“If blatant hypocrisy caused spontaneous combustion, the world would be a far less religious place.”
Today’s theme is the American Taliban’s latest activities, with celebrity sex scandals thrown in for fair balance! Bring them on…
Buh-bye Roe? NYT
Casey…where have I heard that name before? Oh yeah, that was Bobby Casey’s dad…the one who gave his son all the name recognition to run for senator from PA with.
People all over this country are going to be violently shaken awake this week on Roe v Wade. If anybody thought they could just sit on the sidelines and let the big mouths work it all out and their rights would be protected they are about to learn that nobody will be sitting on this fucking fence unless they want a picket up the whaazooo. Casey’s name recognition could turn into instant poison……in a short period of time it could well become a noxious fume!
The righties are moving in, and they’ve got a plan: AOL news
I like this one — get ’em in one place and let them drive each other crazy. All the decent people can move to North Carolina, making that state much more liberal and giving Second Nature the possibility having great neighbors.
We’ve got enough of these in the South already. Let each state keep their own crazies.
I agree, keep them as diluted as possible.
Fine, deny me the chance to clear out the righties in my state so I can engineer a left-wing takeover. 🙁
We’re in the process of trying to ship some to you. Make a holy world recreation park next to your place.
Thanks but no thanks — we’re aleady home to Santa Claus, IN. That’s enough for me.
You realize that with them all in one place it’s like the best possible use of redistricting…every presidential race would be 49 to 1.
Yeah, but with Diebold counting that would be 49 red states to 1 blue one.
Home videos that go public (For maryb2004): AP/Yahoo
Apparently, it’s a bastion of independent thought: New York Sun
“Kiss a lot, kiss pleasurably, kiss safe.”
The perfect antidote to the American Taliban stories.
I thought so. And after all, the weekends coming.
Vanity Fair has them
Scarlett Johansonn’s bare butt pic’s I mean.
Keira Knightley’s there too.
With a list like that, I guess they’re trying to tell us we’re lucky there aren’t more naked guys on covers…
I heard a rumor that Vanity Fair is in negotiations to add “The Men of BooMan Tribune: a Blog community” to that list. They may, however, decide to do an issue featuring only Atrios.
The rest of the news is SO depressing. But don’t worry, I’m reading that news too.
Can you imagine scrawny, pasty David Cassidy nude? Ick.
precisely my point.
Guess I’ll be skipping breakfast now…
Oh you women. Unless it’s some guy with washboard abs holding a bottle of vodka……
Yeah, that’s why I’m betting they go with the Atrios edition.
Are you trying to say that an issue with a bunch of hairy, middle aged, pot bellied men wouldn’t sell. I’m shocked.
Yeah, but it can’t be just any vodka…
Point taken :).
Sometimes even when you try to be a slacker — they give you an award anyway. Or maybe Michelin is just a stalker
I can just see the next headline:
“Restaurateur Forced to Get Restraining Order Against Michelin Guides”
I can’t believe they misspelled Pisces on the image…but doubt boran2 is going to notice…
How come I can’t see the image? Because I’m a pisces?
Where did it go? I’ll be right back…
“Where the bloody hell are you?”
from my photobucket account this time:

Speaking of fine photos, has everybody seen what the Bood has done for Condi? Link Just keep paging down, you will be deeply rewarded.
I always start my day with a visit to the Dude. It’s better than caffeine.
Just visited the link Alice. It’s very very funny. Thanks for posting it.
you should know that Sweaty socks cause blisters.
Duh. Wonder who funded that study?
From Slate’s Human Nature column.
and here I always thought it was just a mother of a load!
Those who missed NPR’s Fresh Air yesterday, can catch up on Terry Gross interviewing Bruce Bartlett, Conservative extraordinaire, ex Reagan White House and George H. Treasury department.
Bartlett’s book, Imposter: “How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy.” is a scathing analysis of preznit and father too, so critical it has cost him his job.
From the interview, Looking at President Bush, Seeing an “Imposter’, Bartlett had these observations;
[B]artlett worries that the country — and conservatives in particular — are being hurt by the president’s mistakes. He faults Bush for increasing federal spending — with programs like the 2003 Medicare prescription drug bill — while also cutting taxes.
-Bush the opportunist who lacks a set of political principles and has destroyed Reagan conservatism.
-Bush is a pretender and he does not understand why Democrats (presidential nominees Gore and Kerry) ran away from the strong economic legacy of Clinton. On the economy and trade, Bush is the worst president since Hoover.
-Bush’s attitude towards the media, no leaks, obsessive secrecy, lack of desent-issues are not to be publicly discussed.
Suspicous of another Bush betrayal, yet he was nominated and they voted. Must have held their noses. If Bartlett’s disgust is representative of Reagan conservatives, what about Reagan democrats?
Will Reagan democrats come home?
happy news story.
I hope DJ sees that. I love when his teammate says “he brings humor and life to the team.” You wonder how, on this particular occasion, he was able to reach inside himself and pull out this miracle. I hope it’s just the beginning.
She’s the first person I thought of when I saw it.
I emailed her the link to the diary in case she doesn’t get here today.
The American Taliban in Action: Assault on the First Amendment
(Not today’s news, but current & neglected)
Erotic photographer Barbara Nitke filed a lawsuit in 2001 that has yet to reach the Supreme Court challenging the Communications Decency Act (CDA); her reasons for doing so can be found here.
Nitke v. Ashcroft:
Nitke v. Gonzales: What Happened:
Wave of Obscenity Prosecutions
Internet Obscenity Decision Imposes Impossible Burden by Alan R. Levy in The New York Law Journal (warning: PDF)