Babe I’m gonna Leave you…Zeppelin
If you Leave Me Now…Chicago
Where Have All The Good Times Gone…Van Halen
Leaving on a Jetplane…Peter Paul and Mary
You can Leave Baby, Just Don’t Try To go Out The Front Door…Richard Pryor :oP
Natural progression Sal — when I get no respect, I move on because I will survive and, sure enough, I find someone else who makes me feel good about myself.
No sense focusing on the past.
I too have both on vinyl (and CK on disc)
And about the “on your own thing” you might want to read the news bucket today and the whole 400% thing.
Seems like another cover of the Kinks’ early ’60s original also covered by Bowie (on the Ziggy-era ‘Hunky Dory’) & probably by many others. A great rock n’ roll anthem!
Always appreciate your terrific kitten pix, Sallycat!
(I’ll pass on the cool lemonade today, however!)
This kitty seems to be at least partially Manx, like mine here at home. They’re terrific cats — friendly, quiet, highly intelligent & quite fierce at defending their loved ones. ‘Course, their general sweetness at home balances this ferocious nature!
Excellent Lol
I once worked on a boat in Florida that belonged to two lesbians. It had an interesting name. Kinda straight(sorry)forward.
The name was: Tongue & Groove ;o)
My sister has lived in a tiny, Mennonite town for 30 years. There is one ice cream stand in the town and it’s owned by “the town lesbian couple.” It’s called THE LICKETY SPLIT.
Before we decided to leave town, my roommate was considering opening a gay bar here in Flagstaff. (There are none.) When she found a location downtown on San Francisco Street, she kicked around the idea of calling it The Castro. Which would’ve been very cool, I think.
But then they wanted way too much money for the space and the landlord was kind of a freak (not in the good way) so it never really came together.
But it’s not San Francisco, it’s Flagstaff! Like polar opposites, almost.
I always have to “admit” to other queers that I can’t stand SF. I take a ton of crap over my general distaste for the Holy Land, so I’m happy to see you bust on it. 🙂
I’m okay with visiting it, though I see no reason to go to the Castro at this point. I’m just not a big fan of the attitude, I guess — so many people so convinced of their own hipness are not my cup of tea, and that’s not a problem just confined to the Castro.
There are cool things in the city, though. I frequently have to go to Japantown to get the coolest stationary ever (often with variously mangled english — my favorite notebook says “Sketch Pad you can use with your own way as you like” on the cover), and I often follow it up with a trip to the Sutro Baths (which are actually ruins now, right on the ocean) — very pretty spot. I have pictures somewhere, but I can’t find them; parts of Harold & Maude were filmed there.
The Mission isn’t totally dead yet, either.
What’s really sad is that I have these memories of SF as a kid that built it into this wacky wonderland. I can never decide whether that’s just because I was a kid, or whether it really did change that much over the last 10-15 years. I kind of think both are true.
That froggie looks not unlike this one in Willimantic, CT, near UConn where I went to college. Where’s your frog located? 🙂 Yours is much better painted though…
When You’re Taking Percocet Every Hour Is Happy Hour Edition:
Anticipation – Carly Simon
Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
We Shall Overcome (speech excerpt) – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Miracles – Jefferson Starship
Stone In Love – Journey
Shy – Ani DiFranco
Anthem – Stephanie Sayers
You Get What You Give – New Radicals
Stay Up Late – Talking Heads
I Want Candy – Bow Wow Wow
Posting early because I’m likely going to crash early; hope everyone has a safe Friday night and a fantastic weekend. 🙂
Heh, it took me another year or two after that song hit to start sneaking into the weirdo little punk club down on the seedy side of Miami Beach, so I missed it in the bars by thismuch. 🙂
My taste in bars is also…substantially less than classy or trendy, so once I did start hitting the bar scene, it was all about whatever the owners had decided to put on the jukebox, lol. Unless I was hanging with my gay boyfriends, of course, in which case we could wind up anywhere from dancing to some hot DJ’s (that I’d never heard of) housemix, or rocking out to Queen at the leather bar.
Percocet does it.
Bow wow wow, long time – See Jungle.
