A little story from the front of a local anti-war protestor. One small voice. Joining with another. And another. Until, hopefully, someone hears us.
I got active this past summer. I’d always been opposed to the war, but I just couldn’t stand it anymore. I knew that my government was blowing-up foreign children (among others) with my tax money. And something just finally clicked in the head and said, “Hey, this ain’t right. Gotta do something.”
Went to a Sheehan support rally. Then to D.C. And have been active ever since. One of the things we do locally is a weekly vigil at the Capitol. Twenty to thirty people, usually. One hour. Noon to one p.m. at the Capitol. Signs. Honking cars. Waves. The increasingly rare war-monger flipping us off. It has been going on continuously since the start of the war. Every week. Rain, shine or freezing cold.
A few months ago, we started heading down to our local congressperson’s office (Rogers-MI-08) after the Friday noontime vigil. We picket his office with anti-war signs from 1:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Somewhere between five and ten people show up at Rogers’ office almost every week. Again. Honking from cars that pass. We go in and write letters against the war. Ask to see him if he is in (almost never). He has been there once. But he was too busy to see us.
Today, we show up as usual, and we are greeted by a different scene. A couple of technicians on ladders are installing a new security system on the front of the building.
Not much is happening on this block. His building stands alone. No commerce. Not much traffic really, except for the passing cars. We just picket on the public sidewalk in front of a big brick wall with his sign on it, under another big sign he has erected that says, “Support our Troops.”
But now we’ve got security cameras. Two of them covering the entire picket area. I can’t help but believe that they are solely for us. I’m sure his press secretary would tell you different. Security concerns or whatever. But it seems like they need to film us. A peaceful, non-violent group of citizens who are concerned enough about the direction our elected leaders are taking us, that we come out every week in a public display of free and open dissent.
Smile for the cameras. For the videotape at your trial under the Patriot Act. Or for the photo in the front of your new government file on your anti-war activities.
It was chilling at first. But I remembered a quote from Gandhi.
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
I’m not sure where, “Then they surveil you,” would fall on Gandhi’s list. But where ever it is, I’m that far along. So I guess I must be headed in the right direction.
I think the “Then They Surveil You” comes after they laugh at you and is somewhere in the “Then They Fight You” zone.
You probably remember Jimmy Carter mentioning the FBI spying on Martin Luther King during Coretta Scott King’s funeral.
This is the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.
It really bothers me the amount of money it takes to cook phony intelligence, to plant journalists, to surveil anti-war protesters, and animal activist groups….. the amount of money involved in warrantless domestic spying…..
Keep fighting the good fight, Boston Joe…. you’re in the best company.


MLK in jail:
Hey. Thanks for this. I feel pretty small sometimes. But dang it. I marched with a man who marched with this man. I missed the civil rights movement. But I love this man, in retrospect. What I’ve learned of him.
I can’t believe this is my country. But it has always been thus, it is just the falling away of the illusions that they raise you with. I heard a man put in a Japanese camp after Pearl Harbor. How he was so patriotic. Loved America. Bought all the propaganda they taught him in school.
Until they arrested his Japanese dad and imprisoned his entire family in a camp. Then he became an activist. Fought it all. And learned the history. It’s been happening to every group right down the line from our birth as a nation. So I guess I still get shook because I’m not that far removed from my socialization. But it is nothing new. It is the struggle. And there’s not really a choice. Some people are going to fall in line. Some are going to go along to get along. Some, perhaps like me, will try to talk a good game and do something. And some stronger still, like Martin, will rise up, put morality about all the -isms that tame the masses, and try to set the world right. Until the next battle.
Thanks for the photo.
some of the best, even.
wasn’t gahndi arrested, too? and now you’ve got me wondering if smith won’t be in town for easter…
: p
Congress recesses the week after the 3rd Anniversary. St. Patty’s Day recess I believe.
instead of guys in black suits with cameras, standing right there where you can see ’em.
