The Salty Dog Café

Celebrating yet another Saturday in the Year of the Dog.
The waiter (George) is passing out Salty Dog Cocktails.
No salty language allowed tonight.
No salty language allowed tonight.
Milkbones and water dishes available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Drop a few 4’s to your waiters and waitresses
George, I think we’re going to be busy.
Here’s the recipe George — shake well and pour.
Shake all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Strain into a cocktail glass.
Now if I cannot post butt shots or talk dirty, why come to a lounge? LOL
For your sparkling wit and humor of course.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! and you know what lines of mine get the laughs right?
Of course. But you have to remember maryb is a lady of refinement, except on grocery day.
Yeah and I am the pope. LOL
I heard that
You’ll have to wait for the late night lounge for that — or you can go talk to Second Nature — she likes that kind of thing 🙂
George has his waiters outfit on and is ready to start mixing the drinks. Please don’t mind if he takes a little sip.
I don’t want to be held responsible for contributing to the delinquency of a canine?
And by the way, Andi, Sniff and the rest are invited tonight too. And the diva dogs.
I afraid George will be the bad influence. I just lectured him on manners, but it didn’t appear to stick.
I must be drunk already…everything looks pixelized.
Yeah, I don’t know why.
Maybe I need to make it smaller?
Now back in my drinking days, that would have looked normal. Funny the flashbacks you get ;).
Yup, it’s way bigger than the number of pixels in the image can support.
I’ve had that problem for years now.
I am not saying a word. I don’t want to get tossed out.
I’d have to check with your wife to be sure but I’m guessing that a lack of pixels isn’t the problem.
Better? Still not quite right. But if everybody drinks enough no one will notice.
Hello NDD. Is this one of those guess what it is pictures? If so, I’m guessing some kind of farm machinery smoke stack.
Well, I guess it could be a question as to what place it might be at.
Well I live here in the South and the closest thing I can come to is when we used to make our own molasses. The steam doesn’t look right though.
It’s an extreme closeup of George Burns passed out with a cigar in his mouth.
did ya see my comment here not that it’s necessarily profoundly profound, but since no one was rating there’s no way to know who’s read it.
And of course the FBC ain’t the venue for such discussions, but just thought you’d like to know I’d taken some of your past comments to heart.
Now I shall put on my more frivolous hat.
I read it and it’s difficult not to take sides. Maryb is quite the mediator, no? All I know is that some people I like a lot were really offended and are no longer here and that sucks. Aren’t I articulate?
Actually — very.
with either. But it’s starting to seem like some sort of infection, say blogitis, or something.
It reminds me of my cousins who had a military father. They said they got to the point where they didn’t make close friends anymore, ’cause it was too tough to keep losing them every time they moved.
I’m still a gambler at heart, so I’ll continue the emotional investment here at BT anyway.
I think a lot of people have forgotten how to say ” We need to agree to disagree on this one.” and then move on. I have had that problem with a couple of people. I am through fighting people on the blogs. Too much wasted energy and no one is going to drive me away from the two main blogs I enjoy.
I saw it. As I explained last week, men are always trying to interrupt me in the middle of things. Always want to inject their two cents. But this time I’m not crabby 🙂
I have made the decision to not read the front page but want to understand what was going on and read your comments. The quality of both your mind and heart really showed as you walked through the issue. I’m proud to know you.
Thanks, I appreciate you saying that.
Now you know what I do all week. That’s why I can lurk while I’m on calls — lots of dead time while people think (often out loud).
maryb it’s a ditto for me on what andi said. I think of it as you having a gift. You are able to cut through a lot of the BS and see things in perspective.
Is this why Kansas and Katiebird haven’t been around?
Hi SS. Did you just figure this out?
First since nice things are being said about you, I’d like to say that you’re the friendliest attorney I know. Of course that might be different in court ;o)
Yes, I had been wondering where they were and in fact was going to ask today.
and I don’t go to court
anytime people can’t resolve their disupute I walk them down to the litigation floor where we keep the litigators chained and caged.
I don’t want to hijack the thread with this but after tonight’s post on the front page I have to say that I’ve been thinking a lot about the position I took last time. Basically I expressed my trust in Susan without really weighing the issue properly. And I can see now that one or two of my comments may have been troubling to people who thought they might know me better.
Double Damn
It happens. If you feel a need to explain, you can stop by one of their blogs, if they have them.
no worries, I think this is more a communication issue than anything. It’s complex and emotionally charged, but also vitally important (I think?)
Anywho, back to your regularly scheduled orgy….I mean cafe.
I heard that
And Gooserock and Puget4.
I read a comment from gooserock saying he was going but had no clue regarding Kansas and Katiebird.
I see Gooserock all the time over at dKos on the open threads. I actually don’t say anything to him — don’t want him to think I’m stalking him.
I see Katie there too. And at her blog of course. Although I seldom comment there — my eating habits aren’t good enough and then she automatically forgives me and then I feel worse. sigh
he’s on a sit-down strike ’cause you didn’t invite Giddy.
all the puppies are invited
I said he could bring his friends.
jeez people are picky around here.
We learned from the Queen Mary LOL
He may be a slacker but he’s a mean little slacker.
Hey where’s Cabin Girl. I just realized she hasn’t been around all day — because she didn’t say anything about me stealing the eggs.
