Welcome to the Grumps, Cranks, and Mopes
Cheery People Welcome, too.

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Brickbats are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
I think I’m one of the cranky but I’ll share my coffee.
Cranky people share? In that case, I’ll have a cup.
Good Morning Folks!!! I am one of the cheery people in the am. Any day I wake up is a great day!!!
Good morning.
We’re the ying and yang of fbc.
Good Morning!!! I guess we are. LOL
And here I’ve been thinking you were a morning person for all this time…
I am a morning person.
I am cranky.
Therefore I am a cranky morning person.
ROTFLMAO!!! In other words, give you your coffee and give you 30 minutes or more to become human.
60 minutes to be safe. I’d say on a typical morning Jim and I don’t say more than three sentences to each other in the first hour.
It just occurred to me that you are on Central time and are up really early. Do the Diva Dogs make you get up and take them out?
I get up really early for the Diva Dogs and also because when I am working my schedule is 7am to 4 pm and I have to have time to take care of the Divas and also work on my designs, blogging and email before work. LOL I am writing a press release at this moment for one design.
Good morning.
Before the coffee, I’d like another night’s sleep, please.
Sounds like a plan!
Yeah, I wish it was an executable plan, but there’s stuff waiting in the office.
Same here…I have a meeting with the principal about my son’s absence from school (too many bad stomach viruses this year). Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Wow, I just got up and saw 172 comments in the all night lounge! Maryb and what, 4 or 5 guys? Who knew?
I guess she kept them entertained. LOL
plus the delivery guy in the basement. I think maryb is a collector.
Is that poor guy still there from Saturday. I do hope she is remembering to feed him. LOL
It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again…
One of my favorite sick movie lines…
It’s one of the handful of movies that has genuinely scared me. After seeing it, I came home and combed through every square foot of space in my house with a metal baseball bat at the ready.
I guess I’m way behind the times, but what movie are ya’ll talking about?
Silence of the Lambs.
Now I do feel like an idiot. I’ve seen it a couple of times.
i saw that in the theater, and there was a woman there with 2 small boys (6 and 8, I’m guessing)…she had brought them with her because she was too scared to see it alone. What an idiot.
That was scary.
ever even managed to get laid!
I think I fall into the cranky mope category. I’m tired this morning. At least the temp will top out in the 30’s here today. I guess that means that I’ll be able to do my power walking later. oh goody. (spoken like a true cranky mope) Is there a bitchy category?
There is always a “bitchy” category when you are dealing with politicos. LOL Glad you think 30’s is warm. I would be screaming. We are suppose to get up to 66 today and I still want it warmer. LOL
Everything’s relative. Compared to having daytime temps in the low to mid twenties (or lower) along with a good north wind, the upper 30’s really does sound OK. It’s nice to shed a layer or two, along with my lined jeans, which make me feel like a kindergartener wearing “snow pants”.
Watch out, folks:
Angry hare attacked dogsled
Does this hare have any relations to the rabbit that attacked President Carter while on a fishing trip?
Sounds more like us fighting the repugnants and the weak dens in office.
Sounds like Damnit Janet diving into a street corner full of freepers in DC
Furry and Fearless ;o)
Thius should be appropriate for the cafe:
Norway tops in coffee drinking
and to think, I just gave up coffee. Oh the misery.
Oh, no.
Misery indeed. Health reasons?
I’m down to one cup in the morning, from 4-5 in younger days.
I’m down from a pot and a half a day to none. Had to give it up because of migraines.
Hey Family Man, I don’t mean to ask a dumb question, you’ve probably tried everything already, but have you tried using feverfew to see if it helps? I have a tremendous interest in herbal therapies so I was just curious if you had tried it and what your experience was. If you haven’t tried it, you might consider it.
No I haven’t. But I’m willing to try anything that will stop them. I have to drive into the city this week and I’ll get some. The Neurologist I’m seeing has put me on everything from oxygen to anti-convulsives. Nothing works so far.
Oh, I am so sorry that you don’t have anything that works! In my experience, herbal therapies are much like other treatments in the sense that they work wonders for some folks while they don’t work at all for others, so I know it’s kind of a gamble, but I sure hope you’re able to find some relief soon from whichever medicinal tradition.
Morning everybody — but especially super
Morning, maryb. How are you feeling today?
Don’t worry – what happens in the lounge stays in the lounge.
I’m feeling fine.
It sure isn’t ME who should be glad about the privacy of the Lounge.
good morning. Don’t forget to feed the delivery guy in the basement.
I let the delivery guy out. I was feeling sorry for him. And there will be another one on Saturday. Trust me. He’ll tell his friends.
ROTFLMAO!!! I bet he will.
Good Morning everyone.
Good Morning! Recover from the Birthday Bash?
Yea it was pretty good. But what made me mad is I came to late for the first orge last night and then fell asleep during the second one. BTW do you ever sleep?
Between at least 1 and 7 each night. Although lately I’ve been waking up before because its getting light earlier. Probably means I need to go to bed a little earlier. But look what I’d miss.
And there was no second orgy. Ask StreetKid.
OK so I missed the first one. I’m just going to have to work on my timing. Who needs to go to your mother’s 80th birthday when there’s an orgie going on.
well if you want to live you go to Mom’s birthday party. LOL
You do have a point.
morning refinish, how are your today?
doing good thank you. Have a full agenda today and keep your fingers crossed, I think I will be approved to go back to work full time by my doctor today.
I hope you are doing good also.
I’ll keep my fingers cross for you and sending good thoughts your way.
I’m doing fine, just trying to wake up.
Thanks!!! I am sick(no pun intended) of being home. LOL
I know how you feel. I retired in 97 and about three years ago I became my Mom’s primary care giver. I live around all sorts of relatives, but they have jobs and families, so after being gone from home for over 30 years I moved back to take care of my Mom. Usually I don’t mind, but sometimes it kind of restraining.
