Last week I wrote a diary about the whole Cheney shooting thing callled “The Cheney thing. We are SO lame.” It was about how ashamed I felt that the left has been reduced to wailing about Cheney’s foolishness as a typically inept and probably drunk weekend executive hunter rather than about his truly MASSIVE list of real crimes against humanity.

And Booman answered thusly. (Less than a week ago!!!):

“This is a HUGE story.  It is not a distraction from other stories that have more impact.  This has impact.”

Well…Google News front page, 12:17 AM, EST, Tuesday, February 21st.




BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is a bigger story.

More below.

And what did I say, again ?

“Even if this poor overaged business hustler DIES from this mistake it probably won’t do a damned thing to Cheney’s position. They will just create another ‘reality’ and two weeks from now this story will go to sleep like the other two hundred or so much more important stories that R.I.P in the morgues of a thousand newspapers and other media chain gangs.”


I was wrong.

It didn’t even take two weeks.

They sent Mary Matalin out there and she took care of it all by her lonesome.

With the kind help of the media “New Reality” machine.

Which, among other things, led your co-conspirator here on this BooMachine, Susanhu, to opine:

Even WE Are Habituated Sheep

Not just the post-9/11 Americans who get spooked everytime Bush somberly warns about them “terr’rists.” You and me too: We’re habituated now to mocking Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi et al, and decrying the ignorant Americans who just don’t know, so ignorant are they. We howl, we snarl, we mock, we scoff. And not just against the Bush administration and its patsies. As if that weren’t enough, we howl, snarl, mock, and scoff at each other.

Conceit, arrogance, and egotism are the essentials of patriotism. […] Patriotism assumes that our globe is divided into little spots, each one surrounded by an iron gate. Those who have had the fortune of being born on some particular spot, consider themselves better, nobler, grander, more intelligent than the living beings inhabiting any other spot. It is, therefore, the duty of everyone living on that chosen spot to fight, kill, and die in the attempt to impose his superiority upon all the others.” – Emma Goldman, Patriotism: a menace to liberty

“Conceit, arrogance, and egotism”: That also describes my attitude last night as I mocked the disgusting rhetoric of Mary Matalin and Ari Fleischer on the Sunday talk shows.

But the problem with my mocking is that it only satisfies you habitués here, who of course will agree with me. (Let me dare reveal that it was a safe story to write; nobody’ll get angry with me here for mashing Mary and Ari. Now, if I’d posted that at Free Republic, well. …)

However, my mockery does not go towards piercing the heavy veil of rapturous fear-induced stupor in which most Americans pass each day as they exhalt patriotism and never doubt that the evildoers are out to get us. They won’t be receptive to my tone, my words, my “attitude.”


And then, almost as if she needed to PROVE how “habituated” she is, she copped an attitude when I congratulated her on beginning to wake up.

Sorry. This dog don’t hunt.

This left wing dog is too lame to even RUN.


“I got yer ‘new reality’ right HERE!!!”, says Mary Matalin.

And by God…it WORKS!!!


Mary Magdalene…errrr, Matalin.

Who’s married to…to whom, again?

James Jesus Anglestun…errr, Carville.

The DEMOCRATIC  spinner.


Bread into fishes ain’t SHIT for THESE hustlers.

They make muderers into victims!!!

Change positions on the bed of Life every NIGHT!!!

“You wanna be on top tonight, Mary? OK…But I get the LEFT side!!!”

And you think that things are going to CHANGE!!!???


Wake the fuck up.

Too deep for me.

I quit trying.