The Robots – Kraftwerk
The Meaning of Love – Depeche Mode
Exile – Enya
White Riot – The Clash
Five Ten Fiftyfold – Cocteau Twins
Exitable Boy – Warren Zevon
The Sound of the Crowd – Human League
Ohio – Neil Young
Miniature Overture – Peter I Tchaikovsky
I Will Follow – U2
OK here’s my random 10
Pretty generic but I’m like that.
Danny’s Song..Loggins and Messina
My Cherie Amour..Stevie Wonder
Dream Weaver..Gary Wright
Lay Lady Lay..Bob Dylan
Don’t Dream It’s Over..Crowded House
These Eyes..The Guess Who
Summer Breeze..Seals and Croft
Little Wing..The Man
Lenny..Stevie Ray Vaughn
…and one for the militant in me
Wake Up!..Rage Against The Machine
Yeah, I know. I used to rush home from school and sneak into my big brother’s room and listen to his Guess Who and Bread albums all the time. I’m a 70’s kid too. In some ways it was a really ugly decade, but I’d like to go back for a visit too.
I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other night about the whole principles vs. pragmatism thing, in our political activism. She talked a lot about how we need to “respect” people who don’t agree with us on issues (the issues in question were abortion rights and gay marriage). To me, you can respect someone, and still believe they are very wrong about a very important issue.
I suppose it all depends on respect, which can have so many different meanings. I had the sense that my friend and I were using it very differently but I had a hard time getting a grip on what she meant by it. She seemed to mean that I shouldn’t criticize people who believe differently than I do on abortion rights and gay rights, or that I shouldn’t make them feel unwelcome in the Democratic Party. Although I may not have it quite right. I am not necessarily going to get up in a random voter’s face but I will always criticize elected officials who are supposed to represent me, when they don’t act in accordance with what I consider basic values. And the day I have the power to make an individual feel unwelcome in the Democratic Party, I will … have a lot more power than I ever thought I would.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this because I have a state legislator who took a really awful vote against gay marriage. I know him personally and I trust him to listen and take seriously what I say to him. And so I want to write him a letter explaining my thoughts on the issue and why it’s so important. I’m having a hard time working out what approach(es) I ought to take, because it’s so hard sometimes to get yourself into another person’s head on an issue as contentious as this. Yet it’s important to be able to because we are all evolving in our opinions all the time and I take seriously my responsibility to exert as much influence for good as I can.
I have always felt that gay people shouldn’t be treated like shit for being gay. But once upon a time, I didn’t really believe that the right to marry was important. I think this was mostly because I didn’t understand the reality of what it means, legally, when you can’t. (I think that a lot of people take that for granted.) A big part of what changed my mind was seeing a couple I was friends with go through a lot of problems that would have been easily solved if they could just marry. I have an uncle who is a Christian Republican (not a fundy per se but probably influenced by them to an extent) who I argued with during holidays. We about made his 22 year old son turn green, I think. My uncle basically just repeats over and over that “marriage is between a man and a woman” and that gays marrying cheapens marriage for everyone. I simply do not understand this argument at all nor what is behind it. It may just be “I think gays are gross and should go away.” But there may be more to it than that and I wish I knew so I could address it more effectively when I find it.
At least I am getting better about sticking to my guns when challenged, which I feel good about. I argued with my friend about the principles thing for about 20 or 30 minutes, never angrily, but definitely forcefully and we ended the conversation both, I think, stimulated by it and glad we had had it.
I’m rambly today, but there was a point to posting all this, and that is to ask, does anyone have any thoughts on how to make more effective arguments, either for gay rights or just in general?
Tessie – Dropkick Murphys
Westby – Kathleen Edwards
Monkey and the Engineer – Grateful Dead
Lifeboy – Phish
The Ballad of young Alban and Arnandy – eastmountainsouth
Doubting Thomas – Nickel Creek
Tomorrow Belongs to Us – The Casualties
San Andreas Fault – Natalie Merchant
Halley’s Waitress – Fountains of Wayne
Mary – Scissor Sisters
Quicksilver Girl – Steve Miller
Have You Ever Loved a Woman – Bryan Adams
Born A Woman – Sandy Posey
Stand by Your Man – Tammy Wynette
Lay Down Sally – Eric Clapton
Long Cool Woman – Hollies
Natural Woman – Aretha (always my first choice!)
