I’m wondering if anyone else is watching c-span right now and the current edition of Travis Smiley’s “The State of Black America.”

I have watched most of these in the past and have found them extremely powerful. But this one so far is a step above those that have come before. One reason is that the reality of Katrina is present both overtly and covertly as a part of everything that is being discussed.

Secondly, Smiley and others that are involved have put together a “Covenant with Black America.” You can learn more about the book and movement here.
I thought it might be interesting to discuss the idea and elements of the covenant here. I, personally think its a powerful document and movement. Even while I regret that there are a couple of items that I feel are critically important, but not included.

Here are the 10 covenants:

Covenant I
Securing the right to health care and well-being.

Covenant II
Establishing a system of public education in which all children achieve at high levels and reach their full potential.

Covenant III
Correcting the system of unequal justice.

Covenant IV
Fostering accountable community-centered policing.

Covenant V
Ensuring broad access to affordable neighborhoods that connect to opportunities.

Covenant VI
Claiming our democracy.

Covenant VII
Strengthening our rural roots.

Covenant VIII
Accessing good jobs, wealth and economic prosperity.

Covenant IX
Assuring environmental justice for all.

Covenant X
Closing the racial digital divide.

There it is. I don’t know the details of each of these because I’ve ordered the book, but it hasn’t come yet.

I’m sorry that the rights of women and gays are not included. I know that Cornell West, one of the main contributors, is very supportive of both. But I’m sure that a calculation was made that these things are still too divisive in the African American community.

But otherwise, this is a movement that is powerful and deserves attention. And if they replay the sessions on c-span, be sure to watch. If, for no other reason, than you’ll get to watch Harry Belafonte explain why he said that President Bush is a terrorist – one of the most powerful statements I’ve heard in a loooong time!!

What do you think?

If you’d like to see the forums (there are two) c-span will re-air them Monday at 8:30 and 11:30 pm eastern time.