Listen to Mike Stark’s call to Rush Limbaugh.
Update [2006-2-17 23:16:46 by susanhu]: I hear that Russ Feingold is a guest on the first show (tonight) of Bill Maher’s new season on HBO / Friday nights.
Listen to Mike Stark’s call to Rush Limbaugh.
Update [2006-2-17 23:16:46 by susanhu]: I hear that Russ Feingold is a guest on the first show (tonight) of Bill Maher’s new season on HBO / Friday nights.
I think I’m missing something here.
Stark makes a weak, whining, ineffective call to Limbaugh who squelches Stark in the usual way of right-wing-nut talk radio folk.
Why did you post this? (real question. Not meant as an attack). About the only comment that Stark made that was comprehensible had to do with Washington Times wnership. His statistical references were incomplete and meaningless in the sense he never had a chance to finish the analysis. Limbaugh was right in stating paper’s ownership is beside the point. The validity of the survey (and the credibility of the organization that published it originally) is what matters.
I’m a yellow dog democrat and often so far left I can’t find my right hand, but it seemed to me Stark came off as a mewling little child.
You can get a fuller picture here.
The point is that the statistics are total bullshit and that Rush went crazy when he critized the Reverend.
::bewildered:: ::confused::
Maybe it’s me.
I followed your link and came away thinking that Stark comes off as a 2 year old. I didn’t see any additional statistical analysis of the survey, either.
Stark is your polar opposite. Where you cite facts, maintain poise, strive to be reflective, analyze carefully etc. Stark just wants to be the little kid that sticks his tongue out.
He doesn’t do it very well, either.
I’ll just put it down to those innate differences in style that sometimes occur which irritate some and please others
I appreciate your responding, but I’ll stick to my original analysis: Limbaugh crushed him and used him as chum for his sharky audience. About the only thing Stark accomplished was making a few more wing-nuts feel even more satisfied with themselves.
If you look at the CapitalEye stats, they list the same orgs as most: tribes. Direct funding from Abramoff to Democrats is non-existent. Here’s the chart by donor: Abramoff. Loooonnngg list of “R”, no “D”.
Also exhaustive list here @ BooMan.
::still confused::
Er….OK, but I’m not sure why you’re referring me there. My comments related solely to Stark’s ineffectiveness, not to the truth of his assertions.
Most of us here are well-versed in those stats. It really is a Republican scandal in every way. Dems just aren’t involved. However, Stark handled himself so badly that point was never made effectively. Instead, Limbaugh made himself a rhetorical Swiss cheese sandwich out of Stark’s sour whey.
(at least IMHO)
General reference to the WaTimes survey (Limbaush cite) for those who perhaps haven’t seen CapitolEye or the linked diary. Point taken. Should have included the above sentence.
Absolutely. Limbaugh is evil, but he’s quick. He annihilated Stark. Why was this posted? I spent a lot of time on my miserable satellite connection to download it, and felt thoroughly slimed.
First time I have listened to Rush in about 6 months. So what else is new?
That was pathetic…really.
Alright… if I must explain to you witless imbeciles (I know… redundant… but I used it for effect – because never was effect more sorely appropriate)…
A large percentage of Rush’s listening base is composed of people that would self-identify as “evangelical Christains”. I grew up in a time when the “Moonies” were an organization that was feared – people were being seduced into the cult and turning their backs on their families. The Reverend Moon has called himself the returning messiah…
How do you think rabid proponents of the ten commandments, specifically “Thou shalt have no God before me,” feel about a Republican Party mouthpeice being funded by a cult leader?
Oh… by the fucking way… when I’m talking to Rush, I’m talking to about 3-4 million of his listeners at the same time. Most of his listeners are not what you would call card carrying democrats. In other words, I’m not spending my time preaching to the converted – instead, I’m doing missionary work amongst the heathens…
so keep up your petty and uninformed sniping all you want. maybe you’d like to start your own blog about the great work you are doing to further progressive causes.
In the mean time, I’m gonna keep on keeping on…