Greetings, Izzy. Kudos on your debut!
Alas, I depart this warm & pleasant scene for a .. slightly less warm & pleasant scene (aka, an icicle built for two).
I have. I’ve basically been a good olympic addict and watched almost everything that’s been on — except freestyle skiing which just doesn’t appeal to me at all.
I like the new scoring system — except that it does seems to have skewed things a bit toward jumps.
I’ve been watching the grand prix and world skating events every year, and I’m still not completely used to the new scoring system. This Olympics, they blamed it for the men all being exhausted in their long programs and for all the falls in the original dance. Did you see that?
I saw all of the men’s but only some of the ice dancing but I did notice the number of falls which was something I wouldn’t normally associate with ice dancing.
I think the campaign to include falls as an element is coming along very well, and I believe it will become a reality in 2010.
The originality, technical difficulty, and artistic presentation of this year’s falls was breathtaking.
2006 will be remembered as the Olympics where some of the world’s best icefallers took matters into their own feet and treated the world to a showcase of their talents!
Too true. We had a great variety of falls — people being dropped onto the ice, the “I’m falling and taking you with me,” people tripping over their own feet or their partners, and the ever-popular adreneline-fueled, over-enthusiastic lunge which topples the other partner.
Nearly lost in the hullaballoo (I’ve never used that word before, and I have no idea why I’m starting now) of the Chad Hedrick/Shani Davis post-race news conference yesterday, is the fact that members of the Dutch curling team showed up for the sole purpose of heckling Chad Hedrick. In turn, I suppose that probably makes Chad Hedrick a dutch hater. Izhn’t that veird? Regardless of whose side you’re taking in the Hedrick/Davis feud, I think you’d have to agree: When the Dutch curling team shows up to heckle someone, it is awesome.
How cool would it be to have your own curling posse?
Thanks, maryb! I was so happy Sasha did well! My stomach was practically in knots hoping she wouldn’t crumble. I was pleased for Irina Slutskaya, too, but felt really bad for Carolina Kostner.
I’ve been looking for some code to put a color background on a blockquote.
I’ve found the color part, but confused on the ALIGN and VALIGN. I can get the color in the box but then the box jumps around to someplace it ain’t supposed to be. So guess I need to know something about ALIGN.
Any help would be appreciated. ‘Twas a long night last night trying to figure that one out.
I must have an old HTML book around here someplace.
I’m working from home today, and wouldn’t you know it, a bunch of stuff blew up while I’m doing my best to keep an eye on things from my laptop. ๐
But here I am. Nice place you got here, Izzy. I especially like the potted palm. The fifty-foot potted palm. I think I’ll sit under one and sing Shel Silverstein’s “Killed By A Coconut.”
And that would concern me, why? I’d fire back with “Someone Ate The Baby,” and wait with my copies of “Where The Sidewalk Ends” and Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show to deflect return fire.
Meantime the collateral damage of people laughing, giggling, splitting their sides and rolling on the floor would be amazing. Amazing, I tell you!
Can I have a cup of coffee and a turkey club? To go, if that’s possible…. flying out of the library… still not connected to the net…. but I’ve got a beautiful desktop computer….
Hey, I made it! This place has lunch AND breakfast.
Greetings, Izzy. Kudos on your debut!
Alas, I depart this warm & pleasant scene for a .. slightly less warm & pleasant scene (aka, an icicle built for two).
Thanks, WW, and try to stay warm! Layers, my friend, layers.
You know it, my dear!
Thankfully, I’m fortified with Andi’s puppy pic, too. Pretty soon now I’ll have to find a local meeting of Canine Grins Anonymous ๐
YEEEEEEEEEEE HAW!!!!!!!! Congrats on your fabulous debut as out host!!!!!
Thanks! That “yeehaw” was a bit startling! I think I need more coffee (and another donut)…
Congrats Izzy. Glad to see you are raring to go with a new cafe.
Thanks, Family Man. I overslept and am not quite “raring,” but I will be when I’ve had a couple cups o’ joe and some donuts!
we are so happy to see you hosting the cafe, we can barely contain ourselves!
Thank Andi! awwww. Who’s a good dog? He is! Does him like donuts? MMMMM!
(do dogs like donuts?)
My dogs will eat anything that was alive at any point in the last millenium.
I know you’ve got George jumping for joy and he’s ready to start kitchen duty at anytime.
What a sweetheart!
You’re not helping me at all here, FM (see upthread) ..
so which dog do you think does the better imitation of rin tin tin — sniff or george?
I think it depends on if we’re talking about the big screen or dvd ๐
Sorry I just got back. I think sniff does the better imitation. George is one of those yapper dogs that will bark at any and everything.
