There are a lot of serious diaries on B.T. this past few weeks. This may or may not be one of them!

This coming week is my little sister’s birthday. She’ll be 49 – about 14 months younger than me.  AND despite all of our childhood differences I really like her. She’s the baby of the family and from my perspective was a spoiled little brat. Okay – I’ll admit it – being the `middle girl’ skews my perspective. Having a brother in the middle with me age wise doesn’t count – he was the only boy. So – psychologists will tell you there are all kinds of impacts on your life if you are the oldest, middle, or youngest child. Older siblings are notorious for picking on younger ones. This is no such analytical diary. This both a giggly and serious diary…just for fun and something I was writing to send her for her birthday!

Confession time – and I’ll let all of you mete out my punishment!

Little girl things:
 – I used to dig worms out of the garden and dangle them in front of her face – cause she hated bugs and worms. Being a tomboy worms were okay by me!

 – I would hide her favorite doll in her bedding…so it would look like she had just misplaced it.

 – I pretended she wasn’t around when we saw each other in school – it’s not cool to have little sisters hanging out when school friends are around.  Despite being close in age we were two years apart in school. You know 6th graders do not like hanging out with 4th graders!

Teenager things:
 – I would ask her leading questions when I came in late – she talked in her sleep and answered whatever was asked without waking up.

 – I worked part time and had cool clothes – and wouldn’t let her borrow any of them – even for hot dates!

 – I hid all my cool 8 track rock and roll tapes from her!

 – When my boyfriend got me free passes to the drag races (he was a mechanic for one of the drivers!) I never got her a pass.

– – – –
I’m sure there are some other things that I could think of – but damn that was a long time ago!  Since those days we’ve been bridesmaids at each others weddings, we’ve been there for each other when extended family members died, for each other through medical illnesses and hospitalizations, and just to be obnoxious to each other.

So this a birthday wish for my kid sister…and an apology for all the mean things I did to her – and a thank you for all those times she’s been there no matter how much our lives are different. We aren’t friends particularly but we accept and understand the other one – just as they are.

So – what kind of things did you do to your brothers or sisters?

Cross posted at Village Blue