So I wrote this diary…Yeah. Right. Quailgate REALLY worked!!!
And as usual here when I write something that has some real substance, it tanked.
No surprise.
And then I get this reply from sjct about how I should laugh along with the chorus.
“…NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE on the broader stage of our impending imperial collapse. But, one of the directors, back stage, tripped and fell thru the curtain and distracted the audience from the main show. Relax and laugh with the rest of us.”
And about how “Sometimes you don’t need an elephant gun to stop a rampaging beast, you just need a silly little mouse.”
About Chris Matthews interviewing Paul Hackett and Newsweak (ALWAYS a day late and a dollar short…), covering Cheney and his popgun.
My response continues below.
Matthews had Hackett on because the story diminishes the standing of the Democratic Party.
Deservedly, but that’s not Matthews’ aim.
His AIM is to be standing when the media curtain comes down.
And ratings do that. As do anti-Dem stories that earn him credits with Rove, Inc.
Tomorrow…he’ll be all over Mary Matalin about how great SHE is.
An equal opportunity hustler.
And Newsweak has already proven itself to be a frontrunner in ALL things. Should BushCo run some tall tale down the pike tomorrow about how Iran is planning on unleashing bird flu in flocks of passenger pigeons throughout North America and must be stopped now “BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!”, there Newsweak would be (along with the rest of the media) flapping their clipped wings in full fledged panic, and the Cheney story would (also deservedly) be scrubbed and never again rear its ugly head except as some trivia question to be asked in the caves after the Apocalypse is over.
And even it the story DID “destroy Cheney’s political power”…why then they’d just run in another producer to oversee this little game show and its lame host George Butch. Who is due to be replaced at the end of next season anyyway…his contract runs out in 2008…by John McCain. (See my recent diary BREAKING: McCain to be next RePresident. for more on that.)
If Ford had been actively engaged in ending civilization as we know it…which includes the TOTAL control of the media…he would not have BEEN seen as a stumbling fool, and Chevy Chase would have ended up about as effective as the so-called left wing comics today. Which is to say…approximately 52% of the population FOR BushCo, 48% against.
No matter WHAT they do.
Four percent is a majority. They control the media, and thus they control that 52% of the people who are easily hypnotized into being Ratpubs. PLUS the other 40% or so who are equally easily hypnotized but who have been encouraged to root for the so-called “other” side so it looks like there is really a game on.
The Rats win.
Big time.
Untiil they REALLY lose.
Not by being foolish, drunken, amateur hunters.
But by completely blowing this country, its economy and its culture out of the water.
Sorry, sjct.
That’s the way I see it.
“Relax and laugh with the rest of us”?
I think not.
We are talking about bloody death here.
Part of the impotence of the left IS this “laughter”.
Laughter which does NOT mean “ha ha”.
It means “I give up.”
Well…I do not.
“Sometimes you don’t need an elephant gun to stop a rampaging beast, you just need a silly little mouse”?
Give ANY successful elephant hunter a choice between those two weapons and ask him upon which one he would stake HIS ass.
You are dreaming.
And IN that dream…you are already defeated.
Wake the fuck up.
P.S. “You can’t judge news by google?”
MORE bullshit.
What hits the front page at Google News is EXACTLY what is being spun. And what is being spun IS the news. The “New Reality” of the day is whatever that evil genius Dr. Rover…a PERFECT James Bond villain, he could play himself in the movie….hands out on a daily basis.
From the runup to the invasion of Iraq right on through the 2004 election theft, Gannnon/Guckert, the Plame thing, the Downing Street papers, Galloway’s appearance before the Senate and all the OTHER Ghosts of Christmases Past upon which the weak-minnded left have hung their shallow hopes…all you fools have to do is click away from your masturbatory dream blogs for a minute and check out what Google is featuring to know the truth of the matter.
But…”You can’t HANDLE the truth!!!”
The single most iconic statement to come out of Hollywood in 30 years.
Dream on.
Your choice. bunky.
Your choice.
(Or IS it…???)