The Salty Dog Café Late Night Edition

Celebrating yet another Saturday in the Year of the Dog.
The waiter (George) is passing out Salty Dog Cocktails.
Go ahead and curse like a sailor. Salty language encouraged.
Go ahead and curse like a sailor. Salty language encouraged.
Milkbones and water dishes available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Drop a few 4’s to your waiters and waitresses
Sorry that took so long. (she says to the echo)
You still got George and me here. Although he is getting a little wobbly. I knew he shouldn’t have been mixing the drinks.
I’d offer him some food, but all I have is the bowl of dog food. I know he likes the 5 star treatment, but really … dogs should eat dog food.
I told you it was a mistake to put him in that tux the other night. Now when he meets another dog and gives his name he says Hound, George Hound. I really do think the James Bonds flix are getting to him.
Well, I know when I’m not welcome… no salty language indeed… that’s just open season on spiderleafs… 😉
Thought I’d pop in and say hi. Now I’m off to eat ice cream, snuggle with my SO and watch a movie… oh and yes, there will be drinking involved.
Have a great weekend
thanks for stopping in.
Hmmmm it IS late night — I should change the sign.
What do you think Family Man?
sorry I was typing that long thing about books.
I say yes, change it. Salt language, lewd and un-couth behavior encouraged.
Hi Maryb! I was determined to make it in here sometime today!
I’m glad you made it — I just changed the sign because its late night and we should be able to swear.
Then I realized that only in Andi’s world was it late night at 9:00. What was I thinking? Oh well.
It’s totally after-hours in Europe right now.
We’re an international Lounge.
But please, I’m too tired to try Italian again today.
Well, in Andi’s world we start cussing at 5 fucking a.m.
Yea andi’s world.
Ya’ll were talking about books earlier and I think I’m in one of those down swings between can’t read enough and can’t pick up a book.
In my heyday my favorites were James Michner(sp) and James Clavelle (sp). I used to love any Michner book. The way he would start a story telling you about the pre-historic make up of the land and work the whole thing into a moving novel. With Clavelle (Shogun) I read that book so many times that when the TV mini series came out it had Japanese spoken with no translations. I keep telling the people watching along with me what they were saying.
As far as modern authors, I’ve read a couple of the books the lawyer from Oxford, MS. did. This is terrible, I can’t even think of his name.
As I said, I’m just in one of my downswings now.
I get that way too. I’ll go for a period and read all the time. Then I won’t want to look at a book.
I used to like Michener too; I don’t know why I never read Clavelle.
The lawyer from Oxford Miss?
He has had movies made from his books. This make me so mad because he a well know personality.
ding ding ding
google says you are correct
You got it. Don’t know why I couldn’t think of his name. Oxford, MS isn’t too far from here and he’s sort of a legend there.
Did you ever read the Bill Bryson book where he travels around America — and at one point he goes to Oxford to see Faulkner’s house? It’s hilarious.
No I haven’t. I lived in Columbus, MS for awhile and they have a Faulkner house there also. It was where he was born. I’m looking for some town to claim an outhouse he used one day.
See I was pulling my slacker duty and knew someone would figure it out.
You know, we can’t ALL be slackers. Nothing would get done around here. And I called it first.
It’s passive-aggressive research.
You have a point. I am just a slacker wanna be. You on the other hand have reached true heights of greatness.
Oh we’re all fakes — it’s our dogs and cats that are the true slackers. We can only watch with envy.
But because I don’t have a dog or a cat — I get to be the slacker!
You’ll be at a disadvantage though because you’ll be self-taught.
I may not be able to slack with the best of them (Sniff) but I can still win among the human set.
I asked George about that and I swear I think he smiled.
That’s because he’s been lapping up the Salty Dogs.
So now I finally realize I have a slacker dog who is also a drunk. He took my dream away from me ;).
George. He’s livin the dream.
I loved the start of Hawaii where he talks about the geology of the island. Unfortunately, I didn’t like the rest of the book.
The part about the leper colony always stuck with me. There’s somebody who just wrote a book about that island. He was interviewed on NPR in the last two weeks.
I heard that too. The book is ‘The Colony’ by John Tayman. The novel about the leper colony I remember is Molokai by O.A. Bushnell.
My favorites of his was Centennial, Chesapeake, The Covenant, Poland, and Alaska. I read his others, but didn’t enjoy them as much.
I used to make myself finish a book no matter what. I’ve gotten to the point that within the first 100 pages if I’m not hooked I give it up.
Big books you have to give yourself at least 100 pages — it takes that long to set it up.
You have a much longer attention span than I do. It has to grab me in the first 2 or 3 pages.
devoured anything in the last 5 minutes?
nyuk nyuk. Well, funny you should ask. Some Orville Redenbacher natural light microwave popcorn. With extra extra extra salt.
I wonder what its like to be a man and have no hormonal issues.
Of course its really tough to think with your dick.
Who said there was any thinking involved with that?
Umm, what do you think testosterone is?