I am Woman – Helen Reddy
Honesty – Jane Oliver
House of the Rising Sun – Joan Baez
Hmmm….looks like my feminist side is showing today…and we’ll really see how old people are that post here!
I once saw three drunk rednecks do that song at Karaoke night. It was hilarious.
What wasn’t hilarious is that it wasn’t bad enough that I let my brother talk me into singing Midnight Rider with him, my Dad secretly bought the tape!
Oh man, shame for years.
Mother in Law was gracious. She said the important thing was that I looked good Lol
I heard Tammy Wynette interviewed about the song a number of years ago. I’m a hard core ‘classic country’ fan. Waylon Jennings, Tammy Wynette, Ferlin Huskey, Conrad Twitty….in addition to being a Classic Rock and Roll fan. So I know most of the stories and songs.
Oh I forgot to mention that I have the 10 CD set of Patsy Cline. Short feminist story…all those crying my heart out songs make me laugh out loud after about 3 in a row!
Not even noon here…but I actually get my random 10 in before just about the rest of the crew!
Rain — Chloe Agnew
Dance Band on the Titanic — Harry Chapin
Theme from Valley of the Dolls — k. d. lang
Sky Fell — Judy Collins
Overture in F Major: V. Der Schwanengesang (comp. Telemann) — American Horn Quartet
Fantasy on the Early American Tune Pisgah (comp. Wood) — James Welch
Day is Done — Peter Paul and Mary
California Girls — The Beach Boys
Blitzkrieg Bop — The Ramones
Glory to God — John Michael Talbot
Chapin’s Essentials a couple of weeks ago over at Borders — it had 30,000 Pounds of Bananas from Greatest Stories Live, my favoritest Chapin song. Love the part where he’s trying to find an ending, and the guys in the band keep telling him, “Harry…it sucks.” One ending is where he has the audience singing along…after they do a particularly horrible job on one line, his remark is “3000 Munchkins and a Troll”…that may be my next sig line… 😉
Sweet and Dandy…Toots and the Maytals
American Pie…Don McLean
The Last Nail…Dan Fogelberg
God Shuffled His Feet…Crash Test Dummies
Willow Tree…G Love and Special Sauce
Twilight…Squirrel Nut Zippers
Married Girl…The Slackers
Show me a Little Shame…Ben Harper
Redemption Song…Johnny Cash/Joe Strummer
Wide Open Spaces…Dixie Chicks
Um, please disregard that last one, clearly it is an aberration
The ones I stole from Colin are Toots and the Maytals, G. Love and Special Sauce, and the Slackers. Although I did see The Slackers about 5 years ago at a Border’s in Cleveland and bought a couple t-shirts. But then I forgot how much I liked them until Colin started listening to them.
Let’s see…random 10
Babe I’m gonna Leave you…Zeppelin
If you Leave Me Now…Chicago
Where Have All The Good Times Gone…Van Halen
Leaving on a Jetplane…Peter Paul and Mary
You can Leave Baby, Just Don’t Try To go Out The Front Door…Richard Pryor :oP
still working on it but you get the picture :o)
That would be not-so-random, no?
I’m getting nostalgic seeing some of those titles.
I think I sense a theme here; just give me a minute and I’ll figure it out…
Gee, that looks like it has a theme, super…here are some of mine:
Get out of This House…Shawn Colvin
Perpetual Blues Machine…KebMo
And the ever-popular ‘Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover’ by…that guy.
About this time I’d add these…..
Respect – Aretha Franklin
I Will Survive – Gloria Gaynor
But then I’m just an uppity woman with an attitude and big mouth!
two of my favorite songs of all times!!!!
I’m more into my own pleasure,
I’d add Natural Woman (the Carol King version or Aretha)
I’m still stuck on your pacifier comment :o)
think of it this way: the pacifier exists for the mouth, the mouth doesn’t exist for the pacifier
It’s always all about me 🙂
depending on what you use as an adult pacifier they can be fun. LOL
Although that one does require someone making her feel like a natural woman….I do that just fine on my own!
