Bush is giving a speech now, but I think someone handed him a speech he gave in 2002. I’ve heard this all before. And it was bunk then too.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
At this point I think he should be declared clinically insane.
He just said we are going to wage war until there is no tyranny anywhere on the globe, and it was in our national interests to do so.
Following his logic then means he’ll turn the gun on himself?
Generational commitment.
He thinks he’s in a movie. The stupid spoiled little bastard.
“Free elections are exhilarating events.”
Yeah, it is just exhilarating to be in Baghdad today.
This idiot has destroyed my country. I hope he chokes on another pretzel maybe we’ll luck out this time.
No can do. You brave man, Boo.
I immediately checked out C-Span2, which is airing a Feb. 13 Katrina Senate hearing.
One thing Susan Collins said really didn’t make sense to me — she said that people were given money for housing without their current housing being checked for livability (and to see if the people were just there to take the money / didn’t need it for basics).
However, as I seem recall during the aftermath of Katrina, there was no practical way to investigate every applicant for any number of reasons — difficulty in traveling, the time it would take, the manpower it would require, the delays it would cause, and on and on. Collins did NOT mention these key obstacles.
What is the point of these Senate hearings?
And I find it irritating that the “message” everyone’s getting is that the Katrina victims “blew” the debit cards on tattoos, gambling, a diamond ring, etc.
Now that’s what I hear people around town talk about. They sent contributions and that’s how they were wasted?
I’d be more interested in knowing what percentage of debit card purchases were for non-necessities. (And there’ll always be a few who blow the money, and that should NOT be an emphasis, imho.)
Does he not hear his own words? Tyranny appears orderly but it’s due to one man making all of the decisions, without debate or compromise…
War is Peace
Oh, that explains it.
I dropped my rosetta stone and the dang thing hasn’t worked right since.
I’m posting an email I just got from my local action group. Apparently Code Pink has several Iraqi women who will be in the U.S. and are willing to speak at different engagements and protests, vigils, about their experiences in Iraq.
Does GWB understand that the UAE doesn’t recognize Israel and has continued to support Hamas?
against Iran — in the midst of what’s going on in Iraq. Who will rescue our troops?
Is it me or is this speech stale? This rhetoric has now clearly passed into the ‘that dog won’t hunt’ category.
Yup. It reinforces the disconnect from reality too when the screen crawl has one tragedy after another rolling by.
The cablenets are all saying that there’s good news from Iraq – a quiet day.
Shouldn’t somebody tell them that the country is on fucking lockdown?
This is hilarious.
Bush has an animatronic robot double who makes these speeches for him, one that can’t be re-programmed.
But your counter yellow ribbon car magnets here:
They could use the support and it is a positive message to support our troops by bringing them home. I lvoe mine and received it in three days.
The stock of H&R Block took a hit today when the company announced that it would have to restate earnings for 2004 and 2005 because, among other things, they had screwed up their own tax return. The company said it had understated its tax liability by something like $32 million. Oh, and earnings were crummy because their mortgage business didn’t take off like they’d hoped. And then there were the settlements of those class action lawsuits over inadequate disclosures of the high costs associated with those tax-refund anticipation loans they advertise.
Now, when most companies can ‘fess up that their tax returns were wrong, sales don’t necessarily suffer. At H&R Block, it might be a little different.