Well, I’ll have to see how the energy level is running tomoroow morning, or today’s morning, I guess.
Between both events it was about 5 hours of politics. So there’s a lot floating around in the brain. Might have to wait for it to “set up.”
The one thing I came away with after the Senator’s presentation is that the next BushCo budget is going to be another very huge disaster, and I mean huge.
Some people programs will be cut completely, others cut 70-80%. Of course the “tax cut” for those who make millions will still be in effect. (As one cartoon I saw lately put it, Robin Hood in reverse.)
Just got home from church…yes, church on a Wednesday. No, I’m not turning into a fundie…our Episcopal parish installed our new Rector this evening. Won’t bore you with the details, but it was a wonderful service. Lots of pomp and circumstance, with hot and cold running clergy — our former rector actually was able to attend; she and her husband flew in from Wisconsin. Great reception afterwards with lots of goodies…I’d best get on the treadmill tomorrow!
one boy off to school on the bus already, after giving me a fit of the giggles to see him standing there waiting for the bus, ipod and headphones on, dancing his little heart out (just like his mom with her walkman a million years ago)…how’d I get so lucky?
Almost makes up for the brutal news at the orthodontist visit yesterday.
Someday I’d like to have some news to actually report (but if I did, it would undoubtedly be bad) but as always nothing is happening here — seeing as it’s winter I can’t even claim that the trees are quietly growing.
Speaking of news, I wasn’t going to do a news bucket today, but then I started reading, and I could do a whole bucket with an “American Taliban in Action” theme today…is that too depressing?
I could always throw in Kid Rock’s sex video troubles for balance…
I can’t imagine a cafe with a serious mary. It just wouldn’t be the same. Plus believe it or not, George is up now and shaking his head back and forth saying no.
I think you just hit on the problem. Actually he has a vet appointment next week and he getting his hair cut short. Makes him look uglier than usual, but at least I won’t have to be cleaning up hair all the time.
If I ever get another dog after George, which I doubt, it would be sometype of short haired dog that doesn’t shed.
I suppose I could either delete the diary or ask the god(dess) of comment deletion to intervene on your behalf…shall we start over? Entertainment news only?
Well today I have a dental appointment. It sounds crazy, but I’m looking forward to it. I had to let dental insurance drop a good while ago and I’m in very bad need of dental care. So today stats the long process. I’m just glad to have something started in that area.
Nope just tired of having a big bushy mustasch and looking like the typical red neck with teeth problems.
While I was in the military everything was taken care of, but once you retire, your on you own as far as dental care is concerned. It was too expensive me at the time and I had to let a lot of stuff go. I’m now able to get things done that have to be done, and stuff I’ve wanted done.
If you don’t have dental coverage you should prepare yourself for some very shocking news from the dentist. Even with our coverage we’ve paid over 7K out of pocket for my dental work over the past 3 years resulting from the previous 20 when I couldn’t afford to go and was so depressed I seldom had the energy to brush my teeth.
I finally got coverage last year and now I’m able to use it. I also found a dentist that for one doesn’t seem to want to buy a new house with each patients visit. I last saw a dentist two years ago and it took me those two years to pay him off for the little bit of work he did.
I’m always amazed how people will be up in the air about health care, but hardly nothing about the high cost of dental care. I sometimes feel like it a racket. You really don’t have any choice and it appears each dentist has their own charge rates.
Good Morning!!!! Second day back at work. You would have the loved the mess the Diva Dogs had for me yesterday when I got home. They had brought in everything the could fin in the back yard and torn it up in the middle of the living room. I spent 1/2 hour sweeping the carpet before I could vacuum it.
Stop at some take-out place and get yourself something for dinner on the way home. We can’t have you being so weak from hunger that you can’t get up to feed the Diva Dogs. 🙂
Now all I’ve got to do is wrap up the other one I’m working on. I think I’ve got the info I need to do colors. Got that link to How Booman Does it, [hey, don’t let your mind drift off now.] So that should help me get that accomplished.
It was a good read and I also recommended it. I think we all need to do more blogging about events we attend with candidates. I am hoping to be attending a few once the primary is over in Texas and we actual;ly have our known candidates for 2006. I blogged on several during the early part of the primary run but so many put their name in the hat at the lest minute while I was out of circulation that there was no way to meet them all.
The spouse is cooperating with me this morning for once — asked him not to talk at me while I’m still waking up. 🙂
My legs are sore today from all the standing last night, both during the service and at the reception when I was social butterfly and talking to a lot of people.
Hope to get out of here later today — need to get a package mailed, and a few other things done. But what I really want to do is go back to bed for a few more hours… 🙁
Is anyone still up?