Sniff does a better vfersion of sleeping Rin Tin Tin. LOL
That’s not a fair to George — Family Man hasn’t put up any pictures of him sleeping. I’m guessing that George is very chic and debonair sleeper.
With George any movement wakes him up. But a debonair sleeper he is definitely not. He hiccups in his sleep.
whereas Sniff is quite elegant.
… the Olympic figure skating? The women’s short program was last night and the long is tomorrow.
I have. I’ve basically been a good olympic addict and watched almost everything that’s been on — except freestyle skiing which just doesn’t appeal to me at all.
I like the new scoring system — except that it does seems to have skewed things a bit toward jumps.
I’ve been watching the grand prix and world skating events every year, and I’m still not completely used to the new scoring system. This Olympics, they blamed it for the men all being exhausted in their long programs and for all the falls in the original dance. Did you see that?
I saw all of the men’s but only some of the ice dancing but I did notice the number of falls which was something I wouldn’t normally associate with ice dancing.
Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like it. Of the top teams, five in a row fell. I wrote a re-cap of the whole thing with photos if your interested.
I couldn’t believe how tired the men all looked, even Plushenko. And poor Emanuel Sandhu. That was just brutal.
I think the campaign to include falls as an element is coming along very well, and I believe it will become a reality in 2010.
The originality, technical difficulty, and artistic presentation of this year’s falls was breathtaking.
2006 will be remembered as the Olympics where some of the world’s best icefallers took matters into their own feet and treated the world to a showcase of their talents!
Too true. We had a great variety of falls — people being dropped onto the ice, the “I’m falling and taking you with me,” people tripping over their own feet or their partners, and the ever-popular adreneline-fueled, over-enthusiastic lunge which topples the other partner.
The curling wore me out and I haven’t watched since. LOL
I just came across this:
How cool would it be to have your own curling posse?
Hey – we need to play with our food first!
Dropping a gratuitous cat picture and running to a meeting! Nice first Cafe Izzy!
Call it a tin-foil balaclava, but I sense a conspiracy here to keep me away from my icicle ..
I’d best get outside while I still can!
Now if only a dragon would coming zipping in to grab the mouse out of mid-air.
Hi Izzy, great cafe! I watched skating last night but am going to miss most of it tomorrow night ๐
Thanks, maryb! I was so happy Sasha did well! My stomach was practically in knots hoping she wouldn’t crumble. I was pleased for Irina Slutskaya, too, but felt really bad for Carolina Kostner.
long enough for your debut — nice little place you’ve got here…
I’d best get in the shower soon…want to be out of here about 1-ish…
Thanks for stopping in! Stop by when you come back — we’ve got all day!
clik image to enlarge
Here’s that first ‘Dollar’ in celebration of your Grand Opening.
lol! That’s great! Now I want to mutilate some dollar bills.
Congrats on your debut FBC. It’s great that we’ve got a new host.
Just in time too, ’cause I think the guys in white jackets hauled off most of the rest of our previous hosts.
Oh, well no worries about that sort of thing with me. My insurance doesn’t cover that.
You don’t want to use a div tag?
NDD did you ever see the diary called How’d boo do that. If I could link to it I would, but that might be of some help.
Check HERE, BT HTML Primer
Hi, Izzy — missed the breakfast part, but if there’s any lunch left, I’ll just help myself. Glad to see your hosting debut.
Sure, there’s plenty left! Good to see you!!
I’m working from home today, and wouldn’t you know it, a bunch of stuff blew up while I’m doing my best to keep an eye on things from my laptop. ๐
But here I am. Nice place you got here, Izzy. I especially like the potted palm. The fifty-foot potted palm. I think I’ll sit under one and sing Shel Silverstein’s “Killed By A Coconut.”
If you do, I’ll retaliate with “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would not Take the Garbage Out.”
And that would concern me, why? I’d fire back with “Someone Ate The Baby,” and wait with my copies of “Where The Sidewalk Ends” and Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show to deflect return fire.
Meantime the collateral damage of people laughing, giggling, splitting their sides and rolling on the floor would be amazing. Amazing, I tell you!
At that point, I’d have no choice but to escalate with “Stacey Brown’s Got Two”
from the CabinDogs:


and Dumbledore (goofing around with Cabin the Younger)

Beautiful pictures CabinGirl!
What gorgeous photos! Thank you!!
Gracie and Dumbledore are sooooo cute. And phoebe is [intentionally self edited].
And the little cabin boy is going to grow up to be a really cute cabana boy. I can tell.
Can I have a cup of coffee and a turkey club? To go, if that’s possible…. flying out of the library… still not connected to the net…. but I’ve got a beautiful desktop computer….
wow, do I love machines….. hmmmmm…..
Coming right up. You want a side of fries with that?
[img src=”“ width=”300″ height=”200″]