Bill Maher showed this image on his HBO show last night. Little did I know until I just checked Raw Story that Media Matters has two shots of the same obscenity:

A segment about escalating sectarian violence in Iraq on the February 23 edition of Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto featured onscreen captions that read: ” ‘Upside’ To Civil War?” and “All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?” Read all

Raw Story also links to this bruiser of a story: “NY Times Yanks ‘Civil War’ Story”: “New York Times, with same facts, changes Iraq conflict from ‘civil war’ to having ‘endangered future’:

The New York Times declared on its website early Friday in a headline that the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, had warned to U.S. was on the “precipice of full-scale civil war.” Their headline? “U.S. Envoy in Baghdad Says Iraq Is on Brink of Civil War.”

Within an hour and without explanation, the Times yanked the headline in favor of “U.S. Envoy Says Sectarian Violence Threatens Iraq’s Future.” … Read all at Raw Story


From Media Matters