Maryb will fill in for Froggybottom for a while then this will become an Unhosted Cafe.
Self-serve food and drinks.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door |
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Froggybottom demanded that I stick around for a while.
Well, we can leave now…look up there!
Whoops. My bad. Comment in wrong diary. Good night.
Did I screw it up? It looks ok to me.
You are a star in the firmament of FBC hosts. What a great debut.
Do I get a star on the froggy bottom walk of fame? Or do I just have to kneel in the mud and put my hand prints in the swamp?
Down and dirty. That’s the froggybottom way.
Go back in to edit it, and change it to HTML-formatted instead of autoformat, and it will tighten things up.
where do I do that?
go to “Your page”, click “diary”, and then click on “edit my story” for this diary. you’ll see the drop-down box for the formatting in there.
Once you’ve already submitted the diary you can’t change it. The only thing you can do is to remove some of the line endings. So I wouldn’t worry about this.
The froggybottom diaries were all done as “Html Formatted” instead of auto formatted so when you use them, they look better if you switch to Html formatted. Otherwise, it honors all the line endings and you get all kinds of white space.
Shoot, I thought you could still go back and fix it. I guess I usually catch that at the preview stage…I hate to remember how long it took me to figure out what was making my templates get longer, and longer, and longer… ๐
I’ll figure it out next time.
It’s no big deal anyway.
So your first day is over! Woo-hoo!
woo hoo
You people are demanding. But fun.
Ya did great!
I’ll see if I can find a suitable apron for next Sat, eh?
Thanks NDD ๐
Great job today, maryb. The place was really hopping.
I broke my number one rule. Always make them think you are incompetent on your first day — you have nowhere to go but up. Oh well, hope you all don’t expect this every week.
Well, if it would help we could always think that you are both incompetent and lucky.
I’d like to thank the acadamy, and all the wonderful little people who made me what I am today. But most especially I want to thank my mentor Andi, without whom this would all have been impossible.
(blows kisses)
Hey you forgot to thank the delivery guy in the basement for his inspiration.
All I did was ask you to do this – everything else was all you.
OMG the delivery guy is STILL in the basement. I forgot about him.
No really, thanks for all your help. I guess <big sigh> that I’ll have to learn to do pictures.
Some time in the future.
OMG has he been “tied up” all this time!!!!!!!!
Of course not, its very comfortable down there. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
BTW I think the F’s have gone to bed.
the two of us????
Here in the cafe, although it looks like BooMan is still working hard in other parts of the site.
What did you do today? Besides go to the photo/frame thingy?
Typical ND roundabout story to follow;
I slept like rock last night until 3AM. Woke up, wide awake, so I started a diary I’ve been thinking about doing for a while. Worked on that straight through until the first FBC, the one we where we had our noses at the glass waiting for our new host to arrive.
Then FBC, then to printshop, things all screw up there, so they had to redo stuff, (won’t go Sat again, that’s for sure, unhappy workers for some reason.)
saw buffalo, 4 majors were to speak, so passed that up for Ristreto coffee and tea to visit with friends, then back to printshop, enlargments look OK, but I’m not thrilled, still learning digital framing techniques,
then home again, crashed for nap due to missing hours last night, buy hey I was there for your debut, right? Since end of nap a mix of Oly and FBC, and read Booman’s answer to Boston Joe’s ?, commented there are Nonpartisan League history here in ND, so mostly just a slacker type of day.
Yeah, you didn’t do nearly enough today. You ARE a slacker. I’m proud of you.
If you plan on getting up early on a Saturday morning you will ALWAYS have your nose pressed to the glass of the cafe.
I bet the workers are unhappy because all their friends are out having fun and they have to work. And Saturdays are probably busy.
I think the guy who runs the print machines is everybody’s favorite guy and he’d been gone for a few days, so he probably had a backlog,
and then there’s a late twenties guy I wouldn’t hire for any reason, Mr personality NOT, I don’t get how they get hired for retail situation
I guess my expectations are too high for the times.
For a while, in the nineties, the excuse was that there was a labor shortage. So they had to keep rude incompetent people in jobs because they had no choice. I’m not sure what the excuse is now.
I’m moving over to the left so we don’t get marginalized.
Been watching speed skating and after it’s over, then I’m going to bed.
Good night.
Every cafe or lounge needs some tunes from the juke box. I’ll put in a few quarters after all in a few minutes I’ll be several hundred million dollars richer thanks to my retirement fund’s investment in a PowerBall ticket.
