The Salty Dog Café Late Late Night Edition

Celebrating yet another Saturday in the Year of the Dog.
The waiter (George) is passing out Salty Dog Cocktails.
Go ahead and curse like a sailor. Salty language encouraged.
Go ahead and curse like a sailor. Salty language encouraged.
Milkbones and water dishes available upon request.
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
Drop a few 4’s to your waiters and waitresses
George! George!
Wake up. More drinks.
The old geezer gives up.
Party on!
I can’t believe I’m naming a Lounge the Late, Late lounge when it’s only 10:30.
George is still here, although very bleary eyed. That damn dog has to learn to hold his alcohol.
Maybe we should have him mix up the next batch in the dog dish and we’ll all just lap it up.
I think George has gone from ‘passing out drinks’ to simply ‘passed out’.
George is a party animal
In my college days I used to have a friend named Super. No relations to our present one. But super was a humongous guy that had a bottle of whiskey by his bedside. Always kept one there. He would wake up in the morning and fill a glass with whiskey then start sipping it down adding coke, until he got it to where he wanted it. He started his day that way everyday that I knew him. I think he’s a lawyer now.
well of course he’s a lawyer
Good night everyone! I have exhausted my supply of humor and witty conversation and, frankly, all the dirty talk has got me thinking it might be time for Mr. Nature to get lucky. I know it’s only been 3 months but it won’t hurt to overdo it just this one time. Just so he doesn’t get used to it.
Make him beg for it
Where is Super when I need him. I would love to have a good come back line for that.
It should have been make him beg for more — but it didn’t come out right. Although given that its Mr. Nature — he may have to beg for it.
He’s actually pretty good with those puppy-eyes.
Oh yeah. He’s getting some tonight.
Besides, its only me. You can practice come back lines and I’ll give you feed back.
I guess that beats rolling over and playing dead.
Jeezeus, that’s cold, what happened to sharing?
to whom are you speaking?
I usually just have to snap my fingers and my wife is ready. Oh, and I have some land south of Florida for sale, if anyone is inerested.
you’re such a romantic
So I’ve been told.
Maybe you should give a seminar to the other guys
No, I don’t think so. It’s a gift, like being a gifted athlete or a music prodigy.
to whomever is listening…and given the fucking intermittent nature of my DSL connection for the last week…perhaps no-one.
Gahhh! Damn Qwost…turn on airport…ahhh, this might work
testing 1 2 3…is this thing on?
Glad you’re back. Sorry about your connection.
I’m outta here, too, but I hope everyone gets a good night’s sleep/screw or whatever else y’all feel a need to get a good night of. See ya tomorrow. 🙂
Bye Indy
hey, and I hope your socket..gets…wet. Or whatever.
Yours too! ;p
Over here anybody who’s left
Mary I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to join George. It has been a fun day.
Have a pleasant night
Good night.
A double Irish Mist for me, light on the ice, and get this girl whatever she wants.
Sorry, it’s a me and the guys kind of night. I don’t want any competition.
Isn’t this a picture of you, mb?
And as one of the guys, I insist you get yourself another…. whatever you’re having.
In fact, it’s my round… drinks are on me for all the froggies in the pond.
Yo suskind. How goes it in sunny CA?
Muy caliente, amigo !! And the livin is easy… como esta, dada?
muy bueno, gracias.
Could use a bit of caliente here…been a bit cold and the ‘hawk’s’ been about.
Wow, do you have her number? I need to contact her about some, umm, legal assistance. Yeah, that’s it, legal assistance.
not romantic
just a guy
take a ticket, boran2….. will see if I can bump you up in line…. lawyers are sexy !!
That’s what I keep telling people.
Yes, it is. Her first name is Shalom. Lovely sentiment, eh what?
Sorry, sorry, sorry. Photobucket was supposed to resize. Mea mea culpa….. call the diary cops. Delete this woman immediamente!!!
I’d rather keep the diary cops out of it. We’ll just live with a gigantic woman in our midst.
That’s really big of you.
Are you still up? What time is it on your coast?
I’m on the Mississippi River coast and its 11:30
At least you do it with panache.
should we nuke this, ie: troll it into oblivion?
Hate to lose the image :{)
I’ve never intentionally trolled anything out.
But there’s always a first.
I’ll ask SusanHu to remove it. Immediamente, por favor.
Wasn’t calling you a troll suskind, you know that…just trying to keep it here and friendly.
I think that a “I think you just fucked up, friend” rating would be very helpful…. must zip over to Mary Scott O’Connor of My Left Wing, and suggest this new rating.
I’ve only done it with Trolls, or when asked…your call.
It really doesn’t bother me, even on a laptop w/limited real estate
I switch to ‘threaded dynamic’ and the problem goes away.
She’s really nice, though. Will go back to the lab and try to shrink her proper.
Then again, if she goes nowhere in the next 10 minutes, I think we should troll me into oblivion…. Because if anyone had read and recommended my diary:
I wouldn’t be playing with Shalom and Photobucket…. a mind’s a terrible thing to waste.
see bottom of thread for HTML alt.
i am not that intoxicated at all, but damn if it ain’t blurry.
you did that just to fuck with us, didn’t you?
uh huh
i thought i might be the only person in here. heh
No. you’re just the only sober one.
< Hiccup >
Breaking in to steal all the booze again? You’ve really got to get help for this Boran2.
Most people say that I’m beyond help. Oh, you mean about the drinking. I’ll get right on that, just as soon as I finish this martini.
but do wonder if it would be wise.
There’s still left over salty dogs in the dog’s bowls. Just lap it up. That’s what we were reduced to.
wisdom left the building with Elvis several hours ago
Nighty night folks! See you in the AM!
Instead of relying on PB resizing, here’s an alternative…use this (auto format) code
< “img width=200 src=”>
delete “marks”, close brackets get this:
Note: 400 px is max for a “New Comment“, you have to reduce the px if ypu’re responding in a thread, and when it gets hard on the right margin, I usually move it back to the left.
I went to photobucket and deleted it…. why is it still existing here above?
Hitting the preview button would have spared me a lot of aggro…. hmmm……
But yes, dada, you’re right. I can go to properties and do the math…. I think.
Keep troll rating the giant woman up above …. she’s going, going gone !!!
She be gone…When you deleted the link.
Be well my friend.
Good Night
SusanHu just put me on the front page… wow! And I thought I was going down as a troll… hmmm……