Bill Maher showed this image on his HBO show last night. Little did I know until I just checked Raw Story that Media Matters has two shots of the same obscenity:
A segment about escalating sectarian violence in Iraq on the February 23 edition of Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto featured onscreen captions that read: ” ‘Upside’ To Civil War?” and “All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?” Read all
Raw Story also links to this bruiser of a story: “NY Times Yanks ‘Civil War’ Story”: “New York Times, with same facts, changes Iraq conflict from ‘civil war’ to having ‘endangered future’:
The New York Times declared on its website early Friday in a headline that the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, had warned to U.S. was on the “precipice of full-scale civil war.” Their headline? “U.S. Envoy in Baghdad Says Iraq Is on Brink of Civil War.”
Within an hour and without explanation, the Times yanked the headline in favor of “U.S. Envoy Says Sectarian Violence Threatens Iraq’s Future.” … Read all at Raw Story
From Media Matters
I just saw this Voltaire quote up as a comment to the story at Media Matters.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
I liked it so much, I made it my sig line.
Did they give a source to that? That does not sound like an authentic Voltaire quote to me. Although it is, of course, a great quote.
No – they didn’t give a source. Maybe I better re-think using it until I check it out. Thanks.
Did you run it through Google?
Of course, one of the, ahem, shortcomings of Google — which I heard a professor complain about on C-Span recently — is that it will give you a zillion results, but will NOT give you the authoritative result you need. That, yes, this is a legit Voltaire quote.
You might just call up a professor at your local university. They’d probably be most pleased to confirm it for you. Tell him/her you’ll acknowledge their help on our blog.
Think of all those Iraqi women and children hiding in their homes right now.
had it earlier this week (Monday’s show IIRC — we spent this morning catching up on older Countdowns); Faux News had the dubious honor of being Keith’s “Worst Persons In The World”…
(Oh, and last night’s Countdown was great — Keith devoted one entire segment to Bill O’Reilly’s online petition to get Keith fired and replaced with Phil Donahue…)
C&L has a Video Clip of KO ripping into O’Lielly…very good.
But don’t you see? That was the plan all along! Bush has been delegated by God ™ to smite the Muslims!!
….that’s what they were saying!
….Is there a way to blow up Fox News, peacefully?
I believe the Voltaire quote is legit. I’ve seen it around for years.
As for Faux, I’d like to know what the guests’ rationales were. How do they defend civil war as a desirable thing? Bear in mind that all-out civil war essentially destroys the “democracy” and political process that has not only been the political focus of the Bush White House for three years, and was not only a goal shared by most neo-cons, but was actually laid out as part of the “remaking the Middle East” strategy outlined by PNAC years ago.
If the imposition/installation of democracy has been a smokescreen for these people, we need to understand what their true vision is. I can think of a few possibilities, but I want to hear it from them. So, yeah, bring on the “debate.” Side bonus: maybe some Faux viewers who aren’t too jaded will remember that at minimum we’re talking about the probable deaths of several hundred thousand innocent people, and will be suitably horrified at the callousness.
Hey, I can dream, can’t I?
I think you’re dreamin’ …. ‘member the ‘winger meme from Vietnam? That death to “those people” means nothing?
Actually, “Operation Endangered Future” sums up B*shCo’s “mission” (domestic and foreign) pretty well, doesn’t it?