And you’re right either Aretha or Carole King…and I’ve got both on vinyl!
Natural progression Sal — when I get no respect, I move on because I will survive and, sure enough, I find someone else who makes me feel good about myself.
No sense focusing on the past.
I too have both on vinyl (and CK on disc)
And about the “on your own thing” you might want to read the news bucket today and the whole 400% thing.
Seems like another cover of the Kinks’ early ’60s original also covered by Bowie (on the Ziggy-era ‘Hunky Dory’) & probably by many others. A great rock n’ roll anthem!
Hi CG.
Sorry, no time for chatting. Just put a couple of links/quotes in the news bucket during lunch.
Hope to see all later.
Warm and sunny here in Northern CA…upper 60’s and low 70’s. So I’ll take a stroll and sit by the pool at lunch time!
Lemonade is on me!
Always appreciate your terrific kitten pix, Sallycat!
(I’ll pass on the cool lemonade today, however!)
This kitty seems to be at least partially Manx, like mine here at home. They’re terrific cats — friendly, quiet, highly intelligent & quite fierce at defending their loved ones. ‘Course, their general sweetness at home balances this ferocious nature!
I wish I could have a cat. But one of my housemates is allergic and well, litterboxes stink like nobody’s business, anyway.
what do you have if you have 50 politicians and 50 lesbians in the room?
ready yet?
100 people who don’t do dick. LOL
Excellent Lol
I once worked on a boat in Florida that belonged to two lesbians. It had an interesting name. Kinda straight(sorry)forward.
The name was: Tongue & Groove ;o)
ROTFLMAO!!!! I love it!!!!
My sister has lived in a tiny, Mennonite town for 30 years. There is one ice cream stand in the town and it’s owned by “the town lesbian couple.” It’s called THE LICKETY SPLIT.
I admit, I prefer the slightly more subtle approach — ie, the dyke bar of yore (NYC, I believe) called the Clam Bake.
Before we decided to leave town, my roommate was considering opening a gay bar here in Flagstaff. (There are none.) When she found a location downtown on San Francisco Street, she kicked around the idea of calling it The Castro. Which would’ve been very cool, I think.
But then they wanted way too much money for the space and the landlord was kind of a freak (not in the good way) so it never really came together.
“never really came together”
What a shame ;o)
I’m sorry. Maybe I have this confused with the late night cafe ;o)
if she called it The Castro, y’all would have to find a whole lot of really snarky gay boys with expensive haircuts to staff the place.
“But then they wanted way too much money for the space and the landlord was kind of a freak (not in the good way)”
It is San Francisco!
(no offense meant to any san franciscans, but we love to mock y’all from out here in Sac)
But it’s not San Francisco, it’s Flagstaff! Like polar opposites, almost.
I always have to “admit” to other queers that I can’t stand SF. I take a ton of crap over my general distaste for the Holy Land, so I’m happy to see you bust on it. 🙂
I love sf but when I was there I spent more time at the symphony, opera, ballet and plays than I did at bars. LOL
I’m okay with visiting it, though I see no reason to go to the Castro at this point. I’m just not a big fan of the attitude, I guess — so many people so convinced of their own hipness are not my cup of tea, and that’s not a problem just confined to the Castro.
There are cool things in the city, though. I frequently have to go to Japantown to get the coolest stationary ever (often with variously mangled english — my favorite notebook says “Sketch Pad you can use with your own way as you like” on the cover), and I often follow it up with a trip to the Sutro Baths (which are actually ruins now, right on the ocean) — very pretty spot. I have pictures somewhere, but I can’t find them; parts of Harold & Maude were filmed there.
The Mission isn’t totally dead yet, either.
What’s really sad is that I have these memories of SF as a kid that built it into this wacky wonderland. I can never decide whether that’s just because I was a kid, or whether it really did change that much over the last 10-15 years. I kind of think both are true.
Flagstafs is difinately a polar oposite to SF. LOL
I’m sorry to hear that. The more the merrier, I say.
That froggie looks not unlike this one in Willimantic, CT, near UConn where I went to college. Where’s your frog located? 🙂 Yours is much better painted though…
It’s another Willimantic frog… 🙂
I like the story of the Battle of the Frogs — let’s NOT re-enact that here.