This is it for me. See ya tomorrow.
Thanks, Maryb. Have sweet dreams!
back from my political hullabaloo this evening…
had a great time visiting with old friends, made a few new ones, had a brief chat with Sen Conrad.
Might have to do a mini-diary on that just for the hell of it.
Yup. I’m still up. You should diary it! A chat with a Senator is worth a diary, even if brief!
Well, I’ll have to see how the energy level is running tomoroow morning, or today’s morning, I guess.
Between both events it was about 5 hours of politics. So there’s a lot floating around in the brain. Might have to wait for it to “set up.”
The one thing I came away with after the Senator’s presentation is that the next BushCo budget is going to be another very huge disaster, and I mean huge.
Some people programs will be cut completely, others cut 70-80%. Of course the “tax cut” for those who make millions will still be in effect. (As one cartoon I saw lately put it, Robin Hood in reverse.)
Jeez. The last one was bad enough — a horror. It’s far worse than being a reverse Robin Hood. That would merely be robbing — this is pillaging.
murder! Expecially after having read some of the Medicare-D diaries.
Well, I think I’ll retire “early” this evening.
Ya done great at hosting the FBCs, looking forward to your next one.
And your website looks interesting… so far just a breif perusal, so I’ll have to go back again for the full course later.
Thanks! Have a good night!!
Just got home from church…yes, church on a Wednesday. No, I’m not turning into a fundie…our Episcopal parish installed our new Rector this evening. Won’t bore you with the details, but it was a wonderful service. Lots of pomp and circumstance, with hot and cold running clergy — our former rector actually was able to attend; she and her husband flew in from Wisconsin. Great reception afterwards with lots of goodies…I’d best get on the treadmill tomorrow!
Okay, kids, I’m heading for bed…night all…
Glad you had a good time! Sleep well!!
left this cafe in great shape so we’ll just keep using it. Self-serve coffee is ready.
Anybody else up yet? 🙂
Yup. How’s everything at the cabin today?
one boy off to school on the bus already, after giving me a fit of the giggles to see him standing there waiting for the bus, ipod and headphones on, dancing his little heart out (just like his mom with her walkman a million years ago)…how’d I get so lucky?
Almost makes up for the brutal news at the orthodontist visit yesterday.
What up in your neck of the woods?
Someday I’d like to have some news to actually report (but if I did, it would undoubtedly be bad) but as always nothing is happening here — seeing as it’s winter I can’t even claim that the trees are quietly growing.
Speaking of news, I wasn’t going to do a news bucket today, but then I started reading, and I could do a whole bucket with an “American Taliban in Action” theme today…is that too depressing?
I could always throw in Kid Rock’s sex video troubles for balance…
I think you should LEAD with the sex videos. It will increase readership.
of course, you’d be interested in someone else’s indiscretions.
It’s morning and as usual I’m thinking about reforming my image around here and only making serious comments today.
By about 4:00 this afternoon I will have forgotten that resolution.
I can’t imagine a cafe with a serious mary. It just wouldn’t be the same. Plus believe it or not, George is up now and shaking his head back and forth saying no.
That dog needs a new flea collar
I think you just hit on the problem. Actually he has a vet appointment next week and he getting his hair cut short. Makes him look uglier than usual, but at least I won’t have to be cleaning up hair all the time.
If I ever get another dog after George, which I doubt, it would be sometype of short haired dog that doesn’t shed.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! The day you turn all serious Mary is the day I turn straight.
Good Morning Refinish. Ready for another big day at work?
Good Morning!!! Yep ready for another great day!!!!!
Good Morning Mary. How are you today?
well. and you?
Just going through my early morning coffee craving and trying to wake up. The world looks so different through half closed eyes.
Good Morning CG. That sounds like it would balance out everything.
Maybe we should just do one with all the latest celebrity sex scandals, and the hell with everything else?
Do regular people make sex videos? How stupid do you have to be to do this and not keep them in a safe somewhere? They’ve got to be so narcissistic.
You’ve convinced me, it’s a story that must be covered in the news bucket…
Add the Vanity Fair story from yahoo and you can dedicate the whole news bucket to Boran2. I’m sure he’d be pleased.
Why don’t you add that one? And give me some 4s while you’re there…I’m still geting over the orthodontist visit yesterday, ya know.
If I could give you 10’s I would
and I’ll see if I can find any nice stories about chickens or shih tzus (or preferably both, but what are the odds of that?)
I think I could go for some hiding from the real world. Do you think we could get everybody else to go along?
I don’t think Cabin Girl agrees with you since she’s decided to lead it off with a quote about religion.