Yeah, that’s what I said. It must be tough to think … well you heard me the first time.
Well now I’m speechless.
I’m trying to be a lady.
If we wanted to be snotty misandrists, we could say that you’re right to stop the sentence at the word think.
that was inadvertant
I think women’s hormones make our lives more complex, while testosterone simplifies men’s lives. It’s just boobs, boobs, boobs, sex, sex, sex, beer, beer, beer. Did I forget anything?
pretty much covers the bases
Hormones whether male or female has never simplified anyone’s life.
I see I have offended and it was purely unintentionally. Please accept my apology.
Don’t EVER apologize for being a man.
As you can plainly see, we have to stick together!
Thanks Super. I think it was one of those self preservation moments.
The question is — should you use him as a role model?
Having such a high opinon of myself, I usually use myself as a role model. However, never having met super and only reading his thought and words, I would feel honored to use him as a role model.
I’m no one’s role model. Family Man on the other hand is someone to emulate.
No, you’ve been pretty wonderful tonight. Family Man is right.
yeah, what maryb said. If I ever need to make a heartfelt apology, I’m gonna ask you to write it for me. :0)
I throw into total agreement with that.
Fwiw I thought you were pretty classy tonight, supersoling.
There you go — being nice again.
Hey – -I wonder what happened to the guy that wanted to either get banned from the site or ban someone else from the site. I never saw him again.
I looked him up, he had only posted three comments. I wondered why he wanted to know about banning.
I don’t know. It is kind of wierd though.
I was wondering about him myself. It almost seemed like he wanted to get something started.
What guy?
Some guy ( I assume he was a guy — his name sounded like it) showed up at the cafe this afternoon when it was dead quiet and asked what the policy was on banning. Was there a rule?
Bubblebath’s and fast fucking cars.
Bubblebaths? Bubblebaths? Clearly there are things I do not know about you.
Most women just don’t spend the required time to really know a man.
Y’all want us for our simplistic side. I call it having priorities.
You’ve got it all wrong dear. We want you for how you look in levis.
So you’re thinking with our dicks.
Is that an invitation?
Well any complicated woman should be able to decipher anything a man has to say. We’re so simple and all.
I find that simply asking is always the best policy. Avoids misunderstandings.
Did I forget anything?
Lesbians, apparently. ;D
Where’ve you been all day? How is YOUR mouth.
Ooh that came out wrong.
I’ve been lurking all day. I think I might have a dry socket. <—a term that just begs for a Dirty Joke Contest
where the prize would be some ky jelly.
Ooh that came out wrong
So did that.
Wow, this is a big night for you. Take an upper or something?
You’re up late! Everything okay?
It’s Saturday night and the nurses’ aides at the old geezers home let us stay up extra late.
Everybody’s a comedian around here, which is a main reason why I love the place, but dammit Andi you’re the one who keeps making me actually lol. When I pop a stitch I’m so blaming you.
Okay, in the interests of your health I’ll pretend to be my 1st grade teacher, the unfunniest person I have ever met.
Lesbians covered in chocolate frosting. Oh wait, I’m mixing up my stories.
I’m sorry about your dry socket. It sucks getting older, doesn’t it? Just kidding. That happened to me when I had my wisdom teeth pulled and I rinsed my mouth when I wasn’t supposed to and spit out the clot that’s supposed to be there. Hurt like hell.
I think it’s only partially dry, which is about right since I’m only partially old.
We have them. We just don’t talk about them as much. LOL
all you little heads

Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah. Street Kid the other night. 😉
That’s Exhibit A in the Why I’m Still A Big Ole Dyke explanation.
That makes me want to be a lesbian ;o)
Well, you’ve definitely got the charm for it, super. We should call you supersmoothling.
Thanks, but I’m more a product of my environment here :o0
Here meaning here with you nice people :o)
I’d like to see Exhibit B in the Why I’m Gender Fluid explanation — just for educational purposes, of course.
Oh, why can’t I think of stuff like that to say? Just once can’t I sound smart?
Is the queen of snark trolling for compliments?
I’m on waaaaayyyy too much percocet to navigate photobucket right now. In fact, it took me 4 tries to spell “photobucket”.
kinda nice tho…heh? Wanna share?
To borrow and bastardize a phrase from a mutual friend: mi percocet is su percocet, dada. 🙂 Help yourself.
I’m glad you have something for that. My dentist prescribed a few loracet and when I called the next day in pain, she said to stat taking Advil, but she would prescribe an antibiotic.
That’s all I’m going to say on that, because I’m still so pissed at her.
I don’t blame you. She did you wrong. I hope that you heal quickly, at the very least.
That’s a man after Second Nature’s heart for sure lol
Well it doesn’t exactly show the right parts..but if the thing about big hands holds true I guess I could put a bag over his head.
Yeah, a nice little Glad sandwich bag :o)
Come on SN, don’t you want to get to know the inner man?
um, not so much. :0) It’s all I can handle getting to know you guys.
Well i fell honored to be included ;).
Ok calling all studmuffins, the new cafe is open