When You’re Taking Percocet Every Hour Is Happy Hour Edition:
Anticipation – Carly Simon
Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode
We Shall Overcome (speech excerpt) – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Miracles – Jefferson Starship
Stone In Love – Journey
Shy – Ani DiFranco
Anthem – Stephanie Sayers
You Get What You Give – New Radicals
Stay Up Late – Talking Heads
I Want Candy – Bow Wow Wow
Posting early because I’m likely going to crash early; hope everyone has a safe Friday night and a fantastic weekend. 🙂
I want Candy – bow wow wow
Is that a question or a commentary? I can’t tell. 🙂
I was going to say I had never heard of it, but then after I typed it, it was so clearly commentary. Then I was stuck.
It was a very popular one hit wonder on MTV in the early/mid 80s.
There ain’t nothin’ better
Especially if it’s wrapped in a sweater
(It was a pretty popular bar tune, too.)
Heh, it took me another year or two after that song hit to start sneaking into the weirdo little punk club down on the seedy side of Miami Beach, so I missed it in the bars by thismuch. 🙂
Then I’m sure you also missed Blondie’s ‘Eat To The Beat’ (you lucky thing, you). Overplayed bar tunes definitely had an oral tilt for a while ..
My taste in bars is also…substantially less than classy or trendy, so once I did start hitting the bar scene, it was all about whatever the owners had decided to put on the jukebox, lol. Unless I was hanging with my gay boyfriends, of course, in which case we could wind up anywhere from dancing to some hot DJ’s (that I’d never heard of) housemix, or rocking out to Queen at the leather bar.
Oh, yes — my bar thing was basically about the juke box, too. Plus location, familiarity & the integrity of the bathroom doors 😉
Cowboy did pretty well. So did Louis Quatorze, and C30 C60 C90 Go though I’ll admit that I Want Candy was the most visible track off that album.
Hmm .. I bet I could call up a ‘mental random 10’ for opiate-lovers of various stripes & intensities ..
– Flyin’ High (In The Friendly Skies) – Marvin Gaye
Percocet does it.
Bow wow wow, long time – See Jungle.
The Robots – Kraftwerk
The Meaning of Love – Depeche Mode
Exile – Enya
White Riot – The Clash
Five Ten Fiftyfold – Cocteau Twins
Exitable Boy – Warren Zevon
The Sound of the Crowd – Human League
Ohio – Neil Young
Miniature Overture – Peter I Tchaikovsky
I Will Follow – U2
OK here’s my random 10
Pretty generic but I’m like that.
Danny’s Song..Loggins and Messina
My Cherie Amour..Stevie Wonder
Dream Weaver..Gary Wright
Lay Lady Lay..Bob Dylan
Don’t Dream It’s Over..Crowded House
These Eyes..The Guess Who
Summer Breeze..Seals and Croft
Little Wing..The Man
Lenny..Stevie Ray Vaughn
…and one for the militant in me
Wake Up!..Rage Against The Machine
Um, the 70’s called. They want their music back.
I wish i could have at least the early seventies back sometimes
Ya Know Sister SN, you’re such a brat sometimes :o)
Psst: tell her the 90s called and they want that lame-ass joke back. ;p
Hey, I’m only a decade behind. That’s good for me!
Yeah, and the fact that she’s three years older than me.
Here’s a seventies song she might remember…
Reelin In The Years..Steely Dan ;o)
I prefer “Hey Nineteen”…
Memories don’t go that quickly – watch out or us old folks will start pinching little boy’s cheeks! ;^D
I already pinch little boy cheeks. LOL
You’d better be nice to her, because if you go back and review the written record –SHE’s the one that starts the orgies.
How you start isn’t as important as how you finish
Yep…just ask the subjects in the study I’m writing about…
Still working on the PE’ers? Bet their partners aren’t in the 400%.
I’ll be done with the PE’rs shortly, pardon the pun.
3 more paragraphs…
Cabin Girl, you sure have staying power. 😉
Yeah, I know. I used to rush home from school and sneak into my big brother’s room and listen to his Guess Who and Bread albums all the time. I’m a 70’s kid too. In some ways it was a really ugly decade, but I’d like to go back for a visit too.
