The Washington Post says:

YOU KNOW THERE’S something suspicious going on when multiple members of Congress — House, Senate, Democrat, Republican, future presidential candidates of all stripes — spontaneously unite around an issue that none of them had known existed a week earlier.

As much as this story bores me, it has become a major story. Both Bill Frist and Harry Reid have come out against letting Dubai World Ports take over the contracts for running our eastern ports. George W. Bush has threatened the unthinkable…a veto. A veto? Yeah, a veto!!

Here’s my take on this: Bush has already lost on the issue politically. If it ever comes to a veto, his veto will probably get overridden. As an American, I have a visceral distaste for the idea of foreigners running our ports. Everytime I drive to the airport I am reminded that a Swedish company runs the old Philly naval yards. And it annoys me. If I really believed in a Global War on Terror then I would find the decision to allow a U.A.E. company to run our ports completely incomprehensible. To a true believer in Bush’s masterplan, this is like giving the keys to the Statue of Liberty to Admiral Karl Doenitz. It does NOT make sense.

But, it DOES make sense. It’s a normal business transaction. It’s not a big deal. Will it make us less safe? I doubt it. What I will say is that it does nothing to make our ports more safe. And I don’t think the optimum solution for port security would involve a foreign company with dubious allegiance to Bush’s jihad.

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