9degrees,they say, the coldest we’ve had so far this winter.
And I”m crawling back in bed. Only 3hours sleep, and no work today, so it’s a long weekend, and a great day to sleep in, if the cats don’t smother me.
Bye all. Going to lurk. I mean work. Of course. Work.
Two republicans were hollering it up in a store about how this administration is “W”rong. They went into the supersupersecret stuf (from wiretapping to media blackout/control), to the Gulf States tragedy to this illegal war and then to how Cheney knows less about guns safety/hunting than most 9 yr old Boy Scouts. TWO Repulican men, going OFF on how much Bush and Cheney are apparently trying to destroy the very foundations of this country and getting a profit for it. It was great. smile.gif
Did learn one thing though from that conversation. They kept saying “they fought for this country”, so we asked if they, too, had been in the military. Neither one were. Neither had a sibling or child either who was or had. BUT… and this is where the thinking is different from most people I know. They feel they “fought” for this country by way of supporting Presidents who send the military out to fight. Must be that right brain – left brain thing.
They, too, learned something that must’ve puzzled them: that military families can be liberals. I think one of their questions to Mr Ex-Navy was, “so you must just as disappointed in Bush?” Nope, didn’t vote for a chickenhawk Senator’s son. That alot of the military families we know are not fans of Bush nor his supporters at all.
I’m going to be running errands and then flaking out with my husband. ((((((((((((XOXOXOXOX))))))))))))))) I love you all!!!!!
Love it. The ones who never serve,find a way out of serving, or never had a loved one serve are always the most vocal.
Have fun flaking out today!!!!
Yeah, we see those “wannabe soldiers” who wear the gear but never joined. I think Republicans are just losers who want to belong to a group who they think are doing something because they temselves do nothing.
three words Mens Snowboard Cross – that was so fun to watch. Didn’t see the hotdogging women.
Well flake out means we have to also go through doctors/hospital insurance stuff.
Speaking of which… my mother who is ill and just got shoved out of a nursing home. She “made” 10K from my dads military pension via a divorce. She paid taxes… and now will be out of medicare. This is a death sentence as she requires oxygen. Ryan and I are wondering WTF we can do to help her.
Thanks Bush!
omg.. I wish I had an answer for you. The system is just so fucked that people are being hurt by our goverment instead of helped by it.
Janet, I want to get back to you on the topic of which we had about 2 weeks or so ago,. I followed up with Dianna Tabler in DC at DHS. Interesting storry about that one too…:o) Anyhow, she told me that it was good that I was following up on this. I Hope she knows too that I will not drop it either…I have tried to convey this to her in a nice way. She said that she had turned it over to a Dave Morrison to follow through on. Also to look up the Miles Foundation, of which I did and they are helping with this and other issues as well. She said that Ms. Karpenski (sp) had given more c/o too and they wre getting in to these as well. So there you have it! I will not give up till there is no other place to go to for this horrendous affair is resolved. I will try hard to kepp you all updated on this as I find more out. BTw this was about the females deaths in Iraq and the reason for rape.
Fair -15°F(-26°C)
Wind Speed: NW 18 MPH
Wind Chill: -42°F (-41°C)
Light Snow, Fog/Mist: 3° F (-16° C)
Wind: N 18 MPH
Wind Chill: -17° F (-27° C)
Andy Goldsworthy: Snow Circles
Don’t spit (or expell any other bodily fluids) unless you are willing to face the consequences.
(BTW BRO check out new dairy.)
happy hour– unrecommend this place and come on over to the lounge!
Oh duh, it’s already off the list. 🙂