I am so happy to let everyone know AP and hubby arrived at Schiphol Airport yesterday morning. They are staying in an appartment in Amsterdam’s Albert Cuypstraat, close to the US Consulate (who cares), but more importantly near Concertgebouw – Stedelijk Museum – Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum with the famous Rembrandt painting Nachtwacht. There has been quite some renovation at musea, so some of the paintings may be relocated elsewhere or are on a tour.
Rembrandt Van Rijn - Nightwatch
Recently Sven Triloqvist combined business travel to Warnsveld in the Netherlands, and met Nomad of EuroTrib. Later on, Sven spend some time in The Hague and I had a chance to chat with him and enjoyed a delicious lunch at Garuda Indonesian restaurant at the Kneuterdijk in The Hague.
We would like to arrange a meetup this Friday at the American Book Center (20:00PM) where hubby will present a bookreading. I’ll try to be there and get acquainted with both BooTribbers. I hope to be able to see more EuroTribbers or true Kossacks in Amsterdam this weekend.
ABC - Amsterdam at 20:00 hours
- Hi AP,
My suggestion would be to visit The Hague – its historic centrum Het Binnenhof – Parliament buildings – Mauritsmuseum – Madurodam in combination with our meet-up to get acquainted and enjoy a nice dinner North of The Hague in the Dunes — an area called Meyendel — in Hotel Duinoord near Wassenaarse Slag and the North Sea coast.
Let me know if you have interest in cultural, sport or leisure activities in the Netherlands. In the weekend I often have a fieldhockey game to referee, at our club H.C. Klein Zwitserland.
Let me know your tentative schedule and a day you want to meet-up with me.
Kind regards and see you soon,
BIMHUIS with Don Byron Ivey Divey Trio
… and while you are in Amsterdam, be sure to taste the best hamburger in town at :: Brasserie De Joffers.
Appreciate this comment, especially as it’s your debut contribution here at EuroTrib – or at BooMan’s as well!
Amazing to find these intellectuals residing in the community of Leiden, such a wonderful historic place – Pilgrim Fathers and resistence to the Spanish siege October 3, 1574 as well as founding of University on February 8, 1575. A mere 201 years before the founding of the United States.
Please click on pic :: site with lots of historic info!
Reminiscenses of Einstein’s visits to Leiden are described elsewhere. Here we present the three Einstein manuscripts preserved in our archives.
Read the story of their discovery (in dutch).
● Sven Triloqvist Visit to The Hague and The Netherlands
● Expatica – the Netherlands
● RNW – Radio Netherlands Daily News (en)
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I wish I could come-sounds like fun!
I wish you could, too–the more the merrier!
But trust me…we’ve been very merry these past few days, with our only decision being…will we cook or will we go out?
That sounds great Oui,
Meet-ups are fun so please convey regards to anyone ‘familiar’ who may show up.
I have been to a few kos meet-ups in NYC and it has been great to meet familiar and also unknown handles. Some of those I have met also post here occasionally; Time Waits for no Woman and The Maven, and others not so often. And curly and I met Sirocco (mainly EuroTrib) in Bergen last summer.
I hope you all have a great time.
Thank you! We have!
Wish I could attend. used to live in Warmond and now stay right near Stedlijke Mus. (what a great neighborhood!) when visit A’dam – which I haven’t for too many years now though. Is the flock of parrots still there in the Vondelpark?
25 yrs ago, I was in Amsterdam. It was an awesome experience….
While Rembrandt’s “The Nightwatch” is very large, and very famous, the REAL masterpiece by Rembrandt that hung in the Rijksmuseum at that time was “Peter Denying Christ”.
(click here for a larger version)
The online reproductions do it no justice whatsoever. If you have a chance to study this painting in person, you will see Rembrandt at his very best. The use of lighting (the chiaroscuro, to use the big art word) will knock your socks off… not to mention the expression on Jesus’ face as he looks back at Peter. Though Jesus face is small, in the background, and conveyed with very few brushstrokes, the expression is fully conveyed. This painting stopped me dead in my tracks, and though my few days in Amsterdam were precious, and time was on my mind, I stood in front of this one for 45 minutes.
blueneck I just tried to click for the larger image, but got a forbidden message. Am I doing something wrong?
Here’s the link : maybe if you cut and paste it it will work for you… It seems to work fine for me.
You don’t have permission to access /R/rembrandt/rembrandt50.JPG on this server.
It’s indeed a beautiful piece of art from the master!
Thank you for focus on this painting.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
try this, it is to the full page, not just the picture.
The other link still works for me. I wonder why others are having trouble??????
Bible Art – Rembrandt
Portal to More Rembrandt Paintings
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Thank you for the additional links. I hope your gathering is a smashing success. 🙂
I so wish that I could be there. Perhaps I will make it to Amsterdam again someday.
I recently acquired a high resolution film scanner for 35mm slides and film, and I have just started scanning slides from that summer in Western Europe almost 25 yrs ago. Ah, the memories…Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Bern, Salzburg, Cologne,… And at the young and impressionable age of 17….
