A follow-up to the last diary on community.

This diary’s topic: getting to know your neighbors.

Do you know any of your neighbors? Are you in a house or an apartment building? Other? (Dorm, barracks, underwater cave…)

Have you ever invited neighbors to your house or yard for a party?

Ever helped to create a block or neighborhood party?

If you haven’t met any of your neighbors, yet, how would you go about that? FOr those of you that have, what method do you use?

If you haven’t met anyone from your block, that is your assignment for this week. Figure out a way to meet one person from your block or apartment building (underwater cave).

If you wonder — how could this be political? I think I mentioned in last diary that the lady from China across the street from me said I’m the only one on the block who talks to her. She, uh, also asked me in 2004 who to vote for, and said she would take my word for it.

That’s when community gets political, eh?