I have 8 of those 11 tracks. Groovy. 🙂
What are you doing raiding my record cabinet???
I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other night about the whole principles vs. pragmatism thing, in our political activism. She talked a lot about how we need to “respect” people who don’t agree with us on issues (the issues in question were abortion rights and gay marriage). To me, you can respect someone, and still believe they are very wrong about a very important issue.
I suppose it all depends on respect, which can have so many different meanings. I had the sense that my friend and I were using it very differently but I had a hard time getting a grip on what she meant by it. She seemed to mean that I shouldn’t criticize people who believe differently than I do on abortion rights and gay rights, or that I shouldn’t make them feel unwelcome in the Democratic Party. Although I may not have it quite right. I am not necessarily going to get up in a random voter’s face but I will always criticize elected officials who are supposed to represent me, when they don’t act in accordance with what I consider basic values. And the day I have the power to make an individual feel unwelcome in the Democratic Party, I will … have a lot more power than I ever thought I would.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this because I have a state legislator who took a really awful vote against gay marriage. I know him personally and I trust him to listen and take seriously what I say to him. And so I want to write him a letter explaining my thoughts on the issue and why it’s so important. I’m having a hard time working out what approach(es) I ought to take, because it’s so hard sometimes to get yourself into another person’s head on an issue as contentious as this. Yet it’s important to be able to because we are all evolving in our opinions all the time and I take seriously my responsibility to exert as much influence for good as I can.
I have always felt that gay people shouldn’t be treated like shit for being gay. But once upon a time, I didn’t really believe that the right to marry was important. I think this was mostly because I didn’t understand the reality of what it means, legally, when you can’t. (I think that a lot of people take that for granted.) A big part of what changed my mind was seeing a couple I was friends with go through a lot of problems that would have been easily solved if they could just marry. I have an uncle who is a Christian Republican (not a fundy per se but probably influenced by them to an extent) who I argued with during holidays. We about made his 22 year old son turn green, I think. My uncle basically just repeats over and over that “marriage is between a man and a woman” and that gays marrying cheapens marriage for everyone. I simply do not understand this argument at all nor what is behind it. It may just be “I think gays are gross and should go away.” But there may be more to it than that and I wish I knew so I could address it more effectively when I find it.
At least I am getting better about sticking to my guns when challenged, which I feel good about. I argued with my friend about the principles thing for about 20 or 30 minutes, never angrily, but definitely forcefully and we ended the conversation both, I think, stimulated by it and glad we had had it.
I’m rambly today, but there was a point to posting all this, and that is to ask, does anyone have any thoughts on how to make more effective arguments, either for gay rights or just in general?
Which of course no one will recognize…
Tessie – Dropkick Murphys
Westby – Kathleen Edwards
Monkey and the Engineer – Grateful Dead
Lifeboy – Phish
The Ballad of young Alban and Arnandy – eastmountainsouth
Doubting Thomas – Nickel Creek
Tomorrow Belongs to Us – The Casualties
San Andreas Fault – Natalie Merchant
Halley’s Waitress – Fountains of Wayne
Mary – Scissor Sisters
Back to writing the intro to my paper…
I know I am tragically unhip, but I do have a few of those cuts. I like Fountains of Wayne a lot and I love Natalie Merchant.
Hope your paper goes well!
Natalie rules!!!!!
Hmmm….did I admit to something I shouldn’t in this crowd???
This would be my random 10 for the afternoon
Quicksilver Girl – Steve Miller
Have You Ever Loved a Woman – Bryan Adams
Born A Woman – Sandy Posey
Stand by Your Man – Tammy Wynette
Lay Down Sally – Eric Clapton
Long Cool Woman – Hollies
Natural Woman – Aretha (always my first choice!)
I am Woman – Helen Reddy
Honesty – Jane Oliver
House of the Rising Sun – Joan Baez
Hmmm….looks like my feminist side is showing today…and we’ll really see how old people are that post here!
Stand By Your Man seems a little out of place in that list. :0)
“After all he’s just a man….” – Tammy was a mouthy woman…had bad choices in men…but was mouthy at times!
