I’m new around here, liking it, but I’m not sure what diary format is disallowed.

Truth be told, I’m of the view that a lot of important events slipped by in this week’s Cheney frenzy. So the victim has apologized, AP reports discrepancies abound and ‘Quailgate’ moves to ebay here.

So, What went Missing?

more below
During our focus on Cheney’s quailing accident, he was very busy and not really out of sight. On Monday and Tuesday, Cheney was focused on shutting down the congressional call for a NSA warrantless spying probe. Now, you can tell we’ve taken our eyes off the ball when George  F. Will writes in his Wapo Op-Ed (via truthout.org) this

No Checks, Many Imbalances”  


The administration’s argument about the legality of the NSA program also has been discordant with its argument about the urgency of extending the USA Patriot Act. Many provisions of that act are superfluous if a president’s wartime powers are as far-reaching as today’s president says they are.


 Besides, terrorism is not the only new danger of this era. Another is the administration’s argument that because the president is commander in chief, he is the “sole organ for the nation in foreign affairs.”

That non sequitur is refuted by the Constitution’s plain language, which empowers Congress to ratify treaties, declare war, fund and regulate military forces, and make laws “necessary and proper” for the execution of all presidential powers . Those powers do not include deciding that a law – FISA, for example – is somehow exempted from the presidential duty to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” emphasis mine

Rest of Op-Ed here

Our Senators caved. I say Cheney bagged more than a few quails this week.

To exclude BushCheney’s NSA wiretapping program from FISA, and the urgency for a probe,  here’s Ohio Senator DeWine: “We Don’t Want To Have Any kind of Debate About Whether Its Constitutional”  

link via Thinkprogress

I place no hope that Chairman Specter will walk his talk.
When a senator can state publicly that there’s no need for a debate on the constitutionality of what a president does, you know we’ve lost our republic. Thanks Senator DeWine for making the coronation official. But where’s the outrage?

So what else did we miss? Ah… In the NJ Supreme Court.

“Gay marriage debate centers on history vs. change”

here is some of the interesting banter


“Opponents say same-sex marriage is – among other things – a historical contradiction. Marriage, they say, has always been between a man and a woman and the laws are written to reflect that.

That argument echoes reasoning that has been proffered time and again to defend such outmoded laws as those that defined wives as the property of their husbands, or that prohibited divorce, or even prevented epileptics and other disabled people from marrying.”


“I think people who talk about history as a reason to deny gay marriage just don’t really know what the history is,” said Jon Davidson, legal director for Lambda Legal Defense Fund, the advocacy group that represents the gay couples seeking marriage licenses in New Jersey.

“But Katherine Spaht, a law professor at Louisiana State University and an expert on family law, said permitting gay marriage would constitute a change more profound than any other in history.”

Chief Justice Deborah Poritz bluntly challenged the argument.

“It’s a historical fact that marriage has been between a man and a woman, but it’s also a historical fact that women were property and that women couldn’t accuse their husbands of rape,” Poritz said. “Why should we just defer to the historical basis?”

The rest is  here

Do you know we’ve become an Indian giver?

Hamas assumes power today. It’s claimed Hamas is an organization that was created, encouraged by U.S and Israel to counter the late Arafat’s PLO-Fatah. Fatah was once designated a terrorist group. We quickly forget.

Hamas heard Bush’s call to participate in his ‘democracy is on the march’ song . They did and, having won fair and clean a majority of the seats, are now disavowed.

But so much for democracy on the march. We’re asking for our money back. The shame of it.

Will we take back the democracy as well? Wouldn’t be our first try. And, with policy like this … we just might.

‘U.S. asks Palestinian Authority to return $50 million in aid as part of its review of policy following Hamas’ rise to power.’  

See “Rice warns Iran, Mideast states not to finance Hamas-led PA” here.

NEWSFLASH to Condi. Hypocrisy carried a mile too far.
Imo, you’re 3 months too late, and like Cheney’s misfire, you’ve shot off your foot.

Jordan’s King Abdullah, Israel’s ally, has okayed Hamas’ politburo move from Damascus to Amman. This is considered a big setback for interim PM Olmert as he continues to dodge this hot potato–the Hamas-ruled Palestinian government. Just like with the PLO, sooner than later, talks between Israel and Hamas will begin.

Looks like Hamas invites are breaking out all over?
Russia has invited Hamas to Moscow.

Condi, do you think the Mid-East states and the rest of the world will abide your finger wagging and collective punishment arising for something you advocated?

Pick a topic. Let’s discuss.