Why would I say that? Why would I demean hard working climatologists everywhere? Why? Because things are turning out to be far worse than they originally predicted, at least with respect to the rate of glaciers melting in Greenland:

Greenland’s glaciers are melting into the sea twice as fast as previously believed, the result of a warming trend that renders obsolete predictions of how quickly Earth’s oceans will rise over the next century, scientists said yesterday.

The new data come from satellite imagery and give fresh urgency to worries about the role of human activity in global warming. The Greenland data are mirrored by findings from Bolivia to the Himalayas, scientists said, noting that rising sea levels threaten widespread flooding and severe storm damage in low-lying areas worldwide.

Twice as fast as predicted? Oh those liberal commie evilutionistic scientists got it all wrong again! Too bad for us their worse case prediction wasn’t even close to how bad it really is out there in our big, wide, overheated world:

The scientists said they do not yet understand the precise mechanism causing glaciers to flow and melt more rapidly, but they said the changes in Greenland were unambiguous — and accelerating: In 1996, the amount of water produced by melting ice in Greenland was about 90 times the amount consumed by Los Angeles in a year. Last year, the melted ice amounted to 225 times the volume of water that city uses annually.

“We are witnessing enormous changes, and it will take some time before we understand how it happened, although it is clearly a result of warming around the glaciers,” said Eric Rignot, a scientist at the California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The Greenland study is the latest of several in recent months that have found evidence that rising temperatures are affecting not only Earth’s ice sheets but also such things as plant and animal habitats, coral reefs’ health, hurricane severity, droughts, and globe-girdling currents that drive regional climates. […]

“The implications are global,” said Julian Dowdeswell, a glacier expert at the University of Cambridge in England who reviewed the new paper for Science. “We are not talking about walking along the sea front on a nice summer day, we are talking of the worst storm settings, the biggest storm surges . . . you are upping the probability major storms will take place.”

Yes bigger storms. More severe and unstable weather patterns. Puts last year’s hurricane season in a whole new light, doesn’t it? I type those words while wind gusts outside my home reach upwards of 70 mph today, the middle of February, in upstate New York. Where temperatures today, in February, are rapidly plummeting from near 60 degrees farenheit, to ultimately below 20 degrees some time tonight.

Not that I think there’s any connection, mind you. Heaven’s no! Wouldn’t want to be labeled an environmentalist scaremonger by good folks like Michael Crichton. I’m sure it’s just God’s will my town has been turned into a wind tunnel today.

After all, what other answer is there in Bush’s America?