Like many, I feel often overwhelmed by the realities in front of us these days, and also by the sheer volume of words pouring forth from everywhere, in an attempt to cope with all and to try to fix it all.  

Among all of the excellent analysis and research and essays and calls to arms, I also hear the cry, roar and laughter of the poets, those to whom truth often arrives in short form: whose pain and hope emerges in verse.  Whether fancy, plain, polished or not, poets voices are also needed now.  I invite you all to join me in an occasional Poets Voice Diary.  

An unpolished poet myself, I’ll get us started. This dark piece came yesterday as I sat thinking about the role greed plays in the unhappy state of our nation.

gentle words of prophets old
lost in the roar of greed
More! More!
yet more is not enough

in greeds gaping maw
principles perish
people are crushed
peace cannot survive

great jaws rip and grind
seeking the heart meat
spitting out the sour bones,
swallowing the carcass of freedom


One more,  on a  bit lighter note:

Defending my Prez

my heart, she bleeds for our innocent Prez
always the last to know
when things go wrong, it’s not HIS fault,
it’s others that must go

and not his fault when people die
in lands across the way
or even when they die right here
on any given day

from lack of shelter, food or care
his duty lies not there
but with the need to help the rich
to keep and  grow their share

so Patriots rise and gather round
support this wondrous man
for he alone can keep us safe
from other evil lands


Ok, who’s next?