Let me tell you a story from 40-some years ago: I was working for an alternative newspaper. One night, I’m walking back to my hippie pad when a car pulls up and four guys grab me and take me off to the basement of a federal building. Jeezus, I was scared.
I’m shakin’ like a leaf and they plop down my file on the table in front of me and open it up. They start flipping thru the 8×10 glossies. There I am at Selma. There I am, a tiny white face, behind MLK. There I am behind Ralph Abernathy. There I am coming out of the Socialist Worker’s Party HQ after hearing Howard Zinn talk. There I am at the “Piedmont Park Anti-War Riots.” Gawd, I’d like to have those pictures now to prove to my kids that I was once considered a “threat.”
Then, they said, “But, we know you’re not a Communist because you’re a member of the Young Republicans. We know these activities don’t reflect your genuine concern for our country. You’ve just fallen into some misguided associations.” And then I was calm, dead calm as they asked me to spy on my bosses at work. I very politely turned them down the idea of making weekly reports while promising to let them know if I saw any bomb-making or heard any assasination plotting. They considerately took me home. Nowadays, I’m not sure they’d be so nice.
But, the point is: If you are an activist, you have a file with photographs in it. So, if you ever get pulled off the street and shown your file, be sure to ask for copies to show your children. And, don’t smile for the cameras; look like I did — terribly concerned and distressed amd, in some shots, outright angry.
How did you happen to land in such a dangerous, disreputable organization like that?
You’re talking about how did he end up with the Young Republicans, right??
Yeah,…man, that’s just vile.
😀 That’s probably why they tried to recruit you.
I’m convinced that’s the way Abramoff and gang went. I have no proof, of course, but it looks like he fell in with them from his political start and the rest has been history
The young republicans? Things that make you go Hmmm
Btw, sjct is a she and I just learned something amazing about her. Marching with Martin..wow.
Thanks for the correction. Sorry about that sjct and that is one impressive list of involvement you have. No offense intended from any of my misguided remarks.
But did you know about her night with Jim Morrison? 🙂
You are joking??? I mean personally, I’d vote for marching with MLK over a night with Jim. But I can’t speak for Mrs. Boston Joe. I mean Jim Morrison had that pretty seductive look to him all those years ago.
Look up her diary entry from last spring.
Thank you for the inspirational story. I would value pictures like that above any coin. You are a lucky person, to have lived that life. I think. And it sounds like you were strong. Good example. This is paltry. But I have to admit it gave me some small fear. I don’t relish the day when things get really bad. I don’t know how I’ll hold up. Small voices. Strength in numbers, I guess.
Thanks. We are all fighting the same long fight, I think. It is good to be buttressed by stories past, against the storms to come.
I hear Code Pink has some cool umbrellas that would make a great addition to your entourage, they can protect from the rain and spying eyeballs.
Hey Manny. I think I’ll have to get me one. But I’m thinking we are going to have to all take our video cams down next week and videotape his staff all afternoon. I guess it is okay to tape. So let’s tape.
Go for it! Then they will really freak out!
What a bunch of crap–there is $ for surveillance, the invasion of Iraq, corporate welfare under a new name and no $ for health care?? Right!!
Consider attending the next vigil in drag.
Please don’t encourage him ;o)
you know “they” have NO sense of humor! the confusion and puzzlement would completely wipeout any iota of sense they might have otherwised absorbed from the demonstration. especially in the media – good gawd, what a zoo that would be!
: p
Oh. That was Fatwa’s joke. 🙂 I get it. I forgot he has no conception of just how rampant the hatred is here for people of different sexual orientations/dressing preferences. Christ. It is one of the only minorities left, where the GOP can walk out on street corners and collect petitions to put issues on the ballot so people can vote their prejudices directly into law. God love the GOP. If that’s not fascist, I don’t know what is. Let’s pass laws, put strange people in box cars, and ship them somewhere unpleasant. Yeah. Then everything will be nice and white and normal. That’s the ticket. Go GOP! Yeah! Better get rid of bastard children while were at it, or at least make their existence criminal in some way. They might grow up to be different, you know.