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner – Warren Zevon – Excitable Boy
The Way My Baby Walks – The Blues Project – The Blues Project Anthology
La ‘Elima – Israel Kamakawiwo’ole – Facing Future
New Amsterdam – Moondog – Sax Pax for A Sax
Ring Them Bells – Joan Baez – Ring Them Bells
Madison Blues – George Thorogood & the Delaware Destroyers – Out Of The Blue
Over The Rainbow – Ella Fitzgerald – The Songbooks
Rings – Leo Kottke – The Leo Kottke Anthology
Naufragee Du Tendre (Shipwrecked) – Kate & Anna McGarrigle – Dancer With Bruised Knees
Stay – Alison Krauss – Forget About It
Are these Sniff approved?
Do they pass the sniff test?
If he can’t eat it, chase it, sleep on it or be scratched by it, Sniff isn’t interested.
Night all. Mr. Nature is due in at midnight and I’ve yet to shower today with all the painting and limbo dancing. So if you were all wondering what that nasty smell was…
Good night. Be careful driving to the airport.
I answered questions here
Thanks for the compliments, questions, and interest in the exhibit. I’ll try to bring you further developments on it.
I was wondering what size you guys enlarge to from you digital camera.
I’m thinking my framing scheme is a little off. I’m too tight at the top and bottom. Photos look fine on the screen here at home, but at the photoprintshop I’m loosing more at top and bottom than I want. so I’m thinking I’ll have to change my modus operandi and allow more room for cropping later, since it’s somewhat difficult to stretch them after the fact.
It seems 8×10 will give me more foreground and sky, than trying to go with an 8 x 12 as I used to do with the 35mm. Any tips will be appreciated.
well actually losing sounds like loosing in these here parts
aaccckkk! Maybe the nap should have been longer!
Left is so much better than right. Isn’t it?
like in zero empathy for looking at another person’s situation other than their own.
I do recognize that every generation looks at the next with a they’re-going-to-hell-in-a-handbasket attitude, but the level of belligerance has change considerably IMO in the last couple of decades.
I went back to school in 88-89 and found I had to develop a whole new technique for meeting people walking 4-5 abreast on the sidewalk. At first I’d step off into the grass to avoid collision, then I thought, hmm this is a little screwy, so I acted like I was looking somewhere else to see what the next person would do, well, we avoid ed a collision, since just prior to that the person turned sideways, and I turned sideways and we just barely missed, so I learned how it was done, but how weird, not to yield at a more appropriate distance… same goes for autos, more running red lights all the time…
You think?
NDD you have hit the nail on the head.
only break I saw in it was just after 9-11, people had a level of consideration then… for a while… I mean I had other men holding doors open for me as I entered a building. Not that that wouldn’t ever happen here, but it ain’t common that’s for sure.
And that “Italy: Molesting___” diary… sometimes it just seems like some virus of insanity has wormed its way into the structure of all society.
Scribe has a new one out that’s good too.
After 9-11 people chose to ignore differences and focus on commonalities. The differences didn’t go away though. After 9-11 people actually looked at each other — that’s why men were holding the door for men. People looked at other people and saw another human being with whom they had something in common instead of seeing all the ways that that person was different. But there are so many ways that we’re all different — its always easier to focus on the differences than work toward commonality.
And now you’ve nailed it!
But other countries cultures are quite a lot different, when I lived in Canada for a few years I noticed a different attitude, a more human interaction. I remember a senior citizen lady striking up a conversation with me in a supermarket line, and me with near shoulder length hair, construction worker attire, etc. That would have been a near impossibility to have happen in the US at that time, early ’70s.
Greetings you two. May I join in?
I think that what you are describing as a lack of empathy is, perhaps, more an overriding sense of entitlement…heh? Living in a college town for 35 years, these kinds of actions become a daily part of life.
Sure. We’re still on the WWW aren’t we??? ha ha
As long as someone in the neighborhood doesn’t figure out I’m ridin’ their wifi…my connection’s been down for a while. I knew this airport card was gonna be cool.
Personally I was just trying to be polite. But I think that people have just become more self centered.
I have said much worse to them, and no doubt, will continue to do so.
Are you with the college? Or just have to put up with the college?
