Further evidence that the RePresidential fix is in, and that John McCain has been given the nod. (See my diary BREAKING: McCain to be next RePresident for more on that subject.)

From the an article called “Deal on ports approved without Bush’s knowledge” in the San Jose Mercury News. Following a lengthy outline of how serious the Ratpub legislators are about opposing this BushCo scheme come these lovely paragraphs:

Team Bush was confident it would find a compromise, and got one ray of light from Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

“We all need to take a moment and not rush to judgment on this matter without knowing all the facts,” McCain said.

“The president’s leadership has earned our trust in the war on terror, and surely his administration deserves the presumption that they would not sell our security short.”

How drearily concuspiscent this hack has become. From the torture cages of the Vietnamese to sucking off the very same people who personally trashed him as a war coward when he ran against Bush.

The shame.

He knows better.

The horror of unfettered ambition…