Starts today in Van Gogh Museum – Amsterdam
Caravaggio and Rembrandt are the two great geniuses of baroque painting. They are famous throughout the world for their forceful expression of powerful emotions, dramatic use of light and disturbing realism. For the first time these two revolutionary artists will confront each other face to face.
The Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum are presenting in the Van Gogh Museum an exhibition in which works by Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) and Michelangelo Merisis da Caravaggio (1571-1610) will be seen side by side. This spectacular encounter between the two undisputed masters will be a visual sensation, containing more than 25 of their most important paintings from the great musea in the world.
● Michelangelo Merisis da Caravaggio
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Oh yeah–we’re going on Monday.
Shoot, I could have just told you that myself tomorrow! :<)
Poets, Artists, Songwriters, Storytellers, Singers, Comedians, Writers… join us! Come to the Treehouse to showcase your talent or enjoy that of others. You have a microphone and a piano at your disposal. Performers come from all over the world and you will hear a variety languages at the Open Mike Night.
You are free to offer your publications or cd’s to the audience, and you may also (in consultation) submit your work for the ABC and the Treehouse websites. Read some Open Mike Reviews
The Open Mike Nights start at 8 pm. Admission Euro 4.50 incl. 1 drink (free admission for performers)
ABC Location - Voetboogstraat 11 in Amsterdam
● ABC Treehut in The Hague
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
BooMan’s Place is such an outstanding community where warmth is felt in even the toughest political debates. The meeting with AP and hubby was at a special creative artist evening in the Liberal Heart of Amsterdam. The Open Mike session presented musicians, stand-up comedians, politically engaged young people crossing borders.
From California, New Orleans and Washington DC for the American input to Israeli, British and of course Dutch aspiring artists, filled the pleasant evening in a chilly city center. Just managed to catch the very last tram back to the car parking lot on the South side near Amsterdam’s WTC buildings.
The young woman who came over from Orleans in France, where she was able to continue her college education through extended scholarships after the New Orleans devastation, stole my heart with a magnificent protest song accompanied with guitar music. She left everyone with a chill down the spine and goose pimples, so beautiful.
The poetry read by AP’s hubby had a political undertone and should be published asap – AP!
Yes, the rest of the evening was spend in political discussion as if we knew each other for years. On Sunday I will meet with AP in the beautiful, green Dutch Capitol of The Hague and we will spend the afternoon together following a varied program of activities. See also my diary :: link below.
Warm (((hugs))) to all BooTribbers from AP, hubby and Oui.
Krasnapolsky Hotel on the Dam
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Good to see your update, Oui.
Warm regards to AP and hubby.
Oooh…where to begin?
First, Oui is a FANTASTIC host! Have to say that off the top! If you ever get a chance to come to the Netherlands, do get in touch! I’m so glad we did. We actually just returned from Haarlem and are very much looking forward to going to The Hague tomorrow.
[BTW, I have always loved the trains. So convenient. Quite unlike Amtrak or the commuter trains only running during the week and not on the weekends, too. But that sounds like another diary for another time.]
Amsterdam is our favorite city, and after the 2005 we had, we’ve been looking forward to having a few days to ourselves, for reasons personal, professional and political. To those who may have noticed, that’s why I’ve not been around on either here or at LSF…we were insanely busy up until the time we stepped on to the plane. Really, we were lucky to even get there at all, since for family reasons, we almost had to cancel. So for that and other reasons, it’s been good to unplug. We haven’t missed the boob tube at all.
Anyway, the culture, the people, the canals, the gezelligheid and the fact that IT IS NOT HOME makes this ideal. Yes, it’s kind of chilly, but so what? We love this city!
There is so much more to say, but not too much time to say it. Again, if you have the opportunity, do come make the trip. It’s Rembrandt’s birthday, after all! :<)
Thanks again, Oui, for writing this diary!
To restore some lost energy, AP was offered a French baguette with salad, tomato, brie and relaxed with a Heineken beer. We also met a fellow BooMan lurker who would join us for dinner in the evening.
Scheveningen Prison :: Orange Hotel during WWII
AP got excited when we checked the old Orange Hotel prison in Scheveningen where Milosevic resides, and there was vacancy for any future American contribution for the war crimes tribunal by the ICC. We swung around to pass by the
Wildlife Reservation - Meyendel Park Wassenaar
An exquisite setting to spend time with intelligent and beautiful people, I am proud to have met at BooMan’s Place. Thank you for companionship, the conversation and warmth of friendship, till we meet again.
See my story about AP’s Visit to The Netherlands ::
AP Writes From A’dam ¶ Poetry Reading plus Dutch Meetup (NL) ¶ Updated
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
(just a tad bit jealous too) 🙂
Let’s hope so, and a meet-up not yet conceived will strengthen friendship in the meantime, like an excellent wine that perfects with added time.
The World of Margaux - Premier Grande Cru Classe
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Everything sounds so like so much fun Oui…as for all your wonderful links I’m reminded of a line from the first Batman movie where the Joker says about Batman-‘where does he get all those wonderful toys’..so paraphrasing here…’how do you manage all these wonderful links’…
Sounds like AP had a lovely time in part due to your being a wonderful host.
Friendship – In the Meantime …
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I love to live in a world where I never had to read another story like that but until that time it does no good to pretend stories like this don’t exist, does it.