I once saw three drunk rednecks do that song at Karaoke night. It was hilarious.
What wasn’t hilarious is that it wasn’t bad enough that I let my brother talk me into singing Midnight Rider with him, my Dad secretly bought the tape!
Oh man, shame for years.
Mother in Law was gracious. She said the important thing was that I looked good Lol
tee hee hee
I heard Tammy Wynette interviewed about the song a number of years ago. I’m a hard core ‘classic country’ fan. Waylon Jennings, Tammy Wynette, Ferlin Huskey, Conrad Twitty….in addition to being a Classic Rock and Roll fan. So I know most of the stories and songs.
Oh I forgot to mention that I have the 10 CD set of Patsy Cline. Short feminist story…all those crying my heart out songs make me laugh out loud after about 3 in a row!
…and we’ll really see how old people are that post here!
I can’t wait for SN’s list.
I actually heard her say something about Bobby Sherman the other day :o)
Little teeny bopper
Ok, I was like 11 years old at the time. My tastes have, um, matured since then.
It’s cool. I was in love with Laurie Partridge ;o)
and my tastes matured too and i was in love with Shirley Partridge :o)
So, continuing on this theme I guess now I’m in love with Mr. Kincaid?! Although I am married to a guy with a white beard…no, not Santa Claus.
I was recently infected by a Bobby Sherman ear-worm. (Julie, Julie, Julie do ya luuuv me ..)
Followed by the Osmonds.
This winter has definitely been too damn long.
I had this in a life size poster on the wall next to my bed at 15 or so…then I moved on to Jim Morrison…
No question as to which I ultimately prefer…
Great list. Even Stand by Your Man. Especially if he makes you feel like a Natural Woman.
Not even noon here…but I actually get my random 10 in before just about the rest of the crew!
Rain — Chloe Agnew
Dance Band on the Titanic — Harry Chapin
Theme from Valley of the Dolls — k. d. lang
Sky Fell — Judy Collins
Overture in F Major: V. Der Schwanengesang (comp. Telemann) — American Horn Quartet
Fantasy on the Early American Tune Pisgah (comp. Wood) — James Welch
Day is Done — Peter Paul and Mary
California Girls — The Beach Boys
Blitzkrieg Bop — The Ramones
Glory to God — John Michael Talbot
I love all Harry Chapin
Chapin’s Essentials a couple of weeks ago over at Borders — it had 30,000 Pounds of Bananas from Greatest Stories Live, my favoritest Chapin song. Love the part where he’s trying to find an ending, and the guys in the band keep telling him, “Harry…it sucks.” One ending is where he has the audience singing along…after they do a particularly horrible job on one line, his remark is “3000 Munchkins and a Troll”…that may be my next sig line… 😉
that would be a GREAT sig line. I’m going to look for that at Borders.
Sweet and Dandy…Toots and the Maytals
American Pie…Don McLean
The Last Nail…Dan Fogelberg
God Shuffled His Feet…Crash Test Dummies
Willow Tree…G Love and Special Sauce
Twilight…Squirrel Nut Zippers
Married Girl…The Slackers
Show me a Little Shame…Ben Harper
Redemption Song…Johnny Cash/Joe Strummer
Wide Open Spaces…Dixie Chicks
Um, please disregard that last one, clearly it is an aberration
I’m sure you bought it to show solidarity with them when they disparaged GWB. Good move.
So, ‘fess up…how much of that is from your kids’ music?
Surprisingly, only 3 that time. Where else would I have found G Love?
So, Ben Harper and ???
Is Squirrel Nut Zippers yours or theirs?
The ones I stole from Colin are Toots and the Maytals, G. Love and Special Sauce, and the Slackers. Although I did see The Slackers about 5 years ago at a Border’s in Cleveland and bought a couple t-shirts. But then I forgot how much I liked them until Colin started listening to them.
This song is my new favorite.
I will now annoy everyone I come across tonight by singing that at them…because it’s stuck in my head. Thanks. A lot.
Where’s the rest of your random 10 list? 🙂
Random Ten?
Let’s go over to the new lounge next door!
Please unrecommend this one on your way out…