And certainly not intended to express approval of the bigotry you describe, nor insensitivity to its victims, only a joke to say that if people who go to the vigils had a different appearance every time, it would be frustrating to the operatives who review the footage.
I am very sorry if anyone interpreted it any other way.
I don’t think anyone interpreted it any other way DTF. I was just railing to rail. Not directed at you brother. I don’t think you could make a joke to offend me (and no, this is not an invitation to poke fun at middle-aged white activists).
middle aged white activists. Many’s the night I’ve sat with them in the mini-Great Room, gathered round the microfiber sectional, they’ll play their music you know, that Carly Simon, something about her voice, you can just hear the angst, they call it, and the men will doing their chants, that stylized arguing about La Crosse and then just like one of their operas the women come in with their traditional lament about the clerks at Talbot’s and before you know it there you are with an English muffin pizza in one hand and a Rice Krispy Treat in the other, and something about it just feels so, well, strange, but at the same time kind of universal in a spiritual way, we are all just one big tribe after all, and then one of them will say, hey I stopped by Blockbuster and got that new Hilary Duff movie, you know, the one with Heather Locklear, and without a word being spoken you understand that there are some rituals that you can’t, you shouldn’t witness, but in another way, the important way, the way it counts, that’s OK too, and as they go off to the family room together, the pastel twinsets of the ladies like pale spring flowers, you discreetly pocket the rest of the Rice Krispy Treats and a bottle or two of Gewurtztraminer and walk out into the night, alone, but not alone, it’s all good.
Man, you’ve gone and offended Carly Simon fans and Tony the Tiger lovers in one fell post. It is not easy dealing with privilege-guilt. But it is a lot easier than dealing with open oppression and discrimination, I suppose. So I’ll take my burdens. Thanks for the laughs DTF.
Rice Krispies are Snap, Crackle and Pop.
Man, back in Carly’s day, people KNEW their own culture. They didn’t have to sit around waiting for savage terrorists to tell them who the Beverly Hillbillies sponsors were, like that good old friend with filter blend.
Time was, when you people taught your kids to stand up straight every morning, hand on heart, and all together, loud and clear, in schoolrooms from sea to shining sea, you’d hear the proud chorus:
“Crest has been shown to be an effective decay-preventive dentifrice when used in a conscientiously approved program of oral hygiene and regular professional care“
BTW, Most American teleclerics agree that Pop is gay.
You know Joe,
the more they do things like this and the more they try to scare us, the more pissed off I get and the more defiant I feel. Maybe that’s careless and maybe we are risking more than we know right now by making ourselves visible but I think the bigger risk lies in suuccumbing to the fear. The truth I think is that they’re the ones who are scared. They should be scared. Because that small group that you are a part of will grow and grow until all the photos and video and handcuffs and jailcells will not be able to quiet us when we finally rise up and remind them who has the power in this country.
Show them who has the power Joe.
Seriously, I think they are scared. As in starting to realize that people are actually disagreeing with their bullshit and not buying it. THAT is what is frightening to them–the loss of power.
And I know what you mean about getting more and more defiant. It’s feeling like there is nothing to lose, so go for it. That feeling, when one acts on it, is powerful.
I don’t know what they think, super. Is it fear? Intimidations? Hubris? I don’t know? But I certainly did feel some defiance in response to the eye in the sky. I mean, it is bad enough, that the public space that is available for dissent is so limited. But the fact that the public space is now surveilled. 24/7. A pretty good thing.
Nope. Nothing Soviet going on in our democracy.
When you show up at the office next time, bring that pink umbrella.
Or better yet, a nice big sign with a test pattern on it. Have someone hold it up so that it blocks the camera. Get a ladder if necessary.