I suppose I could either delete the diary or ask the god(dess) of comment deletion to intervene on your behalf…shall we start over? Entertainment news only?
Nah. Let’em read some bad news first and then work up to the good news. 🙂
I was hidden away for 2.5 months. I am actually happy to be out in the real world again.LOL
Good morning everyone.
Good morning. How are you, George, Cat, and Tom (did I get everybody)?
Yep you did. I’m awake and their asleep. They are definitely not morning animals.
Well today I have a dental appointment. It sounds crazy, but I’m looking forward to it. I had to let dental insurance drop a good while ago and I’m in very bad need of dental care. So today stats the long process. I’m just glad to have something started in that area.
I think you’d better have George take your temperature. You must be sick. 😉
Nope just tired of having a big bushy mustasch and looking like the typical red neck with teeth problems.
While I was in the military everything was taken care of, but once you retire, your on you own as far as dental care is concerned. It was too expensive me at the time and I had to let a lot of stuff go. I’m now able to get things done that have to be done, and stuff I’ve wanted done.
If you don’t have dental coverage you should prepare yourself for some very shocking news from the dentist. Even with our coverage we’ve paid over 7K out of pocket for my dental work over the past 3 years resulting from the previous 20 when I couldn’t afford to go and was so depressed I seldom had the energy to brush my teeth.
I finally got coverage last year and now I’m able to use it. I also found a dentist that for one doesn’t seem to want to buy a new house with each patients visit. I last saw a dentist two years ago and it took me those two years to pay him off for the little bit of work he did.
I’m always amazed how people will be up in the air about health care, but hardly nothing about the high cost of dental care. I sometimes feel like it a racket. You really don’t have any choice and it appears each dentist has their own charge rates.
Good Morning!!!! Second day back at work. You would have the loved the mess the Diva Dogs had for me yesterday when I got home. They had brought in everything the could fin in the back yard and torn it up in the middle of the living room. I spent 1/2 hour sweeping the carpet before I could vacuum it.
I hope everyone has a fabulous day!!!!
You have a good day too.
Revenge of the puppies!
Stop at some take-out place and get yourself something for dinner on the way home. We can’t have you being so weak from hunger that you can’t get up to feed the Diva Dogs. 🙂
thanks for the rec!!!!
I’m a firm believer in positive reinforcement. Excellent diaries should alway be acknowledged.
Thanks for the compliment.
What surprises me some times is you get a rating in on my comments before I even get them posted??
LOL Yes and I am afraid of what I will see when I get home today.
for your edification. Hey, let me know if you see any big screw ups?
Fargo: Sen Conrad, “massive budget cuts 2007”
Nice of the first group to supply the beer and food, eh?
I delayed lurking to read it. Very good. Recommended.
for the compliment.
Now all I’ve got to do is wrap up the other one I’m working on. I think I’ve got the info I need to do colors. Got that link to How Booman Does it, [hey, don’t let your mind drift off now.] So that should help me get that accomplished.
And thanks for the warning — my mind is so easily distracted by HTML and related diaries. All of those <‘s and /’s , sigh … oops there I go again.
and let’s not even talk about the delivery guy. LOL
I use this:
< div style=”width: 400px; overflow: none; border: 4px solid #330033; background-color: #ffcc99; padding: 8px;” >Insert boxed text here< /div >
Close up the spaces at the beginning and ending of what’s between the < >. and you get:
The 6 digits after solid (330033) and background-color (ffcc99) are what changes the colors.
For a color chart, I use visibone.
Have fun, and let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks, do you use “autoformat” then when doing a diary?
For that, yes.
Hey, it works!!!
But width is set at 400px, so I’m assuming that’s for comment, like here, so what value would I use in a diary?
I think I’ve set it as wide as 600 for diaries, but sometimes people (diane101) have a problem with that on their displays. Play with it and see.
(We are nearing the limits of my HTML skills now…maybe someone else will be able to jump in here?)
It was a good read and I also recommended it. I think we all need to do more blogging about events we attend with candidates. I am hoping to be attending a few once the primary is over in Texas and we actual;ly have our known candidates for 2006. I blogged on several during the early part of the primary run but so many put their name in the hat at the lest minute while I was out of circulation that there was no way to meet them all.
The spouse is cooperating with me this morning for once — asked him not to talk at me while I’m still waking up. 🙂
My legs are sore today from all the standing last night, both during the service and at the reception when I was social butterfly and talking to a lot of people.
Hope to get out of here later today — need to get a package mailed, and a few other things done. But what I really want to do is go back to bed for a few more hours… 🙁
Have a great day, everyone…
You can avoid reality over here.