You are a good son. I would do the same for mom if it was needed. Or move her out here with me. Yeah I have been home since December 16th and I am ready to gte back to the regular grind.
Before I retired I would have been the same way. I always felt if I wasn’t at work I was missing something.
If during the time off I had been able to keep up with other outside activities, I probably would have been fine. LOL I have spent a lot of time designing and getting my online stores off to a good start. I have spent a lot of time just on me of course or otherwise I wouldn’t be looking forward to returning to work.LOL
I commend you on getting an online store going. I’ve only been on the net since Nov. last year. So, I’m still a newbie as far as the internet goes. The biggest thing I use the computer for is family pictures. I make all my family bring their pictures to me to scan in and then make disc for everyone. I’m sort of the family repository for all the pictures.
LOL I took my love of politics and civil rights and opened 3 stores for designs. Two are listed in my signature and then the 3rd store is GLBT designs. The Ruby Slipper Cafe
The first store I started as people asked for copies of shirts I designed for myself at home.
Just visited all three sites. You have good designs and messages. I hope all three take off and you hit it big time.
Thank you. I am using the profits to support my political and civil rights work and hopefully in the future my retirement. LOL
Will definitely have to pull out the plastic and order a few…and maybe you can host a “Red Slipper Cafe here”. 🙂
Well, I am not sure Booman wants me cutting in on his store revenues. LOL I actually have a design I have done for teh Froggy bottom Cafe and am getting up the nerve to ask about doing it. LOL I don’t want to caus eproblems.
thank you also!!! LOL
Tea this morning, lovely warm tea waiting for me to get out of bed and drink it. Darjeeling for real, but in my fantasy world Keemun Hao Ya A(as a fantasy writer I live there for a living).
I’m so not a morning person, and yet here I am. For me waking up, as opposed to getting up, involves a sort of binary switch. Sometime around ten usually, I get a sharp turning on sensation like all of my blood has gone from an amorphous solid (see also jello) to a liquid. It’s a really strange sensation, but man I feel better afterward.
I’ve never heard of waking up said so eloquently.
that’s the best description ever of how I feel in the morning
we can tell who the writer in in the group. LOL I love this desription.
I’m glad you all appreciated the description. When it happens, if someone’s around I’ll usually say something like, “hey, bloodflow achieved.”
Not as eloquent, but to the point.
Morning everyone. Today was my very first iPod commute. I finally broke down and bought one. Unfortunately it did not come with the shoe-rocket-jet accessory that lets you fly up into the air in time with the music. I’ll have to check to see if the apple store has one of those.
The good news about having an iPod is that now it’ll be easier to listen to the audio lessons for the Spanish class I’m taking, when I am out and about. Of course now that I don’t have to shuffle CDs around there’s a ton more music to distract me from listening to Spanish.
If I could only find my recording of the Bach cello suites, I would be perfectly happy…
I haven’t gotten one yet. I’m still waiting for the chip implant, maybe some bionic eyes as well.
Bionic eyes would be way cool. Like Olhado in Speaker for the Dead/Xenocide (ever read Orson Scott Card?) He had electronic eyes with memory storage, and could plug a jack into one of them to download recorded video of what he saw.
No I haven’t read Card. But that would be cool.
got to get going, have a good one.
If you have already it on a cd, use iTunes to import into iTunes and then download it to your ipod.
Yes, I just have to find the CDs. I worry they may have been lost in a move. This would be very sad.
Bye everybody, gotta go lurk
Have a good day
Have a good day maryb.
Good morning. I’m starved. What’s for breakfast?
I’d like a farmer’s style breakfast, grits and steak.
“A steak that’s carbon-monoxide-free” please.
Say it ain’t so. “FDA Is Urged to Ban Carbon-Monoxide-Treated Meat”
As always, profits. Consumer right to know be damned.
Just another reason to go vegatarian.
OMG, I wish I had enough willpower to resist meat altogether and become a vegetarian. First we inject botulism toxin into our faces, and now carbon monoxide into packaged meat. What’s next, irradiated foods?….oops already there.
I was just thinking this morning about how much better I feel since I’ve given up red meat (I still do the occasional free-range chicken soup).
It’s been quite a few years now.
Interestingly enough: not only have I lost all desire for the flesh, but I can barely deal with its look & smell. It’s been a pretty interesting process.
Now, if I could only give up the Evil Weed, I’m sure I could bend steel bars with my hands & leap tall buildings in a single bound. Yes, the day will come …
Maybe I need to say out loud that I’m fairly sure I will never think of a response for the event last night.
I hereby rescind my request that last night’s cafe be kept at the top of the front page either all day or until I think of a response.
I’d put it this comment in the lounge but it loads to slow.
(I can’t believe I felt I had to delurk for that)
But you are famous now!!!! the Cafe has taken on a whole new glamour with your presense as the Saturday and late night Diva.
Well I’ve got to get moving around and get some stuff done. Everyone have a good day in the pond.
Hey, all — good morning!
I’m sure I’m getting in just under the wire here before closing (unless we’re allowed to top 150 comments!), but I wanted to make sure I shared a little morning cheer, before my mood — like the weather — shifts abruptly to the dismal.
As of now, we’ve got a bit o’ sunshine here & the mercury seems to be tip-tapping on up past 30 F at 10 am! I’m a happy little camper in my camper.
Even the cats are hopping with glee.
Here’s wishing one & all a perfectly frabjous day!
and a fabulous good morning to you also!!!!
Thank you, dear.
You’re right as always — it was time to open a new cafe. And happy or dismal, we’re glad you’re here.
New cafe here.