With a mini-news roundup:
IRAN: Russia tell Bush to back off his war plans for Iran, here. France, on the other hand, talks tough. Our beloved Secretary of State, meanwhile, stokes the propaganda fires declaring Iran to be the “central banker of terrorism.”
IRAQ: Those Iraqi bases are looking more permanent every day; why they even have a miniture golf course and an ersatz Starbucks! Meanwhile the Japanese and British plan their exit strategies. Also, the dangerous security situation in Iraq is good news for cell phone service suppliers, while Shi’ite death squads roam the land in search of Sunnis , as negotiations over the formation of a new government continue to stagnate.
Bushlandia: More money wanted ($65 billion more) to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, here. Meanwhile, the President moves on regarding the “Cheney-shot-a-man-in-the-face-gate” scandal. And the President takes his “less health insurance so you can pay more out of your own pocket” health reform plan on the road. In the “good news for book lovers” category, Kurt Vonnegut explains how his contempt for Bush brought him out of retirement, here. Let’s all celebrate by buying his new book!
Jesus… can you GOPs shout ANY LOUDER? I can’t hear you!
(welcoming Cheney in Cheyenne for a speech)
Funniest thing … Harry Whittington just gave a press conference right before!
(He looks alright. Handsome old guy.)
What I noticed was that Cheney is going on vacation immediately after the speech, clearly signifying an effort to reestablish popularity with the base by dealing with adversity more like his constantly vacationing boss.
I thought Saudi Arabia was the central banker and Iran was more of the central propagandist, not that Rice would ever admit that our chief ally in the war on terror is complicit in the terror. As for the bases, it was pretty obvious as soon as they were built that we were in Iraq for at least a decade.
Yes, it would be a shame to have to give up that miniture golf course.
Miniature golf courses are valuable. I have been thinking about building some holes just for fun, but first I would have to revoke my neighbor’s permission to graze his cattle on my would-be course.
The Swedish Women’s hockey team just beat the American Women’s team in the semifinals.
A mighty upset. and an awesome game, tied after Overtime, went to shootout, SWE 5 US 0.
Saw them beat the US yesterday in women’s curling.
A reporter at a news conference just jokingly suggested to Rumsfeld that he is campaigning to take Cheney’s place as veep. And I just lost my lunch. Rumsfeld is like Cheney, only more of an incompetent asshole. Even the troops hate him, which is an amazing accomplishment for a republican Secretary of Defense. It’s amazing how often this already horrible administration manages to downgrade when they change personnel.
Oh dear lord.
Missed that .. when Georgie came on CNN, I switched to Ellen Degeneres’ show for a few minutes of laughter.
Man Shot by Cheney Is Discharged From Hospital
(Check image, he is all black and blue.)
I guess it was to be expected. Booman must love this – getting his craving for bullshit satisfied.
Shameless Diary flogging alert:
According to an NPR investigation, staffers at a nursing home in New Orleans decided to kill patients they believed could not be evacuated. That seems like gut-wrenchingly stunning news to me, but it’s been universally ignored in the media. I made a little diary with links.
Dave, thanks SO much for hawking your diary. I wish everyone here would do that … it’s too easy to miss them.
I posted a comment but I’m not sure I’m talking about the same situation as you heard about on NPR.