The latter. Up until a few years ago I was “visiting faculty”, basically teaching one design class a year, and participated in quite a few “juries”. Even at that minimal level of involvement, it was extremely frustrating. I have a very low tolerance for much of the behavior and attitude exhibited by a substantial number of the students.
There is a sense of entitlement among students. I see it when I do recruiting at law schools.
and, by the way, I have a completely off the cuff theory that this all stems from the failure of kids to share bedrooms (or even in some cases, bathrooms) when they are growing up. ๐
the inadequate ‘potty training’ gambit.
Have you seen this it’s, as they say, priceless.
Someone, I think Crooks and Liars, had a link to the actual emails.
I actually got the real e-mail chain at work. It’s really making the rounds.
Blah bla bla
I can’t believe she wrote that.
On the other hand, he shouldn’t have forwarded the e-mails to outside parties. IMO
the professional ethics (?) of the parties involved.
Entitlement – pettiness – pot meet kettle, color me black.
Funny tho…:{)
oh hilarious
That exchange sort of typifies what we’ve been talking about.
I think mary’s onto something as far a childhood experiences.
IMO some of this attitude is the result of youngsters having no opportunity to work in team atmostphere, where one learns to hold up his share of the work load. Those having missed that opportunity have a tendency to feel like they are being put upon in a work situation, that they are being asked to do more than their share.
So it may be their thinking is in error due to having no basis for understanding the concept of sharing a work load, and understanding expectations of others on that also.
like in I’m entitled to what I think should be mine, and get the hell out of the way,
or would you be inclined to define that further.
that’s a pretty good definition. I think it stems in large part from overindulgence, not ever having had to take true responsibility for the consequences of their actions (see GWB for a text book example)…the list is almost endless. For a very good take on it see the psych def/analysis of ‘narcissism’.
There are different kinds of feelings of entitlement though. When I went back to law school I noticed a big difference between those of us who had worked for a while before enrolling and those who went straight through. Those of us who were “older” had a sense of entitlement. We felt entitled to get what we had paid for. And we were very ‘in your face’ when we thought that we weren’t. There was more of an understanding of the cost (actual and indirect): tuition, interest on all those loans and even the lost income that comes from quitting a job to go back to school. So we could be difficult with other students AND with faculty if we felt our time was being wasted.
well then I’d say there’d be legitimate feelings of entitlement, and irrational feelings of entitlement, depending on the situation… no doubt a subjective judegment involved with all concerned.
What you describe I wouldn’t call entitlement. Demanding accountability and competence from those who present themselves as knowledgeable in their field, especially professors, is a mature expectation/attitude. Would it were so in the halls of govt.
I thought so; I’m not sure my incompetent con law professor was so appreciative.
When I returned to univ in 88,89 I a Spanish teacher who’d been there since late 60s. I asker her once what the diffence was between then, and now (88)? She said mostly attention span was much shorter now. And I observed her methods, as soon as there was any sort of a lull in class attention she’d move on to another segment, workbook, whatever. It was fun to see her strategy at work. Also, no talking, either they could share their thoughts with the class or take it out into the hall. She had zero problems with disciple.
OTH, a computer programing class I took the two young males behind me were talking out loud continuously. I told the teacher one day, if you’re looking for someone to complain about those two, well here I am. So she mentioned something about talking in class, they whispered for a couple of days, then went back to their yapping again.
I’m still wondering why I just didn’t stand up and yell at them to stfu. Guess I was trying to be cool while being an ota student.
after living in N CA for a while I came up with a term for these people, based on their behavior, “pricks” and prickettes”, maybe that ain’t pc, but I’ve yet to come up with a better def.
and I have been impolite by not acknowledging the great job you’ve done in the cafe today…well done,KUDOs!
Thank you. I’m going to be nicer to the hosts from now on now that I’ve walked a mile in their mocassins!
Think I’m done for the day, want to hit the rack and do a little reading before I lose it.
NDD, I want to thank you for reminding me about the writings of Gene Sharp. I haven’t thought of his work since the 80’s and plan to go back and reread some of it, especially his essays on the Theory of Power.
Peace my friends
looks like it could be titled “end-of-the-world”
Your welcome, re: Gene Sharp,
I’m working on a diary on Gene Sharp’s concepts, hope to have it ready by Monday.
There’s much more power in those concepts than people realize. Somehow I’ve got to get folks past the pacifist misconceptions, and other misconceptions, whatever it is that’s holding back a dialogue on those methods.