Have one of your group stand, looking right into the camera, and recite the Declaration of Independence. Then move on to the Bill of Rights. Lather, rinse, repeat. It’s even better if they are holding a sign that says “Smile, I’m On Candid Camera” or something publicizing the existence of the camera.
Anybody in your group juggle?
(Yes, I know, there’s two cameras, so one at each camera would be ideal — maybe one with a Yellow Elephant sign and another doing some other kind of street theater.)
Bring cameras of your own and photograph the cameras and the people coming in and out of the building. It might help to have a lawyer on hand with a pre-filled writ of habeas camera. I understand there are now cameras that have no film, but stream their images digitally so that you can pick them up with a wireless-enabled laptop sitting in a nearby getaway vehicle.
I’ve read quite a few Stupid Surveillance Camera Tricks on the web. I wish I could point you to them, but I can’t remember exactly where I saw them. Perhaps a Google search for “surveillance camera activism” might help. (Some of them were on Slashdot, I’m pretty sure, but were posted quite a while ago.)
The point is to draw attention to the existence of the surveillance cameras and, if necessary, to the fact that you are exercising your First Amendment right to peaceably assemble that the government claims to be protecting. Keep in mind that the show is as much, or maybe more, for other passersby as for whoever is sitting behind those cameras.
Some great ideas here. Thanks. I’ll do an Internet search to look for some more.
Not so accidental activist here…and photos around.
Since all of us as Buy Blue officers and directors posted our real names, photos, and professional bios on the website.
I’m going to be fighting them and standing proud of it every step of the way!
btw I have an idea for our activist volunteers…this would be around Buy Blue and companies donating during the upcoming election cycle….I’ll email later….
This isn’t directed at you or anyone else here but how do we know that anyone is who they say they are? What’s to stop any private security contractor from having employees post as activists to incite statements from others to justify surveillance?
You mean like me encouraging Joe to show them who has the power? Thereby inciting a behavior that could justify more survielance?
We don’t really know who anyone here is. And I wouldn’t be surprised if there are plants from time to time lurking and maybe even posting. Personally, Shirlstars freaks me out sometimes ;o)
This really points out the need to be a peaceful, non-violent movement. In the present atmosphere, I would never want to incite someone toward anything other than peaceful, non-violent action.
Those that choose to incite surveillance do not stand publicly and fight against it.
After a while we all know who the trolls are…who is in favor of the corporatization of America and the suppression of freedoms.
Who I am
Buy Blue Directors
State of California CPA License
My opinions on DFA meetings
Feel free to google Sally Westgate, BuyBlue and check out how many times my name shows up in DailyKos
My email is in my signature…let me know what else you would like to know
I don’t want to know anything. I already said that my comments weren’t directed toward anyone here. I guess I’m still let down that the elected leadership hasn’t stood up for our rights better. It got me to thinking, if they’re not going to fight the illegal surveillance better, maybe there’s a reason.
Unfortunately, I feel that comment was directed at a lot of us here. Not sure why but it struck me as offensive.
My feeling is every time we stop fighting for something or raging against injustice we lose ground. I’m probably on the no fly list and other lists…but still fighting…and they can haul me off kicking and screaming…and still fighting.
The politicians that wuss out and cower in the corners are probably on just as many surveillance lists…or maybe not because they are cowards.
We each have choice and a life to live….I choose to fight…and be damned the cameras!
Look forward to e-mail. 😉
I guess that I should think about coloring my gray so that I look my best for “photo ops”. But I’m a county employee in a very red county nearby, so it’s probably too late for me anyway.
Oh, yes, BJ, I’m not at all surprised. Cameras are a typical intimidation tactic. I agree with the idea of having protesters come with cameras and taking a few pics of the cameras. Nothing like using the tactics that the fearmongers fear.
And again I wish we had First Amendment t-shirts/sweatshirts to wear at these things. In this case, the text should emphasize the right of the people to assemble peaceably!