Spend Early Morning at the Froggy Bottom Diner
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
MaryB will be along a bit later this morning
so hang out here till her cafe is ready.
so hang out here till her cafe is ready.
Reprobates and dissolutes welcome
Please recommend |
Am I a repropate or a dissolute?
This is a self-serve cafe — you get to pick.
I hate making decisions.
wotthehell, go for both.
Can I choose ne’er do-well instead?
Well since it’s self-serve, if you can find it, you can have it.
I hate to leave you alone in the cafe but I’m going to head off to bed. Good night.
I hope you get past your technical difficulties, so I can get a fix for my Andrew jones.
Isn’t it the Atlanta Braves that need a fix for their Andruw Jones?
‘Cause I ain’t wadin’ into that last cafe…too deep for this old head.
LOL I take a nap and everyone goes to bed.
Heh, indeedy! I get here, and everybody’s already gone to bed! So here’s my late night random 10, since my earlier one seemed to baffle a few folks… I’ll go for the gold, then. Late night lounge tunes!
Jockey Full of Bourbon — Tom Waits
Dans les bras d’un loup — Paris Combo
Ladies Who Lunch — Company cast album
Harlem Nocturne — Lounge Lizards version
Shallow End of the Gene Pool — Austin Lounge Lizards
ZouZou Mama — Dr. John
Big Time Sensuality — Bjork
Lam Lam — Baaba Maal
Retroviseur — Paris Combo
Franklin’s Tower — Grateful Dead
And some of these I even have on vinyl … hehehe.
I LOVE the lounge lizards!!!
I’ve had my first cup of coffee so I’m feeling almost human.
Morning Andi, I didn’t see you. How are you today?
I’m just fine. I hope you are feeling better.
Glad to hear it. I’m feeling just a little better, Thanks for asking.
Hi! I’m avoiding coffee because I want to go back to sleep…it’s not looking too hopeful though.
Hi CG – it’s raining and dreary down here right now.
Hi. It’s cold but sunny here this morning. Supposed to get really cold tomorrow, though.
Still dark here, but I think we’re expecting a cold front also.
How was the concert.
sjct left you a (serious) comment about chickens last night. I sent you an email link to it.
Thanks, Andi. I went back and saw it, and I’m going to email her (after I wake up a little more).
The concert. Well, the first set was, um, uninspiring (she’s singing with Phil Lesh’s band, btw, so it’s mostly Dead tunes.) Second set was much better. She rocks. I wish they had played that well the first half of the night!
Saw a bunch of old friends and roommates and such there, which is always fun.
Sound like a really good time, even with a less than great first set.
Was the concert in the ‘blob’ theater?
No, it was at a place down on the edge of Philly (another older theater, though).
I can’t wait to see the Cowboy Junkies at the Blob Theater. That’s going to be fun.
A dream trio: Margo Timmins, Joan Osborne, and Annie Lennox.
That WOULD be cool. A new Lilith tour in the making?
I don’t like outdoor concerts much and with voices like theirs, I’d want to hear them in a good room with great acoustics. So do you think they could pull off a lilith tour that only went to smaller, indoor venues?
sorry the first set was not up to par but glad you had a good time.
Well, I just fed the cats and had my first cup of coffee and already I miss your LOLs. My comment last night was not meant to make fun of them! I love that you find humor in everything…so bring on those LOLs refinish!
LOL!!!! oh trust me thay are as much a part of me as my liberal views on life.
I think life would be more interesting if we could insert LOLs into things. Can you imagine the proposed bill about banning repub. adoption with some LOLs sprinkled in? Or a transcript of one of McClellan’s press conference with the appropriate LOLs?
I had fun anyway. Weirdest moment: when my friend ran into one of her old friends, and the first thing she did after saying “Ray?” was introduce him to her new and improved breasts (she got implants last fall…). I kid you not.
So when he turned to say hi to me, I pointed at mine and said, “Same ones I had the last time I saw you.” I just couldn’t resist. Am I awful?
No, that was the perfect response. It’s the kind of thing I would have thought of 3 hours later and said “damn I wish I would have said that!”
ROTFLMAO!!!!! I love it. New and improved is not always better.
Good Morning – Anyone out there.
Happy Saturday Morning to all my fellow liberals!!! After a wonderful night of sleep, I feel almost human or will after the coffee kicks in.
I will be in and out today as I work on quite a few new designs for Left of the Rainbow. I have started a Bigot Hall of Shame where I am doing designs about specific politicians. I know There are a lot of them but I am going after the worst and also giving my cuctomers the oportunity to nominate people.
I’ll go for the very obvious and suggest Santorum and Frist.
Happy bigot slamming.
Trust me they are on the list. LOL I plan to havea good time bashing these assholes in the designs and write ups.
Here is the start of the section. Trust me many more designs and bigots will be added through the day and in the future.
Bigot Wall of Shame
BooMan’s Place is such an outstanding community where warmth is felt in even the toughest political debates. The meeting with AP and hubby was at a special creative artist evening in the Liberal Heart of Amsterdam. The Open Mike session presented musicians, stand-up comedians, politically engaged young people crossing borders.
From California, New Orleans and Washington DC for the American input to Israeli, British and of course Dutch aspiring artists, filled the pleasant evening in a chilly city center. Just managed to catch the very last tram back to the car parking lot on the South side near Amsterdam’s WTC buildings.
The young woman who came over from Orleans in France, where she was able to continue her college education through extended scholarships after the New Orleans devastation, stole my heart with a magnificent protest song accompanied with guitar music. She left everyone with a chill down the spine and goose pimples, so beautiful.
The poetry read by AP’s hubby had a political undertone and should be published asap – AP!
Yes, the rest of the evening was spend in political discussion as if we knew each other for years. On Sunday I will meet with AP in the beautiful, green Dutch Capitol of The Hague and we will spend the afternoon together following a varied program of activities. See also my diary :: link below.
Warm (((hugs))) to all BooTribbers from AP, hubby and Oui.
Krasnapolsky Hotel on the Dam
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Sounds wonderful. I am glad everyone ahd a great time. Those special evenings with liberals and artist keep us fueled to keep fighting.
I hope all those who have not been feeling well or had dental work done are feeling much better today. Sedning warm thoughts of love and healing to you all.
Thanks refinish. I’m in the middle of deciding if I have the dentist from hell or if she took classes in sadism 101 in college.
I don’t know why this showed up in an AZ paper.
It si in papers all over the nation. He has decided that if the Repugnants can ban gays and lesbians from adopting and being foster parents, maybe it would be a good thing to ban repugnants from teaching children to hate. It is all tounge in cheek and of course will be defeated but it does show the stupidity of the repugnant party and their agenda of hatred.
This is my favorite part:
I love this man. I think he is a hoot and very brave for doing this.
or any who read the wonderful fun we had. Who wants donoughts or bagels this morning? Anyone need cream for their coffee? LOL!!!
I think I can speak for everyone when I say: NO THANKS!
LOL!!! But why?
Now wait a minute, you’re getting into George’s area here. Never mind, I forgot he’s the plate cleaner.
I would never take george’s job from him but the Diva Dogs might want soem scraps to.
George is always willing to share.
Breakfast is being served at the Breakfast Cafe
Are people banned at BMT for non-trollish but unpopular opinions?
What gets someone banned here?