The DNC is soliciting bids from cities that are interested in hosting the 2008 Democratic Convention. These conventions may surprise us again some day, but they have become nothing but expensive commercials and a big party for big donors and mega-activists. The choice of venue has limited value in assisting the candidate’s prospects. Nevertheless, the venue can help modestly in the state in which it is held. And since that is much more important than whether Paul Begala has a good time, let’s take a look at the options.
Anaheim, CA- totally irrelevent
Dallas, TX- totally irrelevent
Denver, CO- very strong candidate. The state is purple and it would be a big boost to the state. I don’t think any convention has ever taken place in a Mountain state.
Detroit, MI- Not bad. This is a purple state. And it has the added advantage of making the delegates uncomfortable.
Las Vegas, NV- not a good image for the party, nor a good way to prevent outbreaks of scandal. But it could help turn Nevada blue. Harry Reid probably likes this choice.
Minneapolis, MN- good choice. Purple state, the city deserves it, and it will be August so people won’t even notice the cold.
New Orleans, LA- the sentimental favorite. I think most of the Democrats in Louisiana now reside in Houston. So, maybe this isn’t the best option.
New York, NY- Now, that is a seriously tired idea.
Orlando, FL- in August? That is just cruel. Can we give up on Florida already?
Phoenix, AZ- They say it’s a dry heat.
San Antonio, TX- Just to piss off Bush? I don’t think so.
but I still have the dry heaves and the thought of Salazar standing up there like King……he is so far from my favorite person right at this moment in time I’m starting to feel a bit woozey, who moved my yack bucket? I love San Antonio!!! They serve all the foods of the Gods (tamale, posole, enchilada), they paint whole buildings purple!, pack the Riverwalk with Democrats……have em hanging out of the trees like monkeys! Buck Fush!!! Fush Who? I could give a fying fluck if he is pissed on or pissed off! San Antonio in August though just a tad bit sweltering. Denver Colorado is beautiful in August.
no better place in the world to be in August than Minneapolis. Shit, even Phoenix people I talked to overwhelmingly said they’d rather be in Minneapolis in August than Phoenix. I don’t really think Minnesota is a “purple” state (Norm Coleman aside) but I do think the dems would benefit by setting camp in a Midwestern state. And if Al Franken runs against Coleman in ’08? OMFG! What a party!
Medciare D Reform ?’s
Oh, and I really don’t care where the convention is, as long as it is NOT in Detroit. I can’t handle a couple weeks of whatever-is-coming-to=town bull in the papers like there was before the Super Bowl.
(But, I think it’s time for bush to be pissed about something, he’s pissed us off enough!)
I like the idea of Detroit for a few reasons:
Minnesota doesn’t have the above advantages.
New Orleans would be sweet but sounds really unpractical.
Thanks for the interesting story, Boo!
San Antonio would be great cause I could commute. LOL
For anyone who is interested, I’ve got some information about Sherrod Brown’s “Democratic” challenger in the Ohio senate race now that Hackett has dropped out.
…and they have a nice new convention center…
Detroit did a good job with the Super Bowl (although I could have done without the year-long countdown on the local ABC affiliate). This state is in a depression and having the convention here would showcase Bush’s “could care less” attitude about the people here who are being hurt.
New York. We deserve it after hosting those fucking Repugs!
I would be fine with Minneapolis or Denver. Either works.
Interesting tidbit though, just heard on the local news that Minneapolis has been asked to submit a proposal to host the 08 GOP convention.
Both in Minneapolis? Now that would be a riot.
Whichever would provide ideal spots from which to stage protests (just in case) and has a decent jazz scene.
New Orleans. Definitely. The city needs the boost, and it might refocus some of the country’s attention on the aftermath of Katrina. Unless the Democratic party is afraid to revisit issues of race and class. Hmm.
Otherwise Denver. The accompanying imagery would be worth it.
Minneapolis in August. Average Temperature: 70.5 degrees. OK, not bad. Average humidity: 84%. Also not bad. Days above 90 degrees: 3. Maybe we won’t hit that particular weekend. Clear days: 10. What’s a cloud here or there? Hell I live near Seattle.
Ah but the mosquitos. Read this paean to the Twin Cities. The food! The State Fair! The Go Cart Racing! Key twin quotes from August 29, 2002
“It was grand. Inviting and delighting. I could easily see myself living in Minneapolis.”
“I am of course under no small influence of the ten or more bites I’ve suffered the last couple of days, so don’t sue me if these mutant mosquitos move for world domination or what have you.”
Enjoy your stay. Bring your DEET. Because despite appearances that is not a small hummingbird. And it wants your blood.
The tourist industry will be the only part of the city that is rebuilt in the next 30 months, so ability to hold a convention shouldn’t be an issue. What starker canvas can you have to show the need for change than convening at the site of Bush’s biggest continuing domestic failure. Plus, day trips to still-destroyed neighborhoods will give the media something to do during the boring periods.
It occurs to me that as soon as Democrats commit to New Orleans the administration will spend 100 billion leveling all of the dead neighborhoods and turning them into parkland, so this probably isn’t a good idea.
Where that to happen, unlikely as it is, wouldn’t the people of NOLA be better off?
They haven’t done squat to date, and hurricane season’s six mos. away…New Orleans is the ideal place IMO.
With any other administration, yes, the people of New Orleans would be better off. The Bush administration shows so much contempt for people who aren’t rich that their largesse would be cosmetic for PR purposes, which is why I mentioned parkland instead of actually helping people rebuild their homes. I wouldn’t count on Rove and company for anything.
Point taken. However, if that scenario were to come to pass, ie: parklands and cosmetic window dressing, it would present an enormous opportunity to expose the hypocrisy of the current administration in visceral fashion. Imagine the potential of commercials and live coverage using the largesse to the rich in juxtaposition to the ongoing conditions of the poor. Combine that with the extremely unflattering reports on the Katrina Response and archival footage from the aftermath and you have an extremely powerful narrative.
This assumes of course, that the D’s would recognize it for the opportunity that it presents…which, at this juncture and given their craven lack of positive action on anything, I seriously doubt.
It should be an enormous opportunity to expose hypocrisy, but how many times have we said that under Bush and how many times has it actually happened? The administration will put out some patently rediculous spin, only the spin will get covered, and then the media will move on to the next mini-scandal without making any difference in public opinion. I wish it wasn’t true, but we live in a society where people willing to lie about everything have a huge advantage over people who aren’t. It’s kind of sickening.
The 1908 Democratic Convention, held in Denver, nominated William Jennings Bryant (also known as “The Great Commoner,” “The Peerless Leader,” “The Silver-Tongued Orator,” “The Boy Orator of the Platte”).
thanks. That’s what I get for not fact-checking.
but what abut this:
I like Lincoln, Nebraska. Rough geographic center.
In news re the darkside, we have this:
Dave, you do know the joke that was circulating in the runup to the elections right, when the GOP ran Alan Keyes against Obama?
What are the three things the Republicans can’t find?
and a black man in the city of Chicago.
The last two successful non-incumbent Dem nominees (Carter ’76 and Clinton ’92) had their conventions in New York, and New York can probably make the biggest financial contribution.
Also, Pittsburgh has announced that they’re trying to back on the list.
You can track all the news about the Democratic Convention site selection at 2008 Democratic Convention Watch.