Last I heard she was off to see Joan Osborne. Maybe she just had a fantastic time & she’s been resting up.
She was in the early morning cafe and she did have a good time and said that the concert was pretty good, though the first set wasn’t as good as the second one.
I am amazed at your recall.
I’m great at remembering things that will be of no practical use.
The one thing I remember from my 1969 zoology course: sharks are the only fish that can blink their eyes.
I have instant recall of useless facts as well as a healthy dose of ESP, which makes me killer at Jeopardy when in reality I have a single-digit IQ.
you can stop being amazed at me — I just realized that the statues in your picture must be andy and dopey.
All our dogs appreciate the Milk Bones, but we should warn everyone that Hopeful has drooled the water all over the floor. Watch your step especially if you are imbibing.
While we’re warning people, I’ll add that my cat has once again barfed most of her dinner onto the floor and it hasn’t aged sufficiently for her to once again find it palatable…so there it remains. Watch your step.
I wonder what’s up with the barfing?
If this is your new kitty, she could be gobbling down her food fast before the other one can get to it.
Ergo, barf city.
The same thing seems to be happening here with my mom-cat — I think the kitten’s gettin’ a bit pushy.
No, it’s the 6 year old fat cat. She’s always snarfed down her food and then barfed it back up immediately. I try feeding her tiny bits at a time but then I end up feeding her 13 times a day. She gets 1/3 cup of weight control food 3x a day. I really don’t know why she’s so fat.
I had a chat with Stark, iirc, in our ‘evil cat people’ thread not long ago, regarding dry food. Turns out that a dry food diet may contibute to weight gain, as it’s comprised of mostly cereal, which translates to kitty fat. It’s rather pandemic nowadays.
If the weight control formula is dry, you may still be dealing with the same thing.
Of course, plenty of exercise is always good, too. Some cats develop weight gain not only due to dry food grains, but a basically sedentary lifestyle.
Speaking of grains, I seem to be burning my dinner — gotta go. See you soon.
31 comments and this isn’t on the rec list? What’s wrong with you people? Push the button.
Okay she has the whip out. Get busy!!!!
When I first got into digital photos I made my first Xmas cards. Back then George’s half-brother Henry was alive and George was just a puppy. This is the first Xmas card I made and sent out.
they look like stuffed animals
Answer: Heating plant smokestack at NDSU, I think the burn coal.
Time to eat and watch some more Oly, see you guys later.
I thought I knew what all four of your kids looked like but apparently I was wrong.
Well, I had the little guy cast in bronze so he wouldn’t grow up and leave me. As for the old dude…I don’t know where he came from.
He has to be changeling for your daughter.
They look so much alike except for their hair. Do they resemble you?
So a bronze river runs through it, eh?
I had a chocolate attack this evening that was so overwhelming that I made a small bowl of chocolate frosting and ate at least a half cup. I’m so ashamed. Now, where’s the salt?
Is it that time?
It’s that time. Sigh. I eat like a saint for 3 weeks and than ruin it all with my frantic, furtive forays (like that?) into the world of chocolate and salt in week 4.
ah well, menopause is coming — and then you’ll have a whole new set of quirks to deal with.
What you need are chocolate covered nuts. Or chocolate covered pretzels. Two for one.
Don’t feel bad. I used to be able to eat a whole cup of the premade frosting. Chocolate of course ;o)
Life ain’t worth living without chocolate.
I’ve got to leave for a little bit. My sister and I are planning my Mom’s B’day party at a local restaurant for tomorrow. Although her B’day was on the 20th this is the only time we can get all the brothers, sister, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, and great grandchildren together.
George will still be around to mix the drink and clean the plates. But he is starting to take this 4 star restaurant thing to far – He’s starting to say shaken, not stirred.
See you later.
Did everyone leave with Family Man?
I’m here and having deja vu.
I was really looking forward to Saturday afternoon book/nap – and frankly I don’t remember much about it.
I guess I’ll do it again next week, when I’m a little more focused?
I hope so. I love to talk about books.
me too
I just had a nice little surprise – I just opened a bag and realized that when I was at Target this week I bought a couple of CD’s on sale. 🙂
Downloading them now. Best of U2 and James Taylor’s greatest hits (which I have somewhere on vinyl).
Completely forgot about them.
I can’t say I’ve ever gotten into U2, don’t know why, but I’ve gotten just about every James Taylor album in my box of vinyls.
luv him
I just went and checked my target bag to see if it had something neat in it, too but it still just has underwear and toothpaste in it. I never get the fun target bags. 🙁
That’s a real shame — because that’s what else was in my bag. One of my little projects today was to clean out the bathroom closet — so I had put off emptying that bag.
LOL Andi you and I have to same luck. I never find anything good.
OK I’m back. My sister the perfectionist had everything already done. I don’t even know why sometimes she asks my opinion because she already has her mind made up. I guess just an older sis trying to include her younger brother.
She wants you to tell her how great she is.
I think your right.
I started to type of this whole thing about me being the voice of reason in the family, but I think your comment comes closer to the truth.
I’m going to open a new cafe
don’t go away
I’m going to go read for awhile. If I don’t come back, you’ll know I fell asleep on the couch.
This place is a mess — let’s blow this taco stand.
new cafe open